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Archived: LabVIEW 8.5.x Known Issues by Date

NI does not actively maintain this document.

This content provides support for older products and technology, so you may notice outdated links or obsolete information about operating systems or other relevant products.


This document contains the LabVIEW 8.5.x known issues. It includes the set of known issues that were included in the LabVIEW 8.5 readme as well as issues discovered since the release of LabVIEW 8.5 and 8.5.1. Not every issue known to NI will appear on this list; it is intended to only show the severe and more common issues that can be encountered.


The issues reported on this page are for all 8.5.x LabVIEW versions. Unless noted otherwise in the problem description, issues reported in this document apply to the 8.5 release. If an issue has been fixed in a later version of LabVIEW, you can get more information about your upgrade options through the NI Upgrade Advisor. Please visit the NI webpage for more information on the latest LabVIEW 8.5.1 maintenance release, and the LabVIEW 8.5.1 Readme for a list of other issues fixed in this release.

Known Issues by Date

The following items are known issues in LabVIEW 8.5.x Known Issues sorted by Date.

223483 3PD8N0M8LabVIEW uses large amounts of memory when reading an entire wave file at once
36889 4999TKGIImport Shared Library wizard cannot recognize a function if the function declaration contains a default value
37020 4A37JOV9DataSocket functions do not handle Domain security correctly.
37271 45I650CIThe Import Shared Library wizard does not support macros inside of function declarations
37448 44CEN7MQImport Shared Library wizard cannot recognize multiple function declarations in a row
37575 3PD8N0M8LabVIEW uses large amounts of memory when reading an entire wave file at once
39161 401FEQTLThe device ID input of the Play Sound File VI does not work on Windows
39604 49UBP4LEWrite to Clipboard Method takes minutes and a lot of CPU
39823 4AIGSL00The progress bar in the Import Shared Library wizard appears to hang
39908 4AIBSAFFWhen synchronous display is enabled, disconnecting and reconnecting to a LabVIEW Real-Time target performing image display in a loop causes the Real-Time target to hang
41530 4DJFJM00Advanced Storage VIs Do Not Work in a LabVIEW Development System with a Different Language
41531 4DJFK100If you create a new, untitled VI while using the Storage VIs, the numbering of the untitled VI might be inconsistent.
46442 2BCDF100Remote Panel not correctly displaying hidden/disabled controls when server is a built app.
46449 2JQ91R6ILabVIEW's Hierarchy Window does not show the labels of the VI's for print out
46630 2VO0SF00DataSocket/OPC Leaks Memory when repeatedly using ActiveX VIs to perform open-write-close
46965 38ECIGX3DataSocket HTTP protocol does not work in a LabVIEW built DLL
47103 3BS49JS8Dialog box and open datasocket conflict
47212 3EIB4MS5No prompt to add a comment in the revision history on close
47436 3IKBUP99Zip build provider and Zip VIs do not support multi-byte character encodings.
47791 3MRDJ300Subpalettes need to be context aware, i.e., need to show/hide when owning library is locked/unlocked
47819 3N68LE002GB file size limit of datalog files
47857 3NHFKMSUActiveX event unregistration did not execute properly after the VI goes idle
47891 3NRGJTI7Sound Output Set Volume VI doesn't set the volume on a per-channel basis
47977 3OLE2573DataSocket and Fixed Size Array Do Not Work
48016 3P7CBB4QUnsigned int32 loses value in formula node when you write to the most significant bit
48100 3PCAD0J1Save As»Substitute Copy affects all projects in memory, not just the one that does the Save As operation.
48195 3Q9DN1ZUDeployment fails for all Variables in a Library if one Variable has a bad binding
48349 3R8EFNKYVarClient on cFP reports "variable does not exist" if the variable is published by a host that has two ethernet adapters
48855 3W6K2TMQUndo on a private data control can leave you in a state where File»Apply Changes is needed but disabled
48913 3WGFQJ2KLabVIEW class save prompts sometimes come at incorrect times.
49093 3XHF1O2KRunning a dynamic dispatch VI as top-level and another VI that calls the dynamic at the same time can cause unexpected termination of running VIs
49355 3YLB3DDXInstance VIs can be reported bad in mass compile log
49753 40M9C8N8After you flatten a LabVIEW class to variant data, the private data control hangs if opened from the VI Hierarchy window
50061 42NAR8SACenter justified tables display improperly when overlapping with the front panel origin
50165 4367OV4IVI in web browser with top-level window or dialog window style does not draw.
50420 44CG88SNUpdate the Pulse Transition Measurement Express VI
50616 45ME5NJ1Cannot create an override member VI for both a child class and a grandchild class unless you first save the VI that contains the child class
51185 47FGSQCSCannot save VI as the same name as missing library member VI
51311 477DKPBQLabVIEW does not maintain child-only item setting when dragging an item within a tree
51862 49GE2P00Stand-alone application cannot load a class that includes polyVIs
52027 4A4GRP00Cannot use the 'New>>VI for Override...' dialog to create override of password-protected VI unless you have the password
52263 4AJA41TQSome operations on integer waveforms lose dt value
52297 4AIFC0R0Internal error related to locked tab control at fpsane.cpp line 369 and line 367.
52615 4BMANBJ1Multi-frame structures do not switch frames on undo
52990 4DJFMT00If a LabVIEW MathScript ignores findobj and gco function
54942 41CE6I39Storage VIs do not recognize DIAdem date/time channels
56958 4388O1FIUsing a higher number of shared variables in a VI makes the VI respond slowly during development.
57794 4API8A00Logos fails on Vista when PC-cillin is installed
62996 48OAL61WView»Browse Relationships»This VI's Callers is disabled for dynamic dispatch VIs.
63686 4A8CI3BWImport Web Service Wizard hung generating wrapper VIs
63958 4AKFM1J1Changing the label of controls in private data control does not update actual class data type
64067 4B24T15IWhen trying to write to a read-only .m file, MathScript does not show an error dialog box
64174 4ARD3OV2Inserting Bundle by Name function into the LabVIEW class wire behaves differently than cluster
64277 4BCH23FNDragging a Variable between projects if a Multiple Variable Editor window is open can hang LabVIEW.
65071 4C5FFLRKData corrupted in place when modifed using property node in sub-VI
88787 3J0A89J1Zero element clusters not reported as an error for Type Defs/Custom Controls
91250 453BD7Q6LabVIEW crashes on Japanese Vista if system locale is set to a Western European codepage
91672 477M7K00Large amounts of data in combo box can appear to hang LabVIEW.
92298 4AOEJ5F2FP:Get Image, FP:Get Image Scaled, Print:VI to HTML, Print:VI to RTF, and Print:VI to Printer methods do not properly generate off-screen cluster images
66461 4CUGA5RKProgramatically Increasing Stacked Plot Chart Legend at Run-Time Crashes LabVIEW
66776 4CUDBIVBCannot Save Variant Data Returned by the LabVIEW ActiveX Server as a Control/Indicator's Default Value.
64101 4B1CC3V9Scrolling graph's cursor legend corrupts front panel redrawing.
65534 4CFADPDXReplace Array Subset Broken for 3D (or Higher) Arrays
65723 4CKGJ6Q7UDP Write Hangs LabVIEW When Called in a Loop with a High Loop Rate
66538 4CU3C5QWUpdating a Typedef that Contains a Refnum that Contains a Cluster can Make LabVIEW Crash
65977 4CM921LJShortcuts Added in Installers Are Not Created Properly
66623 4CUCQEARSlower Execution Time When Manipulating Arrays Than In Previous LabVIEW Versions
66867 4D6EI7XXLabVIEW Throws ActiveX Error 3005
40906 4CN9KIG3Disabling Autodeploy Shared Variable Setting Does Not Save in Auto Populating Folder with LabVIEW
41148 4D1JQKJ7Unable to change the Display Format for Y-axis in a dynamic data type Waveform Chart/Graph
66547 4D3CTJLVCannot register DLL as a COM file in LabVIEW 8.5 when building an installer
67199 4D97A7STLabVIEW crashes when deleting a scale that has a cursor attached to the last scale in the scale list
41224 4DA24FXRCannot display extended types on intensity plots
41596 4DK867QQRight-Clicking on Intensity Chart/Graph Scale Legend Crashes LabVIEW
61934 42G7H7O5VI Save Failures to Shared Network Drives
65672 4C9CRUXPBound, Buffered Shared Variables give Error -1950679020
65891 4CKERKC3Building an application that contains a VI that has a static VI reference to itself throws Error 7
68064 4DOC349IPerformance Decrease When Calling XControl Properties and Methods
58466 4DIH22RJCopying a Shift Register on a Timed Loop Using a Ctrl Mouse Drag crashes LabVIEW
67983 4DOED73ALabVIEW crash when opening a VI when LLB manager disabled
67753 4DO78989Compiler error when using some strings with Max & Min
67948 4DP855N3Write to Binary File function writes incorrect data when writing manipulated arrays
68165 4DQESJU4Bundling Two Digital Waveforms of Different Sizes Crashes LabVIEW
58524 4E19S6TQSave for Previous crashes LabVIEW on a VI containing strict typedef XY graph or XY Graph Reference
68695 4E4ERDTPCompiler Error in VI with compound arithmetic primitive taking array and float inputs
36543 4039KEG8Edit-time crashes when many modules, drivers, and toolkits are installed
67400 4DHETOCBEnum Property Node RingText.Text Crashes LabVIEW
68217 4DPRHHVWrite To Measurement File Express VI in a loop always resets each iteration causing multiple channels to be written
58548 4E78KBXEThe Split Signals function does not properly generate output terminals
58644 4E9DE968Application Builder does not allow Startup VIs to Use VI Setting for the Run When Opened option
68979 4EFEMMWBNon-Functional Formula Express VI for Base Development System
67286 4DH8D5QKDuplicate Files Displayed Within the Installer Properties in 8.5
68528 4E2BHO5UInstaller builder source files page shows wrong file names for class members
69190 4ENAG200Build Specification Source Files Configuration and other LabVIEW Project Properties May Be Lost When Autorecovering a LabVIEW Project File
68232 returns "Error code 2, System" when trying to unzip
68620 4E3I4TVBDigital Waveform Graph Cursor Legend Does Not Show Correct Y-Values
68790 4EB7N9NKCompiler error when constant wired to TCP write connection ID
68872 4EBC79AGDabort crash in MemoryManager.cpp error 406 when feedback node handles subarray or substring types
53094 4EBG02DTLabVIEW 8.5 fails to build executable with Target Relative shared variable nodes
69273 4EM9CC70Calling TDMS Read Multiple Times to Read String Data Causes Memory Leak
65344 4CG9B3J1Upgrading a LabVIEW Class Containing a Resource Control in the Private Data Causes Corruption Upon Save
58729 4EHAQ141Dragging and dropping signals from a tree control into a waveform graph does not work when using tab control typedef
67511 4DHDH7B7Disabling Allow Debugging (VI Property) Causes Erroneous Values To Be Passed Out of Output Terminals of a Case Structure
69463 4EH5G5TQLabVIEW crashes when exporting a graph or chart as BMP or EMF image to clipboard in a LabVIEW executable.
70226 4F7DAD41The XY Graph Property Active Plot Leaks Memory
53130 4EM7J8WQThe Formula Express VI Can Produce Incorrect Results When All Inputs Are Integers
42538 4F6C651WPrinting VI Documentation Does Not Include Control Descriptions of the Control if it is a Typedef
69820 4ETCLK2ALabVIEW 8.5 can crash due to out of range values wired to the DisabledItems[] property node for rings and enums
70577 4FFFDF7UNumber To Fractional String Uses Incorrect Precision With Doubles
43116 4FQ6JR1GDuplicate Case Crashes with "Delete/Copy panel terminals from diagram" Disabled
70707 4FF2R30GCrash When Passing a True to a SubVI Boolean with "Latch Until Released" Mechanical Action
68471 4E485CF2Loading VIs Containing References To .NET Assemblies in the GAC Results In Irresolvable Assembly Load Warnings
58819 4F1EIJTMMathScript feval function does not find user defined functions in search path directories
37476 44H8J3ZPDigital Display Legend Doesn't Adjust for Number of Plots in Executable
58848 4F5HD99AOpen/Create/Replace does not show confirmation message when "replace or create with confirmation" is selected
59242 4GB6DJ0GLabVIEW 8.5 crash when replacing modern waveform chart or graph with visible scrollbar to classic waveform chart or graph
70082 4F461U8GDropping a front panel object with associated block diagram code onto a front panel containing a splitter bar causes LabVIEW to crash
43171 4FSFD5C4Cluster data outside of visible portion of front panel do not print
59247 4GBEB2V9LabVIEW crash when calling DLL using Maximum Error Detection
41773 4DQE18RMLabVIEW Crash Capture mechanism doesn't work in Leopard
43935 4GTI5N00LabVIEW file lose icons in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
68823 4EBC1FGQMass compiling on an Intel Mac running Leopard may cause LabVIEW to crash
70524 4FKEI9UDLabVIEW specific Apple Events are not able to be called from AppleScript
43109 4FRF0826Cannot customize plot legend with background image in LabVIEW
53386 4G51T2U1VI saved without diagram breaks when it contains .NET reference
58859 4FCAO3Y0Installation of LEGO MINDSTORMS Prevents Containers from Loading and Gives Control Could not be Loaded Error Message
59426 4GQA4KNOSweep Chart with Large History Length Crashes LabVIEW
70606 4FKF9700LabVIEW draws disabled controls on system tab control including LabVIEW Property Pages on Mac OSX Leopard incorrectly.
45133 4I0976O4The coercion of an enum through its digital display behaves differently in the development environment than in a LabVIEW executable.
53875 4IBAFKXXLabVIEW 8.5.1 Crash when searching diagram palette
59547 4H6HORHZ"Quotient and Remainder" function improperly coerces to I64 and can return incorrect value
45655 4IBFAOAGCrash Creating Control from Match Regular Expression with Standard Classic Palette
67883 4DKF4I9OCPU Usage Jumps Drastically On Different Tab Controls
99475Error 1 on first build of application when using custom error codes
102226Format Into String function containing an enum input with an out of range value crashes LabVIEW
104239Clicking broken run arrow due to a global variable missing data crashes LabVIEW
99672Alt key halts VI Execution when Menu Bar is not Visible
105336Using an ActiveX Document control can crash LabVIEW
113584LabVIEW 8.5 coerces out of range enums to the last value, prior LabVIEW versions coerce to 0
105509The "do not save automatic changes" setting does not affect libraries
110527Create Accessor dialog sometimes creates erroneous accessor VIs
43026 4FIIUH7NTimed Structures May Leak Memory
50327 4436ATN3To More Specific Class to an XControl returns an error in built applications
52753 4C08OCJ1Locking all classes in inheritance hierarchy does not hide protected member VIs
68920 4EE45K1GLabVIEW protects against recursion by removing nodes from block diagram
94566Probes on a cluster containing an IMAQ image always fail to load
100474Property node fails to execute when error occurs executing any of the properties.
54587 4F19LGAFNew VI files saved on Mac OS X have wrong icon
95756Wiring Invalid File Refnum to Deny Access function crashes LabVIEW
103297Changing a Text Ring Control to Fixed Point Representation Crashes LabVIEW
45456 4IDAUQB7VI does not break when a Global Variable in a subVI is edited
101959LabVIEW crash when comparing string to a control refnum of a sub-vi
108672Replacing outdated Express VI does not give notice
109751Show constant folding option changes outputs in for loop executing 0 times
117209Bundle by Name does not break VI when fields from the input cluster's typedef are deleted
118373Subtraction and subsequent Add or Subtract operations using 2D array types might produce incorrect results with 64-bit integer data types
97181On a Mac, a VI that writes waveform data to a chart on the Web Server crashes the Web browser when accessed from a PC
99651LabVIEW crash in MemoryManager.cpp line 406 with MixedSignalGraph strict Value property
99825Table Property Nodes Run Slow After Upgrade from 7.1
100580Dropping control references may cause Data Change event for XControl
44355 4HGA9JBKTimed-Sequence iteration duration terminal does not work
116843Expected End Calculation for Timed Loop Iteration is incorrect when Deadline is used
118949Tab control local variables generate value change events when you use a multi-column ListBox
108413Possible Execution Time Slowdown in 8.5.1
110152Error Creating Override VI for Dynamic Dispatch VI with No Block Diagram
118106Variant To Flattened String and Flattened String To Variant Do Not Support Fixed Point Data Type
119444Multi-column listbox format lost on upgrade
120556Constant-folded case structure tunnel coerces to non-folded type in LabVIEW 8.5 but not in previous versions
112751Build Errors when VI Names are Identical but Capitalized Differently
112426In MathScript Node, Import Script does not work for read-only files
112847Changing LV class inheritance does not always fix broken wires
115897Cannot fix missing parent class by changing to inherit from LabVIEW Object
117582Private scope has no effect on XControls or StateCharts
119962Doing find for "LabVIEW Object" crashes LabVIEW
121514To More Specific node creates undesirable copies of LabVIEW class objects
120686Write to LabVIEW Measurement Files (LVM) using Express VIs takes up a lot of memory
122856The XControl Facade does not get the Panel Resize event when the XControl is inside a re-entrant clone
122857Bundle by Name does not work for XControls which contain Cluster Typedefs
122057Joining Numbers of Different Widths Produce Unexpected Values
123313Unnecessary IAK file checked into source code control
57016 44DLSS7QMajor grids disappear on waveform graphs under certain circumstances
111772If a LabVIEW Library contains multiple references to the same file, LabVIEW crashes in LinkObj.cpp line 1686.
43671 4GID11F2Opening VI Properties Window takes a long time
134607Improper Addition and Subtraction when I32 2D arrays are coerced to work with I64 2D Arrays
122079Build Specification Ignores Remove Front Panel and Block Diagram Flags for the Dependencies Node
51179 47B12U5UError 6 occurred at Create Folder in Create Directory when building an application (EXE), shared library (DLL), source distribution or web service
99392The Import Shared Library Wizard hangs when Report Generation Toolkit installed
131671LabVIEW crashes on SuSE 11 Linux
45360 4I0EE2BQLocalization Codes do not Function for Timestamp Controls
136620Memory growth with Read TDMS VI for single waveforms
119204Plot Legend Does Not Update When Using Property Nodes
52799 4C8E5500Variable Manager May Display the Incorrect Buffer Size
96243Replacing XY Graph Changes Data Type of References
141384Additional Information Needed in the Context Help for "Lock front panel until the event case for this event completes" in the Event Structure Dialog
117448Polymorphic VIs Incorrectly Identify an I64 Input as I16
142849Hidden page in a tab causes the VI to crash when upgrading to a newer version of LabVIEW
141433Single Process Shared Variable Read/Write Execute Even When Error In Terminal Contains an Error
148149Event Structure Cases can Incorrectly Remap to Other Dynamic Events
99248Error 1 at Read Datalog with unwired terminal and a cluster containing a path
152732plotsupp.cpp line 4051 or scalesup.cpp line 2847 errors and crashes
124783Sound Input Read VI does not return samples requested
125899Possible Memory Leak When Reading from Multiple Binary Files
128059Shared variable bindings in the same library are not updated properly when copying/renaming the library
159232"Wait on Notification from Multiple" function returns incorrect refnum for named notifiers
162800"Wait on Notification from Multiple" returns inconsistent results when multiple refnums refer to same named notifier
48663 3ULGC6UXVery Large Constant Arrays May Interfere with Constant Folding
160722Fixed Point Array Constant Does Not Allow "Adapt To Entered Data" Option
147187Crash using Xscale Info or YScale Info graph properties
139324It is possible to receive default outputs values if the dynamic dispatch method has unwired inputs
147544Saving .lvclass files for previous version sometimes results in a corrupted file in LV8.6 and 8.5
90672 400C2N00The server.tcp.acl Config Token is not copied to build application's ini file
168144Scan From File aborts the calling VI if it is pointed to a non-existing file
153922.svn folder causes Mass Compile issues
61110 3O9FEJBQIncorrect Version Information in non-English Shared Libraries (DLLs) created with LabVIEW
40741 4CFD6500Source File Settings in Build Specification changed and will not Save for Previous
163173Using Ctrl+drag to copy Linked Tunnels Crashes LabVIEW
164804Waveform Chart CPU usage is higher in 8.2 than 8.0 if X scale major markers are hidden
163371"Save As:Copy" on a nested library breaks member VIs if use option to add copied library to owner library
189820Clicking the ReadMe link from the autorun installation dialog will fail to open the html file in Internet Explorer 8.
195026Out of Memory error from Call Library Function Node
103315Creating a circular link between an Xcontrol and a LVClass can crash LabVIEW.
174973Event mouse down for Tree Control Scrollbar returns coordinates for the root item
95055Save for previous from LV 8.5 to 8.2 fails if file path is too long
175412A runtime error occurrs occasionaly when the DAQ Assistant is closed quickly in SignalExpress localized to Korean
1214593D Picture controls render non-default font incorrectly in executables
188998Upgrading Tab Controls from LabVIEW 8.2.1 to higher versions results in unexpected behaviors.
200308Charts display gaps in waveform data that has a very small dt
208364LabVIEW built installers created on a 32-bit machine will not install most drivers when run on a 64-bit machine
227609Statically linking a LabVIEW built DLL in a C++ project results in error 998 if the DLL is not added to the Delay Loaded DLLs list
227030Wait on Notification from Multiple function has unexpected behavior when ignoring previous input.


