ADC/DAC Trainer Toolkit

10X Engineering, LLC

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The ADC/DAC Trainer Toolkit helps students learn the basic concepts of signal digitalization and reconstruction techniques for A/D conversion and D/A conversion.

The ADC/DAC Trainer Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides educational trainer kit based on the NI Engineering Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS). This add-on includes over 30 visualized experiments tasks with step-by-step instructions. The ADC/DAC Trainer Toolkit also covers the study of the continuous waveform signal spectrum, rectangular pulse signal spectrum, amplitude frequency response, phase frequency response of lowpass filters, signal sampling, and more. Additionally, students can view their results as graphical presentations. The ADC/DAC Trainer Lab board is available separately from other sellers.

Número(s) de parte: 787105-35

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