Archived: TestStand 2010 and 2010 SP1 Known Issues

NI does not actively maintain this document.

This content provides support for older products and technology, so you may notice outdated links or obsolete information about operating systems or other relevant products.


This document contains the TestStand 2010 and 2010 SP1 known issues that were discovered before and since the release of TestStand 2010 and 2010 SP1. Not every issue known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that can be encountered.

Each Issue appears as a row in the table and includes these fields:

  • Issue ID - the number at the top of each of the cells in the first column. When you report an issue to NI, you may be given this ID, you can also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in Knowledge Base articles.
  • Legacy ID (optional) -  If an issue has a legacy ID from NI's legacy/deprecated bug reporting database, you will see it appear on a separate line directly below the Issue ID in the table, or to the right of the Issue ID in the table of contents (separated by a space).
  • Issue Title: in italics - it describes the issue in one sentence or less
  • Problem Description - a few sentences which describe the problem in further detail. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail, and it is expected that you might want more information on an issue. If you would like more information on an issue feel free to contact NI (contact information below) and reference the ID number given in the document.
  • Workaround - possible ways to work around the problem. The workarounds that appear in the document are not always tested by NI and are not guaranteed to resolve the issue. If a workaround refers you to the NI KnowledgeBase, please visit and enter that KB number in the search field to locate the specific document.
  • Reported Version - the earliest version of TestStand the issue was reported in. If you discover the issue appears in an earlier version of TestStand than is reported in this field, you can report that to NI (contact information below) to have the field updated.
  • Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. If an issue has not been resolved "N/A" will be reported.
  • Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not necessarily the reported date)


Document Organization:

The Known Issues Document is divided into two separate tables appearing in two separate Developer Zone documents. The following document displays the issues by issue category.

Known Issues by Date
For those who wish to locate the newly reported issues, we have also published another version of the known issues table sorted only by date the issue was added to the document.


Contacting NI

Feel free to contact NI regarding this document or issues in the document. If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID number given in the document to the NI representative. The ID number contains the current issue ID number as well as the legacy ID number (use the current ID number when contacting National Instruments). You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Also consider contacting us if you find a workaround for an issue that is not listed in the document so that we can add the workaround to the document.


Known Issues by Category

The following items are known issues in TestStand 2012 & 2012 SP1 sorted by Category.

.NET Adapter
139737Cannot create or edit code of a struct using the .NET Adapter
290991When you use LabVIEW or .NET code modules, the additional results feature does not log all elements
298630The .NET Adapter does not display static methods an inherited class defines
322670.NET steps might encounter a deadlock when the constructor uses the TestStand API in a parameter expression
334136TestStand does not release .NET object references you pass as parameters to new executions until the execution is destroyed
359373You cannot close the Type Properties dialog box after you rapidly click the Specify Module button on the Substeps tab
354252An error can occur when you simultaneously modify the invocations of multiple .NET code modules
356700Closing Microsoft Visual Studio after you debug .NET code from TestStand prevents the Visual Studio process from exiting
202206Error -17500 occurs when you execute .NET code modules that deserialize types
ActiveX/COM Adapter
44060 4GQ7M6JOCannot specify an underlying data type when passing a variant parameter using the ActiveX/COM Adapter or API in expressions
C/C++ DLL Adapter
157130Verify Prototype option for the LabWindows/CVI and C/C++ DLL Adapters incorrectly includes the expression value in an array parameter prototype
255602C/C++ DLL Adapter Create and Edit Code features return errors for functions that specify an array parameter
297248The Log option in the Parameters Table for complex number parameters in C/C++ DLL steps can behave erratically
107649Logging binary data to a database from a large number of sockets might return an out-of-memory error
341273On-the-fly database logging might return an error when you execute a sequence that uses a Sequence Call step to create a new thread that collects results
359126Memory usage can increase when you use the SQL Server Stored Proc schema with the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
357315An error can occur when you log binary data to an Oracle database
File Differ
247533Selecting Goto Location for a sequence file you have diffed that has not been saved to disk opens a second copy of the sequence file
253897Closing multiple TestStand File Diff/Merge application instances on Windows 7 with the Close All Windows taskbar option sometimes results in an error
299368The TestStand File/Diff Merge application does not support diffing station global variables
164423Uninstalling TestStand 2.0 from a computer with TestStand 4.x installed removes NI Session Manager files.
164424Installing IVI components from TestStand 2.0 after installing IVI components from TestStand 4.0 causes errors
172792Uninstalling a TestStand deployment leaves the TestStand Engine and other additional components on the system
100053Enumerations with the same name as a constant show as an error
101510LabVIEW user interface reports object leaks on shutdown when using ActiveX Variants in ActiveX callbacks
125375LabVIEW user interface freezes when you move splitter bars
125576ExpressionEdit controls on LabVIEW front panels do not release keyboard focus
164429LabVIEW User Interface executables that do not use TestStand UI Controls might hang when launched
164430Calling a LabVIEW-built DLL from the user interface thread that create the TestStand engine might cause the application to hang
41665 4DQCFCB8LabVIEW 8.5 or later returns a warning when you load the LabVIEW Simple User Interface example
48357 3RFG3UM0Cannot browse to a VI if the VI filename includes multibyte characters
49481 3Z4EURMFLabVIEW user interface beeps when using menu accelerator keys
49503 3ZCDRG77Cannot use LabVIEW RTE to load a VI without saving the library
49856 41AHCIMFTestStand UI Controls do not process some key strokes in LabVIEW user interfaces
50897 46PA3DMFHelp Topic menu item is disabled
51491 480JGC00LabVIEW user interface appears hung when Property Leak Report dialog box displays behind application
51752 491GSRM0VI breakpoint does not bring the VI window to front
158407LabVIEW VI Server Exported VIs Setting Might Be Modified By Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit (DETT) 1.0
136507You cannot toggle the Show VI Front Panel When Called option when the Run VI on Remote Computer option is enabled
148697LabVIEW user interface might hang when using LabVIEW events
153518Configuring the Formula Express VI in a TestStand step results in error tones
153853Create VI button on the LabVIEW Module tab or the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box does not create a VI in an LLB
158938Cannot pass struct containing an array of structs into a DLL built with LabVIEW
160210TestStand Deployment Utility might appear to hang when building if the LabVIEW Build Specifications dialog box is open
161523Arrays passed from LabVIEW to TestStand are transposed
179186Configuring a MessagePopup step as a Modal or Floating popup hangs subsequent LabVIEW steps for which you enabled the Show VI Front Panel When Called option
184366Clicking the Create Custom Data Type button on the LabVIEW Module tab for a cluster that contains unknown types results in an error
188059The LabVIEWModule.ExpressVIName property does not update to match the Express VI title when a different configuration changes the title
188119TestStand is a 32-bit application and has limited support for LabVIEW 64-bit
190260Calling and unloading an assembly more than once crashes TestStand if the assembly is built with LabVIEW 2009
191678When you use LabVIEW 2009 to build the LabVIEW Simple User Interface, the user interface remains open if you do not move the mouse after closing the user interface
191741Clicking a LabVIEW step when TestStand is configured to use the LabVIEW 7.1.1 Run-Time Engine results in a Fatal Error: "LABVIEW.LIB could not locate "FResDir""
203643Using TestStand to open a VI in a newer version of LabVIEW might leak a handle to the VI and prevent you from saving the VI
250131LabVIEW code module front panels might update slowly when you use TestStand Start and End Modal Dialog VIs
253952Passing LabVIEW Class references from step to step can crash LabVIEW
233755Loading a VI that calls a .NET assembly fails when using Turkish regional settings
245655Cannot call VIs from LabVIEW packed project libraries when the full path of the VI is longer than the maximum path length
254553TestStand might become unresponsive while LabVIEW launches a prompt to save a VI
279822TestStand appears to hang when LabVIEW search dialog box does not come to front when browsing for a VI that is missing subVIs
290616The LabVIEW Adapter might exhibit unexpected edit-time issues if the most recent installation of LabVIEW is a version TestStand no longer supports
306422Manually exiting LabVIEW after executing a VI from TestStand might result in LabVIEW load error code 23
310671Unable to load a LabVIEW .NET interop assembly when TestStand loads the .NET CLR 4.0
310030Passing a binary string to TestStand from a LabVIEW code module results in different behavior based on the configuration of the LabVIEW Adapter
206259The LabVIEW Adapter does not coerce out-of-range values you pass to an enumeration parameter in a LabVIEW code module
284675The LabVIEW Adapter ignores the code and message fields of an error out parameter of a substep when the occurred field is set to False
290991When you use LabVIEW or .NET code modules, the additional results feature does not log all elements
290994TestStand does not include LabVIEW code module parameters with the Default option enabled in additional results
307558Timestamps returned from a LabVIEW code module might specify incorrect values
316995TestStand hangs when executing a VI that uses shared variables and when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
317305LabVIEW code modules with an input parameter with a default value of INF or NaN can cause a module load error
341219You cannot use a Wait step to access the results for a Run VI Asynchronously step
359373You cannot close the Type Properties dialog box after you rapidly click the Specify Module button on the Substeps tab
360969An Index was out of range error occurs after you select certain parameters and then select another step
361649LabVIEW code modules with a TDMS file reference in the connector pane can cause a generic error
217346Changing the size of a two-dimensional array in a LabVIEW code module can cause TestStand to crash
363405TestStand incorrectly assigns timestamp data passed from and to a LabVIEW code module
303452Logging reference parameters in a LabVIEW step can cause an error
339699TestStand cannot find VIs in a packed project library that specifies a file path that includes multibyte characters
364787TestStand cannot find VIs in a packed project library that specifies a file path that includes multibyte characters
385360The Number of Threads option in the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box can change each time you relaunch the dialog box
253149TestStand does not recognize changes to parameter settings in VI code modules
295614Using a LabVIEW Project reference parameter in a LabVIEW code module can cause a run-time error
381085Update VI Calls dialog box does not update code modules a Run VI Asynchronously step calls
390139VIs in a LabVIEW project saved in the instr.lib directory fail to load when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
397930Enabling the Logging option for subproperties of a dynamic data type parameter causes a TestStand crash
407194LabVIEW Run-Time Engine number of threads setting is not respected
414363TestStand User Interfaces Appear to Hang on Shutdown after Executing VI code modules in certain run-time engine versions
129574Exiting an external instance of LabWindows/CVI on Windows Vista returns an error
129603Executing LabWindows/CVI code modules in an external instance can leak memory
129627Specifying an enumeration in a LabWindows/CVI module displays an incorrect name
36951 49GAQ5G0Error when loading a TestStand 4.0 or later user interface when TestStand 3.5 is the active version
39257 48IACA9QReload Prototype button remains dimmed after building a DLL
171168Installing LabWindows/CVI 9.0 Run-Time Engine can break TestStand 3.5 deployed components
213984LabWindows/CVI Adapter does not properly recognize struct parameters when the function name begins with an uppercase letter
218283Edit Code operation might navigate to the wrong location in a LabWindows/CVI source file
317729Changes to enumeration values in LabWindows/CVI code modules are not reflected in steps that call the code modules
381096Additional results logging setting for parameters in LabWindows/CVI or C/C++ DLL steps update incorrectly when you change how the parameter is passed
Microsoft Visual Studio
109366Calling a .NET module as an OnNewStep custom substep can error
127991Receiving UI events in a .NET class that is not created in the UI thread might cause errors
164428Clicking a TestStand UI Control in a custom .NET user control might cause Microsoft Visual Studio to crash
164431Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 might crash when viewing a form in Design view after rebuilding a solution that uses TestStand UI controls
41350 4D6GIVRACannot edit Visual Basic .NET projects when a function contains an array parameter
48970 3WIAETIFTestStand ActiveX controls can become invisible in the Visual Studio designer
51176 478CHKRAError when selecting a Button image
51321 47JBHTIAMFC-based TestStand User Interfaces can crash when used with the Microsoft Team Foundation Server SCC provider
52829 4CGDKAB8.NET user interfaces shut down without prompting to save
98055Stepping into a C++ or .NET code might result in an error
98173Using Step Out within Visual Studio might cause a warning
158302Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 might hang while debugging a TestStand User Interface when loading symbols for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
158838Microsoft Visual Studio always uses the help for the latest version of TestStand if more than one version of TestStand is installed
250286devenv.exe process continues to run after you close Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 using the close (X) button
287170You might receive Error 1 "Interop Type Cannot Be Embedded" when you reference the TestStand API in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
303631Attempting to build a TestStand User Interface in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 might result in an error when you target the .NET Framework 2.0–3.5
100723Loading a type with a reference to itself causes a crash
101285Configure operation for an IVI Dmm step might fail when using the Temperature Measurement extension
102490Break on First Step incorrectly causes Step Into
124968Error when running two instances of the Java example step type asynchronously
125444Saving a sequence file as TestStand 3.0 or earlier might cause type conflicts
128019Workspace File Documentation tool incorrectly specifies a modification date for VIs in LLBs
164437Internet Explorer control TestStand uses might leak handles or crash if the control cannot find the XML style sheet
164491ActiveX EXE servers that launch dialog boxes can cause TestStand to hang if TestStand also launches a dialog box
35081 47DD4PIAAn incorrect prompt to reload files might appear when you use source code control
35247 46REB4YLError when checking out a project file
41115 4D59O7YLHTML reports do not display correctly in Mozilla Firefox
45334 4I5A0FOSTurning off BSTR cache causes IVI error
48066 3PIA7EYLAutomatically setting up a remote execution does not work for non-English Windows XP SP2 operating systems
48272 3QG976G0Incorrect suspension location when disabling tracing into callbacks
50593 45KK5S00File dialog box can leak a USER object
50996 46Q8EUIAIVI Fgen step might not store waveform data
51040 4759DCB8Incorrect execution arrow position when interactively executing steps
51161 47BK2TUZSequenceFilePreInteractive and SequenceFilePostInteractive callbacks do not execute when run interactively
51295 47891JJ6Property Object leak occurs when calling a remote sequence that errors
51427 47TD3KB8Incorrect suspension point when stepping out of a client sequence file
52274 4AJA99YLSaving a sequence file with Wait steps as TestStand 2.0.1 or earlier might result in an error
96016Legend in the Sequence Hierarchy window is cut off
132872Property Loader step does not resize arrays when loading properties
132943XML Packaging Utility fails on a multibyte operating system with English (US) regional settings
141627HTML, XML, and ATML reports do not preserve formatting when displaying string values that contain LF('\n'), CRLF('\r\n'), or whitespace characters
143996Ignoring unique step IDs with the TestStand Differ application does not ignore unique IDs in expressions
149883Importing a property from a .xls file using a Property Loader step does not import the full property value if the cell contains comma
150427Switching from a literal path to an expression in the Configure Call Executable dialog box does not refresh the found path display
153401HTML report generated on-the-fly incorrectly indents steps placed after a skipped Sequence Call step in a group
159453Loading a TestStand 2.0 sequence file that contains ActiveX Adapter steps results in an error after running a user interface in LabVIEW more than once
159809Import/Export Properties dialog box does not persist some settings
188160Setting the HTBasic Working Directory option to "Subroutine file directory" on the HTBasic Module tab or in the HTBasic Adapter Configuration dialog box does not properly set the HTBasic working directory
189528Perforce 2009.1 and 2009.2 client causes TestStand to crash when closing a workspace file
192247When you enable On-The-Fly reporting and TestStand records a result after the MainSequence completes, the report shows the UUTStatus as "Running"
198622TestStand shows the Report Tab after an execution completes for ASCII and HTML report formats even when you disable report generation
205554Microsoft Windows 7 Most Recently Used (MRU) list for pinned TestStand application includes all files opened with the Open File dialog box
213835Using foreign characters in XML report style sheets might result in errors during report generation
216539Using the Property Loader step to import two or more step properties with the same name but different type or representation results in a type mistmatch error
301259TestStand 2010 SP1 Migration Utility does not support redirecting paths that exist within a string when the string is not a valid path
302929The Update VI Calls tool fails when you update the Report Express VI
35026 47LCM4G0On-the-fly database logging leaks memory when an execution repeatedly creates new threads
35172 482KEHIASelecting the Undo Check Out option from the Workspace pane context menu to revert a workspace does not prompt you to reload modified projects
37637 3T9BCN6IWhen you select Save All after you add a file to a TestStand project, the project does not save
360245The TestStand Sequence Analyzer does not honor code module load and unload settings
363354The TestStand Sequence Analyzer reports an internal error when analyzing expressions with an incorrectly indexed array
363524The += operator might not function correctly for appending elements to an array
312695The Tcl example step might return error -14004 when executed from TestStand
345032TestStand cannot save a TestStand Sequence Analyzer project file if the file specifies the Hidden attribute in the Windows file system
214265Launching the Resource Usage Profiler causes TestStand to crash if search directories reference another TestStand version
327928TestStand does not update to display changes to switch configuration
365348The UUT Information dialog box for the Parallel process model incorrectly restricts certain users from terminating or aborting test sockets
366317Property Loader step incorrectly imports strings that contain commas when you use a comma delimiter
35009 47FEKD00On-the-fly reporting leaks memory when an execution repeatedly creates new threads
35106 47FE0BG0Incorrect indentation might occur when you generate a report on-the-fly
41730 4DQDAQYLGenerating reports on-the-fly with asynchronous threads might cause an error
43782 4GGCQA00Module execution times are not included in an XML report
242364TestStand incorrectly formats the report for a post action of a step that calls a sequence
244953TestStand incorrectly formats reports when Sequence Call steps loop and you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option
250975The XML report header incorrectly displays Test Socket Index for sequential execution when you set the Numeric Format report option to Hexadecimal, Octal, or Binary
301515On-the-fly reports do not contain a failure chain section
305551Question mark characters appear in ATML reports instead of indentation spaces when you use the TR_horizontal.xsl style sheet
316633The Expand/Collapse All Loop Indices button does not function for XML reports that use the report.xsl style sheet
357253Results do not display in an ATML report for a post action of a step that calls a sequence
46782 314DQ9MTTestStand does not call the ModifyReportHeader and ModifyReportFooter callbacks when you generate reports on-the-fly
206892Enabling the Log option in the VI Parameter Table does not function correctly for some LabVIEW data types
357691ATML reports generated on non-English operating systems contain an improperly formatted start date
224640Terminated subsequences called in a new execution have a status of Passed
322859The TS.StartTime property is incorrect when used with remote instances of the TestStand Engine
347289XML reports might display an incorrect number of results and incorrect failure chain information
367731When you specify a report path by expression, the <Unique> macro does not function if the path does not exist
TestStand Deployment Utility
52184 4ADMCJ77Building a deployment before LabVIEW completely launches might cause an error
135514 415AQUM0TestStand Deployment Utility deploys files to an incorrect location if a file path contains multibyte characters and the installation language does not match the target computer language
141991TestStand Deployment Utility does not adequately document error codes -40 and -30
151624Deploying VIs in a LabVIEW class might not correctly link dependencies
152924Deploying files after moving a .tsd file and unchecking files for deployment might change the deployment destination directories or truncate filenames
172759Including the LabVIEW 8.5.1 _exclsub.llb file in a TestStand workspace along with a sequence file that contains a LabVIEW 8.5.1 code module that calls the Report Generation Express VI results in a TestStand Deployment Utility build error
172793Leaving the Default Installation Subdirectory field empty in the Installer Options tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility results in a build error
182127The TestStand Deployment Utility assigns the same default destination directory for two files with the same filename and file hierarchy but located on different drives
191976TestStand Deployment Utility does not properly update TestStand Deployment (TSD) file paths that contain user names when you move the files and a different user loads the TSD file
192254Destination directories for files you do not select in the TestStand Deployment Utility appear distorted when you convert TestStand Deployment files from an older version of TestStand to a newer version
219779TestStand Deployment Utility merges CommonResults type during build without prompts
207845Using the horizontal scrollbar in the deployment utility prevents you from selecting files
252650July 29, 2012TestStand Deployment Utility does not update the workspace path if you save the deployment and workspace files to the desktop then move the files
253682The TestStand Deployment Utility might include the .NET Framework 2.0 in an installer even when you disable the Include .NET Framework 2.0 in Installer Engine option
276342TestStand Deployment Utility fails when you build a Packed Project Library with source if a project with the same path is already in memory
277685The deployment utility returns an incorrect error when the path to a LabVIEW packed project library source file is too long
277891TestStand Deployment Utility returns an error when building if the TestStand directory and its VIs do not exist in the vi.lib\addons directory
333714TestStand User Interfaces might contain blank VariablesView controls or return an unhandled error on the computer to which you deployed the test system
301234The deployment utility might encounter errors when deploying locked VIs when you enable the Apply New Password option
312382Errors can occur when you set VI destinations to LLBs and you enable the Output VIs to a Packed Project Library option
317336The Specify Configuration Directory option does not function in the TestStand 2010 SP1 Deployment Utility
249171A warning can occur when you build a deployment that includes VIs that contain unsupported Microsoft Windows characters
276637TestStand Deployment Utility returns a non-descriptive error when the LabVIEW Application Builder in unlicensed
387069TestStand Deployment Utility can create multiple copies of DLL files that LabVIEW code modules reference
389135In the TestStand Deployment Utility, changing the installation directory of a LabVIEW packed project library causes settings to change
357522LabVIEW can crash when building a deployment with destination VI paths exceeding 255 characters
410806Deployment does not include unused packed project libraries within a library when you enable the Include All Files in LabVIEW Project option
TestStand Engine
131253You cannot use variables with the same name as an expression constant in an expression
131559When a run-time error occurs in a step, the module is not unloaded from memory when you select the Unload after step executes option
135202TestStand returns the error "The TestStand service did not start up promptly" when you launch the sequence editor or a user interface
144062Calling the Module.CreateCode or Step.CreateCode methods on a .NET step or module returns an error if the methods are called from a non-STA thread
155319PropertyObject leaks or hangs occur on a TestStand remote sequence execution server if a sequence file has a SequenceFileUnload callback
167667Clicking Yes in the "Do you want to close all opened document windows?" dialog box after you close a workspace file prevents any open sequence files from reloading when you reopen the workspace
185097Configuring a SequenceCall step to launch a new execution from within the SequenceFileLoad Engine Callback hangs the SequenceFileLoad execution when you load the sequence file
200279Using the TestStand Seconds Function or Wait Step might result in incorrect elapsed time
207535Using the RunEntryPoint command-line argument returns an error when the entry point you specify is defined in the process model associated with the sequence file but not in the station model
222618Cleanup step post action that jumps to Main step group causes infinite loop when you terminate the sequence
232693Batch synchronization behaves incorrectly when you set a SequenceCall step and the steps within the subsequence to serial batch synchronization
235098Performing a Step Into operation on a step might step into subsequences that pre-step or post-step Engine callbacks call
248782Custom type container becomes incompatible with its own type when you use a field of the custom type container as the current element of a For Each loop
250674Making the return value of the PropertyObject.GetValVariant method a 64-bit integer causes an edit-time error
250700Message Popup step leaks memory when you enable Display Image or Web Page option
251806TestStand attempts to step into the Determine Report File Path C/C++ DLL step after stepping out of a PreUUT callback
254341Creating an attribute for a parameter of a substep code module results in an error
254771FTP Files step type does not use the current sequence file directory search path to determine a relative path when browsing for files
298378TestStand Engine File dialog box does not display correctly and is unusable when you set the font size to 150% DPI on Windows 7
305733Performing a Flush or GetStatus operation on a global TestStand queue might return error -17500
306233Disabling the Edit Module Prototype option for a step type might not restrict changes to the module of a step instance
283247Viewing expression steps with a large number of comma-separated statements can cause TestStand to stop responding
316288Using the <Esc> key or closing the Run-Time Error dialog box causes the execution to pause
335596Passing a value of 0 for the subProperty parameter of the PropertyObject.InsertSubProperty method causes TestStand to stop responding
349971Boolean logic might return an incorrect result when you use constant values for both operands
360098The Sequence.GetEffectiveType method returns incorrect values when called from a running sequence
360746A type conflict can occur when you save a sequence file after you change the station model
361039Terminating a remote Call Executable step might cause a system-level error
334986LabVIEW Edit substeps do not support LabVIEW class output parameters
347220Modifying properties within an ExpressionEdit control on the Module tab of the Step Settings pane for a LabVIEW Edit substep can cause TestStand to hang
51052 473EH1YLYou receive an error when you attempt to directly pass TestStand API objects to a sequence you call on a remote computer
311855The default UUT data type does not provide a Part Number field
346934The comparison function can yield different results when operands are swapped if one operand is zero
371724TestStand crashes upon launch on Windows 8 if installed before the .NET 3.5 Framework
334946TestStand hangs when you use modal dialog boxes in a LabWindows/CVI or LabVIEW code module
358061Dialog boxes generated in new executions do not display when created within a remote engine
402410Loading the module of a sequence call step using the API results in an error in certain cases
405812Type errors might occur when loading a more recent version of a type that is stored only in a sequence file
TestStand Sequence Editor
104628Some dynamically defined toolbar items disappear on refresh
164425Sequence editor caches Execution windows
164426Selecting the Show Differences option in the Workspace pane context menu can result in a hang if source code control diff or merge utilities are not installed
42416 4ETBRHYLStep Type Menu Editor dialog box displays an error and closes when dragging groups quickly with the mouse
51030 46PDBH77Selecting different steps is slow when a very large array is expanded on the Variables pane
51062 46QAPEG0You cannot view the Sequence Properties or Sequence File Properties dialog boxes without unlocking a file first
51293 477DFO9QProperty object leaks reported when closing the TestStand Sequence Editor from the Windows taskbar
51301 47DDCJ77Variables pane incorrectly highlights an expression property in red
51578 47RDI9YLCreate Custom Data Type from Cluster dialog box appears multiple times when multiple steps are selected
137446Double-clicking a Sequence Call step that calls a sequence in a new file does not scroll the Sequences pane if the new sequence file is not already open
139956TestStand User Interfaces do not reload a process model if it is modified on disk while loaded into memory
148181Variables pane can become hidden or partially covered when you auto-hide it and then remove the auto-hide
153495Syncing files with a source code control system from the TestStand File/Diff Merge application in the sequence editor returns an error
157583Undoing changes from the Update Automation Identifiers tool makes all steps in the selected sequence disappear
51939 49O5JI9QTestStand Sequence Editor seems to hang when launching the Customize Toolbar dialog box after changing the number of monitors in the system
193751Using a LabVIEW Edit substep to remove an element from a TestStand array while elements of that array are visible on the Variables pane causes an error on the Variables pane
248968Watch View pane returns an error when you drag an object held by a reference onto the pane
253099The Watch View pane might not refresh all watch expressions
313685The RunState.IsEditor property evaluates to False in the SequenceFileLoad callback of a process model when launching the sequence editor
314101An error can occur when you change the run mode for multiple selected Sequence Call steps
315092The Parameters Table for a Sequence Call step might crash when you use the navigation buttons while a parameter is selected
316107Errors occur when you save or modify a TestStand Sequence Analyzer project while a TestStand workspace is open
337449Sequence Hierarchy window cannot open with certain security policy settings
344948Deleting rows or columns of a multi-dimensional array terminal of a LabVIEW front panel can cause the VI Parameter Table to stop functioning
359036An error can occur when you use the Find/Replace in Files dialog box in sequence files with a SequenceFileLoad Engine callback
356920Selecting multiple watch expressions can cause the Watch View pane to error in certain cases
308947An error occurs when you use the Paste function in an array of object references
314004You can cannot edit the struct and cluster passing setting after you set the data type as hidden
350367The Module tab on the Step Settings pane does not display in certain cases after you change the type for a step
TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls
127509Application Manager control might hang if TestStand is not licensed
50235 43FETR00Cannot navigate to adapter buttons using the keyboard within the Insertion Palette pane
50418 44CB5HGHSequenceView and ListBar controls can leak memory
50421 44BDJQRAVariablesView control can leak a Windows USER object
51251 476DR6B8CheckBox control Color properties do not work when used as a button
54115 3BDELTRANavigating back or using links in the Report control might error
138406The /run and /runEntryPoint command-line arguments are ignored when no user is logged in
199119Clicking a step icon deselects all other selected steps
52249 4ADBS5B8ActiveX controls located within user controls, such as tabs or panels, on a .NET form might disappear
298496Expression Browser dialog box elements do not display correctly if the font size is set to 150% DPI
301993TestStand ActiveX user interface buttons connected to the CommandKind_Edit commands might exhibit unexpected behavior
361491TestStand User Interface developed with LabVIEW Actor Framework hangs
User Interfaces
164433TestStand MFC user interface might leak GDI objects when creating and destroying child windows on Windows XP SP2
141889LabVIEW User Interface in Editor Mode ignores the <Alt+Enter> shortcut to launch Step Properties dialog box
255848You cannot paste additional results in user interfaces other than the TestStand Sequence Editor
256758Using the keyboard to select multiple variables in the Variables View control does not work in the MFC, LabWindows/CVI, or LabVIEW UIs
37001 49GDNHG0Modifying the run mode of a step in a user interface in Operator Mode does not mark the sequence file as modified

