NI Product Compatibility for Microsoft Windows 11


Use the resources below to learn about what NI software supports Windows 11.


Considerations for Using NI Software with Windows 11

Software bitness: Windows 11 is a 64-bit operating system and has no 32-bit support; this is the first operating system from Microsoft to not include it. However, you are able to run 32-bit software on a 64-bit operating system. For more detailed information on the difference between Windows 32-bit and 64-bit, see Using NI Products on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.

Using the Windows 11 Compatibility Tables

NI Software Products are broken down into development software, add-ons and toolkits, and drivers. The versions listed in the table indicate the first compatible version of the software for each bitness that will run on Windows 11.  If there is any question about the compatibility of a piece of software, please refer to the Readme.

  • In the tables below, the column titled 'Windows 11 (Using 32-bit Software)' indicates the first version of 32-bit software that will run within the Windows on Windows (WOW64) emulation layer.    
  • Not supported means the product is not supported on or has not yet been tested on Windows 11 64-bit.  
  • Not applicable means the software bitness for that version of the operating system does not exist or is not a valid configuration. For example, Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) or LabWindows™/CVI™ development environments do not have 64-bit versions of the executable, but will work on 64-bit Windows 11. 
  • Products not listed on this page do not support Windows 11.


The following table lists the first version of software compatible with Windows 11 64-bit. For more details on specific versions of software, please refer to the Readme for the version in question.

NI SoftwareWindows 11
(Using 32-bit Software)(Using 64-bit Software)
NI SoftwareWindows 11
(Using 32-bit Software)(Using 64-bit Software)
GPIB-Serial Converter Software19.019.0
G Web Development SoftwareNot applicable2022 Q3
mmWave OTA Validation Test SoftwareNot applicableNot supported
NI Analog Waveform EditorNot supportedNot supported
NI Calibration ExecutiveNot applicableNot supported
NI DIAdemNot applicable2022 Q2
NI Digital Pattern Editor2022 Q42022 Q4
NI FlexLoggerNot applicable2022 Q2
NI Functional Safety EditorNot applicableNot supported
NI Hardware Configuration UtilityNot applicable2023 Q2
NI I/O Trace2022 Q3Not applicable
NI InstrumentStudioNot applicable2022 Q3
LabVIEW 32-bit2022 Q3Not applicable
LabVIEW 64-bitNot applicable2022 Q3
LabWindows/CVI Runtime Engine2020 f32020 f3
LabWindows™/CVI™2020 f3Not applicable
NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)2022 Q3Not applicable
NI Measurement StudioNot supportedNot applicable
NI MultisimNot supportedNot supported
NI Package Builder2022 Q32022 Q3
NI Package Manager2022 Q32022 Q3
NI Requirements GatewayNot supportedNot applicable
NI Switch Executive2023 Q12023 Q1
NI SystemLinkNot applicable2022 Q1
NI TestStand2022 Q42022 Q4
NI UltiboardNot supportedNot supported
NI Update ServiceNot supportedNot supported
NI VeriStandNot applicable2021 R3
NI VirtualBenchNot supportedNot supported
NI Vision Builder for Automated InspectionNot applicable2020


Add-Ons and Toolkits

The following table lists the first version of add-on software compatible with Windows 11 64-bit. For more details on specific versions of software, please refer to the Readme for the version in question.

