Ball and Beam Control System Trainer Toolkit


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The Ball and Beam Control System Trainer Toolkit helps students learn the fundamentals of automatic control theory.

The Ball and Beam Control System Trainer Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides an open architecture with courseware. This add-on is a component of the Ball and Beam Control System Trainer Kit that helps students understand the essential aspects of automatic control theory by experimenting. Students will become familiar with controller design concepts and the effects of different controller types on systems. The add-on includes labs such as Components of Ball and Beam, PWM and RC Servo Motor, Control Design, and more. The Ball and Beam Control System Trainer Toolkit helps students create, modify, and test their own developed motion control algorithms on myRIO Student Embedded Devices. The Ball and Beam Control System Trainer hardware is available separately from ACROME.

Número(s) de parte: 786887-35

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