Archived: Building Applications Created with the LabVIEW DSC Module

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This document explains the requirements for building executables from VIs created with the LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) module. Note: This process is valid for LabVIEW DSC 7.1 and earlier. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for LabVIEW DSC 8.x.


Building Your Application Executable

You can create application executables from the DSC Module VIs using the LabVIEW Application Builder. The majority of the build process is the same as any other VI. The only difference is that you need some additional software and files for the application to function correctly. Refer to the "What to Include with Your Application" section for more information about these additional resources.

Note: If you are using LabVIEW DSC Module 6.0 or 6.0.1, you must install a patch to enable the LabVIEW Application Builder to work with the LabVIEW DSC Module features. This patch ensures that the LabVIEW Application Builder includes the correct VIs in your application. You can install the patch by running the Apply Application Builder, located at vi.lib\lvdsc\System\_distpatch.llb\Apply Application Builder

What to Include with Your Application

Include all VIs you have written for your application, as well as any external data files. For applications created with the LabVIEW DSC Module, these files commonly include the following:

  • Tag configuration (.scf) files
  • Preference files (.ini, .cfg) from the labview directory
  • Hardware configuration files (such as .iak files for FieldPoint, MAX configuration data, and so on)
  • The Common configuration database file (.ccdb). This file can be identified by examining the title bar of the Server Browser utility, available by selecting Tools»Datalogging & Supervisory Control»Advanced»Server Browser in LabVIEW, or by examining the following value in the WindowsRegistry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\National Instruments\NI-Servers Value: Active CCDB
  • Server software for all servers that your application depends on for data. You might have to register VI-based servers yourself.

Refer to the following links for complete set of support files to include in your application.

How to Transport Your Application

You first must install the LabVIEW DSC Run-Time System on the computers on which you plan to run the application. You need to install the LabVIEW DSC Run-Time System because the Application Builder excludes VIs specific to the LabVIEW DSC Module from the built application. Therefore, these VIs must be installed correctly on the target computer. The LabVIEW DSC Run-Time System correctly installs the necessary and additional software as well as provides all the configuration tools, the Tag Engine, historical data logging, network data access, security, and other features provided by the LabVIEW DSC Module.

You then must place the built executable in the DSC Run-Time\X directory, where X represents the current version of the LabVIEW DSC Run-Time System (with the file DSCRTS.exe) on the target machine. If you are using tags, configure the Tag Engine with the tag configuration file (.scf) that corresponds with the executable. If you are using FieldPoint, configure the .iak file in FieldPoint Explorer. You then can launch the executable from the DSC Run-Time folder.

Refer to the following links for an example how to deploy an application.

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