Known Issues

IDKnown Issue
.NET Adapter

Cannot create or edit code of a struct using the .NET Adapter
You can use the .NET Adapter to call methods and properties of structs and classes. However, although you can use the .NET Adapter to create or edit code for a class, attempting to complete these operations for a struct results in an error.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

When you use LabVIEW or .NET code modules, the additional results feature does not log all elements
When you select to include an array output parameter of a code module as an additional result, TestStand might not log some elements of the array under the following conditions:
  • The code module is a LabVIEW VI or .NET assembly
  • You select to include one or more elements of the array as an additional result
  • The value field for the array is empty
In this case, TestStand logs only the elements you explicitly select to include as additional results, even if other elements exist in the array.

Workaround: To log the entire array, ensure that you do not select to include any elements of the array as additional results.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

The .NET Adapter does not display static methods an inherited class defines
When you define a derived class in a .NET assembly that inherits from a base class, the base class contains a static function, and you use the .NET Adapter to select the derived class, the .NET Adapter does not show the inherited static method.

Workaround: Use the .NET Adapter to select the base class instead of the derived class.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

.NET steps might encounter a deadlock when the constructor uses the TestStand API in a parameter expression
Executing a .NET step might cause a deadlock under the following conditions:
  • The Use Load/Unload for Obj Lifetime option is enabled
  • The constructor call uses the Engine API in a parameter expression
  • The TestStand Sequence Analyzer is disabled

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

TestStand does not release .NET object references you pass as parameters to new executions until the execution is destroyed
TestStand does not release .NET object references you pass as parameters to new executions until the execution completes. This behavior causes the .NET assembly to remain loaded if any such executions remain open, even if you select File»Unload All Modules to unload all modules.

Workaround: Ensure that all executions complete before you rebuild any .NET assemblies the sequence calls.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

You cannot close the Type Properties dialog box after you rapidly click the Specify Module button on the Substeps tab
When you use the Substeps tab of the Type Properties dialog box to configure the substeps for a custom step type, clicking the Specify Module button multiple times before the Specify Module dialog box appears prevents you from closing the Type Properties dialog box. This issue occurs with .NET substeps in TestStand 2010 SP1 and with .NET and LabVIEW substeps in TestStand 2012.

Workaround: To recover from this state, you must terminate the TestStand process using the Windows Task Manager facility. To prevent the behavior, ensure that you do not click the Specify Module button multiple times.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 07/25/2012

An error can occur when you simultaneously modify the invocations of multiple .NET code modules
If you select two or more .NET steps that use the same assembly and class and you then modify the calls within the .NET Invocation control on the .NET Module tab, an error similar to the following error can occur: Array offset 2 is out of range; range is 0..1
Error Code: -17324, Array index out of bounds This error is more likely to occur if the invocations of the two selected steps specify a different number of calls.

Workaround: Modify the invocations of .NET steps individually.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/26/2012

Closing Microsoft Visual Studio after you debug .NET code from TestStand prevents the Visual Studio process from exiting
After you use Visual Studio to debug .NET code modules in TestStand, closing Visual Studio ends the TestStand process but does not end the VSdebugController process used to debug .NET code. If you launch TestStand again and attempt to debug .NET steps, you might receive the Error Code: -17502; System Level Exception error. This issue no longer occurs with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

Workaround: If you encounter this error, use the Windows Task Manager facility to terminate the VSdebugController process before you run the sequence. To prevent the error, ensure that you close TestStand instead of Visual Studio to correctly end the Visual Studio and the VSdebugController processes.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/26/2012

Error -17500 occurs when you execute .NET code modules that deserialize types

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/05/2013
ActiveX/COM Adapter

Cannot specify an underlying data type when passing a variant parameter using the ActiveX/COM Adapter or API in expressions
TestStand can call methods of an ActiveX Automation server with variant input parameters. However, some methods can fail if the underlying data type is not correct. The ActiveX/COM Adapter and API in expressions do not support specifying the underlying data type of variant parameters. When you use the ActiveX/COM Adapter to call a COM server method and pass a TestStand numeric value to an optional variant parameter, TestStand passes a variant of the VT_R8 data type to the COM server method. If the method expects a VT_I4 data type and the COM server does not handle the case of a different variant data type being passed in, you receive an error.

Workaround: Create a wrapper VI or DLL that converts the variant data type appropriately and call the COM server method directly.

Reported Version: 4.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009
C/C++ DLL Adapter

Verify Prototype option for the LabWindows/CVI and C/C++ DLL Adapters incorrectly includes the expression value in an array parameter prototype
You can use the Verify Prototype option on the LabWindows/CVI and C/C++ DLL Module tabs to modify the prototype of a LabWindows/CVI or C/C++ function to match the parameter list you have specified. However, when creating an array parameter, the Verify Prototype option includes the size of the array, which is not necessary for a C/C++ parameter definition. This can lead to compile errors if you specify a non-constant array parameter size, such as using the GetNumElements() function.

Workaround: Delete the incorrectly added text in the generated prototype.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

C/C++ DLL Adapter Create and Edit Code features return errors for functions that specify an array parameter
The C/C++ DLL Adapter Create and Edit Code features return errors for functions that specify an array parameter. In the Create Code case, Visual Studio correctly launches and creates the new function, but TestStand is unable to find the function and returns an error. In the Edit Code case, TestStand returns an error.

Workaround: You can ignore the error. In the Edit Code case, navigate to the function manually.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

The Log option in the Parameters Table for complex number parameters in C/C++ DLL steps can behave erratically
If you configure a C/C++ DLL step and you add a CNiComplex or CNiComplexVector parameter, configuring the Log option in the Parameters Table for the real and imaginary components causes the logging behavior for the container or the components to change in an unexpected way. TestStand does not support logging only the real or imaginary portion of a complex number, and logging should be non-editable for the components.

Workaround: Only enable the Log option for the complex number container and not the real or imaginary components.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

Logging binary data to a database from a large number of sockets might return an out-of-memory error
Database logging schemas that use stored procedures reserve memory to buffer the logging of large binary column values. If you configure database logging to open a separate connection for each socket and you use the Parallel or Batch process models with a high number of test sockets, database logging can report an out-of-memory error.

Workaround: Enable the Share Data Link Between Executions option on the Data Link tab of the Database Options dialog box, or lower the limit on the size of binary data that TestStand logs for each binary column.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/18/2009

On-the-fly database logging might return an error when you execute a sequence that uses a Sequence Call step to create a new thread that collects results
An error can occur when you use on-the-fly database logging and TestStand attempts to log the first result from a new thread that a Sequence Call step created.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Memory usage can increase when you use the SQL Server Stored Proc schema with the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Memory usage can increase when using the SQL Server Stored Proc schema and the database connection string uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. The memory usage appears to oscillate but shows growth over time.

Workaround: Use the Microsoft SQL Native Client database provider to avoid this issue.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/25/2012

An error can occur when you log binary data to an Oracle database
You might encounter the following error when you log binary data to an Oracle database: An error occurred calling 'LogResults' in 'ITSDBLog' of 'zNI TestStand Database Logging'
An error occurred while setting a column value.

Description: ORA-22990: LOB locators cannot span transactions
Number: -2147467259
NativeError: 22990
The error appears when all of the following conditions are true:
  • You are logging data to an Oracle database.
  • You enable the Share Data Link Between Executions option on the Data Link tab of the Database Options dialog box.
  • You are logging binary data to the database.
  • TestStand 2013 and later now warn you when you configure a database logging schema with these settings.

    Workaround: Disable the Share Data Link Between Executions option. If you are not using on-the-fly database logging, you can also prevent this issue by enabling the Use Transaction Processing option on the Data Link tab of the Database Options dialog box.

    Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/26/2012
File Differ

Selecting Goto Location for a sequence file you have diffed that has not been saved to disk opens a second copy of the sequence file
Selecting Goto Location for a sequence file you have diffed that has not been saved to disk opens a second copy of the sequence file. TestStand appends "[UnsavedFile]" to the end of the filename.

Workaround: Save sequence files to disk before diffing them.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

Closing multiple TestStand File Diff/Merge application instances on Windows 7 with the Close All Windows taskbar option sometimes results in an error
Closing multiple TestStand File Diff/Merge application instances on Windows 7 with the Close All Windows taskbar option might cause the following error: Error writing to file '<TestStand Application Directory>\Cfg\FileDiffer.ini'.

Workaround: Click OK and close the remaining TestStand File Diff/Merge application windows.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

The TestStand File/Diff Merge application does not support diffing station global variables
The TestStand File/Diff Merge application does not support diffing station global variables and instead returns a Value invalid or out of range error.

Workaround: Save the station global variables file in XML or INI format and use a text-based tool to diff the files.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Uninstalling TestStand 2.0 from a computer with TestStand 4.x installed removes NI Session Manager files.
When you uninstall TestStand 2.0 from a computer on which you also installed TestStand 4.x, the TestStand 2.0 uninstaller might incorrectly remove the NI Session Manager 4.x files.

