Measurement Studio 2015 Bug Fixes


The following items are changes from Measurement Studio 2013 to Measurement Studio 2015. If you have a Bug ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed.

Bug Fixes

The following items are Bug Fixes in Measurement Studio 2015.

IDFixed Issue
343435If the WPF Graph does not contain data, the zoom operation on the WPF Graph does nothing.
345820The WPF Meter control pointer base may be clipped under certain layout scenarios.
351145You cannot interact with annotations on a WPF Graph that fall behind a plot that uses an AreaPlotRenderer.
358289Range annotations compress when dragged outside the range of the WPF Graph.
359825The pointer on a WPF Slider control is cut off if the Slider is too small.
366976A WPF Graph control RangeAnnotation appears to end at the edge of the visible plot region when its range is partially visible.
369189When completing a zoom horizontal or zoom vertical interaction on a WPF Graph control, the axis scale adjuster does not run.
376216Read from file failed or Write to file failed error occurs when reading or writing very large amounts of data from a TDMS file.
377450If you have a model assigned to the DataContext of a WPF Graph, and you try to bind a property on the model to a property on an Axis in the Graph, the binding will fail.
384492Repairing Measurement Studio 2013 for Visual Studio 2008 also prompts you to repair Measurement Studio 2012 for Visual Studio 2008.
386303WPF Graph cursor label may disappear if the value is also visible.
389773If the CoercionMode property of a WPF Numeric control is set to ToDivisions then the initial value will always be zero.
389799A WPF Tank control may show fewer divisions on one side than the other depending on its size.
390326Clone method of an AnalogWaveformCollection incorrectly clones a waveform whose starting index is not 0
390494The WPF Graph control causes an application to hang if the AxisDivisions require more than 15 digits of precision.
391307Changing the WPF Graph Annotation.InteractionMode from DragTarget at run time does not update the interaction mode of the Annotation.
402863The sources for images in the GraphToolPalette produce binding errors in the output window.
403056The WPF graph zoom loses history after the range changes.
403060When completing a zoom horizontal or zoom vertical interaction on a WPF Graph control, the axis scale adjuster does not run.
406324WPF Graph annotations are not hit-testable.
407433When a graph is displayed in a new window and the computer is locked and unlocked, the graph window UI freezes.
418437The underlying TDMS library leaks a small amount of memory on each file opened.
418784The Clone method for AnalogWaveform does not create a deep copy of the Timing property.
422118If a graph is in Raster mode and all its plots are switched from Visible to Collapsed, the data from the last visible plots is still be shown on the graph.
423510Co-linear decimation used on scatter data does not respect the RemoveLocations field.
437538It is not possible to bind to MultiPlotCursor.AxisValue in a data template.
439519A WPF graph configured in Count mode for its RangeLabeledDivisions hangs if zoomed in too far.
440514An unhandled NullReferenceException happens when zooming, if a graph contains plots not associated with an axis.
443878Using the FitLoosely range adjuster on a log scale with small values results in values bring cut off.
445748When a WPF graph is placed in a Thumb, pan and zoom interactions do not execute correctly.
451487Data in a WPF Graph control may disappear if the Graph has a fixed y-axis and one of the plots goes beyond the range of the y-axis.
452914An OutOfMemoryException is thrown when zooming-in on a WPF graph, if using the Auto mode for RangeLabeledDivisions on an AxisDateTime.
474805The size of the buttons in the GraphToolPalette cannot be set.
476665New plots added to the Plots collection for the graph with null axes are not guaranteed to be assigned default axes under certain conditions.
478586The increment and decrement buttons on numeric controls only resize when the Height property is set explicitly.
490326The PrecisionDateTime type is too large.
495969Installing NationalInstruments.Common 2013 SP1 before activating Measurement Studio 2013 makes Measurement Studio unable to be activated from within Visual Studio.


Return to the Measurement Studio Release Notes, Known Issues, and Bug Fix Information document.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).