How Do I Track Test Assets with the SystemLink™ Asset Module?

The SystemLink Asset Module helps you gain situational awareness regarding valuable test asset utilization. You can leverage ready-to-use reports and dashboards showing time spent on configuration, test, and debug as well as uptime history.

See What You Can Do with the SystemLink Asset Module

From the validation lab to the production floor, having a complete view of software and hardware devices is a critical first step to streamlining investments and optimizing asset utilization. Gathering data from these sources is manual and time-intensive if it's collected at all. The SystemLink Asset Module simplifies the management of test assets through a centralized web application with out-of-the-box reports and dashboards, providing visibility into the use of your valuable test assets for aggregated usage metrics and analysis.

HOW THE SystemLink Asset Module CAN HELP

Automatically Monitor Test Assets

You can easily view connection state, utilization, and connection history for all of your connected test assets from the Asset Manager Dashboard. The default dashboard helps you to quickly review and manage your assets.

Seamlessly Track Asset Utilization

The SystemLink Asset Module helps you monitor and analyze how systems and assets are being used for configuration, test, and debug with interactive reports.

Generate Asset Reports

Using the SystemLink Asset Module, you can leverage out-of-the-box, detailed utilization reports that can be easily tailored to your specific needs.