USRP-2955 Specifications

This document lists specifications for the USRP-2955 Software Defined Radio Reconfigurable Device.

The USRP-2955 contains a GPS-disciplined oscillator (GPSDO), which enables you to lock the internal clocks to a GPS reference signal, synchronize using GPS timing information, and query GPS location information.

Caution Do not operate the USRP-2955 in a manner not specified in this document. Product misuse can result in a hazard. You can compromise the safety protection built into the product if the product is damaged in any way. If the product is damaged, return it to National Instruments for repair.


Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.

Specifications are Characteristics unless otherwise noted.


Specifications are valid at 25 °C unless otherwise noted.


Use the pinout to connect to terminals on the .

Figure 1. Front Panel

Table 1. Connector Descriptions
Connector Use
JTAG A USB port that connects the host computer to the device FPGA for recovery purposes. This port can be used with the Xilinx iMPACT configuration tool to temporarily load a new bitfile.
RF 0 RX1 Input terminal for the RF signal. RX1 is an SMA (f) connector with an impedance of 50 Ω and is a single-ended input channel.
RX2 Input terminal for the RF signal. RX2 is an SMA (f) connector with an impedance of 50 Ω and is a single-ended input channel.
AUX I/O General-purpose I/O (GPIO) port. AUX I/O is controlled by the FPGA.
RF 1 RX1 Input terminal for the RF signal. RX1 is an SMA (f) connector with an impedance of 50 Ω and is a single-ended input channel.
RX2 Input terminal for the RF signal. RX2 is an SMA (f) connector with an impedance of 50 Ω and is a single-ended input channel.
Table 2. LED Indicators
LED Description Color State Indication
RF 0 RX1 Indicates the receive status of the module. OFF The module is not receiving.
Green Solid The module is receiving data.
RX2 Indicates the receive status of the module. OFF The module is not receiving.
Green Solid The module is receiving.
REF Indicates the status of the reference signal. OFF There is no reference signal, or the device is not locked to the reference signal.
Green Blinking The device is not locked to the reference signal.
Solid The device is locked to the reference signal.
PPS Indicates the pulse per second (PPS). OFF There is no PPS timing reference signal, or the device is not locked to the reference signal.
Green Blinking The device is locked to the PPS timing reference signal.
GPS Indicates whether the GPSDO is locked. OFF There is no GPSDO or the GPSDO is not locked.
Green Solid The GPSDO is locked.
LINK Indicates the status of the link to a host computer. OFF There is no link to a host computer.
Green, yellow, or red Solid The host is actively communicating with the device.
RF 1 RX1 Indicates the receive status of the module. OFF The module is not active.
Green Solid The module is receiving data.
RX2 Indicates the receive status of the module. OFF The module is not receiving.
Green Solid The module is receiving.
Figure 2. Back Panel

Table 3. Connector Descriptions
Connector Use
PWR Input that accepts a 9 V to 16 V, 6 A external DC power connector.
1G/10G ETH Two SFP+ input terminals used for 1G ETH or 10G ETH connectivity with the host driver. Not currently supported in LabVIEW FPGA.
LO OUT 1 IF2 Output terminal for the IF LO signal exported by RF 1. LO OUT 1 IF2 is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω.
LO OUT 1 IF1 Output terminal for the RF LO signal exported by RF 1. LO OUT 1 IF1 is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω.
REF OUT Output terminal for an external reference signal for the LO on the device. REF OUT is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω, and it is a single-ended reference output. The output signal at this connector is 10 MHz at 3.3 V.
REF IN Input terminal for an external reference signal for the LO on the device. REF IN is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω, and it is a single-ended reference input. REF IN accepts a 10 MHz signal with a minimum input power of 0 dBm (0.632 Vpk-pk) and a maximum input power of 15 dBm (3.56 Vpk-pk) for a square wave or sine wave.
LO IN 0 IF2 Terminal for an external signal to the IF LO input on the RF 0 daughterboard. This signal can be used as the LO source for an RF 0 channel by selecting external on that channel's LO source setting. LO IN 0 IF2 is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω.
LO IN 0 IF1 Terminal for an external signal to the IF LO input on the RF 0 daughterboard. This signal can be used as the LO source for an RF 0 channel by selecting external on that channel's LO source setting. LO IN 0 IF1 is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω.
PCIe x4 Port for a PCI Express Generation 1, x4 bus connection through an MXI Express four-lane cable.
LO IN 1 IF2 Terminal for an external signal to the IF LO input on the RF 0 daughterboard. This signal can be used as the LO source for an RF 0 channel by selecting external on that channel's LO source setting. LO IN 1 IF2 is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω.
LO IN 1 IF1 Terminal for an external signal to the IF LO input on the RF 0 daughterboard. This signal can be used as the LO source for an RF 0 channel by selecting external on that channel's LO source setting. LO IN 1 IF1 is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω.
PPS TRIG OUT Output terminal for the pulse per second (PPS) timing reference. PPS TRIG OUT is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω, and it is a single-ended input. The output signal is 0 V to 3.3 V TTL. You can also use this port as triggered output (TRIG OUT) that you program with the PPS Trig Out I/O signal.
PPS TRIG IN Input terminal for pulse per second (PPS) timing reference. PPS TRIG IN is a female SMA connector with an impedance of 50 Ω, and it is a single-ended input channel. PPS TRIG IN accepts 0 V to 3.3 V TTL and 0 V to 5 V TTL signals. You can also use this port as a triggered input (TRIG IN) that you control using NI-USRP.
GPS ANT Input terminal for the GPS antenna signal. GPS ANT is a female SMA connector with a maximum input power of -15 dBm and an output of DC 5 V to power an active antenna.
Notice Do not terminate the GPS ANT port if you do not use it.