Known Issues

IDKnown Issue

LabVIEW uses large amounts of memory when reading an entire wave file at once
The Sound File Read VI uses large amounts of memory to read an entire .wav file.

Workaround: Read the data from the .wav file in sections rather than in one large file.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Import Shared Library wizard cannot recognize a function if the function declaration contains a default value
In the Import Shared Library wizard, LabVIEW cannot recognize a function in a header (.h) file if the function declaration contains a default value for a function parameter.

Workaround: Remove the default values of parameters in the header file. Instead, add the default values to the Configure VIs and Controls page of the Import Shared Library wizard.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

DataSocket functions do not handle Domain security correctly.
The DataSocket Open function returns error 1179 for any attempt to connect to a shared variable that has security enabled, even if the correct user is logged in.

Workaround: Drop a shared variable node on the block diagram and run the VI once; you can delete the variable node and DataSocket security will continue to work.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

The Import Shared Library wizard does not support macros inside of function declarations
The Import Shared Library wizard does not support macros inside of function declarations in the header (.h) file.

Workaround: Move any macros outside of function declarations in the header file.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

Import Shared Library wizard cannot recognize multiple function declarations in a row
If you have a header (.h) file that contains multiple function declarations in a row, the Import Shared Library wizard recognizes only the first function declaration.

Workaround: Separate the function declarations in the header file.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

LabVIEW uses large amounts of memory when reading an entire wave file at once
The Sound File Read VI uses large amounts of memory to read an entire .wav file.

Workaround: Read the data from the .wav file in sections rather than in one large file.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

The device ID input of the Play Sound File VI does not work on Windows
On Windows, LabVIEW ignores the device ID input of the Play Sound File VI. This VI plays sound only on the default sound card.

Workaround: Use the Sound Output Configure VI and the Sound Output Write VI with the Sound File Open VI and the Sound File Read VI or the Sound File Simple Read VI. Refer to the Sound File to Sound Output example VI for an example of this workaround.

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Write to Clipboard Method takes minutes and a lot of CPU
If you try to copy a large amount of data from LabVIEW to the clipboard, LabVIEW slows significantly and might become unresponsive. This was previously tracked as CAR 90497 and 3YJ87JCM

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

The progress bar in the Import Shared Library wizard appears to hang
When you use the Import Shared Library wizard, LabVIEW displays a progress bar. This progress bar might appear to hang, even though the tool is working correctly.

Workaround: Wait until the generation finishes.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

When synchronous display is enabled, disconnecting and reconnecting to a LabVIEW Real-Time target performing image display in a loop causes the Real-Time target to hang
If you enable synchronous display on an image display control and then update the control in a loop on a VI running on an Real-Time target, LabVIEW hangs after disconnecting and reconnecting to the target. This issue might occur when you want to run an application that can perform a headless operation, but you still want to perform image display in a loop.

Workaround: Right-click the image display control and select Advanced»Synchronous Display from the shortcut menu to disable synchronous display.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Advanced Storage VIs Do Not Work in a LabVIEW Development System with a Different Language
If you move the Advanced Storage VIs to a LabVIEW development system with a different language, the VIs do not work because the object types and property names do not match the names in other languages.

Workaround: To correct this problem, use the internal, language-independent object types and property names.

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

If you create a new, untitled VI while using the Storage VIs, the numbering of the untitled VI might be inconsistent.

Workaround: This issue is does not appear to be reproducible in LabVIEW 8.5

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Remote Panel not correctly displaying hidden/disabled controls when server is a built app.
Clients viewing a front panel remotely might see different behavior depending on whether the front panel they are connecting to is from a built application. Specifically, if the front panel is from a built application, any programmatic changes to the front panel made before the client connects to the front panel are not reflected on the client computer. For example, if a Property Node changes a caption on a control before a client connects to that front panel, the client will see the original caption of the control, not the changed caption.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 6.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

LabVIEW's Hierarchy Window does not show the labels of the VI's for print out
When you print the VI Hierarchy window, LabVIEW does not print the VI labels.

Workaround: This is already hadled in LV2009; In the right-click "View" menu choose "Always show Labels". Then go ahead and print

Reported Version: 6.1  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

DataSocket/OPC Leaks Memory when repeatedly using ActiveX VIs to perform open-write-close
If you call the DataSocket Open, DataSocket Write, and DataSocket Close functions in succession repeatedly, LabVIEW leaks memory.

Workaround: To correct this problem, call the DataSocket Open function once, use the DataSocket Write function to write multiple times, and then use the DataSocket Close function.

Reported Version: 7.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

DataSocket HTTP protocol does not work in a LabVIEW built DLL
You cannot use the http protocol with the DataSocket VI and functions in LabVIEW-built shared libraries.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 5.0.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Dialog box and open datasocket conflict
If a dialog box is already open, you cannot use the DataSocket Open function.

Workaround: This is due to threading deadlock in LabVIEW -- both attempt to utilize the UI thread. Avoid using dialog boxes when other threads require the UI thread in this and future versions of LabVIEW.

Reported Version: 7.0  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

No prompt to add a comment in the revision history on close
If you select the Prompt for a comment when the VI is closed option on the Revision History Properties page, LabVIEW does not prompt you to add a comment to the History window when you close the VI.

Workaround: Select the Prompt for a comment when the VI is saved option on the Revision History Properties page

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Zip build provider and Zip VIs do not support multi-byte character encodings.
The Zip build provider and the underlying Zip API provided in the File I/O palette do not support paths with multibyte character encodings. Some upper or lower bytes of multi-byte characters decode into disallowed ASCII characters when not configured correctly.