Workaround: Navigate to Add/Remove Programs on the Windows Control Panel and use the National Instruments Software maintenance utility to repair the NI Session Manager and restore the files.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Installing IVI components from TestStand 2.0 after installing IVI components from TestStand 4.0 causes errors
Do not install the Interchangeable Virtual Instrument (IVI) components from the TestStand 2.0 CD after you install the IVI Compliance Package (ICP) from the NI Device Driver CD or DVD included with TestStand 4.x. If you installed ICP 2.2 or later from the NI Device Driver CD or DVD before you installed TestStand 2.0, do not install the IVI components from the TestStand 2.0 CD. Disable the Basic IVI Class Drivers feature within the IVI Engine and Drivers feature when you install TestStand 2.0.

Workaround: If you installed the TestStand 2.0 IVI components after you installed ICP 2.2 or later from the NI Device Driver CD or DVD, navigate to Add/Remove Programs on the Windows Control Panel and use the National Instruments Software maintenance utility to repair the ICP product and correct this incompatibility.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Uninstalling a TestStand deployment leaves the TestStand Engine and other additional components on the system
When you run a TestStand Deployment Utility installer that includes the TestStand Engine and other additional components, the installer adds two items to the Add/Remove Programs dialog box. The first item is the name of the TestStand system you defined when you configured the TestStand Deployment Utility. The second item is "National Instruments Software", which provides the functionality to modify, repair, or remove any installed National Instruments software, such as the TestStand Engine or other additional components that the TestStand Deployment Utility installer includes. Uninstalling the first item has no effect on the second item, thus leaving the TestStand Engine and other additional components installed on the computer.

Workaround: After you uninstall the TestStand system using the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, select the "National Instruments Software" item and manually uninstall the TestStand Engine and additional components.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Enumerations with the same name as a constant show as an error
The Edit VI Call dialog box highlights expressions as an error for variables that have the same name as an enumeration value.

Workaround: Ignore error.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

LabVIEW user interface reports object leaks on shutdown when using ActiveX Variants in ActiveX callbacks
A LabVIEW user interface reports object leaks on shutdown when you pass a TestStand object as the ActiveXData parameter of a UIMessage in the UIMessage callback VI. LabVIEW does not release the object reference until you unload the LabVIEW callback VI.

Workaround: Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article, located at, for more information about using a dynamically called VI to ensure that LabVIEW releases the object.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

LabVIEW user interface freezes when you move splitter bars
A LabVIEW user interface front panel might hang within LabVIEW if you move a splitter bar while an execution is tracing. LabVIEW 2009 fixes this behavior.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

ExpressionEdit controls on LabVIEW front panels do not release keyboard focus
ExpressionEdit controls on LabVIEW front panels do not release keyboard focus when you select another LabVIEW control in the LabVIEW development environment. ExpressionEdit controls behave properly in an application built with LabVIEW. LabVIEW 8.6.1 fixes this issue.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

LabVIEW User Interface executables that do not use TestStand UI Controls might hang when launched
LabVIEW User Interface executables that do not use the TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls might hang when launched. The hang occurs when TestStand loads the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine and both LabVIEW and the run-time engine access computer resources simultaneously.

Workaround: You can prevent the hang by using a Call Library Function VI to invoke a function in the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine to force LabVIEW to synchronously load the run-time engine into memory before creating the TestStand Engine.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Calling a LabVIEW-built DLL from the user interface thread that create the TestStand engine might cause the application to hang
LabVIEW applications, such as a TestStand LabVIEW User Interface, might hang when you call a function in a LabVIEW-built DLL from the user interface thread. For example, a TestStand LabVIEW User Interface can hang when you create the TestStand Engine and the engine loads a Sequence File Translator DLL built with LabVIEW.

Workaround: Create the TestStand Engine in a non-user interface thread, such as Other 2, to work around this issue.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

LabVIEW 8.5 or later returns a warning when you load the LabVIEW Simple User Interface example
When you load the LabVIEW Simple User Interface example using LabVIEW 8.5 or later, LabVIEW returns a warning that indicates that LabVIEW changed a constant wired to a Case structure to maintain compatibility with LabVIEW 7.1 or earlier.

Workaround: The warning does not prevent the user interface from working correctly.

Reported Version: 4.0.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/26/2008

Cannot browse to a VI if the VI filename includes multibyte characters
The LabVIEW Adapter cannot browse to a VI in a LabVIEW library if the VI filename includes multibyte characters.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

LabVIEW user interface beeps when using menu accelerator keys
A LabVIEW user interface beeps when you press <Alt-F> or other menu accelerator keys.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Cannot use LabVIEW RTE to load a VI without saving the library
You cannot use the LabVIEW RTE to load a VI when you add the VI to the LabVIEW library without saving the library.

Workaround: You must save the library first.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

TestStand UI Controls do not process some key strokes in LabVIEW user interfaces
LabVIEW does not call PreTranslateAccelerator for ActiveX controls, which prevents TestStand UI Controls in LabVIEW user interfaces from processing some key strokes, such as pressing <Tab> to autocomplete expressions or navigate within controls, pressing <Ctrl-Shift> to perform an operation, or pressing <Shift-Arrow> to select multiple items.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 05/26/2008

Help Topic menu item is disabled
If a TestStand UI Control loses focus, the Help»Help Topic menu item is disabled in the TestStand LabVIEW User Interface.

Workaround: If the Help»Help Topic menu item is disabled, click a TestStand UI Control to re-enable the menu item.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

LabVIEW user interface appears hung when Property Leak Report dialog box displays behind application
The Debug Warnings dialog box is not modal and launches behind the LabVIEW Simple User Interface front panel when you exit the application and the process does not correctly release TestStand objects.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

VI breakpoint does not bring the VI window to front
When you run a VI from TestStand and the VI contains a breakpoint, TestStand does not bring the VI window to the front when the VI reaches the breakpoint.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

LabVIEW VI Server Exported VIs Setting Might Be Modified By Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit (DETT) 1.0
When the LabVIEW VI Server:Exported VIs list is the default of * (all VIs), the LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit (DETT) 1.0 installer creates an entry in the LabVIEW.ini file for the LabVIEW VI Server:Exported VIs list with only HighlightObject By exported. This affects other programs such as NI TestStand, LabVIEW SignalExpress, NI Requirements Gateway (see complete list below) etc., which require certain VIs to be exported to work correctly with LabVIEW. The bug exists if you have installed DETT 1.0 through any one of the following distributions: 1) LabVIEW 8.6.1 Platform DVD 2) NI Developer Suite Q1 2009 DVD 3) LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit 1.0 CD

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/06/2009

You cannot toggle the Show VI Front Panel When Called option when the Run VI on Remote Computer option is enabled
When you enable the Run VI on Remote Computer option in the LabVIEW Advanced Settings window in the sequence editor or in the Advanced Settings dialog box in a user interface for a LabVIEW step, you cannot enable or disable the Show VI Front Panel When Called option on the LabVIEW Module tab in the sequence editor or in the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box in a user interface, even though the Show VI Front Panel When Called option retains the value that was set previously. However, regardless of the display, the front panel of a VI never displays on the remote computer.

Workaround: You can ignore the setting of the Show VI Front Panel When Called option because the front panel never displays on the remote computer.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

LabVIEW user interface might hang when using LabVIEW events
A LabVIEW user interface that registers ActiveX callbacks and uses an Event structure might hang when the user interacts with a LabVIEW control or indicator. The hang is rare, but when it occurs, TestStand User Interface Controls remain responsive, but all LabVIEW user interface elements appear frozen. LabVIEW 2009 fixes this behavior.

Workaround: Activate another application and reactive the LabVIEW user interface.

Reported Version: 4.1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Configuring the Formula Express VI in a TestStand step results in error tones
Selecting the Formula Express VI for a step, launching its configuration dialog box, or selecting a step that specifies the Formula Express VI as its code module cause a series of system error tones.

Workaround: The tones are harmless and you can ignore them.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Create VI button on the LabVIEW Module tab or the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box does not create a VI in an LLB
When specifying a LabVIEW code module, you can create a VI by clicking the Create VI button on the LabVIEW Module tab or the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box. However, you cannot create a VI directly in an LLB, and attempting to do so returns the error '"newfilename" File not found in LLB, Please verify the correct file name was given.'

Workaround: Create the VI outside of the LLB, resave the VI in the LLB using LabVIEW, and update the path to the VI in TestStand.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Cannot pass struct containing an array of structs into a DLL built with LabVIEW
You can call a DLL built with LabVIEW using the C/C++ DLL Adapter in TestStand. However, for parameters that are structs containing an array of structs, TestStand does not allocate the memory properly, resulting in a TestStand Error: -17502 System Level Exception error.

Workaround: You can pass arrays of numbers, arrays of strings, or individual clusters as parameters to a DLL built with LabVIEW.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

TestStand Deployment Utility might appear to hang when building if the LabVIEW Build Specifications dialog box is open
As part of the build process, the TestStand Deployment Utility uses the LabVIEW application builder to create a source distribution of all VIs included in the distribution. If any build specification dialog box is open in the LabVIEW development environment, the Deployment Utility might appear to hang while the Build Status is "Processing VIs..."

Workaround: Close the open build specification dialog box to allow the TestStand Deployment Utility to continue the build process.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Arrays passed from LabVIEW to TestStand are transposed
When a VI connector pane passes an array from LabVIEW to TestStand, the array is transposed. For example, a 2D array of four columns and five rows from a LabVIEW VI appears as an array of five rows and four columns when stored in a TestStand PropertyObject.

Workaround: Pass the array back to LabVIEW, and the opposite transformation occurs to restore the original position of the elements.

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Configuring a MessagePopup step as a Modal or Floating popup hangs subsequent LabVIEW steps for which you enabled the Show VI Front Panel When Called option
If you enable the Make Modal or Make Floating option in the Dialog Options section of the Message Popup Layout edit tab and call LabVIEW code modules after you call the Message Popup step, the LabVIEW code modules hang if you enabled the Show VI Front Panel When Called option on the LabVIEW Module tab in the TestStand Sequence Editor or in the Edit LabVIEW VI Call dialog box in a TestStand User Interface for the LabVIEW steps. LabVIEW 2009 SP1 fixes this issue.

Workaround: Do not enable the Make Modal or Make Floating options of the MessagePopup Layout edit tab or create your own code module in LabVIEW to display the message you want. LabVIEW 2009 SP1 fixes this issue.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Clicking the Create Custom Data Type button on the LabVIEW Module tab for a cluster that contains unknown types results in an error
When you click the Create Custom Data Type button on the LabVIEW Module tab to create a custom data type for a cluster that contains unknown types, such as 64-bit integers, TestStand returns the following error: "Bad object type passed Error Code: -17001, Program Error."

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

The LabVIEWModule.ExpressVIName property does not update to match the Express VI title when a different configuration changes the title
When you browse to and select an Express VI to load, TestStand launches the Express VI configuration dialog box. Some Express VIs modify the title of the VI based on the current configuration settings. TestStand does not update the LabVIEWModule.ExpressVIName property to match the modified Express VI title once you configure the Express VI.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

TestStand is a 32-bit application and has limited support for LabVIEW 64-bit
Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article 50O9851O, Does TestStand support calling VIs using LabVIEW 64-Bit? on the National Instruments Web site for information about LabVIEW 64-bit support in TestStand.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Calling and unloading an assembly more than once crashes TestStand if the assembly is built with LabVIEW 2009
When TestStand calls and unloads an assembly a second time and the assembly is built with LabVIEW 2009, TestStand crashes because the reference count is not properly incremented. LabVIEW 2009 SP1 fixes this issue.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

When you use LabVIEW 2009 to build the LabVIEW Simple User Interface, the user interface remains open if you do not move the mouse after closing the user interface
If you rebuild the LabVIEW Simple User Interface with LabVIEW 2009 and then run the executable, failing to move the mouse after clicking the close button on the titlebar or clicking the Exit button causes the user interface to remain open. When you move the mouse, the user interface closes successfully. This behavior does not exist with the LabVIEW Full-Featured User Interface. LabVIEW 2012 fixed this behavior.

Workaround: Move the mouse after you click the close or Exit button or change the preferred execution system from "user interface " to "standard " in the Execution page of the VI Properties dialog box.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 12/11/2009

Clicking a LabVIEW step when TestStand is configured to use the LabVIEW 7.1.1 Run-Time Engine results in a Fatal Error: "LABVIEW.LIB could not locate "FResDir""
This error occurs when the LabVIEW 2009 Run-Time Engine (RTE) is loaded into memory after the LabVIEW 7.1.1 RTE has already been loaded into memory. When you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW 7.1.1 RTE, TestStand loads the LabVIEW 7.1.1 RTE into memory. Selecting a LabVIEW step causes TestStand to attempt to load the LabVIEW 2009 RTE into memory to use it to perform a checksum of the VI connector pane, which results in a Fatal Error: "LABVIEW.LIB could not locate "FResDir" ". LabVIEW 2009 SP1 fixes this issue.

Workaround: Configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW development environment instead of the LabVIEW 7.1.1 RTE. LabVIEW 2009 SP1 fixes this issue.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Using TestStand to open a VI in a newer version of LabVIEW might leak a handle to the VI and prevent you from saving the VI
If you use the Edit VI feature in TestStand to open a VI and the active LabVIEW version is more recent than the version of the VI, LabVIEW might leak an extra handle to the VI and prevent you from saving the VI. LabVIEW 2010 fixes this issue.

Workaround: If you mass compile the VI to the active LabVIEW version, you can open the VI from TestStand and save it. If you already opened the VI from TestStand and made significant modifications, you can leave the VI open and close TestStand. Once TestStand closes, you can save the VI. LabVIEW 2010 fixes this issue.

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/25/2010

LabVIEW code module front panels might update slowly when you use TestStand Start and End Modal Dialog VIs
The TestStand - Start Modal Dialog VI sets the Parent Window for Dialogs LabVIEW application property to True, which might cause front panel controls to update or refresh more slowly than usual. LabVIEW 2011 fixes this issue.

Workaround: If you use the TestStand Start and End Modal Dialog VIs, set the Panel.DeferPanelUpdates property in the VI to True until all controls have been updated, then set the property back to False. LabVIEW 2011 fixes this issue.

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/10/2011

Passing LabVIEW Class references from step to step can crash LabVIEW
If you configure two steps to call VIs from the same LabVIEW project and those VIs pass LabVIEW Class references, LabVIEW crashes when you execute the second step if the Load/Unload Options of both steps are set to Load dynamically and Unload after step executes. LabVIEW 2010 fixes this issue.

Workaround: Do not unload the steps until the execution completes. LabVIEW 2010 fixes this issue.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/10/2011

Loading a VI that calls a .NET assembly fails when using Turkish regional settings
Loading a VI that calls a .NET assembly fails in TestStand on a computer configured to use Turkish regional settings. If you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Development System, TestStand returns the error An error occurred accessing the LabVIEW ActiveX automation server. If you use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine for the LabVIEW Adapter, TestStand hangs. LabVIEW 2011 fixed this behavior.

Workaround: Do not use the Turkish regional settings.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

Cannot call VIs from LabVIEW packed project libraries when the full path of the VI is longer than the maximum path length
When you configure TestStand to call a VI from a LabVIEW packed project library and the full path of the VI is longer than the maximum path length, TestStand does not find the file or reports that the VI is an unexpected type.

Workaround: Ensure that the full path of the VI you call is shorter than the maximum path length.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand might become unresponsive while LabVIEW launches a prompt to save a VI
If you attempt to create or edit a VI from TestStand while the LabVIEW Development Environment launches a prompt to save a VI, TestStand might become unresponsive.

Workaround: Close the LabVIEW dialog box to make TestStand responsive again.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand appears to hang when LabVIEW search dialog box does not come to front when browsing for a VI that is missing subVIs
The LabVIEW search dialog box is not modal to a TestStand User Interface, so When you browse for a VI that is missing one or more subVIs, a maximized TestStand User Interface hides the LabVIEW search dialog box, and it appears that TestStand has hung and become unresponsive.

Workaround: Minimize the TestStand User Interface window or make LabVIEW active to bring the LabVIEW search dialog box or open file dialog box to the front.

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

The LabVIEW Adapter might exhibit unexpected edit-time issues if the most recent installation of LabVIEW is a version TestStand no longer supports
If the most recent version of LabVIEW you install is a version that TestStand does not support, such as installing LabVIEW 7.1.1 and using TestStand 2010, you might encounter unexpected edit-time issues when you create or modify LabVIEW steps in TestStand.

Workaround: Run a repair install of a newer, supported version of LabVIEW.

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

Manually exiting LabVIEW after executing a VI from TestStand might result in LabVIEW load error code 23
If you configure a LabVIEW step to display the front panel of a VI that you mass compiled in the active version of LabVIEW, manually exiting LabVIEW after executing the VI from TestStand might result in LabVIEW load error code 23. Close TestStand, which also closes LabVIEW, to avoid this error.

Workaround: LabVIEW 2011 fixes this issue.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 08/01/2011

Unable to load a LabVIEW .NET interop assembly when TestStand loads the .NET CLR 4.0
When you call a LabVIEW-built assembly from an application targeted to the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) 4.0, the assembly fails to load and returns the Failed to call init lv client function error. This error occurs because of a change in the .NET CLR 4.0 in which the LoadLibrary function, defined in kernel32.dll, is not called when loading an assembly. LabVIEW 2012 fixed this behavior.

Workaround: You must explicitly load the LabVIEW-built assembly by calling the LoadLibrary function in the .NET application before you perform any calls into the LabVIEW-built assembly. Note: This workaround causes the .NET application to load the assembly twice.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/02/2011

Passing a binary string to TestStand from a LabVIEW code module results in different behavior based on the configuration of the LabVIEW Adapter
When you pass a binary string to TestStand from a LabVIEW code module, TestStand stores the string differently depending on whether you execute the code module in the LabVIEW Development Environment or in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (RTE). TestStand uses the correct binary representation for the string when you execute the code module with the LabVIEW RTE but uses the incorrect ASCII representation for the string when you execute the code module with the LabVIEW Development Environment.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 03/29/2012

The LabVIEW Adapter does not coerce out-of-range values you pass to an enumeration parameter in a LabVIEW code module
When you pass a value to an enumeration parameter in a LabVIEW code module, the LabVIEW Adapter does not modify values that are out of range to a valid item index.

Workaround: Create a wrapper VI to call the test VI and call the wrapper VI from TestStand.

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

The LabVIEW Adapter ignores the code and message fields of an error out parameter of a substep when the occurred field is set to False
If a substep module modifies the code and message fields within the Step.Result.Error error container for a step but the occurred field is set to False, the changes do not persist. This behavior does not occur when you make a similar change for the code module of the step.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

When you use LabVIEW or .NET code modules, the additional results feature does not log all elements
When you select to include an array output parameter of a code module as an additional result, TestStand might not log some elements of the array under the following conditions:
  • The code module is a LabVIEW VI or .NET assembly
  • You select to include one or more elements of the array as an additional result
  • The value field for the array is empty
In this case, TestStand logs only the elements you explicitly select to include as additional results, even if other elements exist in the array.

