There are certain features of applications that relies on the network connection between 2 devices. Sometimes, this network can have drops which will lead to an unexpected behavior on the applications ...
My CompactRIO system is running off a limited power source, and I need a way to achieve a low-power state. How can I reduce the power consumption of my device?
I am using the cRIO controller in Hybrid Mode with the Scan Engine and EtherCAT Custom Device in VeriStand. The deployment results in an error every time the controller is rebooted:
The chassis is in ...
I have two targets a Real Time controller and an FPGA. Additional to that I have an external device that is sharing data through ethernet. I would like to read the ethernet data directly on the FPGA.
When I try to access CompactRIO Systems (cRIO) behind NAT (Network Address Translation ), MAX can detect the cRIO using the IP address of the router but once it discovers the cRIO and registers its' IP ...
I have a NI hardware configurationand I want to use one input signal to triggera particular task or operation on my LabVIEW code. I want to synchronizetwo tasks to execute one after the other and my NI ...
I have a Real-Time controller deployed in the field and it occasionally switches to safe mode. I can't get my Real-Time controller out of Safe Mode, even after rebooting. What do I need to do?
I am trying to open a LabVIEW project that contains a real-time target or build specifications. I am unable to see the target or build specifications, but instead, I see a yellow symbol and receive the ...
I want to use some of my C Series modules in Scan Interface and some in LabVIEW FPGA Interface. There is no explicit option to do this in the chassis properties. How can I set up my project to do this? ...