Workaround: Ensure that the full filepath to zipped files does not contain multi-byte characters.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Subpalettes need to be context aware, i.e., need to show/hide when owning library is locked/unlocked
LabVIEW does not correctly hide subpalette menus that belong to locked project libraries.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

2GB file size limit of datalog files
The maximum size of datalog files is 2 GB.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

ActiveX event unregistration did not execute properly after the VI goes idle
If you register an ActiveX event, you must unregister the event explicitly. Otherwise, memory leaks might occur because the ActiveX control does not know that the client has disconnected.

Workaround: Always unregister event using "Unregister For Events" node.

Reported Version: 7.0  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Sound Output Set Volume VI doesn't set the volume on a per-channel basis
The Array instance of the Sound Output Set Volume VI does not use the volume input to set the volume on a per-channel basis. Instead, this VI uses the first element of the volume input as the sound level for all channels.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

DataSocket and Fixed Size Array Do Not Work
You cannot use front panel DataSocket data binding with fixed-sized arrays.

Workaround: Uncheck autopreallocate arrays and strings in the VI properties execution category for all VIs not intended to run on an FPGA.

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Unsigned int32 loses value in formula node when you write to the most significant bit
If you wire a hex value greater than x7FFFFFFF as an unsigned, 32-bit integer to a Formula Node, LabVIEW coerces the value to 0. If you use a negative number for U32 input/output variable, LabVIEW will coerce the value to 0.

Workaround: 1. Use the Mathscript node or LabVIEW code for the operation that involves an unsigned, 32-bit integer. 2. Use signed 32-bit integers instead of unsigned 32-bit integers in the formula node.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Save As»Substitute Copy affects all projects in memory, not just the one that does the Save As operation.
If you have loaded into two separate projects, these are two independent VIs in memory. If you do Save As»Rename then, LabVIEW correctly renames the VI in both projects since the actual source on disk has changed. However, if you do Save As»Substitute Copy, only one project should change.

Workaround: Close any projects that you want to contain the original VI before performing the Save As»Substitute Copy operation.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Deployment fails for all Variables in a Library if one Variable has a bad binding
LabVIEW fails to deploy all shared variables in a library if one shared variable has an invalid binding.

Workaround: To correct this problem, either delete the shared variable that has an invalid binding or unbind the shared variable.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

VarClient on cFP reports "variable does not exist" if the variable is published by a host that has two ethernet adapters
Network-published shared variables do not function properly if multiple network adapters are enabled on the same computer.

Workaround: You can bind variable communication to a specific network adapter. This will allow variable communication to function normally on the bound adapter. It is not currently possible to perform shared variable communication on two network adapters simultaneously. For instructions on binding variable communication to a network adapter see KB 3WK9NH9A: Deploying Shared Variables to a Specific Network Card.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

Undo on a private data control can leave you in a state where File»Apply Changes is needed but disabled
Editing a private data control and then undoing the edits removes the documentation modification on the class. However, while the owning class is broken and expects you to apply the changes you made, the File»Apply Changes menu option is disabled on the private data control.

Workaround: Select File»Save or File»Close to save or close the private data control.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

LabVIEW class save prompts sometimes come at incorrect times.
If you right-click a control in the Project Explorer window, select Convert Contents of Control to Class from the shortcut menu, and then undo the conversion, LabVIEW might appear as if the class still exists and you might not be able to load a class of the same name as the control.

Workaround: Save all files that reference the class you created from the control. This clears the backups of the files and allows the class to leave memory.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

Running a dynamic dispatch VI as top-level and another VI that calls the dynamic at the same time can cause unexpected termination of running VIs
When you run a VI by pressing its run arrow, that VI is referred to as the "top-level VI". A VI that is running top-level cannot be used as a subVI by another top-level VI. Normally if you run a VI top-level, any callers of that VI are broken until the VI finishes its execution. If you you run a dynamic dispatch VI as the top-level VI, callers of that VI are NOT broken. If you then try to run one of those callers, the dynamic dispatch VI might become idle. Eventually, any VIs using the class that the dynamic dispatch VI belongs to might break, or, in some cases, VIs may be in the strange situation of being editable while running.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Instance VIs can be reported bad in mass compile log
If you mass compile VIs last saved in a previous version of LabVIEW and the VIs contain MathScript Nodes, LabVIEW might return error messages, but LabVIEW compiles and saves the VIs correctly.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

After you flatten a LabVIEW class to variant data, the private data control hangs if opened from the VI Hierarchy window
If you open the private data control of a LabVIEW class from the VI Hierarchy window, LabVIEW might hang when you try to close the Control Editor window for the private data control. This issue occurs if the only LabVIEW class data in memory is contained in variant data. For example, you might delete all LabVIEW class controls and constants and then remove all LabVIEW classes from the LabVIEW project, but variant data with class data still might exist in memory.

Workaround: Close the VI that contains the variant data with the value of the LabVIEW class.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Center justified tables display improperly when overlapping with the front panel origin
When you add a table control to the front panel so that it overlaps with the vertical origin of the front panel, LabVIEW displays center justified columns off center when you type text. The cells appear to float or move horizontally until aligned with the vertical origin.

Workaround: Move the table away from the front panel's vertical origin.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

VI in web browser with top-level window or dialog window style does not draw.
If you create a VI, select Top-level application window or Dialog options from the Window Appearance page in the VI Properties dialog box, and publish the VI to the web, when you view the VI, it uses the default window style instead of the style you selected. This issue was formerly documented as issue 51263/47MA31QO.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Update the Pulse Transition Measurement Express VI
The terminology and measurement definitions for the Transition Measurements VI comply with IEEE Standard 181-2003, IEEE Standard on Transitions, Pulses, and Related Waveforms. However, the Timing and Transition Measurements Express VI does not comply with this IEEE Standard.

Workaround: The Slew rate refers to the transition slope. The Preshoot refers to the pre-transition undershoot (rising pulse) or the pre-transition overshoot (falling pulse). The Overshoot refers to the post-transition undershoot (rising pulse) or the post-transition overshoot (falling pulse).

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Cannot create an override member VI for both a child class and a grandchild class unless you first save the VI that contains the child class
You cannot create a VI that overrides the functionality of a child class and then create another VI that overrides the functionality of a grandchild class unless you first save the VIs you want to override. Thus, if you right-click a LabVIEW class in the Project Explorer window and select New»VI for Override from the shortcut menu to create, you cannot select New»VI for Override for the grandchild class to create until you save This issue occurs because you cannot have two VIs in memory with the same filename that have never been saved.

Workaround: Save the VI before you try to override any LabVIEW classes in that VI.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Cannot save VI as the same name as missing library member VI
If a library contains a VI and the VI is missing, you should be able to save a VI as the same name as the missing VI in order to rebuild the missing VI. Currently, LabVIEW does not allow this.

Workaround: Delete the item from the library, save the new VI as the same name as the missing VI and then move the VI into the library.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

LabVIEW does not maintain child-only item setting when dragging an item within a tree
If you have a tree item with the child-only setting, and then drag it within the tree, LabVIEW loses the child-only setting.

Workaround: Use tree events to (1) get the child-only flag setting when the user begins a drag, and (2) reset the child-only flag after completing a drop.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Stand-alone application cannot load a class that includes polyVIs
A LabVIEW-built application that uses a LabVIEW class which contains a polymorphic VI does not function if the build options are set to include unused polymorphic VI instances, or if the polymorphic VI is in a plug-in to a built application that is outside the application.

Workaround: Choose to exclude unused polymorphic VI instances by selecting the Remove unused polymorphic VI instances option on the Additional Exclusions page.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Cannot use the 'New>>VI for Override...' dialog to create override of password-protected VI unless you have the password
You use the 'New>>VI for Override...' dialog to override an ancestor VI in a LabVIEW class if the VI you want to override is password-protected.

Workaround: Make a public VI which wraps the functionality of the the private VI, and instruct others to override the public VI.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Some operations on integer waveforms lose dt value
Some functions, such as Absolute Value and Logarithm Base 10 operate as you expect with DBL Waveforms, but when you apply the same functions to an I16 waveform, for example, the Absolute Value function works as you expect while the Logarithm Base 10 function loses the sampling interval dt value. LabVIEW resets the sampling interval dt value to 1.00. If the input waveform to the log function has a time stamp for t0, that value is also lost.

Workaround: Extract the Y-array of the waveform and perform the needed operations on Y before re-building the waveform.

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Internal error related to locked tab control at fpsane.cpp line 369 and line 367.
If you lock a tab control that is already locked using Group»Lock, you might see two internal errors and LabVIEW may crash.

Workaround: Do not lock a control that is already locked. After the fact: copy the Tab Control from the block diagram into a new VI. It will show up unlocked in the new VI.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

Multi-frame structures do not switch frames on undo
If you place a multi-frame structure (Event Structure, Case Structure, etc) on the block diagram, edit a frame in the structure, switch to a different structure and then press ctrl-z to undo the edit, LabVIEW does not switch to the frame that contains the change that you are undoing.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

If a LabVIEW MathScript ignores findobj and gco function
If a LabVIEW MathScript contains a findobj or gco function, LabVIEW ignores the function and executes the remainder of the script as normal. LabVIEW does not return errors or warnings for these functions in a script.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Storage VIs do not recognize DIAdem date/time channels
The Storage VIs do not recognize the date/time format used in DIAdem date/time channels. When you use the Storage VIs to read data from a DIAdem date/time channel, LabVIEW converts the date/time data to a double-precision, floating-point number that represents the number of seconds since 01/01/0000.

Workaround: After LabVIEW converts the DIAdem date/time data to a double-precision, floating-point number, you can convert the double-precision, floating-point number to a more meaningful value.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

Using a higher number of shared variables in a VI makes the VI respond slowly during development.
A VI with many shared variables on the block diagram, for example, 50, might respond slowly if you place another block diagram object, for example, a numeric constant on the block diagram.

Workaround: Place the Shared Variable node inside a subVI and use the subVI to access the Shared Variable node. If you already have a Shared Variable node on the block diagram of a main VI and you have already wired inputs and outputs, you can right-click the Shared Variable node and select Create SubVI from the shortcut menu. If you experience any additional issues after creating a subVI from the Shared Variable node, consider making the subVI reentrant.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Logos fails on Vista when PC-cillin is installed
If you have a version of PC-cillin Internet Security installed on Windows Vista, Logos does not work. Because of this issue, you cannot communicate with Ethernet instruments, such as FieldPoint modules, that use Logos.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/01/2007

View»Browse Relationships»This VI's Callers is disabled for dynamic dispatch VIs.
LabVIEW disables the View»Browse Relationships»This VI's Callers option for dynamic dispatch VIs. Because LabVIEW calls dynamic dispatch VIs dynamically, the VI Hierarchy window does not recognize dynamic dispatch VIs as callers because there are no calls until run time.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Import Web Service Wizard hung generating wrapper VIs
The Import Web Service Wizard hangs due to a recursive process when you attempt to generate a wrapper VI for a method or property that returns a reference to an object of the same class that the original method or property belongs to.

Workaround: 1) Try selecting only those methods that you want in the web service, and deselecting methods that you do not want to include. You also can select a single method, then after the wizard generates a wrapper VI which includes an open and close method, you can manually add a Invoke Node, then select the method you want. 2) If the wizard does hang, the selected methods might have a chain structure as a parameter. Web Service Import Wizard does not support that datatype. Click the Cancel button and exit the wizard.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/01/2007

Changing the label of controls in private data control does not update actual class data type
If you use the Bundle by Name or the Unbundle by Name functions on a LabVIEW class and you change the name of a control in the private data control, the elements available for bundling or unbundling do not change. LabVIEW does not register the name as changed unless or until you make another more substantive change to the data type of the private data control.

Workaround: Modify the private data control by adding another element to the cluster, then choose File>>Apply Changes, then delete the extra element and do File>>Apply Changes again.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/01/2007

When trying to write to a read-only .m file, MathScript does not show an error dialog box

Workaround: Remove the Read-only attribute from the file to be written

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/01/2007

Inserting Bundle by Name function into the LabVIEW class wire behaves differently than cluster
If you right click a class wire and select Insert»Bundle by Name, then the class wire gets inserted into the bundle node's element input (cluster value terminal), not the input cluster (cluster type terminal), as happens when the same procedure is done for a cluster.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Dragging a Variable between projects if a Multiple Variable Editor window is open can hang LabVIEW.
If you've got a Multiple Variable Editor window open, and drag a variable from one project to another, LabVIEW hangs.

Workaround: Close all open instances of the Multiple Variable Editor window before dragging variables between projects.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/01/2007

Data corrupted in place when modifed using property node in sub-VI
Updating an indicator within a sub-VI, then using a property node to update the value of that indicator overwrites the value of the wire in the top-level VI. This in essence passes data "backwards" through a wire, corrupting that wire's data in other places in the application. If the wire passed into this sub-VI has a constant for the source, the constant's value is modified to match the value written to a property node in the sub-VI.

Workaround: Workaround 1:
In LabVIEW 8.5, use an "Always Copy" primitive to on the wire that is passed to the sub-VI. This forces LabVIEW to create a copy for each branch in the wire, avoiding the corruption.

Workaround 2:
In the sub-VI, use a local variable to update the value of the indicator.

Reported Version: 6.0.2  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/01/2007

Zero element clusters not reported as an error for Type Defs/Custom Controls
Type Defs should not contain zero element clusters, but LabVIEW does not report an error if you have a type def with zero elements.

