The pinout diagram for your DAQ product describes which pins should be used for what functionality. Below is a listing of the standard terminology used and a brief description of how it can be used. This is not intended exhaustive collaboration of all terms. This document should provide a brief introduction to the terminology. For more information, see the related links below or consult your product manual.
Note: "#" refers to an integer value typically starting at 0.
Pin Type | Description |
AI #(+-) | Analog Input: This is usually followed by a number corresponding to a channel number. For instance, if your DAQ card has 16 analog input channels, your pinout diagram probably shows positive and negative terminals for AI 0 through AI 15 located throughout the connector. |
AO #(+-) | Analog Output: Same description as analog input, but for analog output instead of analog input. Never try to send a signal in on an analog output line as this might damage the card. |
DIO # | DIO refers to digital input and output. These lines are used for both input and output of digital signals. When it says P#.#, the first number refers to the port and the second refers to the line. For instance, P1.2 means Port 1 Line 2. Each port has eight lines. So, if your DAQ card has 24 digital I/O lines, it would contain P0.0 through P3.7. |
AI GND | These refer to the corresponding operation's ground terminal. |
AI SENSE | The AI SENSE is a common reference point for certain input terminal configurations. For instance, the negative terminal might connect to this pin in a Nonreferenced Single-Ended input terminal configuration. |
AO EXT REF | This pin is used for an external clock for analog output. |
+5 V | This pin provides a constant 5 Volt signal typically used for excitation. |
PFI # | PFI lines are programmable function interfaces. For a detailed description about what you can do with PFI lines, consult this KnowledgeBase article. These pins usually have a counter associated with them as well. |
Ctr # Source | The source counter is normally used for a digital trigger or a timing source. The number refers to the counter number. Typically, counters have a counter source, counter gate, and counter out. |
Ctr # Gate | The gate counter is used to control the counter input. The counter gate is often used for frequency and period measurement. |
Ctr # Out | The out counter is used for counter output. If you want to generate a digital pulse train, a Ctr # out would probably be the best option for you. |
EXT STROBE | This line is used for an external strobe. For instance, a microprocessor might output a strobe signal that you might want to use as an external clock. |
NC | No Connect. Do not connect signals to these terminals. |
COM | These pins are used for common references. Note that this can also be tied to ground. |