Vision Development Module 2021 Known Issues


This document contains the Vision Development Module known issues that were discovered before and since the release of Vision Development Module 2021. Known issues are performance issues or technical bugs that NI has acknowledged exist within this version of the product.


Not every issue known to NI appears on this list; it is intended to show the most severe and common issues that you may encounter and provide workarounds when possible. Other technical issues that you may encounter could occur through normal product use or system compatibility issues. You may find more information on these issues in NI’s Product Documentation, Knowledgebase, or Community.

Bug Number

Legacy ID



199562 732630

Memory leak while Loading and Unloading OpenVINO model continuously in a loop

Unloading OpenVINO models can cause a memory leak. Calling IMAQ DL Create (OpenVINO) and then IMAQ DL Dispose to dispose the model can leak around 1KB of memory. 


We recommend re-using a Deep Learning session created with a specific model to avoid the memory leak.

Reported Version:

Vision Development Module 2019

Resolved Version:



May 17, 2019


Image Display Controls Do Not Render Image Background on LinuxRT Embedded UI

Image display controls placed on a VI displayed on a LinuxRT target's Embedded UI do not render the background setup.


There is currently no known workaround for this issue.

Reported Version:

Vision Development Module 2020 SP1

Resolved Version:



Dec 9, 2020

Final Time Issue Listed

Issues found in this section will not be listed in future known issues documents for this product.

Bug Number

Legacy ID




Error -1074396006 "Unknown Codec" When Creating Multiple Videos with a System Codec

Creating multiple videos with a system codec simultaneously, using IMAQ AVI2, results in Error -1074396006 "Unknown Codec".


Call IMAQ AVI2 Get Codec  before calling IMAQ AVI2

Reported Version:

Vision Development Module 2018 | Vision Development Module 2019

Resolved Version:



Dec 9, 2020


IMAQ Match hangs when run with 4 cores

IMAQ Match Pattern hangs when run with 4 cores. This intermittent behavior can occur on machines with 4 cores, or if the application uses IMAQ Multi-Core Options to set the number of cores used by VDM equal to 4.


Use IMAQ Multi-Core Options to before IMAQ Match Pattern to set the number of cores used to 1; reset to use all cores after IMAQ Match Pattern 4.

Reported Version:

Vision Development Module 2020

Resolved Version:



Apr 6, 2021


MSVC and CVI EXE examples hang launching the VDM runtime license activation dialog if the license is in evalualtion mode

If the VDM Runtime license is in evaluation mode, the example executables hang on first call to a licensed function and  the NILM licensing dialog to evaluate or activate the VDM runtime will not display. If the license was ready to evaluate, you will see the evaluation get started based on status shown in NILM before the hang happens, but then the executable will never continue.


Activate the VDM runtime license.

Reported Version:

Vision Development Module 2020

Resolved Version:



Apr 8, 2021

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Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).