The following items are Bug Fixes in NI-Digital Pattern Editor 17.1.
ID | Legacy ID | Fixed Issue | Issue Details |
672936 |
| Capturing a waveform with zero samples or an incomplete sample causes the Digital Pattern Editor to hang | When a waveform captures zero samples (no capture opcode executes between capture_start and capture_stop opcodes) or a serial waveform captures an incomplete sample in which the number of bits captured does not make up a whole sample (the sample width is greater than the number of bits captured), the Digital Pattern Editor hangs when you burst the pattern. |
673974 |
| Settings in the Instrument Settings pane have no effect if you are using a newly created project | When you create a new project, the Digital Pattern Editor might get into a state in which changing settings in the Instrument Settings pane does not take effect. This issue persists until you close and reopen the project or restart the Digital Pattern Editor. This is not an issue with the project files themselves. It is an issue caused by the creation of a new project. |
651772 |
| Using the Delete key in Time Set Name fields crashes the Digital Pattern Editor | Clearing the Time Set Name fields by using the Delete key causes the editor to crash. |
673746 |
| HRAM may return an incomplete set of failures if HRAM is configured to use pretrigger samples and capture failures only | If the HRAM settings within the Digital Pattern Editor are configured to have the Cycles to Capture to Failures Only and the Pretrigger Cycles is greater than 0, the failures captured may be different than the requested failures. All returned failures are actual failures, but some of the failures that were requested may not be returned. |