Workaround: This behavior has existed in LabVIEW for a very long time; this issue will be removed from the Known Issues Document in future versions. Please contact NI if you have questions on this issue.

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/01/2007

LabVIEW crashes on Japanese Vista if system locale is set to a Western European codepage
If you have a user name that uses Japanese characters and change the system locale to something other than Japanese, LabVIEW crashes.

Workaround: Make sure your locale and user name match.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

Large amounts of data in combo box can appear to hang LabVIEW.
If you place a large amount of data in a combo box, on the order of megabytes, LabVIEW appears to hang by taking a long time to calculate wrapping.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/01/2007

FP:Get Image, FP:Get Image Scaled, Print:VI to HTML, Print:VI to RTF, and Print:VI to Printer methods do not properly generate off-screen cluster images
These methods generate an incorrect image of the front panel when it contains off-screen clusters and the contents of all off-screen clusters appear blank in the generated image. This issue only affects the FP:Get Image and FP:Get Image Scaled methods when the Visible Area Only parameter is set to False.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/01/2007

Programatically Increasing Stacked Plot Chart Legend at Run-Time Crashes LabVIEW
If you programmatically increase the size of the plot legend through the property LegNumRows when using the stacked plot option of a waveform chart, often times, LabVIEW will crash with a DWARN in alloc.cpp line 655 or a DABORT in ThEvent.cpp line 190.

Workaround: Two potential workarounds:
1. If you write to the plot before you change the number of plots visible, then LabVIEW crashes less often. It appears to crash most often when you try to increase the number of plots before LabVIEW has allocated memory for the additional plots. If you are changing the number of plots while LabVIEW is writing to the indicator in a loop, it appears that it still crashes pretty often. This is only a partially viable solution, and only works if you can stop updating the chart while it resizes.

2. Place the stacked plot in another VI and show it on the front panel via a sub-panel. Then use VI server to programmatically update the chart.

Another workaround from a customer:
Since it is ok to reduce the number of displayed plots on a chart (but not ok to increase it), initialize the program with maximum expected number of plots and then allow the user to reduce from there. If the user wants to increase the number of plots, they must restart the program.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/10/2007

Cannot Save Variant Data Returned by the LabVIEW ActiveX Server as a Control/Indicator's Default Value.
Cannot save variant data returned by the LabVIEW ActiveX Server as a control or indicator's default data. Saving the VI returns error: "LabVIEW: Memory is full. Cannot save VI [name of VI]. LabVIEW Save error code 10: Default data space."

Workaround: Use the VI Server interface instead.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/10/2007

Scrolling graph's cursor legend corrupts front panel redrawing.
Controls and Indicators on front panel have become either totally invisible, distorted, or corrupt. This can happen if your front panel has a waveform graph with the cursor legend visible. If your graph has multiple cursors and a scroll bar in the legend the front panel image can become corrupt if you have scrolled to the very bottom of the cursor legend's list of cursors.

Workaround: Because this problem is due to the cursor legend, to fix the problem, replace any waveform graphs with another waveform graph (right click graph and click replace), then minimize and restore the LabVIEW front panel window and repeat for any waveform graphs which had a visible cursor legend. After your controls are restored, expand the cursor legend such that there is enough room to display your cursors without a scroll-bar.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/11/2007

Replace Array Subset Broken for 3D (or Higher) Arrays
Replacing a subset of an array with more than 2 dimensions (i.e. a 3D array) causes a broken wire and the VI to break. 1D and 2D arrays do not have this problem.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/11/2007

UDP Write Hangs LabVIEW When Called in a Loop with a High Loop Rate
Writing data at high rates using the UDP Write function within a loop can cause LabVIEW to hang and display a Resetting VI dialog. The rate at which UDP Write can be called in a loop is dependent upon the size of the data being written during each call to the function.

Workaround: Use the Wait until next second multiple function to control the loop rate and therefore how fast UDP packets are written.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/11/2007

Updating a Typedef that Contains a Refnum that Contains a Cluster can Make LabVIEW Crash
Updating a typedef that contains a refnum to a cluster can make LabVIEW crash.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/11/2007
IDKnown Issue

Shortcuts Added in Installers Are Not Created Properly
When creating an installer in LabVIEW 8.5 and creating shortcuts to files included in extra project folders, the shortcuts do not populate correctly in Application Builder, and if a file is selected, it may be linked to the wrong file on the install target.

Workaround: More information on this problem, and the National Instruments recommended workaround can be found in KB 4EGEL6HY available on If you need an alternative to the workaround presented in the KnowledgeBase, you can create separate folders for each file you need to have a shortcut created for instead of putting them all in one

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/12/2007

Slower Execution Time When Manipulating Arrays Than In Previous LabVIEW Versions
In some cases, LabVIEW mistakenly allocates an extra buffer resulting in more data copying. The computed results are correct but the execution time is much longer than necessary, especially when occurring with array data types.

Workaround: Drop an Array Size function and wire it to the same array feeding the array indexer. Through a circuitous chain of reasoning this will effectively get rid of the extra buffer being allocated at the select structure boundary.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/12/2007

LabVIEW Throws ActiveX Error 3005
LabVIEW throws ActiveX error 3005 when executing property and invoke nodes that are passed an automation refnum. This is commonly seen in the Database Connectivity Toolset Execute Query VI.

Workaround: Use the forward-only cursor type

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/12/2007

Disabling Autodeploy Shared Variable Setting Does Not Save in Auto Populating Folder with LabVIEW
When you create a project in LabVIEW and add a Shared Variable and want to set the library to disable "Autodepoly Variables", the setting does not save if the library is in an auto-populating folder.

Workaround: If you turn off autopopulate for the folder, you can disable the option to autodeploy variables and save it correctly.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 09/13/2007

Unable to change the Display Format for Y-axis in a dynamic data type Waveform Chart/Graph
The display format for the y-axis cannot be changed in a waveform chart/graph if it is configured to receive the dynamic datatype (i.e. it will be blue on the block diagram).

Workaround: Configure the y-axis formatting when the graph is not in dynamic datatype mode by deleting any dynamic data wires and rewiring with a waveform. Then you can rewire with the dynamic data.

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: 2010 32-bit  Added: 09/13/2007

Cannot register DLL as a COM file in LabVIEW 8.5 when building an installer
In the LabVIEW 8.5 Application Builder when building an installer, "Register COM" cannot be selected for a DLL in order to register it with Windows.

Workaround: More information on this problem, and the National Instruments recommended workaround can be found in KB 4EGEL6HY available on If you need an alternative to the workaround presented in the KnowledgeBase, you can build an installer which runs a bat file after installing to register your COM object (see the LabVIEW help for further information) or use System to register the DLL in the code.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/13/2007

LabVIEW crashes when deleting a scale that has a cursor attached to the last scale in the scale list
With two scales on a waveform graph, when you delete a scale that has a cursor attached to it, LV crashes.

Workaround: To avoid this problem, retarget a cursor to the appropriate plot before deleting the scale.

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/13/2007

Cannot display extended types on intensity plots
In LabVIEW 8.0 and newer, when you wire extended precision type numbers to an intensity graph or chart you get a different looking plot than with the same double-precision numbers.

Workaround: Use the data type conversion functions to convert your data to double precision representation.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 2010 32-bit  Added: 09/26/2007

Right-Clicking on Intensity Chart/Graph Scale Legend Crashes LabVIEW
Right-Clicking on Intensity Chart/Graph Scale Legend Crashes LabVIEW.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/26/2007

VI Save Failures to Shared Network Drives
In rare cases, LabVIEW prevents saving to an existing VI on shared network drives. When this occurs, LabVIEW acts as if it has saved the VI to disk when it has not.

Workaround: 1. Save to local drive instead of network drive. 2. Select "Save As", Substitute copy for original, keep the same name, select "yes" when prompted to replace the existing file.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/26/2007

Bound, Buffered Shared Variables give Error -1950679020
Running a VI that contains a buffered shared variable bound to another shared variable returns Error -1950679020.

Workaround: This behavior is caused by a race condition where the variable attempts to transmit an initial value before the read subscription to the variable has been fully established. This puts the variable in a bad state and causes an invalid error condition to be set. One workaround is to force a read of the variable before writing an initial value to the variable. Another alternative is simply to ignore this error if it is returned by the first read of the shared variable. The error condition will be cleared once the variable subscription succeeds, and variable communication should function normally from that point on.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/26/2007

Building an application that contains a VI that has a static VI reference to itself throws Error 7
Building an application that contains a VI that has a static VI reference to itself fails throwing the following errors: "LabVIEW cannot find a file that is a dependency of a Startup, Exported, or Always Included VI. File Not Found: The missing file might be referenced by one of the libraries included in the build or by the file -" or "Error 7 LabVIEW: File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted, or the file path might be incorrectly formatted for the operating system. For example, use \ as path separators on Windows, : on Mac OS, and / on Linux. Verify that the path is correct using the command prompt or file explorer."

Workaround: Don't use static VI references, instead use the Open VI ref prim, passing it the the Current VI path constant.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/27/2007

Performance Decrease When Calling XControl Properties and Methods
Calling XControl properties and methods takes 10 to 15x longer in LabVIEW 8.5 than in 8.2. This is easily seen when writing a single property many times or many different properties. This is due to LabVIEW incorrectly scanning memory after each property or method call to see if each VI could be removed from memory.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 09/27/2007

Copying a Shift Register on a Timed Loop Using a Ctrl Mouse Drag crashes LabVIEW

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 10/02/2007

LabVIEW crash when opening a VI when LLB manager disabled
When the LLB manager is disabled for LabVIEW 8.5 through the ini file, LabVIEW crashes when opening a VI in an llb

Workaround: If a previous version of LabVIEW is installed, the Windows LLB shell extension is still installed and VIs will not open through the LLB manager. Otherwise, the workaround is to keep the LLB manager enabled.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/02/2007

Compiler error when using some strings with Max & Min
When using sub-strings (string output of some string functions such as "Match Pattern") with the Max & Min function, compiler error "copy cvt, csrc=0x3F" is generated and the VI fails to compile with broken run arrow and message "VI Failed to Compile."

Workaround: Insert an always copy primitive between the wire between the "before substring" output of the Match Pattern function and the input of the Max & Min function

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/04/2007

Write to Binary File function writes incorrect data when writing manipulated arrays
When an array of data is written to a binary file, if the array is manipulated in a way that produces sub-arrays to be written to the file (such as through transposing the array or through indexing sub-arrays out of a multidimensional array) the data written to file can be incorrect.

Workaround: If you do any array operations such as index array or transpose array, before writing the new array to the write binary file primitive, insert an Always Copy primitive on the wire. A copy will be made, but it will write the correct values to the file. Alternatively, you can use Flatten to String function to flatten data into a string before writing to file.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/04/2007

Bundling Two Digital Waveforms of Different Sizes Crashes LabVIEW
When you bundle two digital waveforms together, LabVIEW will crash if the first waveform is smaller than the second one.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/04/2007

Save for Previous crashes LabVIEW on a VI containing strict typedef XY graph or XY Graph Reference
LabVIEW crashes if you save a VI for previous that contains an instance of an XY Graph or XY Graph Reference strict typedef.

Workaround: Modify the control type to be a regular Type Def instead of strict typedef, after you save for previous change the control back to a strict typedef and update callers.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 10/05/2007

Compiler Error in VI with compound arithmetic primitive taking array and float inputs
A VI containing a compound arithmetic function with 4 or more inputs will cause LabVIEW to be unable to compile with "VI Failed to Compile" error if the inputs to the compound arithmetic function are a branched floating point number, and a branched array wire that has been manipulated (such as through a mathematical function like Cos).

Workaround: Use an always copy primitive on one of the wires branching from the floating point input (as opposed to an array input).

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/05/2007

Edit-time crashes when many modules, drivers, and toolkits are installed
Edit-time crashes during various operations (right-click menu selection, VI save, moving a VI from one block diagram to another, building an application [executable], shared library, or source distribution, etc.) can result from LabVIEW's image table overflowing from large amounts of palette icons being loaded in memory due to many installed modules, drivers, and toolkits. In this scenario, may receive LabVIEW error log files reporting "You filled the image table" in image.cpp.

Workaround: In Tools->Options->Controls/Functions Palettes, change the Palette Loading from "Load palettes in background" (default behavior) to "Load palettes when needed" and restart LabVIEW. This workaround does not work if you:

1. Perform a palette search.
2. Click "place me on diagram/front panel" from the LabVIEW Help.

Reported Version: 8.0.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/08/2007

Enum Property Node RingText.Text Crashes LabVIEW
Writing a value to the RingText.Text property of an enum control causes LabVIEW to crash in either fpsane.cpp line 367 or FPDCO.cpp line 1838.

Workaround: Use a text ring control instead of an enum.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/10/2007

Write To Measurement File Express VI in a loop always resets each iteration causing multiple channels to be written
Writing data to a TDM file with the Write To Measurement File VI in a loop resets the file each loop iteration creating multiple channels of data in LabVIEW 8.5.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/11/2007

The Split Signals function does not properly generate output terminals
When expanding the Split Signals function to allow for multiple output signals, the Split Signals function does not properly generate output terminals to allow for wire connections to those output signals.

Workaround: Grow the Split Signals function up from the top instead of down from the bottom.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 10/15/2007

Application Builder does not allow Startup VIs to Use VI Setting for the Run When Opened option
When configuring the Source File Settings for an executable build specification, checking Use VI Setting for the Run When Opened option and then saving the build specification does not retain the change. When opening the build specification, the Use VI Setting checkbox will be unchecked.

