Archived: Measurement Studio 2012 Known Issues

NI does not actively maintain this document.

This content provides support for older products and technology, so you may notice outdated links or obsolete information about operating systems or other relevant products.


This document contains the <product> <version> known issues that were discovered before and since the release of <product> <version>. Known issues are performance issues or technical bugs that NI has acknowledged exist within this version of the product.


Not every issue known to NI appears on this list; it is intended to show the most severe and common issues that you may encounter and provide workarounds when possible. Other technical issues that you may encounter could occur through normal product use or system compatibility issues. 


This document contains the Measurement Studio 2012 known issues that were discovered before and since the release of Measurement Studio 2012. Not every issue known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that can be encountered.

Each known issue includes these fields:

  • Issue ID
  • Legacy ID - The issue's legacy ID from NI's deprecated bug reporting database (if applicable)
  • Issue Title
  • Problem Description
  • Workaround
  • Reported Version - the earliest version of Measurement Studio the issue was reported in
  • Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable
  • Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date)

Document Organization

The Known Issues Document is divided into two separate tables appearing in two separate Developer Zone documents. The known issues in this document are organized by the category of issue, and sorted by the date the issue was added to the document. To view the issues organized by date, visit the document linked below:

Known Issues by Date

Contacting NI

If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID number given in the document to the NI representative.

Known Issues by Category

The following items are known issues in Measurement Studio 2012 sorted by Category.

