SystemLink Enterprise Advanced: Ingesting, Managing, and Visualizing Your Test Data Course Overview

In this course, students will learn how to use SystemLink APIs to interact with test, system, and asset data to extend SystemLink functionality and implement effective dashboards enabled through custom analytics. Students will be exposed to various utilities to test and troubleshoot SystemLink API calls. This course provides the second step in the SystemLink Enterprise learning path as an extension of the Managing Systems and Assets with SystemLink Enterprise course.


Course Last Release Date or Version Number: 2024

Course Details:

SystemLink Enterprise Advanced: Ingesting, managing, and visualizing your Test Data Course Outline


Exploring SystemLink APIs

Use SystemLink APIs to access SystemLink data services programmatically outside of the SystemLink web application.
  • SystemLink Data Structures Overview
  • Exploring API Documentation
  • Getting Started with JupyterHub and Jupyter Notebooks
  • Testing and Troubleshooting SystemLink APIs
Using LabVIEW to Automate Data IngestionLeverage LabVIEW to ingest your data into SystemLink Enterprise.
  • Ingesting Test Data with LabVIEW
Using Jupyter Notebooks (Python) and Other Programming Languages to Automate Data IngestionUse different software applications to import and process your data into SystemLink Enterprise.
  • Using Jupyter Notebooks to Automate Data Ingestion
  • Using Other Programming Languages to Automate Data Ingestion
  • Leveraging Python and HTTP API to Manage Non-NI Assets with SystemLink
Consuming Data from SystemLink EnterpriseExport data from SystemLink Enterprise to third-party tools.
  • Exporting Data from SystemLink Enterprise Web Application to Third-Party Systems Using SystemLink APIs
Analyzing Data with SystemLink EnterpriseExplore data visualization, analysis automation, and SystemLink extensibility.
  • Analyzing Test Data with Jupyter Notebooks
  • Creating Test Data Visualization with SystemLink Dashboards
  • Using Third-Party Tools for Data Visualization

Get started with SystemLink Enterprise Advanced: Ingesting, managing, and visualizing your Test Data Course today