Number of channels 4
Frequency range 10 MHz to 6 GHz
Frequency step <1 kHz
Gain range[1]1 The received signal amplitude resulting from the gain setting varies over the frequency band and among devices. 0 dB to 95 dB
Gain step 1 dB
Maximum input power (Pin) +10 dBm
Frequency accuracy[2]2 Frequency accuracy is based on temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) vendor specifications and is not measured. Alternatively, you can incorporate an external reference source to provide a more precise frequency Reference Clock and to achieve better frequency accuracy. 2.5 ppm
Maximum instantaneous real-time bandwidth[3]3 Each USRP-2955 receiver path has 80 MHz of bandwidth throughout the full frequency range of the device. 80 MHz
Maximum I/Q sample rate 100 MS/s
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) resolution 14 bit
Table 4. Noise Figure
Frequency Noise Figure[4]4 Noise figure values are based on 0 dB RF attenuation and maximum gain settings. (dB)
10 MHz to 3 GHz <5
3 GHz to 5 GHz <4
5 GHz to 6 GHz <8

LO Input/Export Connectors

Table 5. LO OUT 1
Minimum RF power level 0 dBm
Nominal RF power level +3 dBm
Minimum RF power level -12 dBm
Nominal RF power level +5 dBm
Table 6. LO IN 0
Minimum RF power level 0 dBm
Nominal RF power level +2 dBm
Maximum RF power level +20 dBm
Minimum RF power level -10 dBm
Nominal RF power level -5 dBm
Maximum RF power level +10 dBm
Table 7. LO IN 1
Minimum RF power level 0 dBm
Nominal RF power level +2 dBm
Maximum RF power level +20 dBm
Minimum RF power level -10 dBm
Nominal RF power level -5 dBm
Maximum RF power level +10 dBm

GPS Disciplined Oscillator (GPSDO)

Table 8. Frequency Accuracy
OCXO (not locked to GPS) 25 ppb
OCXO (locked to GPS) 5 ppb
Note Frequency accuracy is based on oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) vendor specifications and is not measured. Alternatively, you can incorporate an external reference source to provide a more precise frequency Reference Clock and to achieve better frequency accuracy.
Table 9. Active Antenna
Voltage 5 V
Power 0.7 W
Note NI recommends periodically locking the GPS for at least 1 hour to recalibrate the GPSDO module accuracy.

Power Requirements

Input voltage 9 V to 16 V, DC
Input current 7.5 A, maximum
Typical power consumption 38 W to 44 W, varies by application
Caution You must use an LPS or Class 2 power supply with the device. The power supply must also meet any safety and compliance requirements for the country of use.
Attention Vous devez utiliser avec l'appareil une alimentation LPS ou de classe 2. L'alimentation doit également satisfaire aux exigences de sécurité et de conformité en vigueur dans le pays d'utilisation.

Onboard DRAM

Memory size 1,024 MB

Physical Characteristics

Table 10. Physical Dimensions
(L × W × H) 26.67 cm × 4.06 cm × 21.84 cm (10.5 in. × 1.6 in. × 8.6 in.)
Weight 1.588 kg (3.50 lb)


Maximum altitude

2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature)

Pollution Degree


Indoor use only.

Operating Environment

Operating temperature

23 °C ± 5 °C, room temperature

Relative humidity range

10% to 90%, noncondensing (tested in accordance with IEC 60068-2-56)

1 The received signal amplitude resulting from the gain setting varies over the frequency band and among devices.

2 Frequency accuracy is based on temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) vendor specifications and is not measured. Alternatively, you can incorporate an external reference source to provide a more precise frequency Reference Clock and to achieve better frequency accuracy.

3 Each USRP-2955 receiver path has 80 MHz of bandwidth throughout the full frequency range of the device.

4 Noise figure values are based on 0 dB RF attenuation and maximum gain settings.