191880Matrix operations that utilize the Intel MKL on Windows have slight numerical difference between Measurement Studio 2009 and prior Measurement Studio versions.
17614432-bit analysis and 64-bit analysis library results can have slight numerical differences
292392Calling Filter.Reset can change the characteristics of the filter.
370422The HarmonicAnalyzer method in the Analysis Spectral Measurement library throws an AccessViolationException regardless of the input.
361842Icons for DataSocket URLs do not display with the DataSocket.SelectUrl popup.
Deploying Applications
98865 3ZNCBRAFIf you create a managed Visual C++ project using the Windows Application template, put a Measurement Studio .NET control on the form, and add a setup project to the solution using the primary output of the C++ project, you will receive a missing file error when you build.
191580Uninstalling National Instruments products may also remove installed .NET applications that use National Instruments libraries.
220060The 64-bit Logos merge module does not contain the commands necessary to install necessary Logos services.
344059Custom install locations are ignored when National Instruments Merge Modules target is set to the Module Retargetable Folder.
Hardware Libraries
133322In some circumstances, you receive error, HRESULT E_FAIL, when using the DAQ Application Project Wizard.
199947Significant decrease in performance occurs when using NI-488.2 for Microsoft Windows and LabVIEW Real-Time
301621The Measurement Studio Help is not uninstalled when Measurement Studio has been uninstalled.
133384In some instances, running your Visual C++/CLI project results in unlicensed exceptions.
286890The Evaluate Products button on the Measurement Studio Activation dialog box is not localized for non-English operating systems.
372509Measurement Studio shows expired license behavior after extending the evaluation period from 7 days to 45 days.
372511Measurement Studio applications built with an Evaluation license may throw a LicenseException at run time.
Network Variable
133220 4B89AJ00Network variable performance decreases when machines hosting the reader, writer, and variables are mixed between Logos and LogosXT.
133256 4DDCC0IOCreating network variables causes a small memory leak
133380In some circumstances, the network variable class library deadlocks if you are stepping through code in a network variable class library event handler.
182120Network Variable does not support variables with the Timestamp data type.
251984Waveform timing information is lost if a network variable with a waveform type is bound to a waveform graph.
Product Documentation
120249If you copy and paste dynamically filtered help content into a text editor, such as Microsoft Word, you may see content that applies to components not installed on your machine.
133439Links to hardware class library documentation may be broken if you do not have the latest hardware drivers installed.
User Interface
122353Mouse cursor changes to the default mouse cursor after zooming.
133396Under some circumstances, plots with data that extend outside the plot area are clipped incorrectly.
31271 40A7S0HWEditing an axis interactively and then calling PlotYAppend from the AutoRefresh callback with a fixed axis erases the previous committed axis value.
96497Calling ShowDialog on a Windows Form that contains a property editor control might cause an InvalidCastException.
115770Measurement Studio UI controls that are part of a custom Web control do not display during design time.
222719Custom division labels may be clipped on the far right side of the x-axis of the intensity graph.
239529Autoformatting a .NET waveform, scatter, complex, or intensity graph at design time removes captions from existing annotations.
240646The background of Measurement Studio .NET controls does not remain transparent when the controls are disabled.
251034Zoom animation is drawn even when a .NET graph has not been added to a Windows Form.
198036Vertical captions on Measurement Studio controls do not display correctly in some languages, such as Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.
297181Building a Measurement Studio ASP.NET Web Forms project fails on computers with United States Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) enabled.
309646When drawing very thick plot lines on a Measurement Studio .NET graph, the line can draw incorrectly.
314617Measurement Studio ActiveX controls cause all controls to not anchor to right side of form.
332295The Windows Forms ScatterGraph displays a red "x" when out of memory, but does not throw an exception.
337384Windows Forms Plot3DMesh causes an exception when run multiple times with a large number of points.
338874If you set the WebForms InteractionMouseCursor property through the designer, the page does not save when using certain controls.
339586Changing the RangeAdjuster on a WPF Graph does not cause an immediate update.
343435If the WPF Graph does not contain data, the zoom operation on the WPF Graph does nothing.
345820The WPF Meter control pointer base may be clipped under certain layout scenarios.
349762The Windows Forms NumericEdit control does not initialize to a NaN value.
350960ScaleArc properties on WPF gauge and meter controls throw an exception when the default value is modified at run time.
351145You cannot interact with annotations on a WPF Graph that fall behind a plot that uses an AreaPlotRenderer.
351983When using an AxisDateTime or AxisPrecisionDateTime axis on a WPF Graph control, FitLoosely has the same behavior as FitExactly.
358289Range annotations compress when dragged outside the range of the WPF Graph.
361209The Zoom method for the WPF PolarGraph control throws an exception.
361239The SetDataPosition method of a WPF Cursor does not update the position of the cursor.
367072The WPF Meter control may disappear the data type changes.
373901Appending data to a cloned WaveformPlot object causes a NullReferenceException to be thrown.
374462WPF Graph annotations are not hit-testable.
375229The WPF Graph control throws an InvalidOperationException when moving a cursor between two plots when embedded in a user control.
380359An exception is thrown when setting the GraphBase.DataSource property of the WPF Graph to null.
381465Removing multiple plots or data items from the WPF Graph control causes the Graph state to become corrupted.
381542Initializing the Graph.Plots and GraphBase.Data of the WPF Graph control with items in the code behind causes the plots in the Graph to resize incorrectly.
384987The PropertyChanged event does not occur when the Plot property of a XYCursor changes.
391307Changing the WPF Graph Annotation.InteractionMode from DragTarget at run time does not update the interaction mode of the Annotation.
338802Calling the ClearData method on the Windows Forms DigitalWaveformGraph control a second time on an empty graph causes the horizontal scrollbar to disappear.
352017The RangeLabelDivision.LabelPresenter property of the WPF Graph controls does not accept a single letter for a general formatter value.
359680The Snap and SnapPointer InteractionMode of the WPF Knob, Meter, Slider, and Tank controls do not work when the MechanicalAction property is set to SwitchUntilReleased..
359825The pointer on a WPF Slider control is cut off if the Slider is too small.
370833The needle of a WPF Gauge control can be dragged in either direction when the value is set to the minimum or maximum value and the ScaleArc property is set to the full 360 degrees.
373911Visual Studio crashes when the Instrument Driver Wizard attempts to load a function panel file (.fp) when an associated .sub file is encoded as unicode.
377450If you have a model assigned to the DataContext of a WPF Graph, and you try to bind a property on the model to a property on an Axis in the Graph, the binding will fail.
390494The WPF Graph control causes an application to hang if the AxisDivisions require more than 15 digits of precision.
Visual Studio Integration
111651The error, "Attempting to deserialize an empty stream", sometimes occurs when you attempt to build a Web Site project using Measurement Studio controls.
133332When the Windows Forms Designer and a source code window are both open, and the Windows Forms Designer is active, the Parameter Assistant does not restrict code from being inserted into the source file.
133413The Windows Forms Designer presents an error page stating that parts cannot be found.
33786Undo does not work for some Measurement Studio .NET properties when edited from the Microsoft Visual Studio Designer.
181843Dropping a Measurement Studio .NET control into a Visual Studio Web application at design time may result in an error.
211806Intellisense does not display help for methods containing a 2D array as a parameter for Visual C# projects in Visual Studio 2005.
216981Modifying a collection property of a .NET control from the Visual Studio Designer might not always work.
291673Adding a Measurement Studio control to a Web User Control in an ASP.NET Web application project might result in an error.
298877Adding Measurement Studio .NET 3.5 assemblies to an ASP.NET Web site that targets .NET 4.0 results in incorrect dependencies added to the project.
307898The Measurement Studio License Status dialog box sometimes displays a button named "Launch Product" instead of "Evaluate Products"
296833The Parameter Assistant throws an exception and does not respond when browsing Source URL for NI DataSocket.