Workaround: To log the entire array, ensure that you do not select to include any elements of the array as additional results.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

TestStand does not include LabVIEW code module parameters with the Default option enabled in additional results
When you call a LabVIEW code module, TestStand does not log any top-level input parameter you select to include as an additional result when you also enable the Default option in the Parameters Table.

Workaround: Use the SequenceFilePostResults Engine callback to access the parameter values for the code module directly and log the values manually. Within the callback, use the Module.LoadPrototype and LabVIEWParameters.DefaultValue properties to access the parameters.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Timestamps returned from a LabVIEW code module might specify incorrect values
If a timestamp returned from a LabVIEW code module is noon (12:00:00 PM) or midnight (12:00:00 AM), TestStand stores the values as 00:00:00 PM and 00:00:00 AM, respectively.

Workaround: Pass the timestamp parameter as a numeric value.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

TestStand hangs when executing a VI that uses shared variables and when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
TestStand hangs when executing a VI that uses shared variables and when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (RTE). This issue occurs only under the following conditions:
  • You saved the VI with LabVIEW 2010
  • You have a version of the LabVIEW RTE later than version 2010 installed
LabVIEW 2010 SP1 fixed this behavior.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

LabVIEW code modules with an input parameter with a default value of INF or NaN can cause a module load error
LabVIEW code modules with an input parameter with a default value of INF or NaN can cause a module load error. This behavior only occurs with TestStand 2010 SP1 and LabVIEW 2011 or later.

This issue has been fixed in the TestStand 2010 SP1 f1 patch. Refer to the following KnowledgeBase article for more information:

KnowledgeBase 60RBK8UB: TestStand 2010 SP1 f1 Patch Details

Workaround: This issue has been fixed in the TestStand 2010 SP1 f1 patch. Refer to the following KnowledgeBase article for more information:

KnowledgeBase 60RBK8UB: TestStand 2010 SP1 f1 Patch Details

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

You cannot use a Wait step to access the results for a Run VI Asynchronously step
When you use a Run VI Asynchronously step to call a VI, you can configure a Wait step later in the sequence to wait until the asynchronous VI has completed. However, the results from the VI do not populate in the Wait step as expected.

Workaround: Use a Sequence Call step to create a new thread instead of a Call VI Asynchronously step.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

You cannot close the Type Properties dialog box after you rapidly click the Specify Module button on the Substeps tab
When you use the Substeps tab of the Type Properties dialog box to configure the substeps for a custom step type, clicking the Specify Module button multiple times before the Specify Module dialog box appears prevents you from closing the Type Properties dialog box. This issue occurs with .NET substeps in TestStand 2010 SP1 and with .NET and LabVIEW substeps in TestStand 2012.

Workaround: To recover from this state, you must terminate the TestStand process using the Windows Task Manager facility. To prevent the behavior, ensure that you do not click the Specify Module button multiple times.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 07/25/2012

An Index was out of range error occurs after you select certain parameters and then select another step
Selecting certain parameters in the VI Parameter Table and then selecting another step can put TestStand in a bad state. This issue can occur if you complete the following steps at edit time.
  1. On a step that contains both scalar and cluster parameters, expand a cluster parameter in the VI Parameter Table.
  2. Select a scalar parameter.
  3. Select another LabVIEW step that also contains both scalar and cluster parameters. Note that two parameters are highlighted in the VI Parameter Table.
  4. Select a third LabVIEW step in the sequence without selecting anything in the VI Parameter Table.
When this issue occurs, TestStand returns an error similar to the following error: Error occurred while trying to refresh edit panel "": Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index After you dismiss the error, the error continues to occur for any LabVIEW step you select until you restart TestStand.

Workaround: A TestStand patch fixes this issue. Refer to one of the following National Instruments KnowledgeBase articles for your TestStand version for more information:

KnowledgeBase 60RBK8UB: TestStand 2010 SP1 f1 Patch Details
KnowledgeBase 60RBLMUB: TestStand 2012 f1 Patch Details

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 07/25/2012

LabVIEW code modules with a TDMS file reference in the connector pane can cause a generic error
If you use a LabVIEW code module in a sequence that passes TDMS file references in or out of the VI, TestStand might return the following error: Error loading step '<name of step>' of sequence '<name of sequence>' in file '<name of sequence file>'. Failed to load VI <path of VI> in the 'LabVIEW Development System' version '11.0'. LabVIEW: Generic error. Error Code: -18002, LabVIEW reported an error. See 'LabVIEW: ' message for more details. Source: 'TSAPI'

Workaround: You can prevent this issue by adding additional controls or indicators to the connector pane of the VI.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 07/25/2012

Changing the size of a two-dimensional array in a LabVIEW code module can cause TestStand to crash
If you resize a two-dimensional array in a LabVIEW code module when all of the following conditions are true, TestStand might behave unexpectedly or crash when you click the Reload Prototype button.
  • You expand the two-dimensional array in the VI Parameter Table in TestStand when you also change the size of the array in LabVIEW.
  • You select Edit»Make Current Value Default in LabVIEW after you resize the array.
  • You enable the Default option in the VI Parameter Table for the array in TestStand.
  • If either dimension of the array is smaller than the original size, TestStand crashes with the An error has occurred. Please save your work and restart the sequence editor. error. If one or both dimensions are larger than the original size, TestStand displays incorrect indexesfor the newly added elements.

    Workaround: After you change the default value and size of an array in a LabVIEW code module, close and reopen the sequence file instead of using the Reload Prototype button.

    Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/26/2012

TestStand incorrectly assigns timestamp data passed from and to a LabVIEW code module
If a LabVIEW code module passes a timestamp as an output parameter to a string property, TestStand removes leading zeroes in the fractional seconds field. For example, the timestamp 01:35:45.005 is assigned to a string property as 01:35:45.5 in TestStand. However, if TestStand receives a timestamp value as an output parameter and passes the value back to LabVIEW as an input parameter, the correct value is maintained.

NOTE: Even with the below patches installed, if you pass a string timestamp value from TestStand to a timestamp in LabVIEW, TestStand adds leading zeroes to create the fractional field. For example, the string 01:35:45.5 is assigned as 01:35:45.005 in LabVIEW. TestStand 2012 SP1 fixes this secondary issue.

Workaround: A TestStand patch fixes this issue. Refer to one the following National Instruments KnowledgeBase articles for your TestStand version for more information:

KnowledgeBase 60RBK8UB: TestStand 2010 SP1 f1 Patch Details
KnowledgeBase 60RBLMUB: TestStand 2012 f1 Patch Details

For TestStand 4.2.1 and earlier, convert the timestamp to string data before passing it between LabVIEW and TestStand. You can convert the timestamp to a string with the desired format using the Format Date/Time String VI on the Timing palette.

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 07/26/2012

Logging reference parameters in a LabVIEW step can cause an error
If you call a LabVIEW code module that meets all of the following conditions, TestStand returns the Type of argument expression is incompatible with parameter. Expected Number, found Object Reference. [Error Code: -17313, Could not accept the parameter passed in.] error when the step executes:
  • The code module contains a reference parameter that is represented as a numeric (such as a VI refnum).
  • You enable the Log option in the Parameters Table for the parameter.
  • You do not specify a value for the parameter.

Workaround: Specify a value or disable logging for the parameters.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

TestStand cannot find VIs in a packed project library that specifies a file path that includes multibyte characters
On operating systems for languages that require multibyte support, such as Chinese versions of Windows, TestStand cannot find VIs in a packed project library that specifies a file path that includes multibyte characters.

Workaround: Ensure that the path for the packed project library does not contain multibyte characters.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/29/2012

TestStand cannot find VIs in a packed project library that specifies a file path that includes multibyte characters
On operating systems for languages that require multibyte support (such as Chinese versions of Windows), TestStand cannot find VIs in a packed project library that specifies a file path that includes multibyte characters.

Workaround: Ensure that the path for the packed project library does not contain multibyte characters.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 07/29/2012

The Number of Threads option in the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box can change each time you relaunch the dialog box
In the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box, if you specify a non-default value in the Number of Threads option for the LabVIEW Run-time Engine, TestStand increments the value each time you relaunch the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box.

Workaround: Use the Default (4) setting for the Number of Threads option, or ensure that the value is correct any time you make changes in the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 02/05/2013

TestStand does not recognize changes to parameter settings in VI code modules
If you change only the parameter settings within a VI code module, such as changing a parameter from recommended to required, steps that call the VI do not update to reflect the change until you reselect the step or reload the code module.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 06/28/2013

Using a LabVIEW Project reference parameter in a LabVIEW code module can cause a run-time error
If you call a LabVIEW code module that includes a reference to a project as an input or output in the VI connector pane, and you pass this parameter to or from a TestStand property in the VI Parameter Table, the following error occurs: Parameter 'Project Reference': Type of argument expression 'Locals.test' is incompatible with parameter. Specified value does not have the expected type. -17313; Could not accept the parameter passed in. This issue occurs only when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Development System.

Workaround: Cast the project reference to a number when you pass it to TestStand.

Reported Version: 4.0.1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 06/28/2013

Update VI Calls dialog box does not update code modules a Run VI Asynchronously step calls
The Update VI Calls dialog box does not update code modules a Run VI Asynchronously step calls.

Workaround: Manually reload the prototypes for the code modules of Call VI Asynchronously steps.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 06/28/2013

VIs in a LabVIEW project saved in the instr.lib directory fail to load when you configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
Calling a VI code module returns a File Not Found error when all of the following conditions are true:
  • A LabVIEW project contains the VI and a TestStand step specifies the project
  • The LabVIEW project file is saved in the instr.lib or vi.lib directory
  • You configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
This error occurs because TestStand incorrectly generates the VI file path by replacing LabVIEW\ with TestStand\bin\. This issue does not occur on a deployment target computer because the TestStand Deployment Utility moves the dependencies to a different location that does not experience this issue.

Workaround: Call the VI directly and do specify a project path.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/28/2013

Enabling the Logging option for subproperties of a dynamic data type parameter causes a TestStand crash
If you are calling a VI code module that has an input or output parameter that is a dynamic data type, TestStand might crash if you enable the Log option for any subproperties of the parameter.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 06/28/2013

LabVIEW Run-Time Engine number of threads setting is not respected
When you configure the Number of Threads option for the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (RTE) in the LabVIEW Adapter Configuration dialog box to a non-default value, TestStand ignores the value you specify and instead uses the default value. In some cases, this results in a system-level error when you specify a non-default number of threads and you attempt to execute LabVIEW steps in the LabVIEW RTE.

Workaround: If you require a certain number of threads for executing a VI, change the execution system of the VI from same as caller to another option.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 06/28/2013

TestStand User Interfaces Appear to Hang on Shutdown after Executing VI code modules in certain run-time engine versions

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/28/2013

Exiting an external instance of LabWindows/CVI on Windows Vista returns an error
On Windows Vista, LabWindows/CVI returns an error when exiting after TestStand uses the external instance of LabWindows/CVI to execute code modules. LabWindows/CVI 9.0.1 fixes this issue.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Executing LabWindows/CVI code modules in an external instance can leak memory
In some instances, TestStand leaks memory when executing LabWindows/CVI code modules in an external instance of LabWindows/CVI.

Workaround: Configure the LabWindows/CVI Adapter to execute code modules in-process to prevent this issue.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Specifying an enumeration in a LabWindows/CVI module displays an incorrect name
The LabWindows/CVI Module tab in the TestStand Sequence Editor and the Edit LabWindows/CVI Module Call dialog box in a TestStand User Interface display a name the Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) generates instead of the actual enumeration name from the type library when you select a DLL built with LabWindows/CVI 8.5 or later. LabWindows/CVI 9.0.1 fixes this issue.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Error when loading a TestStand 4.0 or later user interface when TestStand 3.5 is the active version
LabWindows/CVI returns an error when you load a TestStand 4.0 or later user interface and TestStand 3.5 is the registered active version of TestStand.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Reload Prototype button remains dimmed after building a DLL
When you use the LabWindows/CVI Module tab on the Step Settings pane in the TestStand Sequence Editor to create a LabWindows/CVI DLL, the Reload Prototype button on the LabWindows/CVI Module tab remains dimmed after you build the DLL in LabWindows/CVI.

Workaround: On the LabWindows/CVI Module tab, click the File Browse button and select the DLL again.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 05/26/2008

Installing LabWindows/CVI 9.0 Run-Time Engine can break TestStand 3.5 deployed components
The TestStand Message Popup steps, LabVIEW, and LabWindows/CVI user interfaces use the NI ActiveX Container. The LabWindows/CVI 9.0 and 9.0.1 Run-Time Engines install a version of the NI ActiveX Container without listing its dependencies to the Microsoft 2005 C Run-Time (CRT) DLLs, specifically MSVCP80.DLL and MSVCR80.DLL. Building a deployment in TestStand 3.5 does not include the necessary Microsoft 2005 CRT DLLs, which causes the previously mentioned components to break on the target computer. This problem does not exist in TestStand 4.0 and later. TestStand 4.2.1 includes an updated version of the LabWindows/CVI 9.0.1 Run-Time Engine that fixes the issue.

Workaround: Include a National Instruments component that lists the Microsoft 2005 CRT DLLs as dependencies in the TestStand 3.5 deployment.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/18/2009
IDKnown Issue

LabWindows/CVI Adapter does not properly recognize struct parameters when the function name begins with an uppercase letter
The LabWindows/CVI Adapter interprets struct parameters as a long * when the function name begins with an uppercase letter. The adapter correctly interprets parameters when the function name begins with a lowercase letter.

Workaround: Make the function name begin with a lowercase letter or correctly configure the parameter manually in the parameters table.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Edit Code operation might navigate to the wrong location in a LabWindows/CVI source file
When you use the Edit Code operation for the LabWindows/CVI Adapter, TestStand might navigate to the wrong location in the source file if you made edits to the file that modify line numbers or if you have not rebuilt the project.

Workaround: Rebuild the project.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 08/01/2011

Changes to enumeration values in LabWindows/CVI code modules are not reflected in steps that call the code modules
If you call a LabWindows/CVI code module that has an enumeration as an input parameter, TestStand displays the enumeration constant names in the Parameters Table. The step data stores the value this constant represents. If you make a change to the value associated with an enumeration constant in the code module, steps that use the enumeration do not reflect this change and continue to use the previous value for the enumeration constant.

Workaround: Recreate any steps that use the enumeration after you make any changes to the values of enumeration constants you have already defined.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

Additional results logging setting for parameters in LabWindows/CVI or C/C++ DLL steps update incorrectly when you change how the parameter is passed
If you configure a parameter in a LabWindows/CVI or C/C++ DLL step to be passed by reference and then you enable the Log option in the Parameters Table, TestStand logs both the In and Out values of the parameter. You can configure the logging of the In and Out data independently on the Additional Results panel of the Properties tab of the Step Settings pane. If you later change the parameter settings such that it is passed by value, then execute the sequence, you will encounter an error similar to the following: Details: The following error occurred while logging additional result 'x [Out]': Array offset -1 is out of range; range is 0..0.. Error in parameter 1, 'x'. Error Code: -17324; Array index out of bounds. This error occurs because the the log setting for the "Out" value is still enabled, despite the fact that it is no longer a valid option.

Workaround: To disable logging for the Out value and prevent the error, you must configure the parameter so it is passed by reference so that the Out logging option is available. After disabling the option, set the parameter back to being passed by value.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/05/2013
Microsoft Visual Studio

Calling a .NET module as an OnNewStep custom substep can error
TestStand returns an error when calling an OnNewStep custom substep that calls a .NET WinForm that requires an STA thread.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Receiving UI events in a .NET class that is not created in the UI thread might cause errors
Registering a .NET class to receive UI events from a TestStand UI Control, such as the Application Manager control, can cause unexpected re-entrancy issues when the .NET class is not created in the UI thread.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Clicking a TestStand UI Control in a custom .NET user control might cause Microsoft Visual Studio to crash
If you click a TestStand User Interface (UI) Control hosted in a .NET user control in the Design view of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio might crash. Visual Studio 2008 fixes this issue.

Workaround: Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article ID 916495, located at, for more information about the hotfix for this Visual Studio 2005 limitation.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 might crash when viewing a form in Design view after rebuilding a solution that uses TestStand UI controls
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 might crash when you rebuild a solution that uses the TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls and you try to view a Microsoft Windows Form in Design view. The Design view might not show the Windows Form, and you might receive error messages.

Workaround: Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 912019, located at, for more information about this issue.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Cannot edit Visual Basic .NET projects when a function contains an array parameter
The .NET Adapter Edit Code option does not work for functions with array parameters in Visual Basic projects.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

TestStand ActiveX controls can become invisible in the Visual Studio designer
TestStand ActiveX controls become invisible in the Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 C# designer when you drag the controls into or out of a panel control. This issue is a known issue with Microsoft Visual Studio and ActiveX controls in general.

Workaround: Close and reopen the designer to make the controls visible again. If you are using ActiveX controls in a user control, you can call the Hide and Show methods on each ActiveX control in the OnCreateControl event.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Error when selecting a Button image
Visual Studio 2005 generates the error message "Parameter is not valid" when you attempt to select an icon file as the image for a TestStand User Interface Button control and the icon file contains only a 16-bit color image.

Workaround: Set the icon image programmatically at run time or load an icon file that contains a 256-color image.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

MFC-based TestStand User Interfaces can crash when used with the Microsoft Team Foundation Server SCC provider
TestStand User Interfaces based on the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) might crash when you use the Workspace Browser dialog box with the Microsoft Team Foundation Server SCC provider.

Workaround: Programmatically install a different message filter. Contact NI Support for more information.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

.NET user interfaces shut down without prompting to save
The C# and Visual Basic .NET user interfaces shut down without prompting to save when Windows shuts down.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Stepping into a C++ or .NET code might result in an error
Stepping into a C++ or .NET code module results in an error if you already attached Microsoft Visual Studio to the TestStand process and if Visual Studio is not debugging native and managed code. The error message contains the text Win32 error: 0x8971001e. TestStand fails when attempting to attach a new instance of Visual Studio to the process.

Workaround: You must specify to attach by debugging native and managed code types in Visual Studio.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/26/2008

Using Step Out within Visual Studio might cause a warning
When you perform a step over or step out operation from within Visual Studio for the first execution of a .NET debug session, Visual Studio launches a warning that no source code is available for the current location.

Workaround: Click the Continue button.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 might hang while debugging a TestStand User Interface when loading symbols for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
When you debug an application with Microsoft Visual Studio, you can define a symbol server from which Visual Studio can download module symbols. If Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 is installed, Visual Studio might hang when trying to download the debug symbols for rasapi32.dll while launching a TestStand User Interface.

