DIAdem Courses

Learning paths for managing data with DIAdem

This learning path is for engineers using DIAdem to quickly locate, inspect, analyze, and report on measurement data. It presents the courses, exams, and events that teach you how to import, view, and graphically investigate data; automate report generation; and extend the capabilities of DIAdem.

New user learning path

This path is for new DIAdem users. Explore the most important analysis, reporting, and data management features of the DIAdem environment. Consider additional courses to familiarize yourself with NI’s Data Acquisition platform.


Course Name


Recommended Prerequisites

Exploring Data Interactively Using DIAdem


Learn to use the most important analysis, reporting, and data management features of the DIAdem environment.



Data Acquisition Courses


Recommended Prerequisites

LabVIEW Core 1


Explore the LabVIEW environment, dataflow programming, and common LabVIEW development techniques in a hands-on format.

Data Acquisition Using NI-DAQmx and LabVIEWExplore the LabVIEW environment, dataflow programming, and common LabVIEW development techniques in a hands-on format. LabVIEW Core 1
Setting Up, Acquiring Data, and Maintaining Your CompactDAQ SystemLearn how to setup hardware setup, integrate software, and maintain your system in this high-level introduction to the CompactDAQ system. 

Experienced user learning path

This path is for DIAdem users interested in extending the capabilities of DIAdem software. Discover the advanced VBScript and SUDialog capabilities of DIAdem or how to automate tasks using Python.


Course Name


Recommended Prerequisites

Automating and Customizing Data Processing Using DIAdem *


Extend the capabilities of DIAdem software using the advanced VBScript and SUDialog capabilities of DIAdem.

Exploring Data Interactively Using DIAdem
Automating and Customizing Data Processing Using DIAdem with Python *Extend the capabilities of DIAdem software and automate common tasks in the DIAdem panels using Python.Exploring Data Interactively Using DIAdem


*This course is available for both VBScript and Python versions.

Additional Course Options

Engineer sets up SystemLink.


Using SystemLink Server to Manage Systems and Data​

Learn how to manage test systems, deploy software, manage hardware assets, collect, and analyze test results with SystemLink Server.

Engineer uses SystemLink to manage systems and assets.


Managing Systems and Assets with SystemLink Enterprise

Monitor and manage test station system health, software configuration, and test results with SystemLink Enterprise.

NI instructor teaches TestStand


Developing Test Programs Using TestStand


Use TestStand to develop, analyze, debug, and deploy practical test applications that match your test needs.

Upgrade to Membership

Planning to take three or more NI instructor-led courses within one year? 
A Training Membership provides cost-effective, unlimited access to all NI public classroom and public virtual courses, along with unlimited certification vouchers.