Archived: NI-RIO 3.2.0 Known Issues

NI does not actively maintain this document.

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This document has been archived and is no longer updated by National Instruments.

This document contains the NI-RIO 3.2.0 known issues that were discovered before and since the release of NI-RIO 3.2.0. Not every issue known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that can be encountered. Each Issue appears as a row in the table and includes an issue title, a brief description of the problem, any workarounds that might help resolve the issue, and the date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date). The workarounds that appear in the document are not always tested by NI and are not guaranteed to resolve the issue. If a workaround refers you to the NI KnowledgeBase, please visit and enter that KB number in the search field to locate the specific document. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail, and it is expected that you might want more information on an issue. If you would like more information on an issue feel free to contact NI and referencing the ID number given in the document. You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. See to contact us. Also consider contacting us if you find a workaround for an issue that is not listed in the document so that we can add the workaround to the document.

Known Issues

The following items are known issues in NI-RIO 3.2.0.


Important: This is a special known issues document. The following list is not comprehensive. It only covers six issues. The following six issues are severe enough that NI immediately released NI-RIO 3.2.1 to fix these issues.

 It is strongly advised that any customer using NI-RIO 3.2.0 should upgrade immediately to NI-RIO 3.2.1 or later!

It is advisable to upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1 for all customers, if known issues are needed for NI-RIO 3.2.0 beyond those listed here, refer to known issues for NI-RIO 3.2.1, which is the same driver but with the following issues fixed.


Known Issues with NI-RIO 3.2.0 and LabVIEW 2009
-CQE 4ZCFM1CPSST Solid-state drive failures
-174963RIO Scan Interface on ECAT 1.0 causing lost data
-178392RIO Scan Interface improperly casting FXP data causes incorrect conversion to integer
-178008NI 9219 improperly sign extends causing bad data in raw (uncalibrated) unipolar (resistance, RTD, Quarter Bridge) modes
-178492NI 9215 FPGA code hangs occasionally without error or indication
-176794Recommended Software Sets fail upgrades/downgrades with error code 1430


Known Issues with NI-RIO 3.2.0 and LabVIEW 8.6.x

-CQE 4ZCFM1CPSST Solid-state drive failures
-178008NI 9219 improperly sign extends causing bad data in raw (uncalibrated) unipolar (resistance, RTD, Quarter Bridge) modes
-178492NI 9215 FPGA code hangs occasionally without error or indication
-176794Recommended Software Sets fail upgrades/downgrades with error code 1430


Known Issues with NI-RIO 3.2.0 and LabVIEW 8.5.x

-CQE 4ZCFM1CPSST Solid-state drive failures
-176794Recommended Software Sets fail upgrades/downgrades with error code 1430


Known Issues with NI-RIO 3.2.0 and LabVIEW 8.2.x

-CQE 4ZCFM1CPSST Solid-state drive failures
-176794Recommended Software Sets fail upgrades/downgrades with error code 1430


Further Information



Known Issue


-Known Issues with NI-RIO 3.2.0 and LabVIEW 2009


SST Solid-state drive failures

Some cRIO controllers have an issue that can cause the internal solid-state storage drive to stop responding after several million write cycles. If the internal solid-state storage drive stops responding, the controller is unusable and must be repaired.

The following controllers are affected by this issue and should be updated to extend the life of the solid-state storage drive:

  • cRIO-9014 Revision G and later
  • cRIO-9022 All
  • cRIO-9024 All
  • cRIO-9074 Part numbers that begin with 198944

Workaround:  Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1 Immediately!

Date Added—11/24/09

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RIO Scan Interface on ECAT 1.0 causing lost data

Scan Engine data is not being completely transferred back.  If you were to write 1,2,3,4,5 to a user-defined variable (on ECAT only) the data returned would be 1,1,3,4,4, etc.  Results are random.

