Each issue appears as a row in the table and includes the following fields:
ID | Known Issue | |||||
611267 Return | Digital Pattern Editor might crash when opening a project immediately after closing it The Digital Pattern Editor might crash when you open a project immediately after you close it on slower computers or on virtual machines. Workaround: Avoid using the Digital Pattern Editor on slower computers or on virtual machines.
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611275 Return | Launching the Digital Pattern Editor from the TestStand Semiconductor Module does not always bring the existing editor to the front When an instance of the Digital Pattern Editor is running, attempting to launch the Digital Pattern Editor from the TestStand Semiconductor Module does not always bring the existing editor to the front. If the Digital Pattern Editor was originally launched from the Start menu, the TestStand Semiconductor Module instead launches a new instance of the Digital Pattern Editor. Workaround: Manually navigate to an existing instance of the Digital Pattern Editor instead of using the TestStand Semiconductor Module shortcut to bring the existing instance of the editor to the front.
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651023 Return | Running the digital scope in demo mode without the pattern open in the Digital Pattern Editor returns an incorrect error When you run the digital scope in demo mode and the pattern is not open in the editor, the editor returns the error: "Could not find pattern file path in list of loaded patterns". The pattern must be open in a document in the editor before you can execute digital scope in demo mode. Workaround: Open the pattern in the editor before running digital scope on it.
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608222 Return | Changing the active pin map file of a project while executing can lead to unexpected behavior Changing, deleting, excluding, or making the current active pin map file inactive while the Digital Pattern Editor is executing can lead to unexpected behavior. Workaround: Wait until the execution finishes or abort the current execution before changing, deleting, excluding, or making the current active pin map file inactive.
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605969 Return | Launching Digital Pattern Editor from a network drive crashes on startup or gives unexpected errors when evaluating formulas The Digital Pattern Editor currently does not support being installed on or being run from a network drive. Workaround: Install the Digital Pattern Editor to a local location and run the editor from that location.
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651018 Return | Editing a pin state immediately after inserting a new pin item sometimes edits the wrong cell When you edit a pattern in the Digital Pattern Editor, editing the already selected pin state cell after inserting a new pin item column can sometimes cause the cell in the original column at that location to be edited instead of the cell in the current column. Workaround: Change the selection at least once after inserting a new pin item column in the pattern.
Contact NI regarding this document or issues in the document. If you contact NI in regards to a specific issue, reference the ID number given in the document. The ID number contains the current issue ID number as well as the legacy ID number (use the current ID number when contacting NI). You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Visit the NI Website to contact us. Also contact us if you find a workaround for an issue that is not listed in the document.