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Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results

I have X Series and M Series DAQ Devices and need to synchronize analog input tasks together at the same sampling rate. How can I do that? How can I synchronize analog inputs from two different DAQ device ...

I am trying to synchronize a counter input with multiple analog inputs, but I keep running into errors. I am trying to figure out if this is possible to do and if so, how to do it properly.

How can I synchronize timing for my R Series FPGA boards, either inside of my PXI chassis or in a RTSI-connected PCI system?

The PXI Multifunction I/O Module provides a mix of analogI/O, digitalI/O, counter/timer, and triggering functionality in a single PXI module. If you want to use this module to generate a PWM wave in NI ...

Why does the read speed of each AI (analog input) channel decrease as I increase the number of AI channels I am reading from? How do I read from multiple AI channels at the same time, simultaneously? I ...

I am using FlexLogger 2023 Q1 version with PXIe-6251 to acquire voltage in analog input single-ended mode.However, an error as follow occurred: Given the specified Reference Clock Source, you must set ...

When I insert my PXI card into my system, it appears in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX) as a PCI card.

I want to utilize the filter on NI DAQ card. I have noise in my environment that's coming through to my signal and saw that my card has filtering capabilities. What is the cutoff frequency of this filter? ...

I have old DAQ hardware or hardware that uses DAQmx that I am not sure is supported in my version of LabVIEW. How do I determine if my version of LabVIEW or DAQmx is compatible with my hardware and operating ...

I have configured an analog acquisition task with a reference trigger and I receive the error -200281 when running the program. I'm certain that a trigger condition occurs and I have increased the timeout ...

Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results
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