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NI LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment that provides unique productivity accelerators for test system development, such as an intuitive approach to programming, connectivity to any instrument, and fully integrated user interfaces.

The LabVIEW programming environment simplifies hardware integration for engineering applications so that you have a consistent way to acquire data from NI and third-party hardware. LabVIEW reduces the complexity of programming, so you can focus on your unique engineering problem. LabVIEW enables you to immediately visualize results with built-in, drag-and-drop engineering user interface creation and integrated data viewers. To turn your acquired data into real business results, you can develop algorithms for data analysis and advanced control with included math and signal processing IP or reuse your own libraries from a variety of tools. To ensure compatibility with other engineering tools, LabVIEW can interoperate with, and reuse libraries from, other software and open-source languages.

Características Principales:

  • Lenguaje de programación: G e integración con código fuente basado en texto (C/C++, Python y más)
  • Características del editor: integración y descubrimiento de hardware, UI de clic y arrastre, análisis de datos, implementación, depuración interactiva, temporización y paralelismo inherente

Número(s) de parte: 777756-35 | 784522-35WM | 777756-35WM | 776670-35WM | 784522-35 | 776670-35 | 788369-35 | 788369-35WM | 788368-35 | 788368-35WM | 776678-35 | 778249-35 | 784584-35WM | 778249-35WM | 776678-35WM | 784584-35 | 788370-35WM | 788370-35 | 788371-35WM | 788371-35 | 784503-35WM | 776671-35WM | 784503-35 | 776671-35 | 781866-35 | 789985-35WP

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