Archived: NI Motion Controllers and Microsoft Windows Compatibility

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This page shows supported versions of the NI Motion Controllers hardware driver with the Microsoft Windows operating system. Reference this information to ensure you install the correct version when upgrading or updating your operating system, or when migrating or porting code to a new system. Using incompatible versions may result in errors, the inability for to recognize or detect and then find a driver for your device, or missing devices in Windows Device Manager or NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) .


NI Motion Controllers and Microsoft Windows Compatibility

Use this table to compare which NI Motion Controller Boards are supported by which driver and which OS they are available on.
NI Motion ControllerWindows Operating System
ValueMotion Driver
NI PCI-Step-xxx      
NI PCI-Servo-xxx      
NI PCI-7314      
NI PCI-7324      
NI-Motion Driver
NI PCI/PXI-733x       
NI PCI/PXI-734x       
NI PCI/PXI-735x       


Last supported in NI-Motion 15.0

Last supported in NI-Motion 6.1.x

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