DataPlugins Programmer's Reference Guide

Create a DataPlugin to load, to register, or to search your own file formats in LabVIEW or DIAdem, or to index and to browse your own file formats with DataFinder.

DataPlugins can be created by using C++, VBS or LabVIEW. This programmer’s reference guide is about VBS DataPlugins. Even if you are a LabVIEW programmer it is worth looking into VBS DataPlugins. You don’t need to become a VBS guru – it’s simple.

VBS DataPlugins are based on a script that reads data from a file and use a special interface to provide the data to LabVIEW, DIAdem and DataFinder. This interface provides to you, the programmer, a powerful and easy-to-use set of functions to work with ASCII, binary or spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and files.
The programmer’s reference guide provides general information and details on objects, methods, and properties. Use the examples included in this help to practice working with DataPlugins and to learn about the possibilities that DataPlugins offer.

The best way to edit a VBS DataPlugin is the Script editor integrated in DIAdem. TheScript editor offers correct CodeCompletion and syntax coloring for editing VBS DataPlugins. Other text editor can also be used – a VBS DataPlugin is just an ASCII file.

VBS DataPlugins are deployed with a URI file (USI Registration File). A URI file is self-contained and can be created using LabVIEW, DIAdem or DataFinder.
To install a VBS DataPlugin on another computer, copy the URI file to that computer, open Windows Explorer, and double-click the URI file. The DataPlugin is installed and appears in the list of DataPlugins in LabVIEW, DIAdem, DataFinder and SystemLink TDM.

To debug VBS DataPlugins, please refer to this KB:
How Can I Debug DIAdem User Dialogs (SUD) and DataPlugins?

This programmer’s reference guide relates to the following NI software:

  • LabVIEW 2019
  • DIAdem 2019
  • SystemLink TDM

Please be aware of the right document selection related to your software version.

The current version is "2019 DataPlugin_Help".

Note on DataPlugin Download (bottom of this page):

CHM files are compiled HTML help files for Windows. Usually you just have to double-click the files to open them. If you open a CHM file and get an empty site or a message such as "Action canceled", "This page cannot be displayed", read the following tips:

  • If you open the CHM file from a network resource, such as a mapped drive, you will get an error. Copy the file to a local drive to fix this issue. If you are still unable to open the file, right-click the file and select Properties. Click Unblock on the General tab.
  • You downloaded and directly opened a CHM file from the internet in the Temporary Internet folder. This folder is isolated and treated specially as Internet Zone content. Most likely it will not allow running the ActiveX content that actually drives the CHM engine.
    Solution: Do not run the CHM file off the Web, but copy it to file first.
  • For more technical details, refer to the Microsoft pages at and

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