NI Security Ecosystem

Defending test systems from the growing list of malicious attackers in the world must be an industry effort. Together we can develop standard approaches and learn from each other to make the systems we deliver safe.

Test System Security Summit

Man presenting to a group of businesspeople.

NI hosts a semi-annual industry summit to discuss security trends, test system challenges, and emerging best practices. These meetings are held virtually and at no cost. The meeting is intended for test system engineers, security professionals, and IT teams.


Test System Security Forum

Image of circuitry on a pcb with a locked symbol

This community site hosts security topic discussions, presentations from previous summit meetings, and important security announcements. Join the conversation about test system security.


NI Security Partners

NI works with experts in test system design and cybersecurity to bring our customers the right resources to be successful. Reach out to these NI Partners directly to take the next step in your secure design journey.


  • JKI offers expert LabVIEW consultants and system integration. As one of NI's premier LabVIEW partners, JKI offers several tools helpful to LabVIEW developers, including a LabVIEW static code analysis tool called J-Crawler. 
  • Neosoft Technologies has particular expertise in securing Linux Real Time systems for sensitive applications. They have tested the performance of various security settings and provide some automated tools to configure CompactRIO and PXI Real-Time systems for maximum security. They can provide additional consulting to help you meet stringent security systems with your real-time devices. 
  • Acquired Data Solutions has both LabVIEW and security experts on staff and can help you design and document your system to pass Department of Defense security assessments. With extensive contracting experience, ADS is a great partner if you are pursuing government business and need to ensure that you meet all of the requirements.

An NI Partner is a business entity independent from NI and has no agency or joint-venture relationship and does not form part of any business associations with NI.

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