RFmx Fundamental Skills for Automated Test & Measurement Course Overview

Learn the features and common workflow of the NI RFmx Platform for Generation and Analysis. These lessons take you beyond the basics of operation and will accelerate your development process and reduce your time to leverage the NI RF PXI platform fully. Covering details of the interactive workflows of RFmx Waveform creator and RFmx within Instrument Studio, as well as the cornerstone to automated RF test efficiency, and hardware-driven coordination of multiple instruments.


Course Last Release Date or Version Number: 2023

Course Details:

RFmx Fundamental Skills for Automated Test & Measurement Course Outline


Creating and Modifying Waveforms Using RFmx Waveform Creator

Get familiar with the extended feature set of RFmx Waveform Creator to properly configure complex signals, such as from various file formats, complex multi-tone definitions, or standards-based signals; as well as extended hardware-based configurations. 

  • Creating Specific Multi-Tone Waveforms
  • Generating Waveforms from a File: Beyond Simple ASCII
  • Creating Specific Generic Modulated Waveforms
  • Configuring and Creating Waveforms from Standards
  • Creating Multi-Carrier Waveforms
  • Advanced Parameters for Playing the Created Waveform 

Spectral Analysis and Signal Measurements using RFmx in 


Get familiar with advanced tools for spectral analysis and signal measurements in InstrumentStudio.

  • Opening and Setting Up Soft Front Panel
  • The RFmx Soft Front Panel Environment
  • Configuring and Leveraging Core Instrument Settings
  • Configuring Standards-Based Measurements

Coordinating NI RF Instruments with Other Instruments or Devices

Take measurements using RF and DC Instruments in the same PXI chassis․ 

  • Introduction to Coordination
  • Coordination in Test & Measurement
  • Designing Coordination
  • Implementing Coordination

Get started with RFmx Fundamental Skills for Automated Test & Measurement Course today