TestStand 2024 Q4 Bug Fixes


The following items are notable issues fixed between the release of TestStand 2023 Q4 and TestStand 2024 Q4, including additional patches and service packs. If you have an issue ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of TestStand.

Bug Number

Legacy ID




TestStand can produce unwanted report formatting by enabling the "Discard Results" setting when using On-The-Fly (OTF) reporting

TestStand can produce unwanted report formatting by enabling the "Discard Results" setting when using On-The-Fly (OTF) reporting. To avoid this issue, use the XML report format.


Use the XML reporting format.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2020

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4


Nov 13, 2023


Debugging breakpoints added while debugging Python modules from TestStand using step-into operation do not properly remove themselves

Debugging breakpoints added while debugging Python modules from TestStand using step-into operation do not properly remove themselves from the module following step-into operation, and must be manually removed.


Manually remove the unwanted breakpoints for the code module.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2022 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4


Nov 13, 2023


TestStand batch report does not append .html to UUT report links when reports are generated in separate files

  1. generating HTML reports using the XML or ATML batch report formats and UUTs, and
  2. the batch and UUT reports are generated in separate files,
the HTML report links on the main batch report do not include an .html extension and break.


There is currently no known workaround for this issue.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2022 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4


Nov 13, 2023


Does not show all exception message when DotNET code modules throw aggregate exception

TestStand does not show all exception messages when DotNET code modules throw aggregate exception. The inner exceptions are not displayed in the error message dialog.


Reissue the exception in the DotNET module as below:
new Exception(originalException.ToString())

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4


Nov 13, 2023


Offline Results Processing Utility crashes when adding new configuration

The Offline Results Processing Utility (ORPU) crashes when trying to add a new configuration for a profile. This occurs when the utility redirects the stdole assembly to version, which may not be installed.


  • Open <TestStand 2023>\Components\Tools\Offline Results Processing Utility\x64\OfflineResultsProcessingUtility.exe.config in a text editor.
    • The 32-bit version is located at <TestStand 2023>\Components\Tools\Offline Results Processing Utility\Win32\OfflineResultsProcessingUtility.exe.config.
  • Delete the assemblyBinding element/section and save the file.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




Hidden properties are not shown in Types view

Hidden properties for a type are not listed in the Types view even when 'Show Hidden Properties' is enabled for Station Options.


There is currently no known workaround for this issue.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




Hovering over a parameter expression that accesses an element of an empty array results in crash

Hovering over an expression to show the evaluated value in the tooltip in the expression edit control results in a crash when the expression accesses element(s) of an empty array.


Use expressions that access elements of an empty array within a '#NoValidation()' function.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




TestStand Deployment Utility Generates Wrong Public Document Path

Built TestStand installers install files to an incorrect location when the deployment build specifies the installation location as the "TestStand Public Documents Directory" in the TestStand Deployment Utility.

As an example, in TestStand 2023 Q4, the deployment installer installs the files to "C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2023 Q4 (64-bit)" if the TestStand Public Documents Directory is specified as the installation location. However, the default TestStand Public Documents Directory is "C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2023 (64-bit)".

The issue is also seen when you select "TestStand Application Data Directory" and "Global TestStand Application Data Directory" as the installation location.


Provide the exact path instead of using options from drop down.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




Unexpected Token error occurs when editing parameters for sweep loops

Sweep loop arrays of enumeration parameters fail to evaluate value expressions and throw an error when enumeration names contain the following:
  • Spaces
  • Periods
  • Parentheses
  • Quotes
  • Names beginning with number characters


Do not use these characters in enumeration parameter names in Sweep loop arrays.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




PDF generation fails for XML and ATML reports with relative path to stylesheet

Report PDF generation fails with a relative path to a stylesheet is used for XML and ATML report formats.


Use the absolute path to the stylesheet, or:

  1. Copy the stylesheet to the same folder as the report file
  2. Change the argument passed to the PDF generator in the Call PDF Converter Tool step in the ConvertReportToPDFAndUploadToSystemLink sequence in NI_ReportGenerator.seq to the following:
"\"" + Parameters.ReportFilePath + "\"" + (Parameters.SystemLinkReportId != "" ? " /report-id \"" + Parameters.SystemLinkReportId + "\"" : "") + (Parameters.GeneratePDF == False ? " /nopdf" : "") + " /stylesheet " + "\"" + RunState.Execution.Report.StyleSheetPath + "\""

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2022 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




Python interpreter session object does not get reused when relative path is used for Python virtual environment

When the Python virtual environment has a relative path configured for an object reference-based Python interpreter session across Python steps and the following conditions are met:
  • The first step has the 'Create Interpreter if it does not exist' setting enabled
  • Subsequent steps do not have the 'Create Interpreter if it does not exist' setting enabled
The following error occurs:
'Interpreter in the configured interpreter reference was created with settings different to the configured settings. Make sure the interpreter in the reference was created with same settings and retry.'

This happens when the Python virtual environment path configured for the steps are relative paths.


Configure an absolute path for the Python virtual environment.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




Passing an array element as the parameter to sweep loop step throws error at run-time

When an array element is passed to a sweep loop step parameter, the sweep loop step throws error -17038 at run-time.


There is currently no known workaround for this issue.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




TestStand Deployment Utility is unable to locate project files within TestStand workspace

TestStand Deployment Utility cannot locate LabVIEW project files within a TestStand workspace even when the option "Current workspace directory" is enabled in Configure>>Search Directories in TestStand (Sequence editor).


Configure the LabVIEW project with respect to the current sequence file.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




Opening a sequence file does not preload code modules even when the setting is enabled

Sequence files configured to preload code modules do not preload modules, and need to load modules when opening.


There is currently no known workaround for this issue.

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4




HTML report format with On-The-Fly Reporting and Filtering results shows step status as 'Running'

For HTML report format with On-The-Fly Reporting selected and result filtering set to remove steps with status as 'Done' (i.e. Result.Status != "Done") shows a sequence call step as 'Running' even when the step execution is completed.


Use the result filtering expression as 'Result.Status != "Running" && Result.Status != "Done"'

Reported Version:

TestStand: 2023 Q4

Resolved Version:

TestStand: 2024 Q4



Additional Patch Information

Installing some patches may require certain additional steps or considerations. Please refer to the following table for more information about patches for this release.

These patches currently do not have any special instructions.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on ni.com.  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).