Rental Partners

Workplace showing two men using NI software with data from NI hardware.

Rental/Leasing Partners offer access to certain NI products when customers need a short-term solution for projects with budget limitations or time constraints.

Benefits of Working with a Rental/Leasing Partner

Conserve Resources

By working with an NI Rental/Leasing Partner, you can conserve capital expenditures for other investments and eliminate ownership expenses. Additionally, you can try new equipment before investing in it.

Respond Quickly

By renting equipment, you can respond quickly to peak demand or variations in test schedules and remain flexible, knowing you can return, change, or upgrade at any time to meet your application needs.

NI Equipment Available through Electro Rent

PXI chassis with PXI modules installed

PXI System Components

PXI offers a scalable way to meet your software and hardware timing, synchronization, and throughput requirements across all your instruments.

A variety of NI CompactDAQ modules

Data Acquisition Products

You can choose from a variety of NI DAQ products, ranging from plug-and-play devices for fixed and repeatable measurements to scalable and flexible modular CompactDAQ or PXI components that you can use to acquire sensor data.

A software application showing data on a monitor

Application Software

NI software makes it easy to perform a broad array of test and measurement tasks, with interactive tools and built-in IP. You can rent software licenses to get the software you need—only when you need it.

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