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The HIL Fundamentals Using VeriStand Course helps you learn the fundamentals of VeriStand features to develop test systems such as hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test systems, dynamometers, or servo hydraulic test systems. This course provides a walkthrough for building a VeriStand test system that includes real-time simulation, hardware I/O, and alarming. You also will learn how to create and modify real-time stimulus profiles to stimulate a device under test (DUT) and log its responses to real-world conditions. After attending this course, you will know how to create a run-time editable user interface for real-time test systems. The HIL Fundamentals Using VeriStand Course is recommend for users executing and modifying existing test systems or evaluating VeriStand for their applications. Experience with Windows is required.
Características Principales:
NI ofrece cursos en una variedad de idiomas para cumplir con las necesidades de nuestros clientes globales. Para los formatos de cursos en aula y virtuales, revise nuestros Cursos programados de formación/capacitación virtual y en aula para ver el idioma que usará el instructor y el idioma de los materiales del curso, como diapositivas y manuales. Para conocer las opciones bajo demanda, visite nuestra Biblioteca de aprendizaje para ver los idiomas que se ofrecen para cada curso.