NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q2 Bug Fixes


The following items are notable issues fixed between the release of NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q1 and NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q2, including additional patches and service packs. If you have an issue ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI Linux Device Drivers.

Bug Number

Legacy ID



1860393, 1860393, 1870327, 1930911, 2044661, 2117686, 2256287, 2268371

NI-KAL Fails to Install on Linux Kernel 5.13 or Later with Fatal Error

When installing certain NI drivers onto a Linux system using kernel version 5.13 or later, the installation fails at the NI-KAL component with the following error:

/var/lib/dkms/nikal/21.5.0f129/build/nikal.c:32:16: fatal error: config/modversions.h: No such file or directory

As of the 2022Q4 release, this affects the following driver that depends on KAL:


Reattempt the installation after adding modversions.h to the kernel headers for your current system kernel. For example:
sudo touch /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/config/modversions.h [on Ubuntu] 
sudo touch /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/include/config/modversions.h [on RHEL] 
sudo touch /usr/src/linux-$(uname -r | sed -r 's/-default//')-obj/x86_64/default/include/config/modversions.h [on OpenSUSE]

Reported Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2021 Q4

Resolved Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q2


Feb 21, 2023

1984221, 2143826

NI driver software fails to install on RHEL9 because of missing /sbin/chkconfig

When I try to install an NI driver on RHEL9, it fails with an error message indicating that chkconfig is missing. 

Many NI drivers use chkconfig in initialization of their services and will fail installation if it is not present. It was present in the base images of previous RHEL versions, but as of RHEL9 needs to be installed prior to NI drivers. The latest releases of most NI drivers will automatically install chkconfig on RHEL 9, however there are still a few that don't automatically install it. And none of the older NI driver versions prior to 2022Q4 automatically install it.

Installing chkconfig will fix this issue. However there is a chance that chkconfig may not install successfully on RHEL9 (for several reasons) see "Chkconfig fails to install on RHEL9" for workarounds if installing chkconfig fails.


To explicitly avoid this issue, install chkconfig (which is in one of the RHEL9 default repositories) by running
sudo yum install chkconfig
prior to installing NI software on RHEL9. 

Reported Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2022 Q4

Resolved Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q2


Sep 30, 2022

1984221, 2143826

Chkconfig fails to install on RHEL9

When running an NI installer on RHEL9, I get an error message which says
"Failed: chkconfig-1.20-2.el9.x86_64 Error: Transaction failed"

This may occur because of this known issue with chkconfig: which could be encountered by anyone trying to install chkconfig who has already run into "NI driver software fails to install on RHEL9 because of missing /sbin/chkconfig".


1. Backup the /etc/init.d folder to somewhere
sudo mv /etc/init.d /home/<your username>/initd_backup

2. Install chkconfig
sudo yum install chkconfig

3. Restore the backup
sudo cp -u /home/<your username>/initd_backup /etc/init.d/

Reported Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2022 Q4

Resolved Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q2


Sep 30, 2022


NI driver software fails to install on OpenSUSE 15.3+ because of missing /sbin/insserv

When I try to install an NI driver on OpenSUSE 15.3 or 15.4, it fails with an error message indicating that insserv is missing. 

Many NI drivers use insserv in initialization of their services and will fail installation if it is not present. It was present in the base images of previous OpenSUSE versions, but as of OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 needs to be installed prior to NI drivers. The latest releases of most NI drivers will automatically install insserv on OpenSUSE, however there are still a few that don't automatically install it. And none of the older NI driver versions prior to 2022Q4 automatically install it.

Installing insserv will fix this issue. 


To explicitly avoid this issue, install chkconfig (which is in one of the RHEL9 default repositories) by running
sudo zypper install insserv
prior to installing NI software on OpenSUSE. 

Reported Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2022 Q4

Resolved Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q2


Sep 30, 2022


NI driver software fails to install on RHEL9 because of missing dkms dependency

During installation, NI driver software may fail to install on RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 with an error message such as:
Nothing provides dkms needed by ni-pal-dkms


Download and register the "Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux" (EPEL) repo provided by Fedora:
sudo yum install
Install DKMS.
sudo yum install dkms
Proceed with installing NI Driver SW.

Reported Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2022 Q4

Resolved Version:

NI Linux Device Drivers 2023 Q2


Oct 19, 2022

Additional Patch Information

Installing some patches may require certain additional steps or considerations. Please refer to the following table for more information about patches for this release.

These patches currently do not have any special instructions.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).