Workaround: Complete the following steps to work around the issue.
  1. In Visual Studio 2005, select Tools»Options to launch the Options dialog box.
  2. Expand the Debugging option and select Symbols to display the Symbols panel, and temporarily disable debug symbols.
  3. Launch the TestStand User Interface.
  4. In Visual Studio, enable debugging symbols when the user interface is running.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Microsoft Visual Studio always uses the help for the latest version of TestStand if more than one version of TestStand is installed
If you install more than one version of TestStand on a computer that also has Microsoft Visual Studio installed, Visual Studio always uses the most recent version of the TestStand help, regardless of which version of TestStand is active.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

devenv.exe process continues to run after you close Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 using the close (X) button
Devenv.exe process continues to run after you close Visual Studio 2010 using the close (X) button if TestStand launched the application when you clicked the Step Into button on the Debug toolbar in the sequence editor.

Workaround: Stop debugging before you close Visual Studio, select File>Exit to close Visual Studio, manually attach Visual Studio to TestStand before you perform the Step Into operation, or manually close the devenv.exe process using the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

You might receive Error 1 "Interop Type Cannot Be Embedded" when you reference the TestStand API in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Refer to the National Instruments support article, Error 1 "Interop Type Cannot Be Embedded" When Referencing the TestStand API in a New Visual Studio 2010 Project that Targets the .NET 4.0 Framework for more information about this issue.

Workaround: Refer to the National Instruments support article, Error 1 "Interop Type Cannot Be Embedded" When Referencing the TestStand API in a New Visual Studio 2010 Project that Targets the .NET 4.0 Framework for more workarounds for this issue.

Reported Version: Universal  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 08/01/2011

Attempting to build a TestStand User Interface in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 might result in an error when you target the .NET Framework 2.0–3.5
Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article 5NK6NKXU, Why do I Receive an Error when Using Visual Studio 2010 to Build a TestStand User Interface?, located at, for more information about this issue.

Workaround: Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article 5NK6NKXU, Why do I Receive an Error when Using Visual Studio 2010 to Build a TestStand User Interface?, located at, for information about workarounds for this issue.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Loading a type with a reference to itself causes a crash
TestStand crashes when loading a file if TestStand resolves a type conflict in such a way that the type contains an instance of itself.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Configure operation for an IVI Dmm step might fail when using the Temperature Measurement extension
The Configure operation for an IVI Dmm step fails if you enable the Temperature Measurement extension on the Extensions tab for the Configure operation of the Edit IVI Dmm Step dialog box and the instrument does not support all three temperature sub-extensions.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Break on First Step incorrectly causes Step Into
The Break on First Step debugging option in the Execute menu incorrectly performs a Step Into operation on the module that the first step in a hidden execution calls.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Error when running two instances of the Java example step type asynchronously
Running the Java example step type in two executions can generate an error if the first execution that uses the step type completes after the second execution that uses the step type.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Saving a sequence file as TestStand 3.0 or earlier might cause type conflicts
Type conflicts occur for built-in step types when you load a sequence file saved in TestStand 4.1 or later to be compatible with TestStand 3.0 or earlier and the sequence file contains built-in step types attached to but not used in the sequence file.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Workspace File Documentation tool incorrectly specifies a modification date for VIs in LLBs
The Workspace File Documentation tool incorrectly indicates a modification date of 12/31/1600 6:00:00 PM for VIs that reside in LLBs.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Internet Explorer control TestStand uses might leak handles or crash if the control cannot find the XML style sheet
The Microsoft Internet Explorer control that TestStand applications use to display XML reports might leak handles or crash when the control cannot find the style sheet you specify in the Report Options dialog box and the control attempts to display XML report files.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

ActiveX EXE servers that launch dialog boxes can cause TestStand to hang if TestStand also launches a dialog box
ActiveX EXE servers that launch a dialog box and call any TestStand API function that launches a second dialog box while the first dialog box is still active must create the first dialog box in a thread initialized as single-threaded apartment for the TestStand dialog box to function correctly and to prevent TestStand from hanging.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

An incorrect prompt to reload files might appear when you use source code control
TestStand prompts you to reload files when source code control (SCC) providers, such as MKS Source Integrity, Serena PVCS, and IBM Rational ClearCase, change the timestamp of files when you add the files to source control or check the files in or out of source control. TestStand might return errors for some operations when you reload the files.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/26/2008

Error when checking out a project file
When you check out a project file, TestStand incorrectly attempts to check out files under the project file in the workspace that are not under source code control (SCC). TestStand returns an error if you do not exclude these files from the check out operation.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

HTML reports do not display correctly in Mozilla Firefox
TestStand HTML reports do not show the correct fonts in Mozilla Firefox.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Turning off BSTR cache causes IVI error
When you turn off the Windows BSTR cache by setting the system environment variable OANOCACHE to 1, IVI returns errors to TestStand when retrieving the names of IVI components. The IVI Compliance Package 4.0, which is installed with the August 2009 NI Device Drivers, fixes this issue.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Automatically setting up a remote execution does not work for non-English Windows XP SP2 operating systems
Enabling the Allow All Users Access from Remote Machines option on the Remote Execution tab of the Station Options dialog box does not work on some non-English Windows XP SP2 operating systems, such as German Windows XP. The option adds the built-in account name ANONYMOUS LOGON to the DCOM access permissions, but the account name ANONYMOUS LOGON is incorrect for some non-English operating systems.

Workaround: If you use a non-English Windows XP SP2 or later, refer to the NI TestStand Help for more information about configuring Windows system security to allow users to remotely access and launch the TestStand server.

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/26/2008

Incorrect suspension location when disabling tracing into callbacks
TestStand suspends an execution in a subsequence that the Post-Step callback calls when you disable tracing into callbacks.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

File dialog box can leak a USER object
The TestStand File dialog box can leak a Windows USER object.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

IVI Fgen step might not store waveform data
  1. When you import a waveform while editing a Configure operation of an IVI Fgen step, the Edit IVI Fgen Step dialog box might not store the waveform data with the step.
  2. Executing an IVI Fgen step returns an error if the step configures the instrument to load a waveform using data stored with the step.
  3. If you browse to a file to configure the step to load the waveform from a file, the step might not save the filename setting.

  1. Immediately close the dialog box after you import the data to work around this issue.
  2. Configure the step to load the waveform from a file to work around this issue.
  3. You must edit the filename in the path control to ensure the step saves the changes to the filename setting.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Incorrect execution arrow position when interactively executing steps
The execution arrow can appear in the wrong location after interactively executing steps if you previously suspended an execution on a step because of a watch breakpoint, post action breakpoint, or run-time error breakpoint. In addition, a run-time error can occur if you also set the next step to another step in a different step group and the step index of the step at which you originally suspended exceeds the number of steps in the new step group.

Workaround: When this error occurs, you must restart TestStand.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

SequenceFilePreInteractive and SequenceFilePostInteractive callbacks do not execute when run interactively
TestStand does not call the SequenceFilePreInteractive and SequenceFilePostInteractive callbacks when running a step interactively using a process model.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 05/26/2008

Property Object leak occurs when calling a remote sequence that errors
When you enable the Report Object Leaks options in the Debug Options dialog box that you access from the Preferences tab of the Station Options dialog box, TestStand property objects leak if you call a remote sequence and a run-time error occurred because you passed extra parameters to the sequence.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Incorrect suspension point when stepping out of a client sequence file
TestStand suspends an execution in a process model callback instead of suspending in the model entry point sequence when you step out of a client sequence file.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Saving a sequence file with Wait steps as TestStand 2.0.1 or earlier might result in an error
If you save a sequence file in the TestStand 2.0.1 or earlier format and the file contains Wait steps configured to wait on a thread or execution of a sequence call, when you execute the sequence file in the earlier version of TestStand, TestStand returns a run-time error that indicates the Wait step attempted to wait on a sequence call that has not yet run or that is not a multithreaded sequence call.

Workaround: Manually reconfigure the Wait steps.

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Legend in the Sequence Hierarchy window is cut off
TestStand might truncate the legend in the Sequence Hierarchy window when you save the hierarchy to disk.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Property Loader step does not resize arrays when loading properties
The Property Loader step can load arrays but does not resize the PropertyObject when doing so. If the array in the file is larger than the TestStand array PropertyObject, an error occurs.

Workaround: Ensure the TestStand PropertyObject into which the array is being loaded is large enough to accept the array in the file. You can resize the array in a pre-expression of the Property Loader step if necessary.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

XML Packaging Utility fails on a multibyte operating system with English (US) regional settings
Using the XML Packaging Utility to package a TestStand XML report and its style sheet returns an error if you are using a multibyte operating system but have the English (US) regional settings selected.

Workaround: Change to the native regional settings to prevent this error.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 05/18/2009

HTML, XML, and ATML reports do not preserve formatting when displaying string values that contain LF('\n'), CRLF('\r\n'), or whitespace characters
Reports based on the HTML and XML stylesheet are transformed into HTML when displayed in the Report pane or in a browser. Whitespace characters, such as multiple spaces, and line breaks do not display in the report because XML parsers strip them out when displaying them displaying HTML.

Workaround: You can manually convert line break characters to the string <br/> if you intend to generate an HTML report. You can similarly convert multiple whitespace characters into &nbsp; characters.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Ignoring unique step IDs with the TestStand Differ application does not ignore unique IDs in expressions
The TestStand Differ application flags the differences of unique step IDs in expressions, such as post actions or pre-expressions, even if you enabled the Ignore Unique Step IDs option in the Differ window.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Importing a property from a .xls file using a Property Loader step does not import the full property value if the cell contains comma
If a text cell in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet has a value with a comma in it, the Property Loader step imports only the text after the last comma and not the full text of the cell. For example, if a cell contains the value 10,11,12,13 the Property Loader step imports only 13. This behavior occurs because the Property Loader step uses expressions to assign values, such as in Locals.myLocal = (10,11,12,13). However, the TestStand expression language uses commas to separate expressions within an expression, so numbers within the parentheses are considered a set of expressions separated by comma. When a series of expressions separated by commas exist within an expression, the result of evaluating the expression is the result obtained from evaluating the last expression. For example, if the last expression is the number 13, the value assigned to the property is 13.

Workaround: Add quotes around the string to force the Property Loader step to consider the text as a string instead of a series of expressions. When you use the Property Loader step to import text properties, the step imports the text as a string automatically.

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Switching from a literal path to an expression in the Configure Call Executable dialog box does not refresh the found path display
If you specify a path literal in any of the path controls in the Configure Call Executable dialog box in a TestStand User Interface, the found path control, located below the File Pathname control, updates to show the full path. If you enable the Specify File Path by Expression option, specify a new expression or modify an existing expression, and then disable the Specify File Path by Expression option, the found path control does not update but continues to show the previous full path. This issue affects all path controls that have a found path control below them in the Configure Call Executable dialog box. This behavior does not occur on the Call Executable edit tabs on the Step Settings pane in the TestStand Sequence Editor.

Workaround: Close and relaunch the Configure Call Executable dialog box to refresh the full path display or edit the path again, and tab off of the control.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 05/18/2009

HTML report generated on-the-fly incorrectly indents steps placed after a skipped Sequence Call step in a group
If you have a Sequence Call step that is skipped inside of a group, such as between a While step and the corresponding End step, the report TestStand generates indents all steps after the skipped Sequence Call step by one position too many.

Workaround: You can remove the skipped sequence or run it normally to prevent this behavior.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/18/2009

Loading a TestStand 2.0 sequence file that contains ActiveX Adapter steps results in an error after running a user interface in LabVIEW more than once
Loading a TestStand 2.0 sequence file that contains steps configured to use the ActiveX Adapter can generate an "Unknown type name 'AutomationStep' " error after running a user interface in the LabVIEW development environment more than once. The error occurs because the TestStand Engine does not properly reregister required types to open the older sequence file.

Workaround: Shut down LabVIEW before running the user interface and opening the older file.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Import/Export Properties dialog box does not persist some settings
When you close and then relaunch the Import/Export Properties dialog box, most settings are saved so you can easily export a limits file again. However, the Sequence option on the Properties tab does not persist correctly, which might cause an existing limits file to become invalid after exporting again.

Workaround: Verify that the Sequence option on the Properties tab is correct every time you launch the Import/Export Properties dialog box before you exporting the settings.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Setting the HTBasic Working Directory option to "Subroutine file directory" on the HTBasic Module tab or in the HTBasic Adapter Configuration dialog box does not properly set the HTBasic working directory
Selecting "Subroutine file directory" for the HTBasic Working Directory option on the HTBasic Module tab or in the HTBasic Adapter Configuration dialog box does not properly set the HTBasic working directory to the directory where the subroutine file of the step resides.

Workaround: Select "Use specified directory" for the HTBasic Working Directory option and browse to the directory that contains the subroutine file of the step or use the MSI function in an HTBasic subroutine to change the HTBasic working directory from within the subroutine file.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Perforce 2009.1 and 2009.2 client causes TestStand to crash when closing a workspace file
If you configure source code control (SCC) to use the Perforce SCM Provider, TestStand loads the Perforce SCC DLL when you open a workspace file and unloads the DLL when you close the workspace file. If you use the Perforce 2009.1 client, TestStand might crash after unloading the Perforce SCC DLL when you close a workspace file. If you use the Perforce 2009.2 client, a delay might exist before a possible TestStand crash after you close the workspace file. Use the new Perforce 2010.1 client or the previous 2008.2 client to fix this issue.

Workaround: Use the new Perforce 2010.1 client or the previous 2008.2 client.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

When you enable On-The-Fly reporting and TestStand records a result after the MainSequence completes, the report shows the UUTStatus as "Running"
When you enable On-The-Fly reporting, if the process model executes steps that are configured to record results, if the sequence calling the steps does not enable the Disable Result Recording for All Steps option, and if the steps execute after MainSequence completes executing, the report shows the final UUT Status as "Running".

Workaround: Enable the Disable Result Recording for All Steps option of the Sequence Properties dialog box for any sequence or subsequence in a client sequence file that MainSequence does not call.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

TestStand shows the Report Tab after an execution completes for ASCII and HTML report formats even when you disable report generation
If you select ASCII Text File or HTML Document as the Report Format in the Report Options dialog box and you enable the Disable Report Generation option, when you select Test UUTs or Single Pass from the menu bar, the Report tab becomes active at the end of the execution and includes the text "Report generation is disabled." This behavior does not exist for the XML Document or ATML Report Document report formats.

Workaround: If you do not want to generate a report for an execution and do not want the Report tab to display at the completion of the execution, modify the Report Options dialog box to disable the Disable Report Generation option, change the Report Format to XML Document or ATML Report Document, and then enable the Disable Report Generation option again.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Microsoft Windows 7 Most Recently Used (MRU) list for pinned TestStand application includes all files opened with the Open File dialog box
When you pin a TestStand application, such as the sequence editor or a user interface, to the Taskbar in Windows 7, the MRU list includes any files you opened with the Open File dialog box in the application.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Using foreign characters in XML report style sheets might result in errors during report generation
Using some foreign characters in the XML report style sheets might result in the "An invalid character was found in text content." error.

Workaround: Use the HTML code equivalent for the foreign character or add the appropriate encoding attribute to the <xsl:output> tag of the style sheet.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 08/01/2011

Using the Property Loader step to import two or more step properties with the same name but different type or representation results in a type mistmatch error
If a sequence contains 2 or more steps that contain a property with the same name but different type or representation and you use the Property Loader step to import the property, TestStand returns a type mismatch error because TestStand sets the expected type and representation of the property to the type and representation of the property found in the first step in the sequence.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand 2010 SP1 Migration Utility does not support redirecting paths that exist within a string when the string is not a valid path
The TestStand 2010 SP1 Migration Utility does not support redirecting paths that exist within a string when the string is not a full or valid path. For example, the migration utility does not redirect the path "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 2010" in Connection String Expression of the Database Options dialog box.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

The Update VI Calls tool fails when you update the Report Express VI
When you use the Update VI Calls tool to update the Report Express VI, TestStand launches a dialog box that indicates that the VI path is invalid. When you close the dialog box, the Update VI Calls tool times out.

Workaround: Manually reload the prototype for the step that call the Report Express VI.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

On-the-fly database logging leaks memory when an execution repeatedly creates new threads
On-the-fly database logging slowly leaks memory when executions repeatedly use a Sequence Call step to create new threads.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 06/12/2012

Selecting the Undo Check Out option from the Workspace pane context menu to revert a workspace does not prompt you to reload modified projects
If you make changes to a TestStand project in a workspace and then select Undo Check Out from the Workspace pane context menu, TestStand does not prompt you to reload modified projects within the workspace. This modified project remains in memory does not match the project on disk.

Workaround: Close and reopen the workspace.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

When you select Save All after you add a file to a TestStand project, the project does not save
Adding a file to a TestStand project changes the project, and you must save the project to preserve the changes. However, when you select Save All after you add a file to a project, the project does not appear in the Save All file list. Additionally, TestStand marks the workspace as modified, even if you did not modify the workspace file. This issue can cause problems with source-code-controlled project files. TestStand requests that you check out the project file when you add a file but indicates that no changes were made to the project when checking in the changes.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

The TestStand Sequence Analyzer does not honor code module load and unload settings
When analyzing a sequence file, the TestStand Sequence Analyzer loads code modules as part of the analysis process. However, the analyzer does not honor any load or unload options for the code modules. Instead, the analyzer preloads all code modules before analysis and does not unload them after analysis completes. This can cause an error in the following scenarios:
  • A sequence can load two different VI code modules with the same name as long as you configure the code modules to be unloaded dynamically. However, the analyzer reports that the second code module could not be loaded because the first code module remains in memory during analysis.
  • If you have configured the analyzer to analyze before executing, VI code modules the analyzer preloads can conflict with dynamically loaded modules in the sequence. In this case, TestStand returns an error similar to the following error:

    Unable to load VI '<VI 1 path>'.
    LabVIEW already has the VI '<VI 2 path>' loaded and cannot load different VIs with the same name.

Workaround: You can avoid the second scenario by disabling the Analyze File Before Executing option in the Sequence Analyzer Options dialog box. If you analyze the sequence manually, be sure to select File»Unload All Modules before executing.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/25/2012

The TestStand Sequence Analyzer reports an internal error when analyzing expressions with an incorrectly indexed array
If you analyze a sequence that contains an expression that references an array with the incorrect number of indexes, such as the expression array[0] for a two-dimensional array, the sequence analyzer reports the Internal Error: Fatal error occurred during analysis error.

Workaround: Correct any expressions with incorrectly indexed arrays.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/26/2012

The += operator might not function correctly for appending elements to an array
When you use the += operator to append to an array, TestStand might not correctly set the parent of the added elements, which can cause errors when you attempt to access or delete the elements. This behavior occurs when the following conditions are true:
  • You are using an array literal to build the array being concatenated.
  • The array literal contains references to existing properties.
For example, this behavior occurs for the expression Locals.myArray += {Locals.myNumber}.

Workaround: To append an element to an array, use the SetNumElements expression to increase the size, and then set the newly created element to the desired value, as shown in the following example expression: SetNumElements(Locals.myArray, GetNumElements(FileGlobals.DynamicArray) + 1), Locals.myArray[GetNumElements(Locals.myArray) - 1] = Locals.DemoStructure

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/26/2012

The Tcl example step might return error -14004 when executed from TestStand
Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article,, for more information about this error.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

TestStand cannot save a TestStand Sequence Analyzer project file if the file specifies the Hidden attribute in the Windows file system
If you attempt to save an existing sequence analyzer project file, TestStand displays a access denied error if the file specifies the Hidden attribute in the Windows file system.