IDKnown Issue

Matrix operations that utilize the Intel MKL on Windows have slight numerical difference between Measurement Studio 2009 and prior Measurement Studio versions.
Measurement Studio 2009 upgrades to use latest version of the Intel MKL library to accelerate linear algebra operations under the Windows operating system. Some functions in latest Intel MKL library return minor differences in the results than previous version of MKL due to different optimizations. This also results in slight numerical difference between Measurement Studio 2009 and previous versions of Measurement Studio. This affects Linear Alegbra functions and some Mathematics functions in LabWindows/CVI.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/01/2009

32-bit analysis and 64-bit analysis library results can have slight numerical differences

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: Unknown  Added: 04/15/2010

Calling Filter.Reset can change the characteristics of the filter.
This issue applies to all Filter.Reset methods.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/19/2011

The HarmonicAnalyzer method in the Analysis Spectral Measurement library throws an AccessViolationException regardless of the input.
This only occurs when using the overloaded HarmonicAnalyzer(Double[], Int32, Double, Double, Double[], Double[], Double) form of the method.The exception is not thrown for the other overloaded forms.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

Icons for DataSocket URLs do not display with the DataSocket.SelectUrl popup.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012
Deploying Applications

If you create a managed Visual C++ project using the Windows Application template, put a Measurement Studio .NET control on the form, and add a setup project to the solution using the primary output of the C++ project, you will receive a missing file error when you build.
This is only an issue for Visual Studio 2005.

Workaround: To work around this issue, do not use the primary output option for the setup project. Instead manually add the .exe and the required .msm files to the project.

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Uninstalling National Instruments products may also remove installed .NET applications that use National Instruments libraries.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/01/2009

The 64-bit Logos merge module does not contain the commands necessary to install necessary Logos services.

Workaround: If you are creating a 64-bit distribution that requires the Logos merge module, you must also include the 32-bit merge module in your distribution.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010

Custom install locations are ignored when National Instruments Merge Modules target is set to the Module Retargetable Folder.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012
Hardware Libraries

In some circumstances, you receive error, HRESULT E_FAIL, when using the DAQ Application Project Wizard.
When you use the DAQ Application Project Wizard within Visual Studio, Visual Studio occasionally gets into a state where it reports the following error: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has returned from a call to a COM component.

Workaround: Restart Visual Studio to fix this issue.

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Significant decrease in performance occurs when using NI-488.2 for Microsoft Windows and LabVIEW Real-Time
You might experience significant loss of GPIB performance after installing or updating NI software on systems using PCI, PCI Express, PMC, or PXI GPIB interface types or built-in interfaces on PXI and VXI controllers. All other GPIB interfaces are not affected. Refer to KnowledgeBase 54EF93G2 for more information about this issue.

Workaround: Refer to KnowledgeBase 54EF93G2 for more information about this issue.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: Unknown  Added: 01/08/2010

The Measurement Studio Help is not uninstalled when Measurement Studio has been uninstalled.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/18/2011

In some instances, running your Visual C++/CLI project results in unlicensed exceptions.
In Visual C++/CLI projects, when you drop a Measurement Studio control on a form, Visual Studio references the Measurement Studio assemblies from the GAC. If you select Measurement Studio»Refresh Project License File, the contents of the .licx file are cleared. Without the proper contents in the .licx file, running your project results in unlicensed exceptions.

