The Known Issues Document is divided into two separate tables appearing in two separate Developer Zone documents. The following document displays the issues by issue category.
Known Issues by Category
For those who wish to locate the newly reported issues, we have also published another version of the known issues table sorted only by date the issue was added to the document.
Each Issue appears as a row in the table and includes these fields:
- Issue ID - the number at the top of each of the cells in the first column. When you report an issue to NI, you may be given this ID, you can also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in Knowledge Base articles.
- Legacy ID (optional) - If an issue has a legacy ID from NI's legacy/deprecated bug reporting database, you will see it appear on a separate line directly below the Issue ID in the table, or to the right of the Issue ID in the table of contents (separated by a space).
- Issue Title: in italics - it describes the issue in one sentence or less
- Problem Description - a few sentences which describe the problem in further detail. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail, and it is expected that you might want more information on an issue. If you would like more information on an issue feel free to contact NI (contact information below) and reference the ID number given in the document.
- Workaround - possible ways to work around the problem. The workarounds that appear in the document are not always tested by NI and are not guaranteed to resolve the issue. If a workaround refers you to the NI KnowledgeBase, please visit and enter that KB number in the search field to locate the specific document.
- Reported Version - the earliest version of TestStand ATML Toolkit the issue was reported in. If you discover the issue appears in an earlier version of TestStand ATML Toolkit than is reported in this field, you can report that to NI (contact information below) to have the field updated.
- Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. If an issue has not been resolved "N/A" will be reported.
- Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not necessarily the reported date)
Contacting NI
Feel free to contact NI regarding this document or issues in the document. If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID number given in the document to the NI representative. You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Visit the NI Website to contact us. Also consider contacting us if you find a workaround for an issue that is not listed in the document so that we can add the workaround to the document.
Known Issues by Date
The following items are known issues in NI Requirements Gateway 2014 sorted by Date.
ID | Known Issue | |||||
127371 Return | The Application stay on top option applies only to the main window If you enable the Application stay on top option on the General tab of the Options pane of the Configuration dialog box, the main window always remains in front of other application windows, such as the Configuration dialog box. This can cause other application windows to appear hidden if the main window completely obscures them. Workaround: N/A
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127911 Return | Selecting a MATRIXx catalog does not cause MatrixX to become the active application if the catalog is already loaded When you navigate from Requirements Gateway to MATRIXx and the selected MATRIXx catalog is already loaded, MATRIXx does not become the active application. If a dialog box launches when you attempt to navigate, Requirements Gateway appears to hang because the dialog box might appear below the Requirements Gateway window. Workaround: N/A
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128563 Return | Expressions pane does not support multi-line strings When you use the Expressions pane of the Configuration dialog box to test regular expressions, neither the Expressions pane nor the tooltip display results with multiple lines. Workaround: N/A
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130724 Return | Requirements Gateway can open the incorrect instance of LabWindows/CVI when viewing code When multiple instances of LabWindows/CVI are open and you attempt to navigate from Requirements Gateway to LabWindows/CVI, the wrong instance of LabWindows/CVI might become the active window. Workaround: N/A
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136142 Return | The Large Code type does not recognize new files automatically in some cases If you use the Large Code type to analyze a directory on a disk that is formatted using the 32-bit file allocation table (FAT32) method the Large Code type does not recognize when new files are added to the target directory, requiring you to reanalyze the document manually. This behavior occurs because the directory date does not change on FAT32 formatted disks when new files are added, and the type uses this information to determine when reanalysis is required. Workaround: N/A
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48529 3T5GJTG0 Return | Requirements Gateway can navigate to incorrect text when browsing to an element When you browse to an element in a Microsoft Word document and the Word document contains text for a requirement or section element that appears more than once, Requirements Gateway navigates to the first instance of the text, even if the next instance of the text represents the actual requirement or section. Workaround: N/A
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48647 3UGF2NG0 Return | A Link element in a Critical Failure Stack section of a TestStand XML Reports document can navigate to the incorrect step result When you navigate from a Link element in a Critical Failure Stack section of a TestStand XML Reports document that contains more than one UUT report, Requirements Gateway might navigate to a step result in a different report. This occurs because the result ID that Requirements Gateway uses is not unique between different reports. Workaround: N/A
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48857 3W7CQR00 Return | An overwrite occurs when snapshots have identical timestamps If you create a snapshot with the same timestamp as an existing snapshot, the new snapshot replaces the existing snapshot. Because the timestamp resolution is one minute, this can occur with snapshots taken within the same minute. Workaround: Before taking a snapshot, ensure that the latest existing snapshot timestamp does not match the current time.
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312916 Return | PDF reports do not support multi-byte characters If a project contains multi-byte characters, the characters do not display correctly in any reports you save in the PDF format. Workaround: Use an alternate report format, such as HTML or RTF.
Document last updated on 8/4/2014
The following items are known issues in Requirements Gateway 2012 sorted by Category.