Firmware Information for NI CompactDAQ Network Chassis


Use this page to find and install the latest firmware for your cDAQ-9181, cDAQ-9183, cDAQ-9184, cDAQ-9185, cDAQ-9187, cDAQ-9188, cDAQ-9188XT, cDAQ-9189 or cDAQ-9191.



Network CompactDAQ chassis uses an onboard processor and firmware to facilitate Ethernet network and wireless communication. From time to time, this firmware may be updated to improve performance or correct issues with previous firmware versions. Although firmware will be backward-compatible in many cases (newer firmware can be used with older NI-DAQmx versions), it is possible that you may need to upgrade your firmware version in order to use your CompactDAQ chassis with newer versions of NI-DAQmx.

NOTE: As of DAQmx 19.1, CompactDAQ 9189/5 & 9187/3 firmware is distributed with the DAQmx driver and is no longer available as a stand-alone download. CompactDAQ firmware is not installed with the NI-DAQmx driver by default and must be selected for installation.

The latest version of CompactDAQ firmware for each device is listed in Table 1.

Current CompactDAQ Ethernet and Wireless Firmware


Determining Your Firmware Version

To determine what version of firmware is on your CompactDAQ Ethernet or wireless chassis, complete the following steps.

Note: Requires Microsoft Silverlight installation.

Using Measurement & Automation Explorer (requires NI-DAQmx)

  1. Launch Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX).
  2. Expand Devices and Interfaces and locate your device under Network Devices.
  3. Select the device and view the Firmware tab.
  4. Locate the current firmware version.

Upgrading Your Firmware Version

If you need to upgrade the firmware on your chassis, you should complete the following steps. You must keep the chassis plugged in and powered on throughout the firmware upgrade process. Failure to do so may corrupt the firmware on your device. If this occurs, you can restore your device using the instructions in this article.

Note: Requires Microsoft Silverlight installation.

Note: If you are using a cDAQ-9188 with version 1.0.0 firmware, you must be certain that you are using the cDAQ-9188 firmware when upgrading. Using firmware intended for another chassis renders your chassis unable to function and you will need to use the Network cDAQ Recovery Utility to restore the device.

Using Measurement & Automation Explorer (requires NI-DAQmx)

  1. Acquire the firmware
    • If using a cDAQ-9185/9 (DAQmx 19.1 or later) or cDAQ-9183/9187 (DAQmx 2024 Q4 or later), install the firmware with the DAQmx installation by selecting NI‑DAQmx cDAQ Firmware in the list of installable software.
    • If using any other chassis or a DAQmx version older than 19.1, download the appropriate firmware from the link in Table 1.
  2. Extract the .cfg firmware file from the downloaded .zip archive, if required.
  3. Launch NI MAX.
  4. Expand Devices and Interfaces and locate your device under Network Devices.
  5. Select the device and view the Settings tab.
  6. Select Update Firmware.
  7. Browse to the firmware file acquired in step 1 and click Open.
    • For cDAQ-9185/9 firmware installed with the DAQmx driver, the correct folder will be displayed automatically

Firmware Changelog

A list of bug fixes and updates for selected firmware revisions are provided in the tables below

cDAQ Firmware VersionChanges Introduced
  • Updated configuration stack to be contemporary with LabVIEW Real-Time 2014
    • Enabled updating firmware via NI System Configuration API
    • Updated Web Interface
    • Improved network performance with NI devices
  • Implemented security updates for open-source components
  • cDAQ-9191: Modified wireless power level to meet EU regulations
  • cDAQ-9191: Implemented security updates for open-source components


cDAQ 9185/9189 Firmware VersionChanges Introduced
Later than 20.0Firmware versions later than 20.0 include only minor updates. Users can choose to keep firmware version 20.0 or upgrade.
  • Open-source dependency updates
  • Added support for FieldDAQ targets: FD-11605
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixed issue which caused task in NI MAX to hang indefinitely when using NI 9401 module in cDAQ 9185/9 chassis with no signals attached to it
  • Upgraded firmware to be current with LabVIEW 2018
  • Added support for NI-Sync API access
  • Added support for IEEE 1588-2008 synchronization
  • Added support for FieldDAQ targets: FD-11614, FD-11634
  • Mitigated issue in which sync loss can occur with cDAQ 9189/5 targets under heavy load
  • Added support for FieldDAQ targets: FD-11603, FD-11613, FD-11637
  • Fixed issue which prevented user from changing static IP address of cDAQ 9185/9 target from NI MAX and Web Interface
  • Fixed issue to enable the use of XNET modules with cDAQ 9185/9 when cDAQ devices are directly connected to a controller running Linux RT
  • Fixed 40 millisecond delay which would occur when attempting to execute a software-timed DAQmx read while a hardware-timed task was running on the same ethernet cDAQ target
  • Initial firmware release
ChassisFirmware VersionCompatible NI-DAQmx Versions
cDAQ-91811.7.1NI-DAQmx 9.3.0 or Later
(EOL 12/30/21, Replacement Model: cDAQ-9185)
1.7.1NI-DAQmx 9.6.0 or Later
(EOL 12/30/21, Replacement Model: cDAQ-9189)
1.7.1NI-DAQmx 9.2.0 or Later
(EOL 12/30/21, Replacement Model: cDAQ-9189)
1.7.1NI-DAQmx 9.8.0 or Later
cDAQ-9185/918920.0*NI-DAQmx 17.1.0 or Later
cDAQ-9183/918724.8.0*NI-DAQmx 2024 Q4 or Later
(EOL 12/30/21)
1.7.1NI-DAQmx 9.4.0 or Later

*This firmware is distributed with the DAQmx driver of the same version or later.