Workaround: To refresh the .licx file, select Measurement Studio»View .NET Class Library Wizard. In the Measurement Studio .NET Class Library Wizard dialog box, deselect the Measurement Studio libraries and close the dialog box. Run the Measurement Studio .NET Class Library Wizard again and select the Measurement Studio libraries.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

The Evaluate Products button on the Measurement Studio Activation dialog box is not localized for non-English operating systems.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/22/2011

Measurement Studio shows expired license behavior after extending the evaluation period from 7 days to 45 days.
If the evaluation period is extended to 45 days after the 7-day evaluation period has expired, then Measurement Studio does not recognize the extended evaluation for up to an hour.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

Measurement Studio applications built with an Evaluation license may throw a LicenseException at run time.
This can occur after extending the evaluation from 7 days to 45 days. A patch is available for this issue through NI Update Service. 

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013
Network Variable

Network variable performance decreases when machines hosting the reader, writer, and variables are mixed between Logos and LogosXT.
Logos is the National Instruments proprietary protocol for inter-process communication that is used by NI-Publish Subscribe Protocol (psp:). Performance is especially degraded when the writer and network variable host use LogosXT and the reader that attempts to read the network variable uses Logos. This issue occurs for all reader classes.

Workaround: For optimum performance, National Instruments recommends that all machines accessing network variables, including the machine that hosts the variable, should use LogosXT. If using LogosXT on all machines is not possible, you should disable LogosXT. You disable LogosXT by adding a DWORD value named DisablePSPXT to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\LogosXT and setting its value to 1. If you must use a mix of Logos versions, you can reduce the performance loss by using Variable Manager. Use Variable Manager to configure a sufficiently large server-side buffer for the network variable.

Reported Version: 8.1.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Creating network variables causes a small memory leak
Creating a network variable using the ServerVariable.Create or ServerVariableInfo.Create methods results in a memory leak of approximately 50 bytes per variable that is created.

Workaround: Consider using implicitly created network variables if you are creating and deleting numerous variables over a long period of time.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

In some circumstances, the network variable class library deadlocks if you are stepping through code in a network variable class library event handler.
The network variable class library deadlocks if you are stepping through code in a network variable class library event handler and you are watching any of the following properties in the Debugger Watch Window:
  •  ConnectionStatus,
  •  NetworkVariableBufferedSubscriber.ItemCapacity,
  • NetworkVariableBufferedSubscriber.ItemCount,
  •  NetworkVariableBufferedWriter.ItemCapacity, or
  • NetworkVariableBufferedWriter.ItemCount.
When the Debugger evaluates properties in the Watch Window, it freezes all other threads except the currently executing thread. When the network variable thread is frozen, the network variable class library deadlocks.

Workaround: To work around this issue, do not add the properties listed above to the Watch Window when stepping through network variable event handler code.

Reported Version: 8.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Network Variable does not support variables with the Timestamp data type.
If you try to browse to a process that contains a variable with this data type, calls to GetSubItems() fail. As a result, you cannot browse for items in that process.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.1.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/01/2009

Waveform timing information is lost if a network variable with a waveform type is bound to a waveform graph.
The bound data is plotted based on the indices of the values, and not on the timing information associated with the waveform.

Workaround: Explicitly retrieve the data from the network variable using a NetworkVariableReader or NetworkVariableSubscriber.

Reported Version: 8.6.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010
Product Documentation

If you copy and paste dynamically filtered help content into a text editor, such as Microsoft Word, you may see content that applies to components not installed on your machine.
At page load time, Measurement Studio dynamically filters documentation based on the components or package you have installed. If you copy and paste dynamically filtered help content into a text editor, such as Microsoft Word, you may see content that applies to components not installed on your machine.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.1.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Links to hardware class library documentation may be broken if you do not have the latest hardware drivers installed.