Workaround: Configure whether or not the Startup VI will Run When Opened in the build specification (leave Use VI Setting unchecked).

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 10/17/2007

Non-Functional Formula Express VI for Base Development System
In the base development system for LabVIEW 8.5 the Formula Express VI appears as a empty icon and is non-functional. This Express VI is functional in the full and professional Development systems. This can also result in LabVIEW load error code 37 if attempting to open a VI with the Formula Express VI that is saved in a previous LabVIEW version.

Workaround: Use LabVIEW in evaluation mode for 30 days or use the following work around: In the Functions Palette select "Select a VI..." and choose the function found at: "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\vi.lib\express\express arith-compare\FormulaBlock.llb\" In order to permanently add this to the Functions Palette, point the user to the LabVIEW Help Topic Editing a Palette Set. Note: Users should be aware that if they migrate to using the different version of the Express VI, they may not get the improved behavior on a future upgrade as we continue to improve this VI.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/17/2007

Duplicate Files Displayed Within the Installer Properties in 8.5
When adding support files to an installer (build specs), files can appear to be duplicated within the Destination View.

Workaround: More information on this problem, and the National Instruments recommended workaround can be found in KB 4EGEL6HY available on If you need an alternative to the workaround presented in the KnowledgeBase, you can use an auto-populating folder that points to the data folder (after building the executable).

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/18/2007

Installer builder source files page shows wrong file names for class members
When including override VIs from LabVIEW classes in an installer, the wrong file names are added to the Destination View. This issue also affects build specifications created in previous versions of LabVIEW imported to 8.5 (but not 8.5.1 or later).

Workaround: More information on this problem, and the National Instruments recommended workaround can be found in KB 4EGEL6HY available on

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/18/2007

Build Specification Source Files Configuration and other LabVIEW Project Properties May Be Lost When Autorecovering a LabVIEW Project File
When recovering a LabVIEW Project file using the Autorecovery tool, the configuration of the Source Files page of Build Specifications will be lost as well as some other LabVIEW Project properties (i.e. conditional disable symbols).

Workaround: Don't use autosave-recovered projects if they contain build specifications or other LabVIEW project properties.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/19/2007

Return returns "Error code 2, System" when trying to unzip
The located in the Zip palette of Labview 8.5 throws an error when trying to extract the content of some zip files.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/22/2007

Digital Waveform Graph Cursor Legend Does Not Show Correct Y-Values
Digital Waveform Graph Cursor Legend Does Not Show Correct Y-Values

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/22/2007

Compiler error when constant wired to TCP write connection ID
LabVIEW gives the compiler error "bad dsoffset, dso=-1" when a connection id constant is wired to the connection ID terminal of the TCP write primitive.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/22/2007

Dabort crash in MemoryManager.cpp error 406 when feedback node handles subarray or substring types
When an array of data or string is wired to a feedback node, if the array or string is manipulated in a way that produces sub-arrays (such as through transposing the array or through indexing sub-arrays out of a multidimensional array) or substrings (such as through Split/Search String) LabVIEW crashes with an error in MemoryManager.cpp line 406.

Workaround: Replace feedback nodes with shift registers, or insert always copy function between transpose array and feedback node terminal.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/22/2007

LabVIEW 8.5 fails to build executable with Target Relative shared variable nodes
Building executables that use Target Relative shared variable nodes will fail when building an executable with a possible reason of trying to build a broken VI.

Workaround: When receiving the build failure error, right-click on the variable nodes and change any Target Relative variables to Absolute binding

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 10/25/2007

Calling TDMS Read Multiple Times to Read String Data Causes Memory Leak
A memory leak will occur when calling TDMS Read multiple times to read string data. This can happen if calling multiple instances of TDMS Read or are calling TDMS Read in a loop.

Workaround: Create a property for each data value and store the string value as the property value.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 10/25/2007

Upgrading a LabVIEW Class Containing a Resource Control in the Private Data Causes Corruption Upon Save
When upgrading a LabVIEW Class Containing a Resource Control (such as a VISA control, DAQ channel control, DAQmx task control, IVI control, Shared Variable control, etc.) in the Private Data, saving the VI causes the LabVIEW Class to become corrupt.

Workaround: The first time you load the private data control in 8.5, open the front panel and resize any control in the private data cluster before saving. This puts a change on the VI so the class knows to update the save image.

This issue has been fixed in LabVIEW 8.5.1. This fixes classes saved in LV8.2 that load into LV8.5.1. However, any VI that has already been saved corrupted cannot be recovered.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/26/2007

Dragging and dropping signals from a tree control into a waveform graph does not work when using tab control typedef
When try to drag and drop signals from a tree control into a waveform graph all contained within a custom tab control, you will not be able to view data on the graph.

Workaround: Disconnect tab control from its type-def.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 10/29/2007

Disabling Allow Debugging (VI Property) Causes Erroneous Values To Be Passed Out of Output Terminals of a Case Structure
In some cases, a case structure inside a loop with the selector connected to a 'loop-constant' (i.e., something that doesn't change from one iteration to the next, e.g., a non-indexing input loop tunnel) produces erroneous values from the output tunnels when The VI Properties Allow Debugging option is disabled..

Workaround: On the Block Diagram page of the Tools>>Options Dialog, uncheck Show constant folding of structures. Then, on the Execution page of the VI Properties (for a specific VI), check Allow debugging. Finally, recompile the VI by holding down CTRL and clicking the Run button.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/29/2007

LabVIEW crashes when exporting a graph or chart as BMP or EMF image to clipboard in a LabVIEW executable.
A LabVIEW Executable will crash when exporting an image of an XY graph, waveform graph, or waveform chart, as a BMP or EMF format. VIs doing the same thing in the development system does not crash.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 10/29/2007

The XY Graph Property Active Plot Leaks Memory
The "Active Plot" (ActPlot) property for a Waveform Graph or XY Graph leaks memory.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 11/08/2007

The Formula Express VI Can Produce Incorrect Results When All Inputs Are Integers
The numeric representation of a Formula Express VI's 'Result' output terminal is dependant on the representation of the inputs, regardless of the mathematical operations used. For example, if the inputs to the Formula Express VI are all integers and the mathematical operation is division, the result will also be an integer. This is inconvenient when using divisions, logs, etc. as LabVIEW normally coerces inputs in numerical operations when necessary.

Workaround: Insert a 'To DBL Precision Float' in the wire of any of the formula inputs to change the 'Result' representation to DBL.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 11/16/2007

Printing VI Documentation Does Not Include Control Descriptions of the Control if it is a Typedef

Workaround: Disconnect typedefs for printing. This issue was reported on the NI Discussion Forums. For more information on this issue, or to discuss this issue with other LabVIEW users, visit the post here.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 11/19/2007

LabVIEW 8.5 can crash due to out of range values wired to the DisabledItems[] property node for rings and enums
The DisabledItems[] property for named numeric types (Rings and Enums) accepts an array of integers which represent indices to disable. If this array is empty or contains negative numbers LabVIEW memory can be corrupted which can cause either an immediate crash, a delayed crash, or undefined behavior.

Workaround: Instead of wiring in an empty array or an array with a negative number to the disabled items (which can cause a crash), wire in an array with an element larger than the highest index of the ring whose disablesitems[ ] is being set. This will enable all the ring items, but since there is no valid disable index, it will leave the ring enabled.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 11/19/2007

Number To Fractional String Uses Incorrect Precision With Doubles
When passing a double (DBL) number to the precision input of the Number To Fractional String, it appears the output string uses a precision of 0. When coercing the double to an I32 before passing it to the precision input, the output string uses the specified precision.

Workaround: Coerce the DBL value to an integer, using a To Long Integer function, before passing it to the precision input terminal.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 11/19/2007

Duplicate Case Crashes with "Delete/Copy panel terminals from diagram" Disabled
The Block Diagram option "Delete/Copy panel terminals from diagram" allows front panel terminals to be copied/created by copying the block diagram terminal. If you disable this and ask LabVIEW to duplicate a case that has a terminal, LabVIEW crashes.

Workaround: Enable the "Delete/Copy panel terminals from diagram", duplicate your diagram then delete the undesired terminals or use the Add Case instead.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 12/03/2007

Crash When Passing a True to a SubVI Boolean with "Latch Until Released" Mechanical Action
LabVIEW 8.5 crashes when you pass a boolean value to a SubVI where the receiving control is set to mechanical action "Latch Until Released"

Workaround: Set mechanical action in SubVI control to anything but "Latch Until Released"

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 12/03/2007

Loading VIs Containing References To .NET Assemblies in the GAC Results In Irresolvable Assembly Load Warnings
In rare cases, you may receive warnings when loading a VI that calls .NET assemblies in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC):

The .NET assembly expected to be at "C:\[PATH]\[VINAME].vi\<GAC>\[Assembly Name]" was loaded from "<GAC>\[Assembly Name]".

You may also receive error 1003 when building an application with VIs that call .NET assemblies in the GAC, indicating "The VI is not executable." Opening the VIs will produce the load warnings mentioned above. Neither saving the VI nor reconfiguring the .NET nodes will resolve this.

Workaround: 1. Open the VI.
2. Delete all .NET nodes that reference the specified assembly(s). Also, delete any .NET refnum controls or indictors that reference the specified assembly(s). Note, this will break the VI.
3. Save and close the VI.
4. Reopen the VI and verify you do not get the GAC warning message.
5. Close and restart LabVIEW.
6. Open the VI.
7. Recreate the VI components you deleted in step 4.
8. Save and close the VI.
9. Open the VI (and if applicable, build the application) and verify you do not get the .NET load warnings.
10. Repeat this for all VIs and controls that contain .NET nodes or .NET refnums that reference the specified assembly(s).

Note: When loading a VI that calls other VIs that you have already fixed, they will be re-broken in memory. Therefore, do not save the subVIs upon saving and closing the top-level VI. Doing so will re-break those subVIs. To be safe, apply your workaround with a top-down approach starting with the top-level VI and working down towards the subVIs.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 12/05/2007

MathScript feval function does not find user defined functions in search path directories
Use of feval function only works when calling built-in MathScript functions or functions saved in "My Documents\LabVIEW Data" directory. It does not work for functions in directories included in "Search Paths" (not even if the directory is changed to "Working Directory").

Workaround: Put *.m files in "My Documents\LabVIEW Data" folder.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 12/10/2007

Digital Display Legend Doesn't Adjust for Number of Plots in Executable
In the LV Development environment, when the number of plots are changed dynamically, the Digital Display for each plot is dynamically added or removed from the legend. However, when run in an executable, the plot glyph is updated correctly, but the digital displays is not added or removed when the number of plots is changed dynamically.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/12/2007

Open/Create/Replace does not show confirmation message when "replace or create with confirmation" is selected

Workaround: Write custom code to first detect whether or not the file exists and give a custom dialog.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 12/17/2007

LabVIEW 8.5 crash when replacing modern waveform chart or graph with visible scrollbar to classic waveform chart or graph
When you enable the visible scrollbar in the graph or chart's plot legend, and then replace the chart or graph with a classic control or indicator through the right-click menu LabVIEW crashes.

Workaround: Disable the scrollbar before replacing the chart or graph.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 12/17/2007

Dropping a front panel object with associated block diagram code onto a front panel containing a splitter bar causes LabVIEW to crash
Dropping a front panel object with associated block diagram code onto a front panel containing a splitter bar causes LabVIEW to crash. Examples of front panel objects with associated block diagram code include the Express XY Graph, Express Table, and 3D Graphs. Subpanels do not exhibit this behavior.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5 Localized  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 12/17/2007

Cluster data outside of visible portion of front panel do not print
If a cluster is outside of the visible portion of a front panel, the data in that cluster is not printed when you print the front panel of a VI.

Workaround: Expand front panel to include all visible controls and indicators.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 12/18/2007

LabVIEW crash when calling DLL using Maximum Error Detection
When maximum error detection is enabled in your Call Library Function Node, if you pass a string to a DLL and you don't specify a minimum size, LabVIEW can crash, return bad data, and/or an error message.

Workaround: Use no error checking or default error checking on your DLL, or set a minimum string size through the Call Library Function configuration dialog.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 12/19/2007

LabVIEW Crash Capture mechanism doesn't work in Leopard
When LabVIEW crashes with an internal error (cpp error), the log file is not created properly and you are not prompted to send the file to NI for investigation.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 01/21/2008

LabVIEW file lose icons in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
LabVIEW VIs lose their icons and are replaced by generic text file icon. The documents still open in LabVIEW when clicked.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 01/21/2008

Mass compiling on an Intel Mac running Leopard may cause LabVIEW to crash
Mass compiling on an Intel Mac running Leopard may cause LabVIEW to crash.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 01/21/2008

LabVIEW specific Apple Events are not able to be called from AppleScript
Due to the change of all string datatypes to unicode, the LabVIEW Apple Events such as Run VI, Abort VI, and VI Active? will fail due to an incorrect parameter being passed from AppleScript.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 01/21/2008

Cannot customize plot legend with background image in LabVIEW
You cannot configure a plot legend with a custom background image in LabVIEW.

Workaround: Make the color of the plot legend transparent, and place the image behind it. This only works if your plot legend remains a fixed size in a fixed location.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 01/23/2008

VI saved without diagram breaks when it contains .NET reference
Distributing a VI which contains .NET functionality (especially a callback function) fails when the option "Remove Block Diagram" is enabled.

