Archived: LabVIEW 8.6.x Toolkits Known Issues

NI does not actively maintain this document.

This content provides support for older products and technology, so you may notice outdated links or obsolete information about operating systems or other relevant products.


This document contains known issues for LabVIEW 8.6.x toolkits. The following toolkits are included:
  • Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit 1.0
  • Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.3 and 1.1.4
  • Unit Test Framework Toolkit 1.0
Not every issue known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that can be encountered.

Each Issue appears as a row in the table and includes these fields:
  • Issue ID
  • Legacy ID - The issue's legacy ID from NI's deprecated bug reporting database (if applicable)
  • Issue Title
  • Problem Description
  • Workaround
  • Reported Version - the earliest version of LabVIEW the issue was reported in
  • Resolved Version - version the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable
  • Date Added - the date the issue was added to the document (not reported date)

Document Organization

The known issues in this document are organized by toolkit, and sorted by the date the issue was added to the document (not necessarily the date the issue was reported to NI).

Contacting NI

You can contact us through any of the normal support channels including phone, email, or the discussion forums. Visit the NI Website to contact us. If you are contacting NI in regards to a specific issue, be sure to reference the ID number given in the document to the NI representative.

If you have feedback on this specific document, please contact NI on this NI Developer Zone post.

Known Issues by Category

The following items are known issues in LabVIEW 8.6.x Toolkits sorted by Category.

Toolkit - Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit
143563Event Details pane does not update when item found with the Find tool
143562Searching a filtered list of trace data returns filtered (hidden) events
144661UI does not indicate when trace session context is invalid
149516Inconsistent behavior when tracing two application instances simultaneously
Toolkit - Report Generation
123064Cannot access specific document references using the Report Generation Tool VIs in LabVIEW 8.6
Toolkit - Unit Test Framework
129739Code coverage for results include only those VIs that have tests defined for
133136Test Properties dialog box does not show up on the Windows taskbar
135602Controls with the same name on the front panel are not supported for a VI under test.
136015Code coverage analysis requires "Allow Debuging" to be set on VI under test
136421Test configuration and test execution will cause a dirty dot on the project
136833Errors that occur in user-defined tests do not appear in the Unit Test Framework Results window.
137169Aborting test execution does not work for user-defined test VIs with infinite loops
137607HTML report does not contain the error detail information
138194Unit Test Framework will hang if two controls in a cluster on the front panel of a target VI have the same name
138423The Run Tests from File VI produces load conflicts when the library names collide
138575Unit Test Framework Results window does not show up in Windows taskbar
151407Code coverage analysis requires "Allow Debuging" to be set on VI under test
136977Cannot stop the execution of a test that contains an infinite while loop on a Real-Time target
137827Array Range (Limit Array) comparison type does not work for enum arrays
155781Creating or executing tests on polymorphic VIs is not supported
138800Tests fail for subroutine priority VIs
141551Saving and loading date/time values causes a 1 hour difference in some situations
138166"Find VI" does not work after creating a new test in auto populating folder

IDKnown Issue
Toolkit - Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit

Event Details pane does not update when item found with the Find tool
When a search is conducted by clicking on the magnifying glass at the top right corner, resulting in an item being found and highlighted, the description pane at the bottom does not populate with details until you manually click on the highlighted item.

Workaround: Manually click on the item to see the details.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

Searching a filtered list of trace data returns filtered (hidden) events
When searching in a filtered list, results can be misleading since the search also finds items that have filtered out. The scrollbar might jump to a place in the trace which is hidden due to the applied filter

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/12/2009

UI does not indicate when trace session context is invalid
The Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit User Interface appears as if it is connected to a valid application instance that can be configured or traced even when it is not valid or possible. For example; on loading a saved trace when LabVIEW is not open, the Start, Configure etc. buttons are still enabled.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/12/2009

Inconsistent behavior when tracing two application instances simultaneously

Workaround: Trace only one event at a time

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 05/21/2009
Toolkit - Report Generation

Cannot access specific document references using the Report Generation Tool VIs in LabVIEW 8.6
Previously it was possible to access the references to MS Office documents by unbundling the refnum of the report that was passed through the report generation VIs. The Report Generation VIs were rewritten using LabVIEW classes, hence making this not possible.

Workaround: The refererence is still contained within the report object in LabVIEW 8.6, however, each type of report has its own class that inherits from a base class. The NI_Report.lvclass is not locked, although some of the specific classes (Word, Excel) are. You can alter a VI that was correctly mutated and that has access to the private class to pass the desired reference out of the function by wiring it to the connector pane of the parent class as well as all daughter classes. 