Workaround: Use the Contents, Index, or Search tabs instead to find the topic.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008
User Interface

Mouse cursor changes to the default mouse cursor after zooming.
After zooming in on a waveform graph in a Measurement Studio .NET WebForms application, the mouse cursor changes to the default mouse cursor until you move the mouse.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Under some circumstances, plots with data that extend outside the plot area are clipped incorrectly.
As a result, part of the plot is not drawn. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem with clipping in the .NET Framework.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 7.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Editing an axis interactively and then calling PlotYAppend from the AutoRefresh callback with a fixed axis erases the previous committed axis value.

Workaround: Put the control inside an UpdatePanel and plot data using the timer tick event

Reported Version: 8.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Calling ShowDialog on a Windows Form that contains a property editor control might cause an InvalidCastException.
Calling ShowDialog on a Windows Form that contains a property editor control linked to a Measurement Studio .NET control from a non-UI thread causes an InvalidCastException.

Workaround: Use SetApartmentState() to set the ApartmentState of the thread created to ApartmentState.STA.

Reported Version: 8.1.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Measurement Studio UI controls that are part of a custom Web control do not display during design time.
This issue has been fixed with the release of Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

Workaround: Upgrade to Visual Studio 2008 SP1. The controls will display correctly at run time even without SP1.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 01/05/2009

Custom division labels may be clipped on the far right side of the x-axis of the intensity graph.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2010

Autoformatting a .NET waveform, scatter, complex, or intensity graph at design time removes captions from existing annotations.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010

The background of Measurement Studio .NET controls does not remain transparent when the controls are disabled.
When you disable a Measurement Studio control, even with the background color to transparent, the entire area of the control is grayed out when you run your program.

Workaround: Set the form background color to ButtonHighlight. This is the same color as the background color for the disabled control.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010

Zoom animation is drawn even when a .NET graph has not been added to a Windows Form.
The following code reproduces this behavior:
WaveformGraph g = new WaveformGraph();
g.XAxes.Add(new XAxis());
g.YAxes.Add(new YAxis());
g.ZoomXY(0, 0, 0.1f, 0.1f);

Workaround: If the graph does not belong to a Windows Form, turn off zoom animation with the ZoomAnimation property before zooming.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010

Vertical captions on Measurement Studio controls do not display correctly in some languages, such as Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/22/2011

Building a Measurement Studio ASP.NET Web Forms project fails on computers with United States Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) enabled.
This issue only exists in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008. For more information on FIPS, refer to Microsoft KB 811833.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/18/2011

When drawing very thick plot lines on a Measurement Studio .NET graph, the line can draw incorrectly.
Visible glitching can occur when the plot lines are thick enough.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/18/2011

Measurement Studio ActiveX controls cause all controls to not anchor to right side of form.
This only occurs if the applications startup WindowState is set to Maximized.

Workaround: Start the application with the WindowState set to Normal, then programmatically change the WindowsState to Maximized in the Form constructor.

Reported Version: 8.1.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/21/2012

The Windows Forms ScatterGraph displays a red "x" when out of memory, but does not throw an exception.
Under rare conditions, an OutOfMemory exception can occur while .NET asynchronously redraws a control.

Workaround: If you call the Graph.ClearData() method, the graph returns to a normal state.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/21/2012

Windows Forms Plot3DMesh causes an exception when run multiple times with a large number of points.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.1.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/21/2012

If you set the WebForms InteractionMouseCursor property through the designer, the page does not save when using certain controls.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

Changing the RangeAdjuster on a WPF Graph does not cause an immediate update.

Workaround: Call the Refresh method of the Graph to force the update to occur.

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

If the WPF Graph does not contain data, the zoom operation on the WPF Graph does nothing.
This is true for both interactive and programmatic zooming.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

The WPF Meter control pointer base may be clipped under certain layout scenarios.
Depending on the size of the control and its location in the layout, the round base of the Meter pointer may appear cut off along the bottom edge.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

The Windows Forms NumericEdit control does not initialize to a NaN value.

Workaround: Set the value of the NumericEdit control to double.NaN after the InitializeComponents method is called.

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

ScaleArc properties on WPF gauge and meter controls throw an exception when the default value is modified at run time.

Workaround: Set the ScaleArc property of the control to a new ScaleArc object.

