This document contains the NI-DMM known issues that were discovered before and since the release of NI-DMM 2023 Q1. Known issues are performance issues or technical bugs that NI has acknowledged exist within this version of the product.
Not every issue known to NI appears on this list; it is intended to show the most severe and common issues that you may encounter and provide workarounds when possible. Other technical issues that you may encounter could occur through normal product use or system compatibility issues. You may find more information on these issues in NI’s Product Documentation, Knowledgebase, or Community; see Additional Resources.
Bug Number |
Legacy ID |
Description |
Details |
876038 | 644978 |
Code using API in nidmmObsolete.llbs and nidmm_apps.llb and converted for LabVIEW NXG is brokenWorkaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: NI-DMM 17.0 Resolved Version: N/A Added: May 8, 2017 |
386446 | 304995 |
Windows power management modes terminate any NI-DMM operation in progressWindows power management modes, such as sleep, standby, and hibernate terminate any NI-DMM operation in progress. Notice that in Windows 7/Vista or on a laptop computer, the default power management settings are likely to enable sleep mode. Workaround: NI recommends that you disable Windows power management modes, such as sleep, standby, and hibernate. |
Reported Version: NI-DMM 3.0.5 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jun 16, 2011 |
386335 | 306241 |
Temperature measurements are not supported in the TestStand IviDmm step typeWorkaround: Do not take temperature measurements with the TestStand IviDMM step type. |
Reported Version: N/A Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jun 26, 2011 |
386338 | 306311 |
Replacing the PCI/PXI-4060 with the PCI/PXI-4065 or PCI/PXI-4070/4071/4072 in an application that uses triggeringThe PCI/PXI-4060 configured as an SCXI controller automatically sets the Measurement Complete (MC) destination to the location where SCXI is configured (external or internal PXI/SCXI trigger lines). However, the PCI/PXI-4065 and PCI/PXI-4070/4071/4072 configured as an SCXI controller automatically sets the MC destination to NONE. Workaround: If your application relies on the routing behavior of the PCI/PXI-4060 by not explicitly calling niDMM Configure Measurement Complete Destination, you must modify your application by calling the VI/function. Alternately, the PCI/PXI-4065 and PCI/PXI-4070/4071/4072 can emulate PCI/PXI-4060 routing behavior by specifying the following registry key: |
Reported Version: N/A Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jun 27, 2011 |
749412 | 366017 |
In the documentation, the MAX "Configure" button is inaccurately labeled with its former name, "Properties."In the device documentation, including the Getting Started Guide and Help file, the MAX "Configure" button is inaccurately labeled with its former name, "Properties." Workaround: When the documentation instructs you to select the "Properties" button, you should select the "Configure" button. |
Reported Version: NI-DMM 3.0.6 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Aug 8, 2012 |
386778 | 529253 |
Function traces in NI IO Trace are duplicated when monitoring or debugging deviceFunction traces in NI IO Trace are duplicated either using a device with Debug Driver Session enabled for using breakpoints in C/C++/.NET applications or monitoring an in-use device with the Soft Front Panel. Workaround: Select the first two of the two identical traces in NI IO Trace. Limit the traces to those only in the same process as the one selected by selecting View>>Only This Process. |
Reported Version: NI-DMM 15.1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: May 31, 2015 |
1024555 |
No device names appear when initializing a session with NI-DMM on LinuxRTWhen selecting a resource name with niDMM or niDMM Initialize With in LabVIEW with a LabVIEW version prior to 21.0 on an NI Linux Real-Time target, the drop-down menu for selecting resources appears empty and you cannot select a device that is in your system. Workaround: Manually enter the resource name for the device you want to use. Use MAX or NI System Configuration software to retrieve the resource name for any devices in the system.
Reported Version: NI-DMM 20.5 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Sep 7, 2020 |
No device names appear when initializing a session with NI-DMM on Linux DesktopWhen selecting a resource name with niDMM or niDMM Initialize With in LabVIEW on Linux Desktop, the drop-down menu for selecting resources appears empty and you cannot select a device that is in your system. Workaround: Manually enter the resource name for the device you want to use. Use the Hardware Configuration Utility or NI System Configuration software to retrieve the resource name for any devices in the system.
Reported Version: NI-DMM 20.1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Apr 19, 2022 |
Issues found in this section will not be listed in future known issues documents for this product.
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