Reported Version: 1.1.3  Resolved Version: 1.1.4  Added: 08/26/2008
Toolkit - Unit Test Framework

Code coverage for results include only those VIs that have tests defined for
Code coverage is calculated only during test execution. VIs that are not tested by the Unit Test Framework will not be included in the code coverage analysis. They will not influence the overall code coverage percentage for the project. They will also not be listed in the results window or in report files.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2010  Added: 02/06/2009

Test Properties dialog box does not show up on the Windows taskbar
The "Test Properties" dialog page is not modal. The dialog does not show up in the Windows taskbar. It can be hidden behind other open windows in LabVIEW, for example Front Panels and Block Diagrams.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

Controls with the same name on the front panel are not supported for a VI under test.
You cannot have controls with the same name in the front panel of a VI under test. Although you can create tests for this VI, you will get testing errors when executing these tests.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

Code coverage analysis requires "Allow Debuging" to be set on VI under test
If the VI properties of a VI under test does not have a checkmark in the Allow debugging checkbox, code coverage result will always be zero.

Workaround: Check the "Allow debugging" option for VIs under test.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2010  Added: 02/06/2009

Test configuration and test execution will cause a dirty dot on the project
Test configuration and test execution temporarily modifies the project in memory. None of this will affect the project information that is written to disk. However, it will prompt users to save the project when closing it in LabVIEW.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2010  Added: 02/06/2009

Errors that occur in user-defined tests do not appear in the Unit Test Framework Results window.

Workaround: You must wire the following error result information to the Unit Test Framework Results indicator in order for errors to appear in the Unit Test Framework Results window. 1) Set the result (test) indicator to return Error. 2) Set the result indicator to return Error. 3) Set the error message indicator to return a text string of the error.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

Aborting test execution does not work for user-defined test VIs with infinite loops

Workaround: Do not use an endless loop in a user-defined test VI.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

HTML report does not contain the error detail information
Error codes and error sources for test errors are not listed in HTML reports.

Workaround: Generate text reports to see the test error detail information.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

Unit Test Framework will hang if two controls in a cluster on the front panel of a target VI have the same name
Unit Test Framework will hang during test execution if two controls in a cluster on the front panel of the VI under test have the same label text, and the test has this cluster as an output. Test execution will also work if the controls are on different levels within nested clusters.

Workaround: Rename the controls to have different names on the front panel and update the test.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

The Run Tests from File VI produces load conflicts when the library names collide
A test that uses A.lvlib can produce a load conflict if a different A.lvlib is still in memory from a previous test execution. This can happen if the programmatic API, Run Tests from, is used to execute multiple tests or all tests from multiple projects in a row (without exiting the VI in between test executions), and the subVIs used by VIs under test are password-protected and in libraries with the same name in different projects.

Workaround: The two options are 1) Input passwords for the conflicted subVIs. 2) Use "Run Tests from" instead of "Run Tests from".

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

Unit Test Framework Results window does not show up in Windows taskbar
The Unit Test Framework Results Window is not modal. Multiple results windows can be opened in order to compare results from different test executions. The results window can be hidden behind other open windows in LabVIEW, for example Block Diagrams or Front Panels

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

Code coverage analysis requires "Allow Debuging" to be set on VI under test
If the VI properties of a VI under test does not have a checkmark in the Allow debugging checkbox, code coverage result will always be zero.

Workaround: Check the "Allow debugging" option for VIs under test.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 02/06/2009

Cannot stop the execution of a test that contains an infinite while loop on a Real-Time target
You cannot stop the execution of a test on a Real-Time target if the VI under test contains a While loop that loops forever.

Workaround: Configure a timeout for the test.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 03/25/2009

Array Range (Limit Array) comparison type does not work for enum arrays
The array range (limit array) comparison type does not work for enum arrays. It will result in an error "VI under test is broken"

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 03/25/2009

Creating or executing tests on polymorphic VIs is not supported

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 03/25/2009

Tests fail for subroutine priority VIs
The test framework doesn't work with subroutine priority VIs. The tests will always fail.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 05/13/2009

Saving and loading date/time values causes a 1 hour difference in some situations
Timestamp control whose value is in daylight saving time becomes +1 hour offset to the value in the front panel when saved in .lvtest file.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 05/13/2009

"Find VI" does not work after creating a new test in auto populating folder

Workaround: Open the test properties dialog and click OK to close. This can solve the problem. You can also exit LabVIEW and then reopen the project.

Reported Version: 1  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 05/15/2009

Document last updated on 8/2/2011

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).