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Showing 1 - 10 of 64 results

I am using the Pulse Measurement Counter Input tasks in DAQmx with my DAQ device and I am getting the following error at DAQmx Create Channel VI : Error -200431 occurred at DAQmx Create Channel (CI-Pulse ...

This tutorial provides step–by-step instructions for setting up your USB R Series device, adding it to a project, and creating an analog input acquisition using a DMA FIFO. Requirements Software LabVIEW ...

I am using a DAQ device with a single ADC and want to know whether my floating channels will impact the maximum achievable sample rate? If I have open or disconnected channels on my DAQ device, will this ...

I have created a DAQmx Task that references multiple devices. I keep seeing error -89137. How can I fix this? I am programming multiple tasks or connecting multiple terminal routes in an NI-DAQmx device.However ...

I need to use hardware-timing on ports other than port 0 of my X series device. However, when I configure my task to include other ports, I receive Error -201062, pictured below. When trying to use PFI ...

I am running an application that is working with other cards in other computers. When I run it on this computer I get Error-200478 DAQmx Start 1Task Name: _unnamedTask<8>for an ...

I want to test the analog output of my DAQ device using the NI MAX Test Panels, however, I can't change the frequency of my analog output signal. Is it possible to modify it to get different frequencies? ...

I'm trying to do analog reference triggering and am getting the following error: Error -200264 occurred at DAQmx Start

I have two I/O devices of the same type (i.e. two sinking or two sourcing ones). I want to connect them together. Is that possible? Does my sinking output device require an external voltage source?

My NI USB device will occasionally lose connection to the computer, and I have to disconnect and then reconnect it before it will work. Why does this happen, and how can I get Windows to re-detect the ...

Showing 1 - 10 of 64 results
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