Protocol Validation Software for I2C Controller Devices

Soliton Technologies Private Limited

FROM $ 5,995.00

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Software Use: Development
License Size Value: 1
License Size Unit of Measure: Seat(s)
Language: English
Edition Type: Full
Delivery Method: Download
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The Protocol Validation Software for I²C Controller Devices helps simplify validation of the electrical and functional compliance of the NXP I²C interface.

The Protocol Validation Software for I�C Controller Devices is a software-add on for LabVIEW that you can use with modular ATE class PXIe-657x PXI Digital Pattern Instruments. With this add-on, you can validate device compliance with the timing and electrical specifications of the NXP I�C protocol. This add-on can also validate the device tolerance and ability to recover from a variety of faults and exceptions. You also can use the add-on to generate comprehensive reports. Additionally, the add-on includes APIs to integrate with automation platforms such as TestStand and Python. A custom interposer board from Soliton is required to perform the validation with this tool; one complimentary board is included upon request.

Número(s) de parte: 788921-35 | 788920-35

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