Workaround: Ensure that the sequence analyzer project file does not specify the Hidden attribute in the Windows file system when you save the project file.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

Launching the Resource Usage Profiler causes TestStand to crash if search directories reference another TestStand version
If you configure the TestStand search directories such that the installation directory for another version of TestStand precedes the installation directory for the current TestStand version, selecting Tools»Profile Resource Usage causes TestStand to crash.

Workaround: Avoid adding paths to other TestStand versions to the search directories.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/05/2013

TestStand does not update to display changes to switch configuration
TestStand does not automatically refresh the switch configuration when it is saved in another process, such as Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). The Switch Executive Virtual Device drop-down menu does not update unless you restart TestStand.

Workaround: You can force the step to reload the configuration information by disabling and then re-enabling the Enable Switching option on the Switching panel of the Properties tab of the Step Settings pane.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/05/2013

The UUT Information dialog box for the Parallel process model incorrectly restricts certain users from terminating or aborting test sockets
Users with only Terminate and Abort permissions cannot click the Terminate and Abort buttons in the UUT information dialog box for the Parallel process model. The buttons are disabled unless the user has all available permissions through the GrantAll privilege.

Workaround: You can manually fix this issue by replacing all instances of Priv_Abort with Abort and Priv_Terminate with Terminate in the paralleluutdlg.c source file, located in the <TestStand>\Components\Models\TestStandModels directory. After making this change, recompile the modelsupport2.prj file, located in the same directory.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/05/2013

Property Loader step incorrectly imports strings that contain commas when you use a comma delimiter
If you attempt to import a string property using a Property Loader step or the Import/Export Properties dialog box and the string contains a comma, the Property Loader step or Import/Export Properties dialog box incorrectly interprets the comma as the end of the string. This behavior occurs despite the comma being enclosed in quotes, and causes an evaluation error similar to the following:

Error evaluating expression:RunState.InitialSelection.SelectedFile.Data.Seq["MainSequence"].Locals.Local = (""test") Unexpected token: test

This error occurs only when you configure the Property Loader step to use a comma delimiter.

Workaround: Use the default tab delimiter.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/05/2013

On-the-fly reporting leaks memory when an execution repeatedly creates new threads
Generating a report on-the-fly slowly leaks memory when executions repeatedly use a Sequence Call step to create new threads.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/26/2008

Incorrect indentation might occur when you generate a report on-the-fly
When you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box to generate a report on-the-fly, the report incorrectly indents step results that follow a Sequence Call step that creates a new thread.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Generating reports on-the-fly with asynchronous threads might cause an error
When you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box to generate a report on-the-fly, TestStand returns a run-time error when the asynchronous thread continues to execute after the process model entry point completes.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Module execution times are not included in an XML report
TestStand XML reports that use the horizontal style sheet do not reflect the setting of the Include Execution Times option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

TestStand incorrectly formats the report for a post action of a step that calls a sequence
When you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box and an execution calls a sequence as a post action for a step, TestStand incorrectly formats the report.

Workaround: Disable the On-The-Fly Reporting option.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 04/06/2011

TestStand incorrectly formats reports when Sequence Call steps loop and you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option
When you configure multiple Sequence Call steps to loop, disable the Record Result of Each Iteration option on the Looping panel of the Step Settings pane, and enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box, the report displays the first Sequence Call step with a status of Running and displays all the steps the sequence executes under the first sequence.

Workaround: Disable the On-The-Fly Reporting option or disable looping and use Flow Control step types instead. Alternatively, you can disable result logging for steps within the subsequences.

Reported Version: 4.0.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

The XML report header incorrectly displays Test Socket Index for sequential execution when you set the Numeric Format report option to Hexadecimal, Octal, or Binary
The XML report header incorrectly displays Test Socket Index for sequential execution when you set the Numeric Format report option to Hexadecimal, Octal, or Binary.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

On-the-fly reports do not contain a failure chain section
Reports that you generate on-the-fly do not contain details about the steps in the failure chain.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

Question mark characters appear in ATML reports instead of indentation spaces when you use the TR_horizontal.xsl style sheet
Question mark characters appear in ATML reports instead of indentation spaces when you use the TR_horizontal.xsl style sheet. This issue occurs only under the following conditions:
  • You are using TestStand 2010 SP1
  • You are using a Chinese operating system
  • You are generating an ATML report using the TR_horizontal.xsl style sheet

Workaround: Refer to the following National Instruments KnowledgeBase article for information about how to fix this issue:

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

The Expand/Collapse All Loop Indices button does not function for XML reports that use the report.xsl style sheet
The Expand/Collapse All Loop Indices button does not function for XML reports that use the report.xsl style sheet. This button exists only when you configure a step in the sequence to loop. In this case, you might also encounter an Object expected error when clicking the button in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Results do not display in an ATML report for a post action of a step that calls a sequence
When all of the following conditions are true, a report does not display results:
  • You are using the ATML report format
  • You call a sequence in a new thread using a Sequence Call step
  • The Sequence Call step specifies a post action to call another sequence
In this case, the report does not display results for the sequence the post action calls.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

TestStand does not call the ModifyReportHeader and ModifyReportFooter callbacks when you generate reports on-the-fly
When you enable the On-The-Fly Reporting option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box to generate a report on-the-fly, TestStand does not call the ModifyReportHeader and ModifyReportFooter callbacks because the ProcessOTFStepResult sequence in the report generation sequences does not call these callbacks. Note: This issue has been fixed only in the TestStand 2012 process models.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Enabling the Log option in the VI Parameter Table does not function correctly for some LabVIEW data types
If a LabVIEW code module specifies a parameter of data type digital waveform, digital data, or dynamic data, enabling the Log option in the VI Parameter Table does not log the parameter if you do not provide an argument in the Value column of the VI Parameter Table.

Workaround: Ensure that any parameters for which you enable the Log option also specify an argument in the Value column.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/26/2012

ATML reports generated on non-English operating systems contain an improperly formatted start date
The ATML Test Results and Session Information schema requires that timestamps use the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss format. On a computer with a non-English operating system, the localized date is not properly converted to the English format the ATML Test Results and Session Information schema requires.

Workaround: Modify the ATML style sheet you are using to correctly display the start date.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/26/2012

Terminated subsequences called in a new execution have a status of Passed
If you call a sequence and select the Use New Execution execution option on the Sequence Call Module tab, you can obtain the results of the called sequence by using a Wait step. However, if the called sequence execution is terminated, the Wait step reports the sequence result as Passed instead of Terminated.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: Universal  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

The TS.StartTime property is incorrect when used with remote instances of the TestStand Engine
The TS.StartTime property in the ResultList array contains the time in seconds since the creation of the TestStand Engine. However, when you execute steps in a remote instance of the TestStand Engine, this property uses the creation time of the remote engine rather than the local engine, which can cause calculations of absolute time to be incorrect if the calculation is based on the engine creation time obtained from the Seconds() function.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: Universal  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

XML reports might display an incorrect number of results and incorrect failure chain information
When you generate a XML report and do not use on-the-fly report generation, the Number of Results value and the failure chain information can be incorrect if the sequence file uses Engine callbacks. The report includes the steps in these callbacks in the Number of Results value but does not include the results for the steps in the report. In addition, the failure chain in the report might also incorrectly contain references to steps in the Engine callbacks.

Workaround: Enable on-the-fly reporting for the XML report, or use a different report format.

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/29/2012

When you specify a report path by expression, the <Unique> macro does not function if the path does not exist
When you specify a report path by expression, the <Unique> macro does not function if the path does not exist. If you are simultaneously generating multiple reports using the same expression, the reports can be overwritten because the report name will not be unique.

Workaround: Ensure that report paths exist before you execute the sequence, or use a different macro, such as <FileTime>, to ensure a unique filename.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/05/2013
TestStand Deployment Utility

Building a deployment before LabVIEW completely launches might cause an error
Building a deployment can return an error when the output of the deployment generates LLB files before LabVIEW completely launches. This problem is known to occur in LabVIEW versions 8.5 or later.

Workaround: Launch LabVIEW and wait until LabVIEW has finished initializing before you build a deployment.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

TestStand Deployment Utility deploys files to an incorrect location if a file path contains multibyte characters and the installation language does not match the target computer language
If you choose to install files in a location that contains multibyte characters or if the filename contains multibyte characters, the files might be installed to an incorrect location under either of the following conditions:
  • If the installer language is set to English.
  • If the installer language setting does not match the language setting of the target computer.
You cannot deploy multibyte file paths using an installer set to English.

Workaround: If you must deploy files with multibyte characters or if the install location contains multibyte characters, you must verify that the installer language matches the language setting of the target computer.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

TestStand Deployment Utility does not adequately document error codes -40 and -30
Error codes -40 and -30 can occur in the TestStand Deployment Utility when building additional NI installers into an installer. Refer to the National Instruments Web site at to contact National Instruments Support for more information after attempting the workarounds documented below.

Workaround: If you receive the error "Error: Internal error. (Error code -40)" try removing or renaming the <National Instruments>\Shared\MDF\Manifests directory and repairing all installed NI software. If you receive the error "Error: Improper function call or command line argument. (Error code -30)" try deleting all cached installers in the <All Users>\Application Data\National Instruments\MDF\ProductCache directory.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Deploying VIs in a LabVIEW class might not correctly link dependencies
If you deploy a LabVIEW 8.6.1 or later VI that is in a LabVIEW class, the TestStand 4.2 Deployment Utility might not correctly link dependencies of the VI. LabVIEW 2009 fixes this behavior. When using earlier versions of LabVIEW, refer to the National Instruments Web site at and enter the info code rdtsdiv to access the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article Building a TestStand Deployment that Includes VIs in a Class may Sometimes Produce a Bad Deployment for more information about deploying a VI in a LabVIEW class.

Workaround: Recompile the VI after you build the deployment.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Deploying files after moving a .tsd file and unchecking files for deployment might change the deployment destination directories or truncate filenames
If you change the directory in which a deployment .tsd file resides and you unchecked files from being deployed after saving the .tsd file, the TestStand Deployment Utility might display truncated filenames after analyzing the files. When building, the TestStand Deployment Utility might also change the structure of the destination files, so that the structure is different compared to the structure that existed before you moved the .tsd file.

Workaround: Keep the .tsd file in the same directory in which it was created or leave at least one file checked in the topmost directory to prevent the algorithm that determines the destination directory structure from returning a different result.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Including the LabVIEW 8.5.1 _exclsub.llb file in a TestStand workspace along with a sequence file that contains a LabVIEW 8.5.1 code module that calls the Report Generation Express VI results in a TestStand Deployment Utility build error
When you include the LabVIEW 8.5.1 _exclsub.llb file in a TestStand workspace and that workspace also includes a sequence file that calls one or more LabVIEW 8.5.1 code modules that use the Report Generation Express VI, the TestStand Deployment Utility returns the following build error: "Error: The following VIs or Project Libraries have duplicate names. You must change the names or add them to project libraries: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\vi.lib\addons\_office\_wordsub.llb\font.ctl while Processing VIs... C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\vi.lib\addons\_office\_exclsub.llb\font.ctl while Processing VIs...". However, you must include _exclsub.llb because the Report Generation Express VI dynamically calls VIs the LLB contains. The Express VI statically links to the font.ctl file, which causes a duplicate copy when you include the _exclsub.llb library in a TestStand workspace. LabVIEW 8.6 and later fix this issue.

Workaround: To build successfully, exclude the font.ctl file from the _exclsub.llb library in the Distributed Files tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility. LabVIEW 8.6 and later fix this issue.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Leaving the Default Installation Subdirectory field empty in the Installer Options tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility results in a build error
If you leave the Default Installation Subdirectory field empty in the Installer Options tab of the TestStand Deployment Utility because you want the files to install in the base directory, the deployment utility returns the following message when you attempt to build: "The build contains one or more invalid paths: Invalid Default Installation Subdirectory: """

Workaround: Place a period in the Default Installation Subdirectory field to install files in the base directory.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

The TestStand Deployment Utility assigns the same default destination directory for two files with the same filename and file hierarchy but located on different drives
If a workspace contains two files with the same filename and file hierarchy on two separate drives (for example, C:\ and D:\), by default the TestStand Deployment Utility assigns the same destination directory for both files, which results in an "Error: The following files have conflicting destinations:" build error.

Workaround: Manually modify the destination directory for one of the files.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

TestStand Deployment Utility does not properly update TestStand Deployment (TSD) file paths that contain user names when you move the files and a different user loads the TSD file
If file paths of a TestStand Deployment (TSD) file, such as the Workspace File Path, contain a user name (User A's Desktop) and you move the files to a path that does not contain the user name (C:\), when a different user loads the TSD file, the TestStand Deployment Utility incorrectly updates the file paths to point to the previous path using the new user name (User B's Desktop) instead of pointing to the correct path (C:\).

Workaround: Do not store the files in paths that contain user names, such as Desktop or My Documents. Alternatively, when you move the files from a path that contains user names to a path that does not contain user names, load the TSD file with the same user to correctly update the paths.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009
IDKnown Issue

Destination directories for files you do not select in the TestStand Deployment Utility appear distorted when you convert TestStand Deployment files from an older version of TestStand to a newer version
When you load a TestStand Deployment file that was saved in a previous version of TestStand into the TestStand Deployment Utility, the destination directories on the Distributed Files tab appear distorted for files that you have not selected.

Workaround: Select and then revert the selection for the file to update the Distributed Files tab with the correct destination directory but leave the file excluded from the deployment.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

TestStand Deployment Utility merges CommonResults type during build without prompts
If a TestStand deployment contains sequence files that include different versions of CommonResults, the TestStand Deployment Utility automatically merges the different versions of CommonResults into one version without prompts or notifications. TestStand 2010 SP1 includes a rule in the TestStand Sequence Analyzer to report different CommonResults versions.

Workaround: Resolve type conflicts for all sequence files before deployment. TestStand 2010 SP1 includes a rule in the TestStand Sequence Analyzer to report different CommonResults versions.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/10/2011

Using the horizontal scrollbar in the deployment utility prevents you from selecting files
You cannot select or deselect files on the Distributed Files tab of the deployment utility when you use the horizontal scrollbar.

Workaround: Move the horizontal scrollbar to the left until you can select or deselect the files you want.

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

July 29, 2012TestStand Deployment Utility does not update the workspace path if you save the deployment and workspace files to the desktop then move the files
When you save workspace and deployment files on the desktop, move the files to a new location, and then load the deployment file in the TestStand Deployment Utility, the Workspace Path control expects the workspace file to be located in the Desktop directory.

Workaround: Browse to the new workspace file location.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

The TestStand Deployment Utility might include the .NET Framework 2.0 in an installer even when you disable the Include .NET Framework 2.0 in Installer Engine option
When you disable the Include .NET Framework 2.0 in Installer option in the TestStand Deployment Utility Engine Options dialog box but another component that you included in the installer depends on .NET Framework 2.0 (for example, the TestStand Sequence Editor, the TestStand Sequence Analyzer, or the deployment utility), the TestStand Deployment Utility includes the .NET Framework 2.0 when building the installer. The deployment utility does not display a warning to inform you that it will include the .NET Framework 2.0 in the installer.

Workaround: Do not include components that depend on the .NET Framework 2.0 in the installer.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand Deployment Utility fails when you build a Packed Project Library with source if a project with the same path is already in memory
The TestStand Deployment Utility incorrectly returns the following error: "Internal error code 1357 Processing VIs... Could not process LabVIEW VIs. Fix any broken VIs before rebuilding." when you build a Packed Project Library and include the source files when a project with the same path is already in memory.

Workaround: Close LabVIEW to remove all projects from memory and build the deployment again.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

The deployment utility returns an incorrect error when the path to a LabVIEW packed project library source file is too long
If the path for a LabVIEW packed project library source file is too long, the deployment utility returns the following error: The build was aborted because LabVIEW is missing one or more files. The Deployment Utility is now determining which VIs reference the missing file(s). Internal error code 7 Processing VIs....

Workaround: Shorten the path for the packed project library source file.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand Deployment Utility returns an error when building if the TestStand directory and its VIs do not exist in the vi.lib\addons directory
If the TestStand directory and its contents does not exist in the vi.lib\addons directory of the current LabVIEW version, the TestStand Deployment Utility returns the following error when building a deployment that includes LabVIEW files: "Error: Unable to find all subVIs from saved VIs. Either a subVI is missing or the VI is not saved in the current LabVIEW version."

Workaround: If the error lists a call chain that includes the "TestStand - Deployment Utility Splash", close TestStand and the deployment utility and use the TestStand Version Selector to make that version of TestStand active again. Check the vi.lib\addons directory of the current version of LabVIEW to ensure that the TestStand directory exists before attempting to build the deployment again.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand User Interfaces might contain blank VariablesView controls or return an unhandled error on the computer to which you deployed the test system
If you create a TestStand deployment with the following conditions, TestStand might return an error when you attempt to edit sequences on the computer to which you deployed the test system:
  • Includes the TestStand Engine
  • Includes the .NET Support component, but does not include the Components»Tools and the Analyzer components
After you install the deployment on a target computer, the TestStand User Interface might contain a blank VariablesView control or controls might return unhandled errors when you attempt to use the user interface. Additionally, if you attempt to use the TestStand Version Selector to make the version of TestStand active, TestStand returns the TSDotNetSupport.dll failed to register. error.

Workaround: When you create a deployment installer that includes the TestStand Engine, ensure that the installer includes the Components»Tools, Analyzer, and .NET Support components. Note: You must include the .NET Support component to use a TestStand User Interface with a Variables View control on a deployed system.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 03/29/2012

The deployment utility might encounter errors when deploying locked VIs when you enable the Apply New Password option
When you enable the Apply New Password option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box of the deployment utility and any VIs you include in the deployment call a subVI with the Locked (No Password) setting enabled, the deployment fails.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Errors can occur when you set VI destinations to LLBs and you enable the Output VIs to a Packed Project Library option
When you create a deployment that includes VIs, an error occurs in the build process under the following conditions:
  • You are using TestStand 2010 SP1 and LabVIEW 2011 or 2011 SP1
  • You enable the Output to a Packed Project Library option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box
  • You configure the destination of at least one top-level VI to be within an LLB
This error occurs because TestStand attempts to create a support VIs directory within an LLB, and LabVIEW does not support creating subdirectories within an LLB.

Workaround: Disable the Output to a Packed Project Library option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box or ensure that no top-level VIs are within an LLB.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

The Specify Configuration Directory option does not function in the TestStand 2010 SP1 Deployment Utility
The Specify Configuration Directory option in the Advanced Installer Options dialog box does not function in the TestStand 2010 SP1 Deployment Utility. The deployment utility uses the default configuration directory on the deployment target computer even when you enable this option.

