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XLR8 helps you view and edit Microsoft Excel format file with LabVIEW.

XLR8 is a software add-on for LabVIEW that you can use to access Microsoft Excel format files without needing ActiveX or Microsoft Excel installed to your computer. You can use this add-on to read, edit, format, and write operations on files stored in the Microsoft Excel format. With XLR8, you can exchange parameter or test-result data without file conversion.

Part Number(s): 783309-35

Disclaimer: The Third-Party Add-Ons for LabVIEW on this page are offered by independent third-party providers who are solely responsible for these products. NI has no responsibility whatsoever for the performance, product descriptions, specifications, referenced content, or any and all claims or representations of these third-party providers. NI makes no warranty whatsoever, neither express nor implied, with respect to the goods, the referenced contents, or any and all claims or representations of the third-party providers.

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