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

You cannot interact with annotations on a WPF Graph that fall behind a plot that uses an AreaPlotRenderer.
This behavior occurs even if the Graph fill is set to Transparent.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

When using an AxisDateTime or AxisPrecisionDateTime axis on a WPF Graph control, FitLoosely has the same behavior as FitExactly.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

Range annotations compress when dragged outside the range of the WPF Graph.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/30/2012

The Zoom method for the WPF PolarGraph control throws an exception.
This method is not available for the WPF PolarGraph control.

Workaround: Modify the RadiusAxis using the EditRange interaction.

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/30/2012

The SetDataPosition method of a WPF Cursor does not update the position of the cursor.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

The WPF Meter control may disappear the data type changes.
If the Meter control is changed to a data type in which the current range is invalid, the Meter control may disappear.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

Appending data to a cloned WaveformPlot object causes a NullReferenceException to be thrown.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

WPF Graph annotations are not hit-testable.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

The WPF Graph control throws an InvalidOperationException when moving a cursor between two plots when embedded in a user control.
This only occurs when the control is embedded in a user control.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

An exception is thrown when setting the GraphBase.DataSource property of the WPF Graph to null.
If the DataSource property of a WPF Graph control is assigned an enumerable object of observable data types, such as an IList<ChartCollection<double>>, and then you assign null to the DataSource property and update the observable collections, the Graph will display data from the observable collections. If the collections are empty when you assign null to DataSource, then an out-of-range exception is thrown when you access a missing plot in the AllPlots object.

Workaround: Don't assign null to the DataSource property. Instead, call the Clear method on each ChartCollection object.

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

Removing multiple plots or data items from the WPF Graph control causes the Graph state to become corrupted.

Workaround: Store the plots or data items that are not being removed in an array, then clear the graph using the Graph.Data.Clear and Graph.Plots.Clear methods. Then, restore the plots and data items in the Graph using the Graph.Data.AddRange and Graph.Plots.AddRange methods.

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

Initializing the Graph.Plots and GraphBase.Data of the WPF Graph control with items in the code behind causes the plots in the Graph to resize incorrectly.
The plots in the Graph remain in place, relative to the lower-left corner of the Graph.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

The PropertyChanged event does not occur when the Plot property of a XYCursor changes.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/24/2013

Changing the WPF Graph Annotation.InteractionMode from DragTarget at run time does not update the interaction mode of the Annotation.
If the InteractionMode is initially set to DragLabel or None, then the interaction mode can be updated.

Workaround: Set the new value of the InteractionMode property, then remove and re-add the annotation from the Graph control. annotation.InteractionMode = AnnotationInteractionModes.None; graph.Children.Remove( annotation ); graph.Children.Add( annotation );

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/28/2013

Calling the ClearData method on the Windows Forms DigitalWaveformGraph control a second time on an empty graph causes the horizontal scrollbar to disappear.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/01/2013

The RangeLabelDivision.LabelPresenter property of the WPF Graph controls does not accept a single letter for a general formatter value.
A single letter will not display any value. Multiple letters will display correctly.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/01/2013

The Snap and SnapPointer InteractionMode of the WPF Knob, Meter, Slider, and Tank controls do not work when the MechanicalAction property is set to SwitchUntilReleased..

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/01/2013

The pointer on a WPF Slider control is cut off if the Slider is too small.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/01/2013

The needle of a WPF Gauge control can be dragged in either direction when the value is set to the minimum or maximum value and the ScaleArc property is set to the full 360 degrees.
When the ScaleArc is the full 360 degrees, the min and max shared the same mapping on the Gauge. If the InteractionMode property is set to Drag, the user can drag the needle in either direction from the min and max value position. The value of the Gauge may be the max value, but the needle can be dragged in the direction of the min value and vice versa.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 03/01/2013

Visual Studio crashes when the Instrument Driver Wizard attempts to load a function panel file (.fp) when an associated .sub file is encoded as unicode.

Workaround: Convert the .sub file to an ASCII encoding.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 03/01/2013

If you have a model assigned to the DataContext of a WPF Graph, and you try to bind a property on the model to a property on an Axis in the Graph, the binding will fail.

Workaround: Use a StaticResource for the Source of the Range Binding.

