Migrating LabVIEW Source Code to LabVIEW NXG

Migrating LabVIEW source code to LabVIEW NXG involves generating equivalent source code in LabVIEW NXG using source code from a supported version of LabVIEW.

The Code Conversion Utility in LabVIEW NXG can convert code from the supported versions of LabVIEW as described in the LabVIEW Life Cycle policy.

Migrate your code using the following process:

  1. Learn the differences between LabVIEW and LabVIEW NXG so that you can identify the areas in your application that are going to change during migration—This insight is useful in step 2 when you prepare your code for conversion and step 4 when you resolve any behavioral changes and unsupported features in your new source files.
  2. Prepare your code for conversion—Ensure your source code runs as expected to reduce the number of issues to address in your new files after conversion.
  3. Convert your code—Use the Code Conversion Utility to generate new project files, VIs, and directories from your existing source code.
  4. Resolve behavioral changes in the converted code—Use the report that the Code Conversion Utility generates to identify and resolve behavioral changes and unsupported features in your new source files to achieve acceptable execution of your code in the current version of LabVIEW.

Note If the source code contains features that are not supported in LabVIEW NXG, you may have to modify your new code during migration to replicate the behavior of the original code. If key features of your source code are not supported in LabVIEW NXG, you can use interoperability nodes to call code directly from the original LabVIEW product into LabVIEW NXG.