Workaround: Use a custom command to call an executable to implement this functionality.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

A warning can occur when you build a deployment that includes VIs that contain unsupported Microsoft Windows characters
If a deployment contains VIs that use characters that are not valid for Microsoft Windows files, such as the slash (/) or question mark (?) character, and you enable the Output VIs to Packed Project Library option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box, the TestStand Deployment Utility returns a warning similar to the following warning when building the deployment: Warning: Cannot update VI Path: Step '<stepName>', sequence '<sequenceName>', sequence file '<sequenceFilePath>' If you install the deployment on a target computer, the step the warning references does not not execute. This issue occurs because the paths for VIs contained within a packed project library must use only valid Windows filename characters, which is not the case for VIs within LLBs or LabVIEW libraries.

Workaround: Use only valid Windows filename characters when naming VIs and virtual folders.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

TestStand Deployment Utility returns a non-descriptive error when the LabVIEW Application Builder in unlicensed
If you attempt to build a deployment with the Output VIs to a Packed Project Library option enabled in the LabVIEW Options dialog box, TestStand returns a non-descriptive error similar to the following:

Internal error code 1327 Processing VIs... Could not process LabVIEW VIs. Fix any broken VIs before rebuilding. LabVIEW error:

The LabVIEW Application Builder must be licensed to successfully build a deployment.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/05/2013

TestStand Deployment Utility can create multiple copies of DLL files that LabVIEW code modules reference
If you create a deployment that meets all of the following conditions, the resulting image contains two copies of the referenced DLL:
  • The deployment contains a VI that calls a DLL
  • You include the called DLL in the deployment
One copy of the DLL will exist in the destination you specify for the DLL, and a second copy will exist in the supportvis directory because the DLL is a dependency of a VI in the deployment. Any VIs in the deployment that reference the DLL will use the supportvis directory location. This behavior can cause VIs that call the DLL to break in the case that the duplicate DLL requires other DLL dependencies in a specific location because the dependent DLLs will not be moved to the support VIs directory.

Workaround: Configure the destination of any affected DLLs to be the supportvis directory to ensure that no duplicates are created. If the DLL has dependencies, add them to the deployment, and configure the destination directory to also be the supportvis directory to ensure that the dependencies are located.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 02/05/2013

In the TestStand Deployment Utility, changing the installation directory of a LabVIEW packed project library causes settings to change
In the TestStand Deployment Utility, if you change the installation directory of a LabVIEW packed project library (.lvlibp), the other settings for the file (Force File to Install and Create Program Item) revert to the disabled state.

Workaround: When configuring settings for a LabVIEW packed project library, ensure that settings are correct after you change the destination directory.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/05/2013

LabVIEW can crash when building a deployment with destination VI paths exceeding 255 characters
When using the Output VIs to a packed project library option, the TestStand Deployment Utility can encounter a crash if the destination VI paths exceeds 255 characters

Workaround: Disable the Output VIs to a packed project library option, or use shorter destination VI paths

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 03/26/2013

Deployment does not include unused packed project libraries within a library when you enable the Include All Files in LabVIEW Project option
If you create a TestStand deployment that includes a LabVIEW library and the library contains a packed project library that is not a dependency of any files included in the deployment, the TestStand Deployment Utility does not include the packed project library even if you enable the Include All Files in LabVIEW Project option on the Distributed Files tab.

Workaround: Add the packed project library to the workspace from which you are deploying.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/28/2013
TestStand Engine

You cannot use variables with the same name as an expression constant in an expression
If you use a variable with the same name as an expression constant in an expression, TestStand returns a syntax error when evaluating the expression. The following constants are reserved names:
  • True
  • False
  • Nothing
  • PI
  • NAN
  • IND
  • INF
  • Color constants, which follow the form ts<ColorName> and are less susceptible to this issue.

Workaround: Use the GetVal API functions in an expression to interact with objects that have the same name as expression constants, such as in the function Locals.PIValue = ThisContext.AsPropertyObject.GetValNumber("Step.Result.PI",0).

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

When a run-time error occurs in a step, the module is not unloaded from memory when you select the Unload after step executes option
A run-time error in a step causes TestStand to skip the unloading of a module if you select the Unload after step executes unload option on the Run Options tab of the Step Properties dialog box, Run Options panel of the Properties panel on the Step Settings pane, or the General tab of the Sequence File Properties dialog box.

Workaround: Use another unload option such as Unload after sequence executes if you expect a step to return a run-time error.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

TestStand returns the error "The TestStand service did not start up promptly" when you launch the sequence editor or a user interface
When the TestStand Engine is created, the engine checks with the National Instruments TestStand Service to ensure that external environments such as LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and Microsoft Visual Studio are properly updated. If the service is not available, TestStand returns the error "The TestStand service did not start up promptly." The TestStand Service is required for this external environment setup to allow non-administrator users to properly configure these environments. The TestStand Service can sometimes be delayed while launching because a previous service hangs when starting. For example, the Windows Workstation service might hang for a few minutes on startup when trying to reconnect to mapped network drives if the drives are not immediately available. This can cause the TestStand Service to be unable to start, and if a TestStand User Interface is launched before the service starts, TestStand returns this error.

Workaround: Generally, you dismiss the error dialog box and continue to use TestStand normally, as long as you do not require the external environments to be configured. To remove the error, try to determine the offending service that is delaying the TestStand Service from starting, and see if you can correct the source of the slow start. You can also delay the launching of the offending service by marking the service as manual startup, and adding a command to the startup group to start the service after other services have been started.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Calling the Module.CreateCode or Step.CreateCode methods on a .NET step or module returns an error if the methods are called from a non-STA thread
The Module.CreateCode and Step.CreateCode methods must be called from a Single Threaded Apartment (STA) thread if you are trying to create .NET code. If you do not call these methods from an STA thread, TestStand returns the following error: "Error -18500: An error occurred during Visual Studio automation: The message filter indicated that the application is busy."

Workaround: Most development environments initialize a UI thread to be an STA thread, so calling these methods from the UI thread is usually safe. Otherwise, you must manually initialize a thread to be STA, and the procedure differs with each environment.

Reported Version: 4.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

PropertyObject leaks or hangs occur on a TestStand remote sequence execution server if a sequence file has a SequenceFileUnload callback
Shutting down a TestStand User Interface that called sequences on a remote computer can cause PropertyObject leaks or hangs of the remote engine if a sequence file called remotely contains a SequenceFileUnload callback sequence. If the SequenceFileUnload callback sequence contains a dialog box and you do not dismiss the dialog box, neither the remote engine nor the client user interface exit.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Clicking Yes in the "Do you want to close all opened document windows?" dialog box after you close a workspace file prevents any open sequence files from reloading when you reopen the workspace
The Reload Documents When Opening Workspace option on the Station Options Preferences tab loads the documents you had open when you last closed the workspace file. When you enable this option and you close the workspace file while sequence files are currently loaded, a dialog box prompts you to close all opened document windows. If you click Yes in this dialog box, all loaded sequence files close along with the workspace file. When you reopen the workspace file, the previously loaded sequence files do not reload. If you click No in the dialog box or if you exit TestStand, the previously loaded sequence files reload when you reopen the workspace file.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Configuring a SequenceCall step to launch a new execution from within the SequenceFileLoad Engine Callback hangs the SequenceFileLoad execution when you load the sequence file
If the SequenceFileLoad Engine Callback contains a SequenceCall step configured to launch a new execution, when you load the sequence file and the SequenceCall step executes, the SequenceFileLoad execution hangs until you manually terminate it. This behavior exists only when you load the sequence file. Running the SequenceFileLoad sequence manually executes properly.

Workaround: Configure the SequenceCall step to launch a new thread instead of a new execution or use the TestStand API Engine.NewExecution method to programmatically launch a new execution.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Using the TestStand Seconds Function or Wait Step might result in incorrect elapsed time
Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article 5703Q01O, Using the TestStand Seconds Function or Wait Step Might Result in Incorrect Elapsed Time, located at, for more information about this issue.

Workaround: Refer to the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article 5703Q01O, Using the TestStand Seconds Function or Wait Step Might Result in Incorrect Elapsed Time, located at, for information about workarounds for this issue.

Reported Version: 3.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Using the RunEntryPoint command-line argument returns an error when the entry point you specify is defined in the process model associated with the sequence file but not in the station model
Using the RunEntryPoint command-line argument returns an error when the entry point you specify is defined in the process model associated with the sequence file but not in the station model.

Workaround: Change the station model to the process model that defines the entry point you want to use.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Cleanup step post action that jumps to Main step group causes infinite loop when you terminate the sequence
Defining a post action that jumps to the Main step group from a Cleanup step results in an infinite loop when you terminate the sequence before reaching that Cleanup step.

Workaround: Abort the execution.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Batch synchronization behaves incorrectly when you set a SequenceCall step and the steps within the subsequence to serial batch synchronization
When you configure a SequenceCall step for serial batch synchronization and also configure the steps of the subsequence for serial batch synchronization, the execution behaves unexpectedly when the steps the subsequence calls include a For Loop.

Workaround: Configure batch synchronization only for the SequenceCall step or only for the steps the subsequence calls. Do not configure batch synchronization for both.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Performing a Step Into operation on a step might step into subsequences that pre-step or post-step Engine callbacks call
If a pre-step or post-step Engine callback, such as SequenceFilePostStep, calls a subsequence, performing a Step Into operation on a step steps into the subsequence the callback calls. If the callback does not call a subsequence, performing a Step Into operation on a step executes the step and moves on to the next step.

Workaround: Click the Step Out button or press <Shift-F8> to return to the next step in the original sequence.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

Custom type container becomes incompatible with its own type when you use a field of the custom type container as the current element of a For Each loop
When you use a field of a custom type container as the current element of a For Each loop and then attempt to assign the custom type container to a container of the same type, TestStand returns the following run-time error: "Variable or property types do not match or are not compatible."

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2014  Added: 08/01/2011

Making the return value of the PropertyObject.GetValVariant method a 64-bit integer causes an edit-time error
The TestStand Sequence Analyzer returns an edit-time error when you make the return value of the PropertyObject.GetValVariant method a 64-bit integer. However, the sequence executes successfully.

Workaround: You can ignore this error.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Message Popup step leaks memory when you enable Display Image or Web Page option
The Message Popup step leaks memory when you enable the Display Image or Web Page option and the file is not a .ico or .bmp file.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0.1f1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand attempts to step into the Determine Report File Path C/C++ DLL step after stepping out of a PreUUT callback
If you are debugging a PreUUT callback sequence and you try to step out of the sequence, TestStand attempts to step into the Determine Report File Path C/C++ DLL step in the Test UUTs Execution entry point. If you had originally traced into the Test UUTs sequence, this behavior would not occur.

Workaround: Use Continue instead of Step Out or enable the Trace into Entry Points option on the Execution Tab of the Station Options dialog box.

Reported Version: 4.1.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

Creating an attribute for a parameter of a substep code module results in an error
When you specify the code module for a substep and attempt to create an attribute for a parameter of the code module, the Attributes dialog box returns the "One or more errors have occurred. Please save your work and restart the application." error. This behavior does not occur for substeps that use the .NET Adapter.

Workaround: Do not edit or create attributes for parameters of substep modules.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 08/01/2011

FTP Files step type does not use the current sequence file directory search path to determine a relative path when browsing for files
When you use the FTP Files step type and browse for files, TestStand prompts you to add a search directory or use an absolute path even when the file you want to select resides in the current sequence file directory or a subdirectory of the current sequence file directory.

Workaround: Manually provide a correct relative path to ensure the step executes correctly at run time.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand Engine File dialog box does not display correctly and is unusable when you set the font size to 150% DPI on Windows 7
On Windows 7, when you set the font size to 150% DPI, the OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, the File Name field, and the Files of Type filter are not visible in the TestStand Engine File dialog box.

Workaround: Use a font size up to 125% DPI.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 08/01/2011

Performing a Flush or GetStatus operation on a global TestStand queue might return error -17500
Performing a Flush or GetStatus operation on a global TestStand queue might return error -17500 if you configure the operation to store the queue elements in an array, such as by specifying the Location to Store Array of Queue Elements option. This issue exists for global TestStand queues, which are queues with names that start with an asterisk (*), but not for local TestStand queues.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

Disabling the Edit Module Prototype option for a step type might not restrict changes to the module of a step instance
Disabling the Edit Module Prototype option on the Disable Properties tab of the Type Properties dialog box for a step type does not restrict you from making changes to the module of a step instance if you configured the step to use the LabVIEW, .NET, or ActiveX/COM Adapter.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Viewing expression steps with a large number of comma-separated statements can cause TestStand to stop responding
Viewing expression steps with a large number of comma-separated statements can cause TestStand to crash or stop responding.

Workaround: To recover the expression, change the format of the sequence file by selecting INI from the File Format ring control on the General tab of the Sequence File Properties dialog box, and then use a text editor to open the INI file and break the expression into multiple steps.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Using the <Esc> key or closing the Run-Time Error dialog box causes the execution to pause
Closing the Run-Time Error dialog box using the <Esc> key or by closing the window causes the execution to pause. This behavior might be a problem for users with operator privileges because these users do not have sufficient privileges to resume the execution.

Workaround: Override the default Run-Time Error dialog box by either using the PostStepRuntimeError callback or creating a UIMessage event handler to handle the UIMsg_BreakOnRunTimeError message.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Passing a value of 0 for the subProperty parameter of the PropertyObject.InsertSubProperty method causes TestStand to stop responding
After you execute a sequence that calls the PropertyObject.InsertSubProperty method from an ActiveX/COM step and you pass a value of 0 or nothing for the subProperty parameter, TestStand stops responding when you use autocomplete while editing an expression. You must restart TestStand to recover from this state.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Boolean logic might return an incorrect result when you use constant values for both operands
The Boolean logic operators && and || might return an incorrect result when you use constants for both operands, such as, 'False && True'. This issue does not occur if either operand contains a variable value.

Workaround: Ensure that any logic operations include at least one variable value.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

The Sequence.GetEffectiveType method returns incorrect values when called from a running sequence
The Sequence.GetEffectiveType method always returns the value 0 when called using a reference to a running copy of a sequence, such as the RunState.Sequence.GetEffectiveType() call.

Workaround: Call the method on the edit copy of the sequence to obtain the correct value, such as RunState.SequenceFile.Data.Seq["MainSequence"].GetEffectiveType().

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/25/2012

A type conflict can occur when you save a sequence file after you change the station model
A type conflict can occur when you save a sequence file after you complete the following steps.
  1. Create a new sequence file, and override the PreUUT or PostUUT callback in the sequence file.
  2. Change the station model.
In this case, TestStand returns an error similar to the following error: Failed to save sequence file '<sequenceFilePath>'. Type '<typeName>' is invalid because it conflicts with the existing type of that name. To avoid this error message, you should open the files with conflicting types in the Sequence Editor, resolve the conflicts and resave the updated files.

Workaround: To prevent this behavior, save any new sequence files before changing the station model.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/25/2012

Terminating a remote Call Executable step might cause a system-level error
When you configure a Call Executable step to run the executable on a remote computer, terminating the step might cause the -17502; System Level Exception error. TestStand reports this error only when you configure the standard input, standard output, or standard error to non-default settings.

Workaround: You can safely ignore this error, or you can prevent the error from displaying by configuring the Call Executable step to ignore run-time errors. To handle other errors encountered in the Call Executable step, add a step after the call to handle the error information if the execution is not terminating.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/25/2012

LabVIEW Edit substeps do not support LabVIEW class output parameters
If you select a code module for an Edit substep you define for a custom step type and the code module specifies a LabVIEW class reference as an output parameter, TestStand returns the following error when calling the code module: Error Executing substep 'Edit'
Parameter 'class out':
System Level Exception.
Error Code: -17502

Workaround: Refer to the TestStand 4.2.1 section of the National Instruments KnowledgeBase article, Using LabVIEW class References with TestStand National Instruments KnowledgeBase article, located at, for information about how you can pass a LabVIEW class reference as an output parameter for the code module of an Edit substep

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

Modifying properties within an ExpressionEdit control on the Module tab of the Step Settings pane for a LabVIEW Edit substep can cause TestStand to hang
TestStand and LabVIEW hang when all of the following conditions are true:
  • You configure the LabVIEW Adapter to use the LabVIEW Development Environment
  • The selected step is an instance of a step type that specifies a LabVIEW Edit substep, and the substep code module contains an ExpressionEdit control
  • You launch the Edit substep for the selected step using the context menu while the Module tab is active on the Step Settings pane
  • You attempt to modify, add, or remove a property through the VariablesView window of the ExpressionEdit control in the Edit substep code module.
Changing the value or creating a property by right-clicking the expression do not cause the hang.

Workaround: If you encounter this hang, you must end the TestStand process and restart it to recover. To prevent the hang from occurring, ensure that the Module tab is not active on the Step Settings pane when you launch the Edit substep code module that contains an ExpressionEdit control by using the Substeps tab of the Step Type Properties dialog box to launch the substep.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

You receive an error when you attempt to directly pass TestStand API objects to a sequence you call on a remote computer
When you use a Sequence Call step to call a sequence on a remote computer and you specify an expression that contains TestStand API calls for the value of an object reference parameter, TestStand might display the -17308: Specified value does not have the expected type. error.

Workaround: Create a local variable or other property to assign the TestStand API property you want to pass to the remote sequence and use this property in the Parameter Table of the remote Sequence Call step.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

The default UUT data type does not provide a Part Number field
For many applications, UUTs specify both a serial number and a part number, but the default UUT data type in TestStand does not provide a specific field to store a part number.

Workaround: Modify the existing UUT data type type to contain a Part Number field.

Reported Version: 1.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/10/2012

The comparison function can yield different results when operands are swapped if one operand is zero
When using the comparison operator in TestStand to compare a value of magnitude 1e-14 or smaller to exactly zero, swapping the operands can yield different result. For example, the comparison 0 == 1e-14 returns True but the comparison 1e-14 == 0 returns False. The same difference in behavior occurs with the not equal (!=) and greater and less than (< and >) operators. In TestStand 2013 and later, both comparisons will yield "False"

Workaround: When comparing a small number to zero, ensure that the zero is the second operand in the comparison function.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 08/13/2012

TestStand crashes upon launch on Windows 8 if installed before the .NET 3.5 Framework

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 10/02/2012

TestStand hangs when you use modal dialog boxes in a LabWindows/CVI or LabVIEW code module

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/05/2013

Dialog boxes generated in new executions do not display when created within a remote engine
If you call a sequence on a remote target and the sequence creates a new execution, any dialog boxes the execution generates—such as a message box or a run-time error dialog box—do not display, making it appear that the execution is hanging.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 06/28/2013

Loading the module of a sequence call step using the API results in an error in certain cases
If you configure a Sequence Call step to create a new execution and specify a model file, and you try to load the code module for the step using the Step.LoadModule, Sequence.LoadModules, or SequenceFile.LoadModules method with the LoadModule_LoadModulesInSubsequences option, TestStand attempts to load the specified entry point from the client sequence file instead of the process model, which results in an error.

