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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results

I have two different National Instruments DSA devices. I would like these two devices to be synchronized together, but I would also like to acquire data at different rates. How can I accomplish this?

I am trying to input or output an impulse or waveform with sharp edges (Square, Triangle, Sawtooth, etc.) from my Dynamic Signal Acquisition (DSA) device. I am seeing an unexpected response, unwanted noise, ...

When I attempt to read or configure transducer electronic data sheets(TEDS) for the sensors connected to my NI dynamic signal acquisition (DSA) device it can take anywhere from a couple of seconds to several ...

I am using an NI DAQ device and need to programmatically enable IEPE excitation. How do I do this? How do I change the coupling type for my IEPE excitation? I am using NI 9234 module in FPGA mode. How ...

I'm using the PXI Advisor to build a PXI(e) system. When I select a chassis such as the PXIe-1078, PXIe-1071, PXIe-1073, PXIe-1083 or PXIe-1088, all the NI 449x, and 446x modules appear grayed-out or I ...