How Do I Use NI InstrumentStudioâ„¢ Software to Run Language-Agnostic Measurements?

InstrumentStudio offers an open measurement plug-in architecture to integrate measurements developed in various languages for custom needs. Measurement plug-ins provide users a no-code experience while developers can tailor measurements to specific test needs.

Watch How InstrumentStudio Can Help You

Run custom measurements in just a few clicks with InstrumentStudio software’s discovery service for installed measurement plug-ins, which can be easily added through the edit layout feature. Measurement plug-ins are discovered, configured, and run the same way regardless of which programming language was used. You can run measurements alongside instrument panels for interactive debugging.

WAYS InstrumentStudio CAN HELP

Onboard Users and Validate Quickly

Measurement plug-ins use a common graphical user interface regardless of what programming language was used for the measurement logic. Users can get started quickly in InstrumentStudio without any programming.

Integrate Custom Measurements

Utilize your team’s existing programming experience and expertise with the ability to program in your choice of language with the free Measurement Plug-In SDK. NI provides templates for creating measurement plug-ins in NI LabVIEW and Python.

Build Libraries to Reuse, Share, and Collaborate Across Teams and Projects

Eliminate time spent developing duplicate measurement IP with a shared measurement plug-in library. Installed measurement plug-ins are automatically detected within InstrumentStudio and can easily be added to any layout or project alongside instrument panels.