Workaround: Do not save the VI without a block diagram.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 01/23/2008

Installation of LEGO MINDSTORMS Prevents Containers from Loading and Gives Control Could not be Loaded Error Message
I installed LEGO MINDSTORMS after other NI software (including LabVIEW, TestStand, or Signal Express) was installed, and now I receive "Control could not be loaded" error message in container boxes.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 01/23/2008

Sweep Chart with Large History Length Crashes LabVIEW
Sweep charts configured with a large history length (multiple thousands of points) and an autoscaling X axis will cause LabVIEW to crash after the first sweep. Decreasing the chart history length afterwards does not prevent the crash from occurring. A new chart must be created and configured.

Workaround: Use either the Strip or Scope Chart update methods or use a smaller Chart History Length.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 01/23/2008

LabVIEW draws disabled controls on system tab control including LabVIEW Property Pages on Mac OSX Leopard incorrectly.
Some disabled controls, including ones on the property pages, will not draw correctly on Mac OS X Leopard. Generally, you will see a black box where the control should be.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 01/24/2008

The coercion of an enum through its digital display behaves differently in the development environment than in a LabVIEW executable.
The coercion of an enum through its digital display behaves differently in the development environment than in a LabVIEW executable. Neither produce an out of range value, but one coerces to the last entry in the enum, the other leaves the enum unchanged.

Workaround: Use an event structure to capture value change filter events and restore the enum to the value you choose. You can also disable the digital display for the enum.

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/22/2008

LabVIEW 8.5.1 Crash when searching diagram palette
With RT installed and using the palette loading option "Load palette when needed" in LabVIEW, searching either the front panel or block diagram palettes crashes LabVIEW without an error message.

Workaround: Use another palette loading setting.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 02/22/2008

"Quotient and Remainder" function improperly coerces to I64 and can return incorrect value
"Quotient and Remainder" function coerces values to highest bit width. If you are dividing an I64 by an I32 the 32 bit number shows a coercion but the quotient returned is incorrect. If you convert using the To Quad Integer the quotient is computed correctly.

Workaround: Convert non 64-bit integers to the I64 type using the "to quad integer" function before wiring to the "quotient and remainder" function.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 02/22/2008
IDKnown Issue

Crash Creating Control from Match Regular Expression with Standard Classic Palette
If your LabVIEW.ini file has the key paletteStyle="StandardClassic", you will see a crash if you try to right-click and create a control/constant from a terminal on Match Regular

Workaround: Remove paletteStyle="StandardClassic" option from the LabVIEW.ini file or choose another.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 02/25/2008

CPU Usage Jumps Drastically On Different Tab Controls
A table on a tab control may cause a window redraw even if the tab with the table control is not visible.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 03/01/2008

Error 1 on first build of application when using custom error codes
When you create custom error codes and select the "Copy error code files" when building an executable, the build may fail on the first attempt with an Error 1.

Workaround: After seeing the error, build the application again for a successful build.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.5.1  Added: 04/01/2008

Format Into String function containing an enum input with an out of range value crashes LabVIEW
Executing a Format Into String function containing an enum input with an out of range value crashes LabVIEW. It is possible to create an enum with an out of range value in LabVIEW 7.x by creating a new enum, adding items to the enum, selecting the last item in the enum on the front panel, and then removing the last item from the enum through the Edit Items dialog. Doing so in LabVIEW 7.x creates an enum with an out of range value that appears as a list of items (upon clicking of the enum) where none of the items have a checkmark. This state of an enum is not possible to create in LabVIEW 8.x. However, this state will persist in 8.x for an enum control saved in LabVIEW 7.x and upgraded to LabVIEW 8.x. Selecting an item in the enum, making the current control value the default value, and then saving the VI will prevent the enum from entering this state in LabVIEW 8.x.

Workaround: Select an item in the enum, make the current control value the default value, and then save the VI.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 04/09/2008

Clicking broken run arrow due to a global variable missing data crashes LabVIEW
If you have a VI using a global variable, if you delete the data in the global variable, any VIs which use the global will be broken (this is expected behavior). When you click the broken run arrow in the VI which uses the global, LabVIEW 8.5 might crash.

Workaround: Fix global variable before pressing run arrow in calling VIs.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 04/30/2008

Alt key halts VI Execution when Menu Bar is not Visible
If you hide the menu bar of a VI, the VI will pause if the Alt key is pressed and resume if the Alt key is pressed a second time.

Workaround: Show menu so that it cannot accidentally be paused. or Use an empty custom runtime menu and uncheck Allow default run-time shortcut menu.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 04/30/2008

Using an ActiveX Document control can crash LabVIEW
Wiring an Activex Document Control (a special type of ActiveX control not commonly used with LabVIEW) with the 'create document' option to a property node, it crashes LabVIEW without any error notice.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 05/02/2008

LabVIEW 8.5 coerces out of range enums to the last value, prior LabVIEW versions coerce to 0
When you wire value to a enum indicator, if the value wired to the indicator is out of range, LabVIEW 8.5 coerces the value to last value in the indicator, LabVIEW 8.2 and prior incorrectly coerces the value to 0 (the first value in the enum indicator).

Workaround: This change in behavior between LabVIEW versions was introduced as a result of fixing the incorrect behavior in LabVIEW 8.2 and earlier. To restore original behavior, perform an out of range check on anything wired to an enum. If the value is out of range, programmatically set to 0. It is generally considered unsafe programming practice to allow an out of range value wired to an enumeration.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 06/03/2008

The "do not save automatic changes" setting does not affect libraries
The "do not save automatic changes" options setting does not affect any type of library, including classes.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/20/2008

Create Accessor dialog sometimes creates erroneous accessor VIs
The Create Accessor dialog is unable to reliably create an accessor VI for a Class who's private data cluster contains an element with a name which begins or ends with whitespace. The bundle and unbundle nodes on the resulting accessor VI might have an incorrect element of the cluster selected.

Workaround: Edit the resulting VI and correct the generated bundle or unbundle nodes.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 06/20/2008

Timed Structures May Leak Memory
The Timed Sequence Structure uses a DLL which is loaded when a VI using the timed structure is loaded in memory. Loading and unloading this DLL causes a small memory leak. It is unlikely that your application would be loading and unloading this DLL multiple times.

Workaround: In order to work around this problem, you must keep the DLL used by the Timed Structure in memory. To do this, simply have a VI loaded in memory that uses a Timed Sequence Structure. You could do this by having a 'dummy' sub-VI in your top-level VI which just has one instance of a Timed Sequence Structure that does nothing but keep the DLL in memory.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 06/20/2008

To More Specific Class to an XControl returns an error in built applications
To More Specific Class to an XControl returns an error in built applications even when the cast is valid.

Workaround: Use a generic Typecast node instead.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 06/20/2008

Locking all classes in inheritance hierarchy does not hide protected member VIs
When you lock a class, all the private member VIs are hidden in the project tree. According to the documentation, if all the classes in a class hierarchy are locked then the protected member VIs should also be hidden. They are not. This is strictly a display issue. Protected VIs are protected and cannot be accessed except within the class and its descendant classes.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/20/2008

LabVIEW protects against recursion by removing nodes from block diagram
LabVIEW removes VIs from a block diagram of an unedited VI when dropping a VI to another block diagram.

Workaround: This is expected behavior since the LabVIEW compiler cannot support native recursion in current versions of LabVIEW. Support for recursion added in LabVIEW 2009.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009  Added: 06/20/2008

Probes on a cluster containing an IMAQ image always fail to load
Right-clicking to create a probe on a cluster that contains an image returns error "Failed to load or create probe". This worked in LabVIEW 8.0 and 8.2.

Workaround: Create custom probe without IMAQ image.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 06/20/2008

Property node fails to execute when error occurs executing any of the properties.
Property nodes can be configured to "Ignore Errors Inside Node" by right-clicking the node. The default behavior is to not ignore errors which should result in each property action occurring in top-down order until complete or an error occurs. In LabVIEW 8.5, the behavior was changed, and none of the properties execute when at least one property in the node returns an error.

Workaround: Enable "ignore errors inside node" (which will change the behavior of the node) or, separate property node items and string together.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 06/23/2008

New VI files saved on Mac OS X have wrong icon
When saving a new VI file (not in an LLB, and not over an existing VI file) in Mac OS X, LabVIEW incorrectly assigns it a file type of "TEXT" and file creator of "????". In Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or before, these files still show up with the correct icon, if they have the .vi extension. The Finder is using the extension on the filename to decide which icon to display. Any file without a .vi extension displays with the wrong icon. In Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), even if the file has the correct .vi extension, these same icons do not display correctly. They display as what looks like a generic text file.

Workaround: If you have the Apple developer tools installed, you can change the type of the file using the command line tool /Developer/Tools/SetFile. Or you can save your .vi over an existing .vi with the correct file type and creator. Or you can save your VIs inside .llb files.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 06/25/2008

Wiring Invalid File Refnum to Deny Access function crashes LabVIEW
When using the Deny Access primitive, if an invalid reference number (including a null reference constant) is passed to this reference input of the function, it will crash LabVIEW.

Workaround: Ensure an invalid reference number isn't passed to this VI.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 06/26/2008

Changing a Text Ring Control to Fixed Point Representation Crashes LabVIEW

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 06/30/2008

VI does not break when a Global Variable in a subVI is edited
If a global variable used in a subVI is edited such that the subVI would be broken, the calling VI does not break if the subVI is not opened. You may see an error when trying to build since the subVI is broken.

Workaround: Open and close main VI or project.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 06/30/2008

LabVIEW crash when comparing string to a control refnum of a sub-vi
LabVIEW crash when comparing string to a control refnum of a sub-vi using an equal or not equal primitive for the comparison. In previous versions the VI would give a broken arrow for this operation.

Workaround: Use the property node to get the Label.Text instead of comparing the control refnum directly.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 07/08/2008

Replacing outdated Express VI does not give notice
If you open the Express VI "Write LabVIEW Measurement File" from previous LabVIEW versions in 8.2 or later, LabVIEW automatically converts it to the newer "Write to Measurement File" Express VI. When this happens, there is no message to the user, so you may not notice that your code has changed. If you click the "Cancel" button in the Express VI Property pages, the previous file path is not preserved.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 07/08/2008

Show constant folding option changes outputs in for loop executing 0 times
Having show constant folding enabled changes the execution behavior of a for loop that iterates zero times depending on whether a control or constant is wired to the count terminal. When a control is wired to the count terminal and set to zero then the output tunnels will output their default data values. When a constant of zero is wired to the count terminal then the output tunnels will output values as if the loop had iterated once. This behavior only happens when the VI was compiled while the show constant folding option is enabled.

Workaround: Turn off show constant folding and re-compile the VI (you must recompile in addition to disabling the option). Once the VI has been re-compiled you can re-enable show constant folding, but if the VI is recompiled with the show constant folding, the bug will be reintroduced in your code.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 07/08/2008

Bundle by Name does not break VI when fields from the input cluster's typedef are deleted

Workaround: Change the data type (numeric to string, string to numeric) of the cluster element to be deleted to force breakage at all references to that member. Repair the broken VIs and then remove the cluster element. Or you can delete the cluster element, save (keeping the control open), then mass compile.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/08/2008

Subtraction and subsequent Add or Subtract operations using 2D array types might produce incorrect results with 64-bit integer data types
Adding or subtracting 2D arrays when using array controls (as opposed to constants) with I64 or U64 representation can return incorrect results. This also affects any other add/subtract operation that maybe wired to one of the array controls. However, independently the add function is not affected. This occurs in LabVIEW 8.0 and 8.2 as well.

Workaround: This does not happen in all cases; if the 2D array is wired through functions or if other operations occur before the initial subtraction the problem may not exist. If you test the code and discover the problem, multiply the second input to the subtract by -1 and replace your subtract with an add primitive. Add a note to your code where this operation is done so that future reviewers of you code understand why you implemented this workaround.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 07/08/2008

On a Mac, a VI that writes waveform data to a chart on the Web Server crashes the Web browser when accessed from a PC
When posting a VI that writes waveform data to a chart inside a loop on the Web Server for remote front panels on a Mac, accessing the remote front panel from a PC may crash the Web browser.

Workaround: Use graphs instead of charts. If chart functionality is necessary, you can programmatically create a history of data that gets plotted to the graph on each plot.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/08/2008

LabVIEW crash in MemoryManager.cpp line 406 with MixedSignalGraph strict Value property
LabVIEW crashes if you create a Value property node from a Mixed Signal Graph reference, unbundle the value, and then change the data in the cluster.

Workaround: Create the Value property node from the graph instead of the reference to the graph.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 07/08/2008

Table Property Nodes Run Slow After Upgrade from 7.1
Property nodes that are used to update table controls on the front panel (such as Set Cell Value, Active Cell, CellBGcolor, CellFontColor) run about 7 times slower in LabVIEW 8.x versions than in 7.1 and prior.

Workaround: Use defer front panel updates to avoid rapid updates of the UI which would probably not be noticed. This design pattern can speed up the program to levels much faster than 7.1 ran before the slowdown.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/08/2008

Dropping control references may cause Data Change event for XControl
Dropping a control/indicator reference onto a VI that is hosting an XControl, whose data type is an array, will cause a Data Change event to be handled by the facade VI of the XControl.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/09/2008

Timed-Sequence iteration duration terminal does not work
The Iteration Duration output terminal on Timed-Sequence structures no longer functions correctly.

