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Item details
Maximum Output Power: -
Active Connector Slot Location: 1
Multiport Capable: No
Number of VNA Ports: 2
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VNA Dynamic RangeDifference between VNA maximum output power and its noise floor, representing the measurement range (in dB)
125 dB
Maximum Source PowerMaximum amount of power the product can receive while still performing linearly.
5 dBm
VNA Frequency RangeCarrier frequency range the product can generate.
50 MHz to 26.5 GHz
50 MHz to 12 GHz
50 MHz to 8 GHz
50 MHz to 18 GHz
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PXIe, 26.5 GHz PXI Vector Network Analyzer

The PXIe-5633 is a single-slot PXIe Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) that helps you streamline your production test applications. This VNA supports automatic and manual precision calibration, full vector analysis, de-embedding, and pulsed S-parameter capabilities, making it ideal for validation and production operations without the high costs and large footprints associated with traditional benchtop VNAs. The PXIe-5633 also integrates into NI RFmx and Instrument Studio software to provide automated control for test program development. Additionally, the PXIe-5633 features a hardware pass-through path that you can use for PXI Vector Signal Transceivers (VSTs) testing directly at the VNA ports. With combined modulated and S-parameter measurements on a single connection, you can cover both VST and VNA tests on a single device.

Número(s) de parte: 788182-18 | 788182-12 | 788182-26 | 788182-08 |

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