Workaround—Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1

Date Added—11/24/09
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RIO Scan Interface improperly casting FXP data causes incorrect conversion to integer

FXP data is fine throughout LabVIEW. Whenever FXP data, only from RIO Scan Engine user-defined variable, is converted, the result is incorrect

Workaround—Set the user-defined default to 64-bit configuration, then convert

Date Added—11/24/09
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NI 9219 improperly sign extends causing bad data in raw (uncalibrated), unipolar (resistance, RTD, Quarter Bridge) modes

The 24-bit module readings are improperly being extended to the 32-bits by the driver anytime a reading is greater than half of the range. The upper 8-bits are assigned 1's, causing a random, large value. 

Workaround— Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1 (strongly recommended); alternatively, a temporary solution until an upgrade is possible is to screen off the first 8 bits.

Date Added—11/24/09
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NI 9215 FPGA code hangs occasionally without error or indication

Workaround— Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1

Date Added—11/24/09
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Recommended Software Sets fail upgrades/downgrades with error code 1430 

Workaround---Uninstall/install (instead of upgrade/install); Use custom install option to upgrade; Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1

Date Added—11/24/09
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Known Issues with NI-RIO 3.2.0 and LabVIEW 8.6.x


SST Solid-state drive failures

Some cRIO controllers have an issue that can cause the internal solid-state storage drive to stop responding after several million write cycles. If the internal solid-state storage drive stops responding, the controller is unusable and must be repaired.

The following controllers are affected by this issue and should be updated to extend the life of the solid-state storage drive:

  • cRIO-9014 Revision G and later
  • cRIO-9022 All
  • cRIO-9024 All
  • cRIO-9074 Part numbers that begin with 198944

Workaround:  Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1 Immediately!

Date Added—11/24/09

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NI 9219 improperly sign extends causing bad data in raw (uncalibrated), unipolar (resistance, RTD, Quarter Bridge) modes

The 24-bit module readings are improperly being extended to the 32-bits by the driver anytime a reading is greater than half of the range. The upper 8-bits are assigned 1's, causing a random, large value. 

Workaround— Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1 (strongly recommended); alternatively, a temporary solution until an upgrade is possible is to screen off the first 8 bits.

Date Added—11/24/09
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NI 9215 FPGA code hangs occasionally without error or indication

Workaround— Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1

Date Added—11/24/09
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Recommended Software Sets fail upgrades/downgrades with error code 1430 

Workaround---Uninstall/install (instead of upgrade/install); Use custom install option to upgrade; Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1

Date Added—11/24/09
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-Known Issues with NI-RIO 3.2.0 and LabVIEW 8.5.x


SST Solid-state drive failures

Some cRIO controllers have an issue that can cause the internal solid-state storage drive to stop responding after several million write cycles. If the internal solid-state storage drive stops responding, the controller is unusable and must be repaired.

The following controllers are affected by this issue and should be updated to extend the life of the solid-state storage drive:

  • cRIO-9014 Revision G and later
  • cRIO-9022 All
  • cRIO-9024 All
  • cRIO-9074 Part numbers that begin with 198944

Workaround:  Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1 Immediately!

Date Added—11/24/09
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Recommended Software Sets fail upgrades/downgrades with error code 1430 

Workaround---Uninstall/install (instead of upgrade/install); Use custom install option to upgrade; Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1

Date Added—11/24/09
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-Known Issues with NI-RIO 3.2.0 and LabVIEW 8.2.x


SST Solid-state drive failures

Some cRIO controllers have an issue that can cause the internal solid-state storage drive to stop responding after several million write cycles. If the internal solid-state storage drive stops responding, the controller is unusable and must be repaired.

The following controllers are affected by this issue and should be updated to extend the life of the solid-state storage drive:

  • cRIO-9014 Revision G and later
  • cRIO-9022 All
  • cRIO-9024 All
  • cRIO-9074 Part numbers that begin with 198944

Workaround:  Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1 Immediately!

Date Added—11/24/09
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Recommended Software Sets fail upgrades/downgrades with error code 1430 

Workaround---Uninstall/install (instead of upgrade/install); Use custom install option to upgrade; Upgrade to NI-RIO 3.2.1

Date Added—11/24/09
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Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).