
FROM $ 1,500.00

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Software Use: Development
Edition Type: Professional
Language: English
Delivery Method: Download
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InstrumentStudio provides an integrated approach to interactive PXI measurements.

InstrumentStudio is software application that helps you unify your display, export instrument configurations to code, and monitor and debug an automated test system. With this software, you can view data on unified displays with large, high-resolution monitors, and then capture multi-instrument screenshots and measurement results. You also can save project-level configurations for easier test repeatability with specific devices under test (DUTs), or export instrument configurations to programming environments to simplify your code and guarantee measurement correlation. Additionally, you can use InstrumentStudio in parallel with your code to monitor and debug running test applications.

Número(s) de parte: 789988-35 | 789987-35 | 789988-35WP | 789987-35WP

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