Object-Oriented Design and Programming in LabVIEW Course Overview

The Object-Oriented Design and Programming in LabVIEW Course covers the fundamental concepts of object-oriented design and programming and then demonstrates how those concepts are implemented in LabVIEW. Object-oriented design (OOD) encourages cleaner interfaces between sections of code and results in code that is easier to debug and scales better for large programming teams. Object-oriented programming is the development of code in a language that enforces object-oriented design principles.

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Object-Oriented Design and Programming in LabVIEW Course Outline


Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Explore the appropriateness of using an object-oriented approach to design and implement an application.

  • What Is Object-Oriented Design?
  • What Is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?
  • What Is a Class?
  • What Is an Object?

Designing an Object-Oriented Application

Design an application using object-oriented design principles.

  • Beginning by Knowing What to Build
  • Class Identity, State, and Behavior
  • Methods
  • Class Relationships
  • Interfaces

Exploring Object-Oriented Design 

Explore object-oriented design principles: dynamic dispatching, class diagrams, and identification and rectification of common design mistakes. 

  • Dynamic Dispatching
  • Class Diagrams
  • Common Design Mistakes

Implementing Object-Oriented Programing in LabVIEW

Learn how to develop and use classes in LabVIEW that are readable, scalable, maintainable, and reusable. 

  • LabVIEW Classes
  • Encapsulation
  • Class Inheritance
  • Access Scope

Object-Oriented Principles in LabVIEW  

Gain proficiency in applying object-oriented principles in LabVIEW, focusing on dynamic dispatch, interface inheritance, tools, and common class use cases.

  • Dynamic Dispatch
  • Interface Inheritance
  • Data Accessors: VIs and Property Nodes
  • Tools
  • Common Use Cases for Classes

Object-Oriented Design Patterns and Tools

Modify an existing LabVIEW application to replace common patterns with objects.

  • Migrating to LabVIEW Classes
  • Design Patterns
  • Template Method Pattern
  • Aggregation Pattern
  • Factory Pattern
  • State Pattern
  • Command Pattern
  • Design Patterns Conclusion
  • Object References and Construction Guarantees

Distributing and Deploying Code

Review, refactor, and deploy code using good object-oriented design and programming practices.

  • Best Practices for Readable Code
  • Front Panel Displays for Object Data
  • Deployment
  • Additional Resources

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Engineer learns LabVIEW on his computer.


Actor-Oriented Design in LabVIEW


Actor-Oriented Design in LabVIEW Course covers how to use the Actor Framework to design and implement scalable, extensible software architectures for LabVIEW applications requiring a high level of concurrency.


Software Engineering for Test Applications


The Software Engineering for Test Applications course builds upon the software engineering process that was covered in the LabVIEW Core 3 Course. This course expands upon this knowledge by focusing on the LabVIEW tools and industry practices that aid in the definition, management, design, development, validation, and deployment of a quality solution.


Engineer learns


LabVIEW Core 3


The LabVIEW Core 3 Course introduces you to structured practices to help you design, implement, document, and test LabVIEW applications. This course focuses on developing hierarchical applications that are scalable, readable, and maintainable. The processes and techniques covered in this course help you reduce development time and improve your application stability.

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