NI SoftwareWindows 11
(Using 32-bit Software)(Using 64-bit Software)
NI SoftwareWindows 11
(Using 32-bit Software)(Using 64-bit Software)
FlexLogger Plugin Development KitNot applicable1.4
NI Automotive Diagnostic Command SetSupported  Not supported  
NI Bluetooth Toolkit (Run-Time, Generation, Analysis)Not supportedNot supported
NI Data Link Test FrameworkNot supported2024 Q3
NI ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit21.521.5
NI FM/RDS Measurement SuiteNot supportedNot supported
NI GNSS Simulation ToolkitNot supportedNot supported
LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW Application Builder2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module  2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module2022 Q3Not applicable
LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW Electrical Power Toolkit21.5Not Supported
LabVIEW FPGA Module 12022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW FPGA Xilinx ISE 1Not supportedNot applicable
LabVIEW FPGA Xilinx Vivado 12022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW MathScript Module2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW myRIO ToolkitNot SupportedNot applicable
LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit2022 Q42022 Q4
LabVIEW Real-Time Module2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW roboRIO ToolkitNot supportedNot applicable
LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit21.521.5
LabVIEW Unit Test Framework Toolkit2022 Q32022 Q3
LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit2022 Q32022 Q3
NI License Manager21.821.8
LabVIEW Modulation Toolkit2022 Q42022 Q4
NI OPC ServersNot supportedNot supported
NI-RFmx2022 Q32022 Q3
NI Sound and Vibration Measurement SuiteNot supportedNot supported
NI Spectral Measurements ToolkitNot applicableNot applicable
NI Vision Development Module2022 Q32022 Q3
NI Volume License Manager2023 Q12023 Q1
NI WLAN ToolkitNot supportedNot supported
RFIC Test SoftwareNot supportedNot supported
Semiconductor Device Control Add-On for InstrumentStudioNot applicable2022 Q3
TestScale Soft Front Panel Not applicable 2022 Q4
TestStand Semiconductor Module2023 Q12023 Q1
VCSEL I-V Test SoftwareNot supportedNot supported
Vehicle Communication ToolkitNot applicable1.1

1 The LabVIEW FPGA Module is supported on Windows 11. However, the Xilinx Compilation tools version used for your NI FPGA device might not be. For details, refer to your device readme.

Hardware Drivers

The following table lists the first version of driver software compatible with Windows 11 64-bit. For more details on specific versions of software, please refer to the Readme for the version in question.

NI SoftwareWindows 11
(Using 32-bit Software)(Using 64-bit Software)
NI SoftwareWindows 11
(Using 32-bit Software)(Using 64-bit Software)
Industrial Controller Device Drivers2022 Q32022 Q3
Instrument Design Libraries for Reconfigurable Oscilloscopes21.521.5
LabVIEW Instrument Design Libraries for High-Speed Serial Instruments21.521.5
NI-568xNot supportedNot supported
NI-5690Not supportedNot supported
NI-845x2022 Q32022 Q3
NI CompactRIO Device Drivers2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-DAQmx2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-DCPower2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-Digital Pattern Driver2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-DMM2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-ELVISmxNot supported  Not supported  
NI-Embedded CAN for sbRIONot supportedNot supported
NI-FBUS16.0Not Applicable
NI-FGEN2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-FlexRIO2022 Q42022 Q4
NI-High Speed Serial21.521.5
NI-HSDIO2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-IMAQ2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-IMAQ I/O2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-IMAQdx2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-Industrial Communications for CANopen2022 Q4Not Applicable
NI-Industrial Communications for DeviceNet2022 Q4Not Applicable
NI-Industrial Communications for DNP314.0.1Not Applicable
NI-Industrial Communications for EtherCAT (NI-ECAT)2023 Q12023 Q3
NI-Industrial Communications for EtherNet/IP2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-Industrial Communications for IEC 60870-516.0.1Not Applicable
NI-272x Reference VIs13.0Not Applicable
NI-Industrial Communications for IEC 6185015.0Not Applicable
NI IVI Compliance Package21.021.0
NI MXI-Express BIOS Compatibility Software21.821.8
NI PXI Platform Services2022 Q32022 Q3
NI PXI-5624R Digitizer Instrument Design LibrariesNot supportedNot supported
NI PXI-5644R/5645R/5646R Instrument Design Libraries (VST)Not supportedNot supported
NI-RFSA2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-RFSG2022 Q32022 Q3
NI R Series Multifunction RIO Device Drivers 22022 Q42022 Q4
NI-SCOPE2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-SLSC2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-SWITCH2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-Sync2022 Q32022 Q3
NI System Configuration2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-VISA2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-VRTS2022 Q32022 Q3
NI-XNET2022 Q32022 Q3
PXIe-7899 API and Design Files2022 Q42022 Q4
RMX-410x Power Supply Driver2022 Q32022 Q3

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