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The PXI Timing and Synchronization Course teaches you how to use PXI and PXI Express chassis and controllers, the Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), and LabVIEW for performance and synchronization of tasks. This course explores the backplane architecture of PXI systems and illustrates how to use the backplane to share clocks and triggers within and between PXI chassis. You will also learn how to how to use the NI System Configuration API to programmatically monitor and control your hardware. After completing, you will understand how to replace peripheral module clocks. How to identify time-based synchronization protocols, how to power-budget a PXI system, and how to Identify when additional adjustments must be made for high-throughput applications. The PXI Timing and Synchronization Course is recommended for test and validation engineers using PXI systems for test and measurement applications.
Características principales:
NI ofrece cursos en una variedad de idiomas para cumplir con las necesidades de nuestros clientes globales. Para los formatos de cursos en aula y virtuales, revise nuestros Cursos programados de formación/capacitación virtual y en aula para ver el idioma que usará el instructor y el idioma de los materiales del curso, como diapositivas y manuales. Para conocer las opciones bajo demanda, visite nuestra Biblioteca de aprendizaje para ver los idiomas que se ofrecen para cada curso.
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