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Showing 1 - 10 of 69 results

I have a PCI(e) or PXI(e)66xx Counter/Timercard or a USB-6xxx Multifunction I/O with counter functionalityand I want to make sure the countersare working properly. How can I test mydeviceto see if it is ...

How can I tell if my E Series, M Series, or X Series device inputs and outputs are the expected values using internal lines?

My NI USB device will occasionally lose connection to the computer, and I have to disconnect and then reconnect it before it will work. Why does this happen, and how can I get Windows to re-detect the ...

I want to know the error associated with the "Non-Linearity" of my DAQ device. What are the INL and DNL errors in the specifications of my DAQ device?

I am getting an error -200077 when trying to use a NI-DAQmx APIs: Error -200077 Requested value is not a supported value for this property. The property value may be invalid because it conflicts with ...

I am recording measurements from a multifunction I/O device. Currently, Iam using the DAQ Assistant to read a number of samples and output them on a graph. This happens inside a loop to read samples continuously. ...

This document is part of the Getting Started with NI-DAQmx Series. A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Signal is a technique for generating digital pulses to control an analog circuit. A PWM signal consists ...

This tutorial provides step–by-step instructions for setting up your USB R Series device, adding it to a project, and creating an analog input acquisition using a DMA FIFO. Requirements Software LabVIEW ...

This article explains how to determine the value of bias resistors when measuring signals using a floating source. Bias resistors are required when using the DAQ with differential or nonreferenced single-ended ...

You may need to control a stepper motor drive (step or direction) using the digital outputs of your USB DAQ. This article will help you control the motor for some simple moves in LabVIEW.

Showing 1 - 10 of 69 results
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