RT Get CPU Loads

Monitors the distribution of load on the CPUs in the system. For each CPU in the system, this node returns the total load as a percentage of capacity. This node also returns the percentage of CPU time devoted to each priority level, the percentage of idle CPU time, and the percentage of CPU time devoted to Timed Structures and interrupt service routines (ISRs).




error in

Error conditions that occur before this node runs.

The node responds to this input according to standard error behavior.

Standard Error Behavior

Default value: No error


CPU loads

Data corresponding to the distribution of load for each CPU in the system. The Nth element of this array corresponds to the Nth CPU in the system.

CPU numbering begins at zero.

Total (%)

Returns the total CPU usage as a percentage of capacity.


Time Critical (%)

Returns the CPU usage devoted to time-critical threads as a percentage of total CPU capacity.


Timed Structures (%)

Returns the CPU usage devoted to timed structures as a percentage of total CPU capacity.


High (%)

Returns the CPU usage devoted to high priority threads as a percentage of total CPU capacity. (Real-Time Linux) CPU usage data is unavailable for this priority level. This output returns a value of 0.


Above Normal (%)

Returns the CPU usage devoted to above normal priority threads as a percentage of total CPU capacity. (Real-Time Linux) CPU usage data is unavailable for this priority level. This output returns a value of 0.


Normal (%)

Returns the CPU usage devoted to normal priority threads as a percentage of total CPU capacity.


Background (%)

Returns the CPU usage devoted to background priority threads as a percentage of total CPU capacity. (Real-Time Linux) CPU usage data is unavailable for this priority level. This output returns a value of 0.


Idle (%)

Returns the amount of idle CPU time as a percentage of total CPU capacity.


ISR (%)

Returns the CPU usage devoted to interrupt service routines (ISRs) as a percentage of total CPU capacity.


error out

Error information.

The node produces this output according to standard error behavior.

Standard Error Behavior