Academic Volume License Administrator Resources


This page provides steps to set up your Academic Volume License (AVL) licensing server and manage your NI software.


​Set Up Your Academic Volume Licensing Server

Academic Volume Licensing (AVL) servers are managed using NI Volume License Manager (VLM). VLM is a tool for NI’s multi-seat license programs to manage licenses.

Follow Getting Started with NI Volume License Manager (VLM) to set up your licensing server.

​Distribute Licenses to Computers or Non-Student Users

​There are two main methods for giving access to faculty or laboratory machines depending on your institution’s needs and AVL type:

  • ​Unmanaged Concurrent Licenses—This license type is easiest to manage but operates as a first-come, first-served licensing server. You cannot reserve seats for individuals with this license. You can track license usage numbers but cannot easily track individual users.

​Note that each faculty and laboratory machine takes a license seat from the AVL.

​Distribute Licenses to Students

​There are two main options in giving software access to students:

  • ​[Recommended] Student Install Option (SIO)—Using SIO, students can request a serial number to activate the software on their personal computers for learning purposes. Notice that the SIO activates all the AVL software for students and removes the need to track students on the licensing server or collect user information.
  • ​Managed Licenses—Each student will use a license seat in your AVL. This option allows you to know the exact amount of software usage and to limit access to software, if needed. This license type reserves licenses for specific individuals or defined groups. Add your end users’ information to VLM to add permissions to grant access.

​Download Software

​The Academic Volume License download page is updated with new versions of LabVIEW and Multisim when new versions of either of those products are released. For a list of software included in the AVL, refer to the Software Included in NI Academic Volume Licenses page.

​​If managing a large set of machines, we recommend that you create a computer image with the AVL software for classroom or lab computers. In these cases, it is possible to include NI licensing when creating a computer image.

​​For information about downloading software for macOS or Linux, refer to the Access Academic Volume License Software for Mac and Linux Users page.

​Note: LabVIEW 2023 Q3 is the final release of LabVIEW for macOS. Starting with releases in 2024, LabVIEW is available on Windows and Linux OSes.

​Support Resources

​Administrator Support Resources 

​Student Support Resources 

  • ​Many support questions are answered in articles written by technical support engineers in our KnowledgeBase and other support articles. 
  • ​Visit the NI discussion forums to ask product questions and get inspired by other Community members.
  • ​For manuals, API references, and other product documentation, visit our Product Documentation Center and search by individual product. 
  • ​Contact your academic license administrator (typically in the academic institution’s IT department) for licensing questions. 

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