This document contains the NI-Sync known issues that were discovered before and since the release of NI-Sync 2025 Q1. Known issues are performance issues or technical bugs that NI has acknowledged exist within this version of the product.
Not every issue known to NI appears on this list; it is intended to show the most severe and common issues that you may encounter and provide workarounds when possible. Other technical issues that you may encounter could occur through normal product use or system compatibility issues. You may find more information on these issues in NI’s Product Documentation, Knowledgebase, or Community; see Additional Resources.
Bug Number |
Legacy ID |
Description |
Details |
1249028 | 173559 |
Divided Synchronization Clock for Trigger Route Set to Falling Edge But Aligns to Rising EdgeWhen niSync Connect Trigger is used with the input update edge set to falling, and synchronization clock set to Clock Divisor 1 or Clock Divisor 2, the output trigger signal transitions on the rising edge of the synchronization clock instead of on the expected falling edge. Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.0 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Oct 27, 2021 |
1499857 | 399570 |
1588 Time Reference Does Not Start on PXI-6683 on WindowsWhen the niSync Set Time (1588 Ordinary Clock) is used on Windows, the time reference does not start. However, the time reference does start on Linux.
Workaround: In a Windows environment, you must invoke the niSync Start 1588 VI for the device to participate in 1588. Alternately, you can start and stop 1588 from the test panel in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 20.1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 27, 2021 |
1507908 | 399570 |
PXI-6683H Stops Working in MAX When Ethernet Adapter Mode is Set to EtherCAT on Linux RTIn an NI Linux Real-Time system, when the Ethernet adapter mode for a PXI-6683H is set to EtherCAT, upon saving the settings the device appears grayed out in MAX and it is not possible to change any settings on the PXI-6683H any more.
Workaround: PXI-6683H does not support EtherCAT on its Ethernet port. To restore the PXI-6683H to a functional state, reformat the PXI controller and reinstall NI Linux Real-Time.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.0 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 27, 2021 |
1518457 | 399570 |
LVDS Terminal Misses First Edge After Multiple Routes are Destroyed and CreatedOn a PXIe-6674T module, if a route to a previous destination has been destroyed and a new route created, the Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) input terminal does not transmit the first edge to its destination.
Workaround: Create the desired route and then destroy it before finally creating the desired route again. The first edge should now be passed successfully. |
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.0 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 27, 2021 |
1243494 | 399570 |
Error -1074118651 Occurs at niSync Read Trigger Time Stamp (Multiple).vi on LinuxWhen running NI-Sync on Linux, if time stamp triggers are enabled or clocks are created in a loop that also clears and disables those same timestamp triggers and clocks, an internal software error (-1074118651) may occur at niSync Read Trigger Time Stamp (Multiple).vi.
Workaround: To prevent this error, add a small delay to the loop after clearing the clocks and disabling the timestamp triggers.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.0 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 27, 2021 |
1484735 | 399570 |
Switching Time References is Slower on Linux than on WindowsOn Linux OS, switching time references may take more than 10 s, while it typically takes only 100 ms on Windows.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.0 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 27, 2021 |
1543704 | 399570 |
Last_Sync_ID Does Not Reset to Zero when Changing Active Time Reference to GPS on LinuxWhen changing the active time reference to GPS from any other time reference in Linux, the Last_Sync_ID continues to increment with each pulse from wherever it was last. In Windows or Phar Lap it resets the count to zero under the same circumstances.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.3 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
1551794 | 399570 |
Session Settings on PXI-6683 Saves to Defaults After Setting GPS_RECALCULATE_POSITION on LinuxWhen the GPS_RECALCULATE_POSITION property gets written it is saved to the target system's persistent memory so that when the system or device restarts, the property retains its last value. On Linux, writing to the GPS_RECALCULATE_POSITION property also saves the rest of the current session's settings as defaults to the target system's persistent memory.
Workaround: To avoid modifying the target system's default settings for the rest of the device's properties, set GPS_RECALCULATE_POSITION to the desired value prior to changing other properties or settings.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.8 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
1568497 | 399570 |
PXI-6683H Does Not Automatically Become the 1588 Grandmaster on LinuxIn the NI-Sync Windows driver, when the 1588 Time Reference is running on a PXI-6683H is bridged with GPS, the `grandmasterClockClass`, `grandmasterClockAccuracy`, `grandmasterClockVariance` and `TimeSource` fields of the PTP Announce packet are updated to reflect the better accuracy of the 6683H (better because when synchronized to GPS the accuracy is higher than when during free running). With that meta-data in the PTP Announce packet, the Best Master Clock algorithm knows to favor this PXI-6683H.
On Linux RT and Linux Desktop, these fields in the PTP Announce packet are not automatically updated to reflect the better accuracy. So on the same network, the Best Master Clock algorithm may give different outcomes on Windows and Linux. Workaround: To prevent this behavior, manually lower the `priority1` property of the 1588 time reference so that this PXI-6683H will be favored in the Best Master Clock calculations.
From LabVIEW, Priority1 and Priority2 for the PXI-6683H can be set in property node at path niSync»Timing»Time Reference»1588»Priority*. For more complex network configurations (e.g., where PXI-6683H should be the second best master and is a failsafe in case the GrandMaster goes down), modify `priority1` and `priority2` of both the 6683 and the other devices on the network as needed to obtain the same Best Master Clock characteristics for the whole network as on Windows. |
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.8 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
1597548 |
Read IRIG-B Timestamp returns '0' unexpectedly on LinuxThe function niSync_ReadLastIRIGTimestamp will return 0 if no IRIG-B timestamp has occurred. Once a timestamp occurs, the function will return the last timestamp and will continue to return the latest timestamp every time it is called. In Windows, niSync_ReadLastIRIGTimestamp will stop updating timestamps if timestamping or IRIG-B are disabled, but will still return the last timestamp that occurred. However in Linux, if timestamping or IRIG-B are subsequently disabled, niSync_ReadLastIRIGTimestamp will simply return 0 again.