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/01/2013

The WPF Graph control causes an application to hang if the AxisDivisions require more than 15 digits of precision.
If an Axis contains a WPF Graph control that is configured to use auto-generated divisions on the axis and uses a Range where intermediate divisions require more than 15 digits of precision, the application will hang.

Workaround: Do not set the RangeLabeledDivisions.Mode property to Auto.

Reported Version: 2012  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/01/2013
Visual Studio Integration

The error, "Attempting to deserialize an empty stream", sometimes occurs when you attempt to build a Web Site project using Measurement Studio controls.
On Microsoft Windows Vista x64, when using Visual Studio 2008 without Service Pack 1 installed, the error "Attempting to deserialize an empty stream" occurs when you attempt to build a Web Site project using Measurement Studio controls.

Workaround: Upgrade Visual Studio 2008 to Service Pack 1.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

When the Windows Forms Designer and a source code window are both open, and the Windows Forms Designer is active, the Parameter Assistant does not restrict code from being inserted into the source file.
Instead, code is inserted into the source file at the last cursor location, which might have been changed by the Windows Forms Designer.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 7.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

The Windows Forms Designer presents an error page stating that parts cannot be found.
If your project references NationalInstruments.UI.WindowsForms, but does not reference the assemblies it depends on, there are circumstances in which the Windows Forms Designer presents an error page stating that parts cannot be found. This occurs when the Windows Forms Designer re-parses its generated code and is unable to resolve references to types that are in the assemblies that NationalInstruments.UI.WindowsForms depends on.

Workaround: To fix this problem, add project references to NationalInstruments.UI and NationalInstruments.Common. Measurement Studio does this for you automatically, so you see this issue only if you disable Measurement Studio integration features in Visual Studio.

Reported Version: 7.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2008

Undo does not work for some Measurement Studio .NET properties when edited from the Microsoft Visual Studio Designer.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Designer and will possibly fix the issue in a future update or version.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 01/30/2009

Dropping a Measurement Studio .NET control into a Visual Studio Web application at design time may result in an error.
Dropping a .NET control without adding a reference to NationalIntruments.UI results in an error. Note that the Web.Config file and the license files are updated, but the references in the project file are not.

Workaround: Manually add the reference by selecting the Measurement Studio»Add/Remove .NET Class Libraries menu item in Visual Studio.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/01/2009

Intellisense does not display help for methods containing a 2D array as a parameter for Visual C# projects in Visual Studio 2005.
Measurement Studio methods taking a 2D array as a parameter do not display help for the parameters in the Intellisense for Visual C# projects in Visual Studio 2005.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2009  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010

Modifying a collection property of a .NET control from the Visual Studio Designer might not always work.
For example if you modify the CustomDivisions collection of a component in the Visual Studio Designer, such as XAxis that is included in a collection, such as Plots, the modifications are not saved.

Workaround: When using the Visual Studio Designer, modify collections only from the component that contains them.

Reported Version: 8.6  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/03/2010

Adding a Measurement Studio control to a Web User Control in an ASP.NET Web application project might result in an error.
The reported error states: The control cannot be displayed because its TagPrefix is not registered in this Web Form .

Workaround: Before adding any controls to your ASP.NET Web application project, add references to the NationalInstruments.WebForms assembly. You add references by selecting Measurement Studio»Add/Remove .NET Class Libraries.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/19/2011

Adding Measurement Studio .NET 3.5 assemblies to an ASP.NET Web site that targets .NET 4.0 results in incorrect dependencies added to the project.
The .NET 4.0 versions of the assemblies are added, and the .licx file is updated with .NET 4.0 licenses.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/19/2011

The Measurement Studio License Status dialog box sometimes displays a button named "Launch Product" instead of "Evaluate Products"

Workaround: Select "Launch Products". The dialog box behavior is the same, regardless of the button text.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/19/2011

The Parameter Assistant throws an exception and does not respond when browsing Source URL for NI DataSocket.
The Parameter Assistant does not close after the exception is thrown.

Workaround: Close Visual Studio and reopen it. The Parameter Assistant will open again, but will be functional.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/21/2012

Document last updated on 3/14/2013

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).