This document contains the Vision Development Module known issues that were discovered before and since the release of Vision Development Module 2020 SP1. Known issues are performance issues or technical bugs that NI has acknowledged exist within this version of the product.
Not every issue known to NI appears on this list; it is intended to show the most severe and common issues that you may encounter and provide workarounds when possible. Other technical issues that you may encounter could occur through normal product use or system compatibility issues. You may find more information on these issues in NI’s Product Documentation, Knowledgebase, or Community.
Bug Number |
Legacy ID |
Description |
Details |
198177 | 703071 |
Using the Merge Overlay and Write Custom Data functions in parallel can cause a LabVIEW crash.Workaround: Call both the Merge Overlay and Write Custom Data functions sequentially.
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2018 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Oct 19, 2018 |
198158 | 718023 |
Geometric Pattern Matching algorithm returns different matches when changing the score or number of matchesIn some cases, Geometric Pattern Matching algorithm returns different matches when changing the score or number of matches to find. This is due to the template size being too small.
Workaround: To avoid noisy matches, REFINEMENT MATCH FACTOR can be increased.
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2018 Resolved Version: N/A Added: May 17, 2019 |
198130 | 634805 |
The IMAQ FPGA Local Threshold VI does not correctly threshold the top of images when the kernel size is large.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2017 Resolved Version: N/A Added: May 22, 2017 |
198152 | 697023 |
When using the IMAQ Fit Line VI, if the resulting line is either vertical or horizontal it is possible to get error -1074395315When using the IMAQ Fit Line VI, if the resulting line is either vertical or horizontal it is possible to get error: "-1074395315 IMAQ Vision: You supplied an inefficient set of points to match the minimum score".
Workaround: Rotate the set of points to a 45 degree angle to find the fitted line. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2017 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Oct 19, 2018 |
198318 | 734505 |
Embedded UIs do not display text overlays on the image display control.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Aug 5, 2013 |
198301 | 572114 |
IMAQ Learn Distortion Model VI with the Distortion Model set to Polynomial generates an inconsistent calibration template.The IMAQ Learn Distortion Model VI with the Distortion Model set to Polynomial generates an inconsistent calibration template if the X Step and Y Step values from the IMAQ Calibration Target to Points - Circular Dots 2 VI are less than 0.0001.
Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2016 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Aug 1, 2016 |
198282 | 716660 |
IMAQ Calculate Defect Map returns error -1074396109 when the input image is calibrated with an old calibration.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2018 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Oct 19, 2018 |
199562 | 732630 |
Memory leak while Loading and Unloading OpenVINO model continuously in a loopUnloading OpenVINO models can cause a memory leak. Calling IMAQ DL Create (OpenVINO) and then IMAQ DL Dispose to dispose the model can leak around 1KB of memory.
Workaround: We recommend re-using a Deep Learning session created with a specific model to avoid the memory leak.
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 Resolved Version: N/A Added: May 17, 2019 |
470505 | 697946 |
The IMAQ AVI2 Create VI does not support non-integer frame rates.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2017 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Oct 19, 2018 |
470643 | 721883 |
Large/Huge TensorFlow models may fail to load and cause crash on targets with low RAM.Based on available resources on the target device, IMAQ DL Create(TensorFlow) api may fail to create a session for large/huge models. Workaround: Choose target for deployment after careful consideration/testing of available memory and size of the TensorFlow models. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2018 Resolved Version: N/A Added: May 17, 2019 |
472010 | 728588 |
Using IMAQ Equalize on 16-bit images that have pixel values in a narrow range and a large number of bins does not work properly.Workaround: Use a lower number of bins (ie. 256). |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2018 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: May 17, 2019 |
472016 | 731128 |
Large/Huge OpenVINO models may fail to load and cause crash on targets with low RAM.Based on available resources on the target device, IMAQ DL Create(OpenVINO) api may fail to create a session for large/huge models. Workaround: Choose target for deployment after careful consideration/testing of available memory and size of the OpenVINO models. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 Resolved Version: N/A Added: May 17, 2019 |
198138 |
JPEG decompression error, caused by corrupted JPEG data, can cause LabVIEW to crash.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Oct 18, 2019 |
198040 |
Find Straight Edge can sometimes return different results on same image with slight variation and combinations of width/gap.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jun 23, 2020 |
198320 |
When using a polygon ROI, Find Edges VI sometimes does not return an edge if the ROI is directly on the edge.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jun 23, 2020 |
197606 |
Selecting to generate FPGA code for 7976R actually generates code for the cRIO 9068 target.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Oct 1, 2019 |
197708 |
U16 reverse produces different results in Vision Assistant vs FPGA code generated.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Jun 23, 2020 |
210953 |
When trying to save a geometric matching template from the Vision Template Editor without selecting the tab to define curves, the template editor throws an error.Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Oct 1, 2019 |
962365 |
Unexpected Behaviour in IMAQ TransformROI FunctionWhen converting a set of points and to a corresponding region of interest and back to a set of points when the Axis reference is indirect for Measurement System and the Angle(deg) is zero results in an changed transformed point.
Workaround: Changing the Angle(deg) to 360 will bring about the required result. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2019 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Dec 4, 2020 |
1046903 |
LabVIEW Unexpectedly Crashes When Executing Read Barcode 2 FunctionLabVIEW sometimes crashes unexpectedly when using the Read Barcode 2 function.
Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2020 Resolved Version: Vision Development Module: 2020 SP1 Added: Dec 9, 2020 |
1064672 |
Unexpected Compression When Saving Bitmap File Using IMAQ Write File 2.viWhen saving a bitmap file using the IMAQ Write File, the resulting file would be compressed even when Compress? is set to False.
Workaround: Use 64-bit LabVIEW instead of 32-bit.
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2020 Resolved Version: Vision Development Module: 2020 SP1 Added: Dec 4, 2020 |
1077282 |
Error -1074396006 "Unknown Codec" When Creating Multiple Videos with a System CodecCreating multiple videos with a system codec simultaneously, using IMAQ AVI2, results in Error -1074396006 "Unknown Codec". Workaround: Call IMAQ AVI2 Get Codec before calling IMAQ AVI2
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2018 | Vision Development Module 2019 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Dec 9, 2020 |
1083524 |
No Preview Displayed When Using Color ThresholdWhen selecting Color Binarization in Vision Assistant, no preview image is displayed.
Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2020 Resolved Version: Vision Development Module: 2020 SP1 Added: Dec 4, 2020 |
1171139 |
Image Display Controls Do Not Render Image Background on LinuxRT Embedded UIImage display controls placed on a VI displayed on
a LinuxRT target's Embedded UI do not render the background setup. Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2020 SP1 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Dec 9, 2020 |
1183366 | with Large Images Can Cause LabVIEW to CrashCertain large images when undergoing can cause a crash in LabVIEW 2020.
Workaround: There is currently no known workaround for this issue. |
Reported Version: Vision Development Module 2020 Resolved Version: N/A Added: Dec 9, 2020 |
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