Requirements Gateway 2014 Bug Fixes


This document contains the Requirements Gateway Bug Fixes that were discovered before and since the release of Requirements Gateway 2014. Not every bug fix known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that have been addressed.

Document Organization:

Each Issue appears as a row in the table and includes these fields:

  • Issue ID - the number at the top of each of the cells in the first column. When you report an issue to NI, you may be given this ID, you can also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in Knowledge Base articles.
  • Legacy ID (optional) -  If an issue has a legacy ID from NI's legacy/deprecated bug reporting database, you will see it appear on a separate line directly below the Issue ID in the table, or to the right of the Issue ID in the table of contents (separated by a space).
  • Issue Title: in italics - it describes the issue in one sentence or less
  • Problem Description - a few sentences which describe the problem in further detail. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail, and it is expected that you might want more information on an issue. If you would like more information on an issue feel free to contact NI (contact information below) and reference the ID number given in the document.
  • Workaround - possible ways to work around the problem. The workarounds that appear in the document are not always tested by NI and are not guaranteed to resolve the issue. If a workaround refers you to the NI KnowledgeBase, please visit and enter that KB number in the search field to locate the specific document.
  • Reported Version - the earliest version the issue was reported in. If you discover the issue appears in an earlier version than is reported in this field, you can report that to NI (contact information below) to have the field updated.
  • Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. If an issue has not been resolved "N/A" will be reported.
  • Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not necessarily the reported date)

Contacting NI

Feel free to contact NI regarding this document or issues in the document. If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID number given in the document to the NI representative. The ID number contains the current issue ID number as well as the legacy ID number (use the current ID number when contacting National Instruments). You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Visit the NI Website to contact us. 


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Bug Fixes

The following items are Bug Fixes in NI Requirements Gateway 2014.

IDLegacy IDFixed IssueIssue Details
491113XM8N4G0Requirements Gateway cannot analyze a Telelogic DOORS module if the module name ends with a space character.Requirements Gateway cannot analyze a Telelogic DOORS module if the module name ends with a space character.
Requirements Gateway does not correctly analyze folders in a LabVIEW project libraryIf a LabVIEW project library (.lvlib) file contains virtual folders, Requirements Gateway displays the Invalid section level rule violation when you analyze the project.
Requirements Gateway does not prompt you reanalyze a project after you modify a VI in a LabVIEW projectIf you configure a Requirements Gateway project document to analyze a LabVIEW project, Requirements Gateway does not prompt you to reanalyze the Requirements Gateway project if you modify a VI in the LabVIEW project.
You cannot navigate directly to a LabVIEW control or global variable from Requirements GatewayWhen you navigate to an element within a LabVIEW global variable or control (.ctl) file, LabVIEW launches but does not open the file.
Browsing for Telelogic DOORS modules can fail when you are using Requirements Gateway in Evaluation ModeBrowsing for Telelogic DOORS modules can cause licensing errors when you are using Requirements Gateway in Evaluation Mode.
Saving a project to the desktop with Windows 7 (64-bit) disables the Add a document buttonIf you save a Requirements Gateway project to the desktop on Windows 7 (64-bit), the Add a document button is disabled on the Project pane of the Configuration dialog box.
Requirements Gateway incorrectly evaluates VIs with the same name saved in different project librariesIf a LabVIEW project contains multiple project libraries and two or more of the libraries contain a VI of the same name, Requirements Gateway does not recognize that the VIs are in different application instances and displays the VIs in red in the main window.
Clicking empty space on the Attributes tab of the Types pane can cause Requirements Gateway to crashIf you left- or right-click the empty space in the Available values control on the Attributes tab of the Types pane of the Configuration dialog box, Requirements Gateway crashes under the following conditions: <ul><li>The Attribute tab lists some attribute values in the Available values control</li><li>You do not select any value before you click the white space</li></ul>
Front panel and block diagram images do not display for a LabVIEW document when you enable the Intermediate File optionWhen you select the With Images variable and you enable the option in the Intermediate File column on the Details tab of the Project pane of the Configuration dialog box for a document of the LabVIEW type, Requirements Gateway does not display front panel and block diagram images.
Requirements Gateway does not correctly convert multibyte characters in LabVIEW components for an intermediate fileRequirements Gateway does not correctly convert multibyte characters in LabVIEW components for an intermediate file. The LabVIEW conversion tool does not insert the proper XML tag to enable multibyte support.
Requirements Gateway does not to launch if the PATH environment variable contains more than 2048 charactersRequirements Gateway does not to launch if the PATH environment variable contains more than 2048 characters. This issue can occur each time you try to launch Requirements Gateway until you modify the PATH variable to contain fewer than 2048 characters. After the first time you launch Requirements Gateway successfully, the issue does not re-occur, even if you later modify the PATH variable to again contain more than 2048 characters.
Using the clipboard to copy a requirement element to a new type definition might cause Requirements Gateway to crashIf you use the Types pane context menu to copy a requirement element from a type and paste it into a new type, Requirements Gateway might crash and display the Internal error 10713 error.
An error can occur when you export multiple TestStand sequence files to Telelogic DOORSWhen you use a single Requirements Gateway project document to define multiple TestStand sequence files and you export the document to Telelogic DOORS, you might receive the Can't find object with parent "MainSequence" error.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).