ID | Fixed Issue |
389942 | Show Prototype does not always correctly display parameters declared as arrays, arrays of pointers, or arrays of function pointers. |
391652 | Macros that are preceded by #ifdef do not count as references when browsing identifiers. |
404836 | The break on library errors feature does not work when debugging a DLL that is called by a LabVIEW VI. |
408523 | If an exception occurs in a TDMS asynchronous read or write callback, the operating system or the attached debugger does not report incorrect location information for the exception, except when it is caught as a first chance exception. |
409807 | Show Completions does not show defines inside preprocessor statements. |
415614 | Typing . after a struct inside a macro autocompletion shows all available symbols instead of the struct members. |
420200 | Local function variables are not displayed in the Show Completions results when completing parameters for a macro call inside a function. |
424084 | Browse information does not support incomplete arrays. |
424509 | The Select Variable and Expression dialog box does not provide correct support for array variables. |
437026 | The debugger incorrectly reports leaked resources of unloaded modules as having been freed. |
443791 | LabWindows/CVI is not visible when terminating a debugging session if Hide windows when application is running is enabled after starting to debug the application |
467503 | Repeatedly calling CVIXMLNewElement causes performance degradation in debug mode. |
469839 | A fatal general protection fault occurs when returning from functions defined using K&R style that use the stdcall calling convention. |
470632 | The Generate Dll Import Source feature does not handle function pointers as arguments to functions. |
472358 | Terminating execution while the Watch window is closed causes watch expressions to be duplicated. |
476881 | Symbols are not exported from executables built using LabWindows/CVI. |
479119 | A No source line information is available dialog appears when selecting Break Execution (<Ctrl-F12>) while a MessagePopup is shown in Debug64 configuration. |
479376 | Selected text is executed in debugger when execution is suspended and the mouse is over the selected text. |
479812 | Detaching the debugger from an application while Break On Change watchpoints are enabled can cause the application to crash with exception 0x80000004. |
485043 | While DisplayPanel executes on a specific panel in the main thread, if one or multiple secondary controls perform operations on the controls from that panel (e.g., SetCtrlVal ), those controls may disappear. |
486516 | An incorrect Dereference out of bounds pointer error may occur when run time checking is enabled. |
487173 | UIR files are damaged after adding a menu bar to a tab control, saving, and then reopening the file. |
487530 | Defining a lexical block, containing a ternary conditional operator with a statement containing a math function, after a return causes a Fatal error: error in backend: Access past stack top! compile error. |
488529 | The compiler incorrectly defines __LP64__ when compiling 64-bit configurations. |
489294 | Calling FileSelectPopup in a function that has been specified as a thread function in the CmtScheduleThreadPoolFunction causes a stack overflow error. |
492513 | While stepping in debug mode, the debugger ignores closing brackets of code blocks, except brackets that end functions. |
493912 | The CVI environment can crash with an unrecoverable error when defining a macro directly after a multi-line macro. |
493984 | Closing the Format and Precision dialog causes a The index passed is out of range error. |
497261 | Browse information is not available when editing a file during a debug session if the project was built with unsaved changes or excluded lines. |
507889 | Incomplete struct and union types are completed by declaring the same structure or union tag with its defining content later within the list of formal parameter declarations in a function definition or declaration. |
511048 | The compiler crashes when compiling code containing conditional structures containing pointer casts and assigning NULL to a pointer, after casting it to char* . |
511404 | Licensing information is not updated during the normal Build action. |
511851 | Some Toolbox library functions are implemented for use in 64-bit applications. |
511886 | The FindBytesInFile() function will crash when attempting to search a file larger than 2GB. |
512362 | The FindBytesInFile Toolbox library function cannot find bytes if the sequence represented by the bytesToFind parameter follows the sequence's first byte. |
513723 | Switching projects after terminating an execution with the watch window closed causes an assert to trigger. |
514082 | Opening a project containing an invalid path to toolbox.fp causes LabWindows/CVI to crash. |
514226 | LabWindows/CVI crashes while trying to generate browsing information for an incorrect use case of the HIPAR documentation tag. |
515117 | An incorrect message is displayed when stopped on a hardware breakpoint while running the Interactive Execution window for the first time. |
515122 | Trying to terminate an interactive execution causes a fatal run-time error. Ignoring the error and closing the pop-up causes LabWindows/CVI to crash. |
515475 | The Terminate Execution button is disabled after continuing the Set Next Statement operation after encountering a warning dialog. |
515821 | ntdll.dll is not displayed in the Modules window when debugging 32-bit applications on a 64-bit operating system. |
516658 | Browsing to the definition of a struct, enum, or union defined in-line as a parameter to a function in a closed file, causes an A custom control callback raised an exception error message to appear. |
518754 | sizeof sometimes assesses the size of a struct typedef incorrectly. |
519095 | Deleting a bitmap plot immediately before plotting an intensity plot causes an out of memory error. |
519167 | Terminating an interactive execution during the execution of the Delay function causes a fatal run-time error. |
520009 | LabWindows/CVI hangs and shows an Out of memory message when closing the environment. |
520404 | The Show Prototype, Select Variable, and Generate Documentation features do not support variable length arrays. |
521257 | A program declaring an array of C99 _Complex double crashes on startup. |
524196 | Adding too many graphs to a tab control and trying to insert an image next to the tab title causes an Invalid Control ID error. |
525269 | Selecting a resource from the Resource Tracking window that was allocated using the Interactive Execution window fails. |
527503 | Using an undefined struct as a struct field causes the compiler to fail with an An internal error has occurred in the compiler message. |
527996 | Code containing a void function that returns a value should cause a compile error. |
528719 | Non-ASCII ANSI characters do not display properly in the debuggger. |
532610 | Compile error expected ':' after 'case' does not display accurate error position. |
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