Workaround: You can prevent the error by creating a sequence in the client sequence file with the name of the entry point you want to call. You can obtain the correct sequence to load by giving this sequence a Sequence Call step that calls into the correct entry point.

Reported Version: 4.1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/28/2013

Type errors might occur when loading a more recent version of a type that is stored only in a sequence file
If a step or data type is stored only in a sequence file, you might encounter errors in some cases when opening another sequence file that contains a newer version of the type. This behavior occurs only when the sequence file that contains the type is executed before you open the file that contains the more recent type version.

Workaround: If this behavior occurs, close and reopen the file that contains the older version of the type.

Reported Version: 4.1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/28/2013
TestStand Sequence Editor

Some dynamically defined toolbar items disappear on refresh
If you drag a dynamically created submenu item to the TestStand toolbar, the item you added might disappear from the toolbar when you refresh the menu by pressing the <Ctrl> key.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Sequence editor caches Execution windows
By default, the sequence editor caches Execution windows to work around an issue where the operating system occasionally leaks objects when you close windows. As a result of caching, the sequence editor process holds on to Windows USER and GDI objects. Windows Task Manager reports that the sequence editor does not release USER and GDI objects when you close Execution windows, which is expected behavior because the sequence editor reuses the USER and GDI objects in subsequent executions. By default, TestStand caches all Execution windows until the number of available USER objects or GDI objects in the TestStand process is less than 1000. Typically, you do not need to change this limit, but you can specify the maximum number of windows in the cache by creating a DWORD registry value named SeqeditExeDocCacheSize under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\TestStand\4.x key. The recommended value is the number of execution windows you typically have open concurrently when running executions in the sequence editor. For example, if you typically run a batch process with eight test sockets, specify a value of 9, which includes eight executions that correspond to the test sockets and one controlling execution. You might leak USER objects and GDI objects when the number of concurrent execution windows you create is greater than the number you specify in the registry. The registry entry is an unsigned integer. A value of 0 disables the cache. When the sequence editor attempts to open a new document and finds that there are fewer than 500 USER objects or GDI objects available, the sequence editor clears the cache and returns a warning message.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Selecting the Show Differences option in the Workspace pane context menu can result in a hang if source code control diff or merge utilities are not installed
If you right-click a file on the Workspace pane and select Show Differences from the context menu, the TestStand Sequence Editor might hang if the difference and merge utilities the source control provider specifies are not installed.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Step Type Menu Editor dialog box displays an error and closes when dragging groups quickly with the mouse
The Step Type Menu Editor dialog box returns an error and closes when you drag groups quickly with the mouse. The dialog box works correctly when you open it again.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Selecting different steps is slow when a very large array is expanded on the Variables pane
Selecting different steps on the Steps pane of the TestStand Sequence Editor is slow when you select an element of a large array on the Variables pane.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

You cannot view the Sequence Properties or Sequence File Properties dialog boxes without unlocking a file first
The TestStand Sequence Editor incorrectly prompts you to unlock a file before launching the Sequence Properties or Sequence File Properties dialog boxes.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Property object leaks reported when closing the TestStand Sequence Editor from the Windows taskbar
The TestStand Sequence Editor occasionally reports property object leaks when you select Close from the Windows taskbar context menu to close the application and you enabled the Report Object Leaks option in the Debug Options dialog box you access from the Preferences tab of the Station Options dialog box.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Variables pane incorrectly highlights an expression property in red
The Variables pane incorrectly highlights an expression property in red when you select multiple steps and the expression contains references to variables in locals, parameters, or file globals.

Workaround: Select each step individually.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Create Custom Data Type from Cluster dialog box appears multiple times when multiple steps are selected
The LabVIEW Module tab incorrectly launches the Create Custom Data Type from Cluster dialog box multiple times when you select multiple steps and you click the Create Custom Data Type button.

Workaround: Select only one step before you click the Create Custom Data Type button.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 05/26/2008

Double-clicking a Sequence Call step that calls a sequence in a new file does not scroll the Sequences pane if the new sequence file is not already open
Double-clicking a correctly specified Sequence Call step opens the sequence being called and highlights the sequence on the Sequences pane. However, if the sequence file being called is not already open, the sequence is highlighted on the Sequences pane, but the Sequences pane does not scroll so that the selected sequence is visible.

Workaround: Scroll the Sequences pane to view the selected sequence.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

TestStand User Interfaces do not reload a process model if it is modified on disk while loaded into memory
If the sequence editor or a user interface loads a process model into memory and the process model then changes on disk, the sequence editor or user interface does not automatically reload the process model. This issue occurs because loading a sequence file automatically loads the associated process model, and the process model can be modified on disk by a Source Code Control (SCC) system or by another TestStand process.

Workaround: Select File»Unload All Modules or manually open the process model file from disk to force a reload of the process model.

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Variables pane can become hidden or partially covered when you auto-hide it and then remove the auto-hide
When you use the Large Screen Example sequence editor configuration and you have two Sequence File window tabs tiled and you auto-hide the Variables pane in one Sequence File window and then remove the auto-hide, the second Sequence File window cuts off part of the Variables pane.

Workaround: Close the Sequence File window and reopen it to fix the display of the Variables pane. You can also reset the layout using Sequence Editor Options dialog box.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Syncing files with a source code control system from the TestStand File/Diff Merge application in the sequence editor returns an error
If you try to diff files in the sequence editor with a workspace file open, TestStand prompts you to edit the current files, sync the files with a source code control (SCC) system first, or cancel the operation. If you choose to sync the files first, TestStand returns the One or more errors have occurred. Please save your work and restart the application.

Workaround: Close the file diff/merge application and sync the files before you rediff the files.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/18/2009

Undoing changes from the Update Automation Identifiers tool makes all steps in the selected sequence disappear
If you undo changes from the Update Automation Identifiers tool, all steps in the selected sequence disappear from the Sequences pane.

Workaround: Click on a different sequence and then return to the original sequence to make the steps reappear. You can also close and reload the file to workaround this issue.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

TestStand Sequence Editor seems to hang when launching the Customize Toolbar dialog box after changing the number of monitors in the system
The Customize Toolbar dialog box is a modal dialog box. If you configured a system to use multiple monitors, opened the Customize Toolbar dialog box, then moved the dialog box to a secondary monitor screen before closing the dialog box, when you remove the additional monitor(s) from the system, the TestStand Sequence Editor appears to hang the next time the Customize Toolbar dialog box launches. This occurs because the Customize Toolbar dialog box tries to display on a monitor that no longer exists in the system.

Workaround: If you experience this apparent hang, press the <Enter> key to close the modal Customize Toolbar dialog box. Configure the system to use multiple monitors, launch the Customize Toolbar dialog box, move the dialog box to the primary monitor, and then close the dialog box. If you remove the additional monitor(s) from the system, subsequent launches of the Customize Toolbar dialog box display the dialog box on the primary monitor.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Using a LabVIEW Edit substep to remove an element from a TestStand array while elements of that array are visible on the Variables pane causes an error on the Variables pane
When you enable the Show VI Front Panel When Called option for a LabVIEW Edit substep and use that substep to remove an element from a TestStand array while elements of that array are visible on the Variables pane, the Variables pane returns an error under certain screen resolution or color quality settings. You must restart TestStand in this situation.

Workaround: Disable the Show VI Front Panel When Called option for the Edit substep, do not display the elements of the array on the Variables pane while the Edit substep is executing, or modify the screen resolution and color quality settings to avoid this behavior.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

Watch View pane returns an error when you drag an object held by a reference onto the pane
For an Object Reference called Ref that references a TestStand property called Foo, when you drag Foo to the Watch View pane, TestStand populates the watch expression with Ref.Foo and returns an error.

Workaround: Drag the Object Reference into the Watch View pane and expand it to get to the property you want.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

The Watch View pane might not refresh all watch expressions
In some cases, the Watch View pane might not refresh all current watch expressions after you make an edit to an expression.

Workaround: Make a change to the watch expression or recreate it.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 08/01/2011

The RunState.IsEditor property evaluates to False in the SequenceFileLoad callback of a process model when launching the sequence editor
When you launch the sequence editor, the RunState.IsEditor property evaluates to False in the SequenceFileLoad callback of a process model.

Workaround: Use the Engine.GetInternalOption method to access the Application Manager control, and use the ApplicationMgr.IsEditor property.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

An error can occur when you change the run mode for multiple selected Sequence Call steps
When you select multiple Sequence Call steps and you change the run mode step setting, you might encounter error -17325 if any of the Sequence Call steps contain one or more multi-dimensional array parameters.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

The Parameters Table for a Sequence Call step might crash when you use the navigation buttons while a parameter is selected
If you click the Back or Forward navigation buttons while you have a parameter selected in the Parameters Table on the Sequence Call Module tab, the Parameters Table might crash and require a restart of the sequence editor. This error occurs only if you modified the selected parameter before clicking the navigation button.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Errors occur when you save or modify a TestStand Sequence Analyzer project while a TestStand workspace is open
If you modify or save a TestStand Sequence Analyzer project while a TestStand workspace file is open, TestStand returns the Object reference is not set to an instance of an object error. This error can also occur when you shut down the sequence editor while a TestStand workspace and sequence analyzer project are open because shutting down TestStand saves the sequence analyzer project.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Sequence Hierarchy window cannot open with certain security policy settings
If the System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing policy setting is enabled in the Microsoft Windows security policy settings, the Sequence Hierarchy window fails to launch and returns an error that indicates that the GoView license is invalid or expired.

Workaround: Navigate to the standard Windows Control Panel facility for local security policy, select the Security Options folder, and disable the System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encyrption, hasing, and signing policy.

Reported Version: 4.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Deleting rows or columns of a multi-dimensional array terminal of a LabVIEW front panel can cause the VI Parameter Table to stop functioning
When you configure the parameters for a LabVIEW step, you delete rows or columns of a multi-dimensional array terminal in LabVIEW, and then you configure the current value to be the default value in the VI Parameter Table on the LabVIEW Module tab, the VI Parameter Table might stop functioning in TestStand. This issue occurs only if you expanded the elements of the deleted rows or columns before you deleted the rows or columns.

Workaround: If you encounter this issue, restart TestStand.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

An error can occur when you use the Find/Replace in Files dialog box in sequence files with a SequenceFileLoad Engine callback
When you use the Find/Replace in Files dialog box to replace text in an unopened sequence file, the following error can occur if the sequence file contains a SequenceFileLoad Engine callback: Replacing the matched text in the value of object <object> with <string> failed.
Cannot edit <sequence file name>. The file is either in use by an execution, marked as read-only, or you do not have the necessary user privileges. This error occurs because the callback executes when the Find/Replace in Files dialog box opens the sequence file, which blocks the Find/Replace in Files dialog box from editing the sequence file.

Workaround: Open in the sequence editor any sequence files that use the SequenceFileLoad callback before you use the Find/Replace in Files dialog box to modify them.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/25/2012

Selecting multiple watch expressions can cause the Watch View pane to error in certain cases
If you select multiple watch expressions on the Watch View pane and some expressions you select are valid but others are invalid, the Watch View can error. An invalid watch expression displays an "X" icon to the left of the expression. When the error occurs, the Watch View pane displays the One or more errors have occurred. Please save your work and restart the application. error and you must restart TestStand.

Workaround: Ensure that you do not simultaneously select valid and invalid watch expressions.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: 2012 SP1  Added: 07/26/2012

An error occurs when you use the Paste function in an array of object references
If you copy an object reference property to the clipboard and then attempt to paste the object reference into an array of object reference properties, TestStand returns the Expected Container found Object Reference. Error Code: -17308, Specified value does not have the expected type error.

Workaround: Use the Insert Element or Resize Array functions to add elements to an array of object references instead of using the Copy and Paste functions

Reported Version: 2.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/29/2012

You can cannot edit the struct and cluster passing setting after you set the data type as hidden
If you set a container data type to be hidden using the PropFlags_Hidden or PropFlags_HiddenInTypes flags, you cannot edit the struct and cluster passing setting. This behavior only occurs if the struct and cluster passing setting is disabled before you set the data type as hidden. If the struct and cluster passing setting is enabled, you can continue to edit the setting even after you set the data type as hidden.

Workaround: To change the struct and cluster passing setting of a hidden data type, unhide the data type, change the struct and cluster passing setting, and then rehide the data type.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/29/2012

The Module tab on the Step Settings pane does not display in certain cases after you change the type for a step
The Module tab on the Step Settings pane does not display when you complete the following steps, and you cannot configure the code module and its parameters for the step.
  1. Create a step type, and disable the Specify Module option on the Disable Properties tab of the Step Type Properties dialog box.
  2. Create an instance of the step type.
  3. Change the type of the new step to a different step type that does support a Module tab on the Step Settings pane, such as an Action step.

Workaround: To recover from this issue, save the sequence file and restart TestStand. You can avoid the issue by creating a new step instead changing the type of an existing step.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 07/29/2012
TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls

Application Manager control might hang if TestStand is not licensed
If you do not activate TestStand properly, the Application Manager control can hang after you call the Start method.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Cannot navigate to adapter buttons using the keyboard within the Insertion Palette pane
You cannot use the keyboard to navigate to the adapter buttons within the Insertion Palette pane for non-.NET applications.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 05/26/2008

SequenceView and ListBar controls can leak memory
The SequenceView and ListBar controls can leak memory when you quickly launch and dismiss the context menu multiple times.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

VariablesView control can leak a Windows USER object
The VariablesView control can leak a Windows USER object when you use the keyboard to change a Boolean value.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

CheckBox control Color properties do not work when used as a button
The CheckBox.ForeColor and CheckBox.BackColor properties do not change the appearance of a control when you set the CheckBox.Style property to CheckBoxStyle_Button.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

Navigating back or using links in the Report control might error
The sequence editor and user interfaces that include the Report control might return an error or reach an unusable state when you aggressively click links and navigate back on the Microsoft Internet Explorer control. This Internet Explorer issue is more likely to occur when the application runs more slowly, such as while debugging the application with LabWindows/CVI or another debugger.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 3.1  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 05/26/2008

The /run and /runEntryPoint command-line arguments are ignored when no user is logged in
The Application Manager control automatically handles the /run and /runEntryPoint command-line arguments to run a sequence when a user interface is started. However, if you set the ApplicationMgr.LoginOnStart property to False, the command-line arguments are ignored, even if you also set the StationOption.RequireUserLogin and StationOption.EnableUserPrivilegeChecking properties to False.

Workaround: Modify the user interface to automatically log in a user.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

Clicking a step icon deselects all other selected steps
If you select multiple steps to move within a sequence or to move from one sequence to another sequence, clicking a step icon deselects all the other selected steps. This behavior does not occur if you click anywhere else in the highlighted region.

Workaround: Hold or key when clicking, or click any part of the highlighted region other than a step icon to drag and drop a collection of steps.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

ActiveX controls located within user controls, such as tabs or panels, on a .NET form might disappear
A known issue with ActiveX controls in the .NET Designer results in the disappearance of ActiveX controls. This behavior might occur at edit time when you move ActiveX controls into or out of the user control, or it might occur at run time when you programmatically create or move ActiveX controls within the user control.

Workaround: If the ActiveX controls disappear in the .NET Designer at edit time, close and reopen the form. If the ActiveX controls disappear at run time, override the OnCreateControl event to call the Hide and Show methods on each ActiveX control.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/11/2009

Expression Browser dialog box elements do not display correctly if the font size is set to 150% DPI
If the font size of Windows 7 is set to 150% DPI, the Replace and Insert buttons, descriptions, and variable names on all tabs of the Expression Browser dialog box do not display correctly or at all.

Workaround: You can still use the Expression Browser dialog box by double-clicking on an element. If you do not select any text, double-clicking an element inserts the element in the expression control at the bottom of the current cursor position. If you do select text, double-clicking an element replace the existing text with the element. Hovering over an element launches the context help, which contains almost all the information that is this display issue hides.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand ActiveX user interface buttons connected to the CommandKind_Edit commands might exhibit unexpected behavior
If you use a button to trigger a CommandKind_Edit command, such as CommandKind_Edit_Delete, clicking the button does not result in a delete operation. This unexpected behavior occurs because clicking the button moves the focus from the TestStand User Interface control that you want to delete to the button, and TestStand cannot determine which control to delete.

Workaround: Use shortcut keys or other events that do not remove focus from the TestStand User Interface control to trigger CommandKind_Edit commands.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: 2013  Added: 08/01/2011

TestStand User Interface developed with LabVIEW Actor Framework hangs
When creating a TestStand User Interface using the LabVIEW Actor Framework, LabVIEW might hang if actors that contain TestStand UI Control references are initialized while other actors are initializing.

Workaround: Use synchronization to ensure that actors that contain TestStand UI Controls are not initialized while other actors are initializing.

Reported Version: 2010 SP1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/28/2013
User Interfaces

TestStand MFC user interface might leak GDI objects when creating and destroying child windows on Windows XP SP2
MFC-based applications, such as TestStand User Interfaces, might leak GDI objects on computers that run Windows XP SP2 when the applications create and destroy child windows. Windows XP SP3 fixes this issue.

Workaround: Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 319740, located at, for information about how to resolve this known Microsoft issue.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/26/2008

LabVIEW User Interface in Editor Mode ignores the <Alt+Enter> shortcut to launch Step Properties dialog box
The LabVIEW User Interface in Editor Mode lists the shortcut to launch the Step Properties dialog box as <Alt+Enter>. However, pressing this key combination does not launch the dialog box.

Workaround: Use the <Ctrl+Shift+P> is the correct shortcut for launching the Step Properties dialog box in the LabVIEW User Interface in Editor Mode. Alternatively, you can double-click the step or right-click the step and select Step Properties from the context menu.

Reported Version: 4.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 05/18/2009

You cannot paste additional results in user interfaces other than the TestStand Sequence Editor
In the sequence editor, you can cut or copy an additional result and paste the result in the same step or in a different step. In a user interface, the AdditionalResults cut, copy, and delete context menu options work, but the paste option does not.

Workaround: Manually create the additional result you were trying to paste.

Reported Version: 2010  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Using the keyboard to select multiple variables in the Variables View control does not work in the MFC, LabWindows/CVI, or LabVIEW UIs
In the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), LabWindows/CVI, or LabVIEW Editor UIs, you cannot select multiple variables by holding down the <Shift> key and using the up or down arrow keys on the keyboard. This issue does not exist in the .NET Editor UIs.

Workaround: Use the mouse along with the <Shift> key to select multiple variables in the Variables View of the MFC, LabWindows/CVI, or LabVIEW Editor UIs.

Reported Version: 4.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2011

Modifying the run mode of a step in a user interface in Operator Mode does not mark the sequence file as modified
Modifying the run mode of a step in a user interface in Operator Mode does not mark the sequence file as modified, even after you change the user interface to Editor Mode. This change does not have any effect in Operator Mode because you cannot save files.

Workaround: Ensure that your user interface is in editor mode if you want to save step run mode settings in a sequence file

Reported Version: 3.5  Resolved Version: 2012  Added: 06/12/2012

Document last updated on 6/28/2013

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).