Workaround: Keep timestamping and IRIG-B enabled as long as it's necessary to retrieve a timestamp for IRIG-B. |
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.8 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
1621629 |
PXI-6683H Is Not Recognized on Linux if the Calibration Constant is below 0.6VThe lower limit on calibration constants for the 6683H is 0.6V. On Linux, if a board has stored a calibration constant below 0.6V it will prevent the driver from loading the device. Such a unit will not appear in the device list on a Linux system.
Workaround: Recalibrate the PXI-6683H. |
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.8 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
1642661 | 399570 |
Error -1074118554 Occurs When Trying to Write to UTC Offset Property Node in LinuxManually writing to UTC Offset is not supported on Linux.
Workaround: UTC offset is automatically bridged from GPS to 1588 on Linux.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.3 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
1511492, 1511519, 1529007, 453288 | 399570 |
Some Error Messages Are Different on Linux than on WindowsIn many cases, the error messages returned by the driver for improper usage of the hardware are different for Linux than for Windows.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.3 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
452954 | 399570 |
Setting Manual Time for PPS on Windows Updates the Board Clock Just the First TimeOn Linux, the time can be manually set for the PPS time reference multiple times. But on Windows, manual time can only be set once for the PPS time reference. If a new time is written, it won't update the board time on a Windows system.
Workaround: Reset the board or reboot the system to apply a new manually set time on Windows.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.8 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
399570 |
Time Reference Instances Have Unexpected Names on LinuxAll time reference instance names have a "_1" suffix on Linux systems, for example "PPS_1" instead of "PPS".
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.8 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
399570 |
Sync Cards Do Not Show Up as VISA Resources in MAX on LinuxRT SystemsSync cards were viewable as VISA resources on Windows and on Phar Lap. However they are only seen as Sync resources on Linux systems.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.0 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
1510689 | 399570 |
The IsTimeReferenceSelected Property Behaves Unexpectedly for the PXI-6683 on Linux SystemsThe IsTimeReferenceSelected property is not
supported for the PXI-6683 on Windows systems but is supported on Linux. It will
return True if a time reference has been selected by the user and the time
reference is driving the board clock. The similarly named
SelectedTimeReferenceName and SelectedTimeReferenceType properties will return
the name and type of the user selected time reference, even if it is not
currently driving the board clock.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time.
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.8 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jul 15, 2022 |
2180960 |
NI-Sync Users Cannot Connect to RHEL Target After RebootUsers are unable to connect to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) targets after a reboot when the system has multiple Ethernet ports in use. This is a known issue for PXI systems with PXIe-6683H boards. This problem is caused by the operating system. Workaround:
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 21.8 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Nov 15, 2022 |
2457461, 2467958, 2492765, 2677752 |
NI-Sync fails to install on RHEL 8.8 and RHEL 9.2In the installation process for the ni-sync package at the "dkms autoinstall" step, it fails with a message such as: dkms autoinstall on 4.18.0-477.10.1.el8_8.x86_64/x86_64 failed for ni-sync-pxi6683(10) Workaround: Make the following changes: in /var/lib/dkms/ni-sync-pxi6683/23.0/source/src/Makefile
Replace line 127 (empty line), with: ifneq ($(shell grep -s "netif_napi_add_weight" $(KERNELDIR)/include/linux/netdevice.h),) EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DNETDEVICE_H_HAS_NETIF_NAPI_ADD_WEIGHT endif # Get lines between "(*set_termios)(" and ";)" with awk then grep to see if old pointer is const in serial core's definition of set_termios ifneq ($(shell awk "/\(\*set_termios\)\(/, /\);/" $(KERNELDIR)/include/linux/serial_core.h | grep "const struct ktermios \*old"),) EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DSERIAL_CORE_H_SET_TERMIOS_HAS_CONST_STRUCT_POINTER_OLD endif in /var/lib/dkms/ni-sync-pxi6683/23.0/source/src/nisync_enet.c Replace line 1687: netif_napi_add(ndev, &edev->napi, nisync_napi_poll, 64); with: #ifdef NETDEVICE_H_HAS_NETIF_NAPI_ADD_WEIGHT netif_napi_add_weight(ndev, &edev->napi, nisync_napi_poll, 64); #else netif_napi_add(ndev, &edev->napi, nisync_napi_poll, 64); #endif in /var/lib/dkms/ni-sync-pxi6683/23.0/source/src/nisync_tns_main.c Replace lines 2144-2145: static void nisync_gps_uart_set_termios(struct uart_port *port, struct ktermios *termios, struct ktermios *old) with: static void nisync_gps_uart_set_termios( struct uart_port *port, struct ktermios *termios, #ifdef SERIAL_CORE_H_SET_TERMIOS_HAS_CONST_STRUCT_POINTER_OLD const struct ktermios *old) #else struct ktermios *old) #endif |
Reported Version: NI-Sync: 2023 Q1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Mar 29, 2024 |
Issues found in this section will not be listed in future known issues documents for this product.
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