RFmx Cellular Bundle

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The RFmx Cellular Bundle provides signal generation and analysis for 2G through 5G cellular test applications.

The RFmx Cellular Bundle is a set of interoperable measurement personalities that extends the capability of NI RF instrumentation for cellular signal generation and analysis. This software enables you to analyze 2G through 5G cellular signals, including NB-IoT, eMTC, and C-V2X, with standard-compliant, physical layer measurements for transmit power, modulation quality, spectrum emissions, and more. With RFmx, you can perform and debug measurements quickly and easily with interactive software front panels, create and playback open, unlocked waveforms with RFmx Waveform Creator, and speed up automated testing with the performance-optimized API. You can choose from a development license or a deployment license, which you can use to distribute developed code.

Número(s) de parte: 784329-35 | 788033-35 | 788033-35WM

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