Workaround: Use the Global End and Global Start time to calculate the total duration of the structure.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 07/09/2008

Expected End Calculation for Timed Loop Iteration is incorrect when Deadline is used
The current calculation for Expected End for the Previous Iteraction is "Actual Start + Deadline" but the correct calculation should be "Actual Start + Deadline - 1".

Workaround: Subtract one from the Expected End output before using it.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 07/10/2008

Tab control local variables generate value change events when you use a multi-column ListBox
A value change event is generated when a Tab Control local variable's value is changed in an Event Structure that was triggered by a double-click/ value Change on a multi-column ListBox.

Workaround: Use Value Property Node for the Tab Control instead of Local Variable to change the Tabs.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/10/2008

Possible Execution Time Slowdown in 8.5.1
There is a particular combination of repeatedly calling Bundle By Name and/or Insert into Array functions that slows down when compiled in 8.5.1.

Workaround: Re-architect to call these functions in a different way if you see this problem.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 07/11/2008

Error Creating Override VI for Dynamic Dispatch VI with No Block Diagram
If you remove the block diagram from a dynamic dispatch VI then try to use the shortcut option New-> VI for Override, the action will fail with error 1012.

Workaround: Create the override VI manually.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/11/2008

Variant To Flattened String and Flattened String To Variant Do Not Support Fixed Point Data Type
The Fixed Point data type is not supported by the Variant To Flattened String and Flattened String to Variant functions. You may see a crash when trying to unflatten this datatype in conjunction with an empty fixed point array.

Workaround: Either use a supported datatype or do not use the Variant.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/11/2008

Multi-column listbox format lost on upgrade
A Multicolumn listbox created in LV 7.1 may lose its format when opened in LV 8.5 or later. Column headers lose their 3D appearance and font formatting might be lost.

Workaround: Replace the Listbox and recreate all customizations

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/12/2008

Constant-folded case structure tunnel coerces to non-folded type in LabVIEW 8.5 but not in previous versions
If you have a case structure wired with a constant and including a tunnel, and you have two differing, but coerceable, types wired to the tunnel, the type of the tunnel is now (LabVIEW 8.5 and later) dependent on which case has been folded. In LabVIEW 8.2 and prior, LabVIEW coerces the value based on rules for the type. Among other things, this change means that when you upgrade an application from older versions, it may have broken wires or changes in data types.

Workaround: Wire a control to the case structure instead of a constant to prevent the constant folding.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 07/22/2008

Build Errors when VI Names are Identical but Capitalized Differently
A build error occurs when building applications (executables) with VIs (including Dependencies) that have identical names and only differ in their capitalizations. The build ends up being unsuccessful with the Possible Reasons being "Error Copying Files". The VI listed in the error window is the VI which has the similar name.

Workaround: Use LabVIEW Search (Edit Menu»Find Project Items) to find the VIs which have the same name and rename them to make the capitalization identical.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 07/29/2008

In MathScript Node, Import Script does not work for read-only files
Import Script through right-clicking a MathScript Node and selecting "Import" does not work for read-only files

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 08/01/2008

Changing LV class inheritance does not always fix broken wires
A child class wire can always connect to a parent class terminal. You may connect a class to another class and get a broken wire, if the wire's class does not inherit from the terminal's class. In the case where the class wire is used but there are no controls/indicators/constants of the class anywhere on the VI, the wire will still be broken. The bug exists if the class is an output wire from one subVI call and an input wire to another subVI call. The inverse problem also exists: Alpha.VI is saved when class A inherits from class B. Now, while is not in memory, change A to not inherit from B. Load It should load broken, but it does not. Forcing a recompile will cause the VI to break.

Workaround: Any action that causes LabVIEW to re-evaluate the wire will work to fix this problem. Some options include unloading and reloading the broken VI, deleting the broken wire and rewiring, force recompiling the VI (CTRL+Run Arrow). If you have many broken VIs that need to be fixed simultaneously, hold down Shift+Ctrl when clicking the run arrow to re-evaluate all VIs in memory.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/01/2008

Cannot fix missing parent class by changing to inherit from LabVIEW Object
If a class is missing its parent class, it is broken. The help for this error directs users to change the inheritance and suggests changing to inherit from LabVIEW Object. Changing the inheritance does fix the broken class, but only if you pick any class other than LabVIEW Object.

Workaround: You have two possible workarounds: 1) Open the Class Properties dialog for the broken class. Change the broken class to inherit from another class that does exist. Hit "OK" to close the Class Properties dialog. Then change the inheritance again to inherit from LabVIEW Object. 2) You can open the broken class' .lvclass file in a text editor. Find this text: <Property Name="NI.LVClass.ParentClassLinkInfo" Type="Bin"> Delete that tag and everything that follows it until you find the matching </Property> tag. Save the text file. When you next load that class, it will be inheriting from LabVIEW Object. Note that this workaround will not work if the .lvclass file is password protected.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 08/01/2008

Private scope has no effect on XControls or StateCharts
Marking an XControl or a StateChart as private inside an owning library will not prevent VIs outside the owning library from using that XControl or StateChart.

Workaround: No known workaround.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 2010 32-bit  Added: 08/01/2008

Doing find for "LabVIEW Object" crashes LabVIEW
If you attempt to use Edit»Find and Replace... to search for all instances of LabVIEW Object (the ultimate ancestor class of all LabVIEW classes), the development system will crash.

Workaround: The only known workaround is a programmatic solution -- writing a VI that opens control references to each control on another VI's front panel and tests if that control is an instance of LabVIEW Object. It can be tricky to write such a VI in versions 8.2 and 8.5. In LV 8.6, there is a VI to help you: [labview]\vi.lib\Utility\LVClass\Is This Control Of LabVIEW Object A version of this VI for LV 8.5 may be found by searching the developer forums on

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 08/01/2008

To More Specific node creates undesirable copies of LabVIEW class objects
The To More Specific node makes a copy of the class when the operation is successful. This copy is unnecessary and has been identified as a source of performance problems. This bug exists in LV8.2 and later. For further details, please read  LabVOOP Performance Issue: To More Specific function.

Workaround: 1) Whenever possible, LabVIEW class developers should avoid using the To More Specific node to do type testing -- use dynamic dispatch subVIs instead. That is good programming practice anyway, but this bug makes it even more important. 2) Any LabVIEW class developer who is writing a nested data type -- one where the child class includes an instance of the parent class in its private data control -- needs to be aware of potential performance problems if your data structure gets large, possibly changing to a different implementation of the data structure. These problems will persist until this bug is fixed in a future version of LabVIEW. Some nested data types, such as a simple linked list, may be implementable without using To More Specific by making all operations be dynamic dispatch VIs defined on the parent class, even operations that rightfully should only be called on the child class. The desired functionality is then placed on an override VI in the child class. This lets dynamic dispatching do the work of getting data from a parent class wire onto a child class wire instead of To More Specific.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 08/01/2008

Write to LabVIEW Measurement Files (LVM) using Express VIs takes up a lot of memory
The "Write to Measurement File" Express VI consumes a large amount of memory when writing to a Text File (LVM). However, the memory usage is smaller when the same Express VI is used to write a TDM/TDMS File

Workaround: Use general LabVIEW VIs (and not Express VIs) to perform an LVM write for large amounts of data. The other option would be to write in smaller chunks.

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/11/2008

The XControl Facade does not get the Panel Resize event when the XControl is inside a re-entrant clone
The XControl Facade does not get the Panel Resize event when the XControl is inside a re-entrant clone. All other initializations happen as expected.

Workaround: Read and Write the "Container Bounds" (using Property Nodes) of the XControl in the re-entrant VI to force the panel resize to occur. The read and write operation should be performed only once in the re-entrant VI

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 08/12/2008

Bundle by Name does not work for XControls which contain Cluster Typedefs
XControls which contain Cluster Typedefs cannot have their values modified by using the Bundle by Name option.

Workaround: Use the Value Property Node for the Control/Indicator in the Cluster to change it's value directly.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 08/12/2008

Joining Numbers of Different Widths Produce Unexpected Values
The Join Number VI produces different results when the inputs are of different widths/sizes.

Workaround: Explicitly cast to same size before joining.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 08/20/2008

Unnecessary IAK file checked into source code control
When NI-FieldPoint is installed, and source code control is configured for LabVIEW, when you check in projects to source control the source code provider attempts to check in an IAK file for the project, even if one does not exist.

Workaround: If a dialog appears when checking in file, do not check in the iak file if it is not necessary for that project.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 08/20/2008

Major grids disappear on waveform graphs under certain circumstances
The major grids on waveform graph disappear for some X-scale values when the graph width is between 415 and 703, and the X axis is set to relative time

Workaround: Adjust the Plot Area Size to an appropriate width so that the grids show again. OR Do not use relative time.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 08/26/2008

If a LabVIEW Library contains multiple references to the same file, LabVIEW crashes in LinkObj.cpp line 1686.
In very rare circumstances, your LabVIEW Library (.lvlib) can contain multiple references to the same file (VI, CTL, etc..). If it does, LabVIEW 8.5.x might crash when opening the library giving the user a crash dialog indicating a crash in LinkObj.cpp line 1686.

Workaround: To attempt to recover the LabVIEW library, open the lvlib file in a text editor and delete the duplicate references.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 08/28/2008

Opening VI Properties Window takes a long time
When I try to open the VI properites window of a VI it takes a very long time to open. This can occur when you are using a network shared printer (as printer default), and that printer is offline.

Workaround: Set default printer to "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer" for example.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/02/2008

Improper Addition and Subtraction when I32 2D arrays are coerced to work with I64 2D Arrays
If a 2D array of I32 is added/subtracted with an I64 2D Array, the output is usually wrong. In the addition case, it generally would be twice the value given in the I32 array. However, this happens only if the I32 array is wired to the Top Terminal (x) of the Function. The addition works fine if the I32 array is wired to the Bottom Terminal (y). The subraction fails more often and does not have a fixed pattern other than it always being zero

Workaround: For Addition, Wire I32 to the bottom terminal or explicitly convert it to an I64 before performing the add operation.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/23/2008

Build Specification Ignores Remove Front Panel and Block Diagram Flags for the Dependencies Node
The Application Builder Build Specification ignores the remove front panel and block diagram flags at build time. The build always uses the default values of this flag whereby it removes the front panel and block diagram. The problem and workaround apply for both executable and source distributions.

Workaround: To change the Settings to not remove front panel and/or block diagram, do the following. 1) Uncheck or Check "Remove front panel" and/or "Remove block diagram" in the Source File Settings page of the Build Specification 2) Change one common VI Property (example: "Allow debugging" is a good one to change since debugging requires a block diagram which you intend to remove anyway) that can be changed for every dependency (all contained items). Change it using the "Customize VI Properties" Dialog Box which is also found in the Source File Settings page of the Build Specification

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 09/26/2008

Error 6 occurred at Create Folder in Create Directory when building an application (EXE), shared library (DLL), source distribution or web service
When building a Build Specification, the build process fails with Error 6 at Create Folder in Create Directory This usually happens if the path one of the files generated by the build (temporarily during the build process or as part of the output) is too long. The operating system requires paths for files to be less than 255 characters.

Workaround: 1. Use a shorter path for your build destination (i.e. c:\build\) and if necessary copy the output to the final location you need. 2. A. For application (EXE) and shared library (DLL) build specifications, place a checkmark in the Use LabVIEW 8.x file layout checkbox on the Advanced page of the Properties dialog box. 2. B. For source distribution or web service build specifications, uncheck the Preserve disk hierarchy checkbox on the problem Destination on the Destinations page of the Properties dialog box.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 10/06/2008

The Import Shared Library Wizard hangs when Report Generation Toolkit installed
When the Report Generation Toolkit is installed, the Import Shared Library Wizard hangs.

Workaround: Please see KB 4DPEIM5M or the LabVIEW Drivers and Updates page on for more information about this problem.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 10/09/2008

LabVIEW crashes on SuSE 11 Linux
LabVIEW crashes on SuSE 11 either when launching or during other loading operations. This can be due to font initialization problems in the OS and can occur when LabVIEW attempts to load a font style that is not available on the system.

Workaround: Update the following packages: xorg-x11-fonts xorg-x11-fonts-core Both need to be at least version 7.3-70.2. These can be updated with the "Online Update" tool in SuSE 11, and they are listed under the "recommended" updates with the summary of "x11: Fix for broken font rendering in legacy applications".

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 12/08/2008
IDKnown Issue

Localization Codes do not Function for Timestamp Controls
According to the help, localization codes are available for format strings. They allow to specify the decimal separator and override the system decimal separator. However, this doesn't work for the Timestamp "advanced format" option.

Workaround: If you would like to discuss this issue and possible workarounds, please visit the NI Discussion Forums.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 12/09/2008

Memory growth with Read TDMS VI for single waveforms
A significant memory grwoth occurs when reading a single waveform in a loop from a TDMS file with the Read TDMS VI. This only happens when reading a single waveform, no other type exhibits this behavior (including array of waveforms). The memory gets released when the VI is closed

Workaround: Place a build array on the channel name(s) input to create an array with one element. Use an index array on the data output to get the waveform. See attached file.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 12/11/2008

Plot Legend Does Not Update When Using Property Nodes
When the properties of a plot legend are changed by property node or by a reference and a property node, the legend does not redraw.

Workaround: A redraw can be forced by changing the property node Plot.Name, changing the property node Legend.Visible, or a mouse movement over the plot legend.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 01/27/2009

Variable Manager May Display the Incorrect Buffer Size
When the ServerVariable or ServerVariableInfo class explicitly creates a network variable and configures the server-side buffer for the network variable, the value for the buffer size displayed by Variable Manager is incorrect.

Workaround: Use the ServerVariable.GetItemCapacity() method or ServerVariableInfo.ItemCapacity property to retrieve the correct value.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 01/28/2009

Replacing XY Graph Changes Data Type of References
When an XY Graph of data type 1-D array of clusters of arrays is replaced on the front panel, any references to this graph will change data type to 1-D array of doubles.

Workaround: Click on the reference, link to any other object, then relink it to the original graph. This will restore the data type.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 01/28/2009

Additional Information Needed in the Context Help for "Lock front panel until the event case for this event completes" in the Event Structure Dialog
There are currently some resources in the LabVIEW Help that document to Avoid Using an Event Structure Outside a Loop (linked below). However, when creating or modifying the event structure itself there is no information that would indicate that this could cause behavioral issues.

Workaround: Text from "Avoid Using an Event Structure Outside a Loop" help document: "Caution: If no Event structure executes to handle an event and front panel locking is enabled, the user interface of the VI becomes unresponsive. If this occurs, click the Abort button to stop the VI. You can disable front panel locking by right-clicking the Event structure and removing the checkmark from the Lock front panel until the event case for this event completes checkbox in the Edit Events dialog box. You cannot turn off front panel locking for filter events."

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 9.0 32-bit  Added: 01/29/2009

Polymorphic VIs Incorrectly Identify an I64 Input as I16

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 02/18/2009

Hidden page in a tab causes the VI to crash when upgrading to a newer version of LabVIEW
If a VI has a hidden page in it's tab control, then upgrading that VI to a newer version of LabVIEW can result in a LabVIEW crash

Workaround: Make the page in the tab visible and then perform the upgrade.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 02/18/2009

Single Process Shared Variable Read/Write Execute Even When Error In Terminal Contains an Error

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 02/19/2009

Event Structure Cases can Incorrectly Remap to Other Dynamic Events
When deleting a user event refnum from a cluster which is input to a Register For Events Function, the associated Event Structure cases can be swapped.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 7.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 03/13/2009

Error 1 at Read Datalog with unwired terminal and a cluster containing a path
Error 1 occurs at Read Datalog when the record terminal is unwired and the cluster contains an element of the path data type.

Workaround: Wire an indicator to the record(s) terminal of the Read Datalog function, or change the path element of the cluster to a string element or simply .

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 04/20/2009

plotsupp.cpp line 4051 or scalesup.cpp line 2847 errors and crashes
These errors or crashes could occur in certain cases when charts are set to update in the "sweep" mode.

Workaround: One possible workaround would be to change the chart to update in "scope" mode instead of "sweep". Right click the chart on the Front Panel to open the short cut menu. Then navigate to Advanced >> Update Mode and select Scope Chart. Repeat the procedure for all charts present on the VI.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 04/23/2009

Sound Input Read VI does not return samples requested
If the user inputs a value of "number of samples/ch" into the Sound Input Read VI and the waveform that this returned is only 75% of the samples.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/28/2009

Possible Memory Leak When Reading from Multiple Binary Files
A memory leak make occur when reading from multiple binary files.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 04/28/2009

Shared variable bindings in the same library are not updated properly when copying/renaming the library
If you have shared variables in a library which are bound to I/O servers or other variables that are also in the same library, and you rename or save a copy of the library, the bindings still refer to the original library name.

Workaround: Manually rebind the variables after copying or renaming the library.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/28/2009

"Wait on Notification from Multiple" function returns incorrect refnum for named notifiers
You can use Obtain Notifier to get multiple refnums to the same notifier. If you pass one of those refnums to the "Wait on Notification From Multiple" function and then use Send Notification on a different one of those refnums, the Wait function will correctly wake up and return data, but the refnum returned by the function will be the one used for the Send Notification instead of the one that the node used when going to sleep.

Workaround: You can use Notifier Status function on each of the refnums passed as input to the Wait function in order to get the names of all those notifiers. When the Wait function returns its results, use the Notifier Status function to get the name of the returned notifier, then search the original list for a refnum that has the same name as the one returned. This allows you to identify the original refnum that should have been returned.

Reported Version: 6.1  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 04/28/2009

"Wait on Notification from Multiple" returns inconsistent results when multiple refnums refer to same named notifier
When using the "Wait On Multiple Notifications" primitive, problems have been observed if two refnums in the input array refer to the same named notifier. These problems apply if the exact same refnum is included multiple times or if different refnums to the same notifier are included. If the Wait node executes and there is already a notification available then the output refnum array will include every refnum that refers to the underlying notifier (including multiple copies of the same refnum) and there will be N copies of the notification in the output notification array, one for each output refnum. If the Wait node does have to go to sleep, when Send Notification executes, the Wait will wake up but will return an array containing only a single refnum and one copy of the notification.

Workaround: You can use Notifier Status function on each of the refnums passed as input to the Wait function in order to get the names of all those notifiers. When the Wait function returns its results, use the Notifier Status function to get the name of the returned notifier, then search the original list for all refnums that have the same name as the one returned. This allows you to identify the original refnums that should have been returned.

Reported Version: 6.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/28/2009

Very Large Constant Arrays May Interfere with Constant Folding
When looping through very large constant arrays, LabVIEW may run out of memory. In this case, no constant folding is executed in the code.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/28/2009

Fixed Point Array Constant Does Not Allow "Adapt To Entered Data" Option
Editing a fixed point array constant does not work as expected. The values get reset as soon as you finish entering them.

Workaround: Create a control and then convert it to a constant. If you want to modify it, convert it back to a control, make the modifications and convert it to a constant again.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/29/2009

Crash using Xscale Info or YScale Info graph properties
Graph properties Xscale Info and YScale Info available in LabVIEW 6.0 are no longer available. Using these properties will cause your VI to crash when executed.

Workaround: Use newer individual properties XScale.Range etc. to adjust your graph properties.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 04/30/2009

It is possible to receive default outputs values if the dynamic dispatch method has unwired inputs

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 05/11/2009

Saving .lvclass files for previous version sometimes results in a corrupted file in LV8.6 and 8.5
In LabVIEW 8.6 or 8.5, when you use Save For Previous, there is a potential problem when saving .lvclass files. The newly saved .lvclass file may be corrupted depending upon the types used in the connector panes of member VIs. As a result, the previous version of LabVIEW may crash when you try to load that .lvclass file. The problem arises with certain refnum types, and there is no easy category to describe which refnum types create the problem. Known problem types include all DAQ refnums, storage refnums and I/O refnums. Known safe types include all VI Server refnums, queue refnums and notifier refnums.

Workaround: If you use Save For Previous and the resulting .lvclass causes the previous version of LV to crash when you attempt the load, open the .lvclass file in a text editor. The file is structured as XML. In the file, you will find several lines that start with and end with Delete all of these lines. Do not change any other properties! Save the file and then attempt to load again.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 05/13/2009

The server.tcp.acl Config Token is not copied to build application's ini file

Workaround: Programatically set the VI Server TCP/IP Access using the application property Server:VI Access List.
Or, in the LabVIEW development system, set the TCP/IP Access list how you would like it using Tools>>Options. Then, copy the config token "server.tcp.acl" from LabVIEW.INI to your EXEs INI file.

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6.1  Added: 06/01/2009

Scan From File aborts the calling VI if it is pointed to a non-existing file
The Scan From File VI throws an error dialog and aborts the VI if it's given a non-existing file instead of returning an error in its output and giving the option to continue. Even if wire error dialog the whole VI still aborts.

Workaround: Check for the file existence before calling this VI.

Reported Version: 8.2.1  Resolved Version: 2010 32-bit  Added: 06/12/2009

.svn folder causes Mass Compile issues
Subversion (SVN) creates .svn folders under each source code controlled folder. The .svn folder stores unchanged versions of the files in the format (Example: will be stored as Mass compiling a folder under TortoiseSVN source code control results in LabVIEW mass compiling the files present in the hidden .svn folder too.

Workaround: See section ".svn folder causes Mass Compile issues" in KB 4T4D1JRQ: How do I use Subversion (SVN) and TortoiseSVN for source code controlling LabVIEW projects? for more details. In LabVIEW 2009, use the following configuration token in the LabVIEW.ini file - skipSVNFolders=true

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 06/19/2009

Incorrect Version Information in non-English Shared Libraries (DLLs) created with LabVIEW

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 07/10/2009

Source File Settings in Build Specification changed and will not Save for Previous
The Run-Time position properties for a window in the Source File Settings page of build specifications changed and are not preserved when you save a project for previous with these options selected.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 8.6  Added: 07/24/2009

Using Ctrl+drag to copy Linked Tunnels Crashes LabVIEW
Ctrl-drag to copy linked tunnels causes a crash. This does not happen for non-linked tunnels.

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/08/2009

Waveform Chart CPU usage is higher in 8.2 than 8.0 if X scale major markers are hidden

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 32-bit  Added: 09/08/2009

"Save As:Copy" on a nested library breaks member VIs if use option to add copied library to owner library
If you have a nested library, a library that is owned by another library, and you use Save As:Copy, there is an option to add the duplicate library to the original owner library. If you use this option, the member VIs of the duplicate library are all broken because they are not correctly named as members of the owning library. This bug affects all types of libraries, .lvlib, .lvclass, .xctl and .lvsc.

Workaround: Option 1: Do not use the "add to owning library" option and instead add the duplicate library to the owner manually after the copy.
Option 2: After the copy operation, move the duplicate library out of the owner library and then move it back into the owner library.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 09/30/2009

Clicking the ReadMe link from the autorun installation dialog will fail to open the html file in Internet Explorer 8.
This issue is present for most National Instruments software released prior to October 2009.

Workaround: Open IE8, then click ReadMe while in autorun and the file will open.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2009 SP1 32-bit  Added: 10/06/2009

Out of Memory error from Call Library Function Node
This error can occur if all of these 3 factors are present. 1) You specify a minimum size to a CLFN input X in terms of another input Y (i.e., not a constant like '4'). 2) The input Y is not a 32-bit parameter (e.g. a U16) 3) Something non-zero occupies the memory directly adjacent to Y, such that when the CLFN interprets the value as a 32-bit value, the resulting value is too large to be allocated.

Workaround: Remove one of the three listed conditions

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: 2010 32-bit  Added: 11/11/2009

Creating a circular link between an Xcontrol and a LVClass can crash LabVIEW.
The circular load leads to VIs that are permanently broken and no matter what you do the run arrow will not become fixed.

Workaround: Do not create a circular link from your XControl to your class. In other words, write your class completely and then write your XControl using the class. Do not put the XControl or any property/invoke node for the XControl into member VIs of the class.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2009

Event mouse down for Tree Control Scrollbar returns coordinates for the root item
The coordinates produced by a mouse down event on the scrollbar of a tree control are translated to the first item in the tree control.

Workaround: Use the inBound property to filter these problems out

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2009

Save for previous from LV 8.5 to 8.2 fails if file path is too long

Workaround: Save the folder closest to the root directory.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/17/2009

A runtime error occurrs occasionaly when the DAQ Assistant is closed quickly in SignalExpress localized to Korean
The error says NI Asssitant Host is stopped. In all other languages (except Korean), you will get a clear warning ""Execution has not completed. Please wait for execution to complete..." when trying to close the DAQ Assistant.

Workaround: Wait till execution completes before trying to close DAQ Assistant. Once a frequency is selected as a counter input for a card, the device is running in the DAQ Assistant.

Reported Version: 6.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 11/20/2009

3D Picture controls render non-default font incorrectly in executables

Workaround: N/A

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 2010 32-bit  Added: 12/09/2009

Upgrading Tab Controls from LabVIEW 8.2.1 to higher versions results in unexpected behaviors.
Upgrading a VI containing a tab control from LabVIEW 8.2.1 to higher versions may result in unexpected changes to the way the tab control looks and works

Workaround: Right click->replace the tab control with a new tab control.

Reported Version: 8.5.1  Resolved Version: 2010 32-bit  Added: 12/28/2009

Charts display gaps in waveform data that has a very small dt
When data is graphed at high sample rates and the data is added to a chart, LabVIEW incorrectly draws gaps in the chart. These gaps are not present in the data, there is nothing odd with the t0 or dt components of the waveform, and the gaps do not show when the data is returned as an array of DBL values.

Workaround: Acquire the data as an array of DBL and timestamp the data manually. Not at all clean.

Reported Version: 8.2  Resolved Version: 2010 32-bit  Added: 02/01/2010

LabVIEW built installers created on a 32-bit machine will not install most drivers when run on a 64-bit machine
If you build an installer using LabVIEW on a 32-bit machine that contains National Instruments drivers, the corresponding drivers will not be installed if the installer is run on a 64-bit machine. Drivers such as NI-DAQ, NI-Sync etc. are affected by this issue. Installation on 32-bit machines are not affected by this bug.

Workaround: On the deployment 64-bit machine, download and install the missing drivers from the Drivers and Updates page.

Reported Version: 8.5  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 02/16/2010

Statically linking a LabVIEW built DLL in a C++ project results in error 998 if the DLL is not added to the Delay Loaded DLLs list
For more information see this KnowledgeBase.

Workaround: Go to the Project Property Pages, Configuration Properties»Linker»Input and add the name of your DLL to the Delay Loaded DLLs list.

Reported Version: 7.1.1  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 06/16/2010

Wait on Notification from Multiple function has unexpected behavior when ignoring previous input.

Workaround: See KB

Reported Version: 8.0  Resolved Version: N/A  Added: 07/23/2010

Document last updated on 7/28/2010

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).